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Author Topic: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?  (Read 9286 times)

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Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« on: January 10, 2007, 02:35:16 PM »

This is a true story, it just happened this morning as my staff & I were gathering in the parking lot at my office. We were casually having coffee and shooting the breeze outside the office building before the 7:00 AM Wednesday Staff Meeting it was about 10 minutes to 7 when the Division President joined us and began talking to one of my Technicians when they both noticed a chicken wandering around my Coordinator's truck, they started laughing and yelling over to Jim that it looked like a chicken may have fallen in love with his truck. Well Jim's facial expression went from a bland same stuff different day look to one of shock & horror, "that's my chicken!" he yelled and ran over to the truck as howls of laughter erupted from all of us. He was babbling "what the ****, how the hell did Paco (chicken's name) get here, what, did he ride all the way in the bed or undercarriage of the truck? I can't believe he could of handled it or held on through 15 miles on the Interstate (I-75)!

Well, clever comments were coming at him rapid fire but the only one he responded to was "when did you decide you wanted or needed a chicken Jim?" He said the bird adopted him and his wife a few months back and they had no idea where he came from but they had been hearing a rooster's cockle at sunrise get closer and closer for a couple weeks before they started seeing him in the backyard last October, apparently the chicken is cool with his accomadations there as he has never left.

As Jim was sizing up the situation after a couple futile attempts at recapturing Paco he seemed resolved to just let him stay around the office property which is surrounded by trees and is a good fifty yards from the busy street. That seemed to be his solution until he spoke with his wife who told him, "you are bringing our chicken back home I hope you know!" Which brought his facial expression back to shock & horror as he contemplated how he was going to accomplish this, all to the supportive laughter and wise guy suggestions from his coworkers.

Jim was rekindled with hope as he remembered (from a cartoon maybe) the old box and stick trap, he went into the warehouse got a cardboard box, a yardstick and some string set it up near the truck sprinkled some sunflower seeds (Paco's favorite) in a trail leading to the box, he put a little pile of seeds directly under the box as Paco was watching intently, safely under the truck. As soon as he moved away the chicken came out and started eating the seeds on the trail but abruptly doing an about face a few inches from the box, people were starting to wonder out loud if Jim had met his match and would Paco keep outsmarting him, the majority of bets were on the chicken.

Well, after the meeting I had to leave for an appointment, I told Jim if he masterminded a plan to get the chicken back in his truck he could leave to take it home and get this situation off of his mind, he thanked me and mumbled what a weird day this had morphed into.

Good news! A happy ending, I just received a call from Jim that he and Nolan (one of our draftsmen) opened the driver and passenger doors to his truck and just started chasing Paco until he (the chicken) jumped into the cab of the truck, Nolan shut the passenger door as Jim jumped into the driver's side with Paco safely inside. They are presently riding home together safe and sound, Jim pleasantly surprised at how well mannered the chicken rides in a vehicle, better than his dog he said. So folks, here we have it, another heartwarming story of a man and his chicken.

I'll bet Longhorn has a few he could tell.



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2007, 03:20:13 PM »

Hi Joe,

I liked that chicken story, and it even had a good ending, that's great.

mercy, peace, and love


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2007, 03:40:26 PM »

Great chicken story Joe!!!  ;D

And a very good ending.

I guess from now on Jim will make sure where the chicken is before he leaves for work.  :D



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2007, 05:06:24 PM »


  That was a great chicken story.  That is amazing what animals do in relating to humans and all.  Thanks for posting, and I am pleased that it had a good ending, rather than he got ran over.   :)


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2007, 05:38:43 PM »

Great story Joe.  My chicken Lucy will not stop squawking in the morning until she has her grits mixed with peanut butter and jelly.



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2007, 08:24:03 PM »

It certainly made for an entertaining and eventful morning for sure.  ;D

Kat, I am glad you enjoyed, we were all glad to see it end happily, and just as happy to give Jim some good natured ribbing about it.

Yes Iris, I suggested he do a "chicken walk" around his truck every morning looking for Paco, he said he is parking it in the garage from now on.

Thanks Anne, even through all the joking we all wanted to see Jim succeed and get him home, animals constantly amaze me. I often wonder what is really going on in their brains as they observe us.

Longhorn, somehow I knew you would have an interesting comment, how did you ever come up with the grits peanut butter and jelly combo? Is that what you have for breakfast? 

Peace to you,



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2007, 11:01:34 PM » that an oxymoron????

I guess you all eat eggs down there, but one running around in the city....wouldn't an alligator eat it????? ???  ??? ::)

 ;D ;D


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2007, 12:39:48 AM »


  Maybe that is why I do not hear of any chickens down in Flordia.   ;D


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2007, 02:41:44 AM »

Haha!!  :D

Oh man, that's hilarious! Now that's something you don't see [or in this case, hear, or read about ] everyday.



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2007, 01:39:44 PM »

Oh wow, Joe! I'm glad the chicken got home safely.

Guess he wanted to see where his master went every morning.  ;)



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2007, 01:47:43 PM »


  Good thing his master did not decide to stop in for lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken.   ;D


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2007, 01:49:33 PM »

 :D :D :D Anne, you're TOO MUCH!!!  :D :D :D


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2007, 04:57:31 PM »

Gena, we have just about every type critter you can imagine down here (even some unimaginable kinds), the only exceptions might be polar bears and penguins. Since many communities border on rural areas or woods you might see a fox or a wild boar or even an alligator in some residential neighborhoods from time to time. "Chickenmaster" Jim actually lives near Busch Gardens which is an older established part of town but he is also close to the Hillsborough River so his property attracts all kinds of birds too, especially in the winter when the variety here is incredible.

It's funny you mention Kentucky Fried Chicken Anne because one of Jim's new nicknames is Col. Sanders, he likes that better than Chicken Man but can't wait until the memory of this incident fades into oblivion.

Thanks for the responses everybody,



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2007, 05:00:20 PM »


  Yeah KFC is my favorite.  Maybe one day I can get some soon.  Chicken man, now that's a riot.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2007, 08:09:51 PM »

Very Funny!  (I was actually waiting to hear the joke..".WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD.."?  In this case, why did the chicken hang on for dear life while riding down the Interstate? ;))


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2007, 01:39:47 AM »


  cuz he saw KFC


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2007, 11:50:30 AM »

Anne, TOUCHE'.   You got me on that one:D


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2007, 10:20:30 PM »

There was this fella driving down the interstate one day and he noticed a chiken running beside his car. upon closer inspection he noticed the chicken had 3 legs. he accelerated to 70 mph and still the chiken ran beside his car. he accelerated to 80 mph and still the chicken ran beside his car. suddenly the chicken veered off to a dirt road and toward an old farm house. the guy got off at the next exit and backtracked until he was able to drive to the old farmhouse. he hurriedly knocked on the door until an old farmer appeared. the guy told the old farmer that he had seen a 3 legged chicken run to his house. the old farmer , scratching his head said" sure, I got a whole barnyard full of them". with curiosity getting the best of him the guy just had to ask the farmer where in the world did he ever find a 3 legged chicken. the old farmer drawled that when him and his wife got married they both loved chicken legs and everything was fine for a lot of years. but then junior was born and when he come of age, his favorite part of the chiken was also the leg. so through nearly a year of experimental breeding he finally was able to come up with a 3 legged chicken. the fella just grinned and said" well I gotta know, is the legs on a 3 legged chicken as good as a 2 legged chicken??? well the old farmer got a look of sadness on his face and replied " I dont know, we aint never been able to catch one of 'em."


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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2007, 11:04:08 PM »


Thanks a lot Rick, now you have me craving chicken!



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Re: Why Did The Chicken Hitch A Ride?
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2007, 11:13:59 PM »

I hope you can run real fast if it is a 3 legged one you want..........
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