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Author Topic: Not good news to Christendom  (Read 7267 times)

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Not good news to Christendom
« on: March 17, 2006, 12:14:23 AM »

I have been on this site now for over 2 months and I agree and enjoy all of the info and discussions.  It dawns on me now after speaking with many in the church that "many are called but few are chosen" is not good news to them.  They believe a gospel that says all you have to do is say a ten second prayer and then you can actually live any way you choose and you will go straight to heaven when you die.  They think they are the few chosen.  Even though they should, they really do not care what happens to Uncle Henry who never really felt comfortable with the church crowd and so was never saved and is burning in hell for an eternity.  Their religion is one of "I got mine you get yours"
I guess it all boils down to if they have ears to hear.  When God causes strong delusion he really means strong delusion.  So many are deceived.
Appreciate you all.


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Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2006, 01:04:24 AM »

For me, I think it is important to remember the gospel is good news for all, just not at this time for the called.


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Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2006, 01:52:30 AM »

That really is GOOD NEWS!!


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Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2006, 11:40:00 AM »

Pro 25:25 [As] cold waters to a thirsty soul, so [is] good news from a far country.

Then began he to speak to the people this parable; A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long time.

Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence [him] when they see him.

Jhn 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.


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Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2006, 12:47:41 PM »

I think believing in hellfire made me uncaring and bitter. I think if people really belived in hellfire, they wouldn't be able to live. The hopelessness and terror of it would drive you insane. I wa in a deep, dark depression for over a year. I couldn't deny hell, yet I couldn't believe it either. I thought hell was cruel and mean. But I thought if I told God these things, He would hate me and send me there. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Then I found UR and Rays site and  I have not been depressed for over a year now. God just cured me and gave me back my right mind. (I wish He had given me Rays mind, but that's another story.)
I think about Nebuchanezzar in the book of Daniel. God had to show me the beast, 666, in me before He revealed His wonderful self to me.
I find it's the Christian crowd that hates UR. Most of the world is looking for good news that is really good news. Well we have it folks! And the best thing is it's free! It will only cost you everything you have and everything you are.


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Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2006, 02:33:57 PM »

I believe the Gospel, that is the real gospel not taught in churches, is a message of fire, which is light. When you speak it to people, you can learn alot about them and where they are in life, by how they react to it. I learned alot about myself by how I reacted to it. I felt joy and excitement, BUT, I also had a twinge of feeling like I was less "special" than I used to feel. That taught me alot.


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Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2006, 03:06:27 PM »

I agree with you shibboleth.  For a person to actually believe that there is an eternal punishment in hellfire and act the way they do, one would have to be a complete unbeliever in the 2nd commandment in Mark 12 about loving your neighbor.  If you do not believe Jesus commandments according to Him you do not believe Him, so even by christendom's doctrines they themselves cannot escape hell.  That is why they should hit their knees when they hear the truth of UR.  
I have always heard that the deep meaning of the word "gospel" in Greek was actually "too good to be true news".  Well when those scales fall off and you start hearing with new ears it is overwhelming joy that seems too good to be true.
Also shibboleth you do have Ray's mind.  It is the mind of Christ.
Praise God for God.

D Student

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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2007, 01:53:00 AM »

   The " Good News "   the   " Few chosen "

  It is crazy how many still believe what they're involved in, is not just the opposite.
When I was in Brazil a few months ago, I passed by a new Church that looked like the White House.
 It could hold many, many, many people. And of course on that same block there are others that are to be
re-designed and enlarged so many more people could fit.

   Coming back into Orl,Fl not much has changed.

   Same old Giant Mormon Temple right across the street
from their, Church (theres a meaning behind that.I've done my research)

  The good sized Baptist Church,Classrooms,meeting hall, fair grounds and huge parking lot.

   The Catholic School, banquet hall, Church #1 for (baptism-confession-cerimonies-etc, Church #2 for service, the Office(govt) and the Priests Hotel lodging in the back by the woods.

   The lutheran Glass collection museum and beautiful landscaping art.

   The highway exit that leads directly to one of the largest Churches ever seen, where other denominations
can rent space to hold their services.

   The Spanish, Brazilian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Haitian, and every other race on earth Church, in Hotels, warehouses, Movie theaters, cafes, and any where they can hold hundreds of Dollars, oops I mean Followers.

   And this is the few??? Just how narrow is this path??? Did Jesus use a measuring tape???
 That sure does'nt seem to be like A few to me... I've told people of the REAL GOOD NEWS, but they laughed and said they'd rather stick with their great news.

                                                                                                        D Student

P.s. Has anyone ever seen the SNL episode where Alec Baldwin
        is the creating giant needles so miniature camels can pass through?
     It did'nt seem like something that won't be happening sometime soon...




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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2007, 10:40:39 AM »

That is great observation D Student.

The SNL about making giant eye of needles is another great example of God is all in all.  This is an amazing example of "christianity".  It makes the Word fit the world's needs. 

"If all the time you have to seek God is 45 minutes before lunch on Sunday, then we have you taken care of and will get you into heaven and you do not have to go out of your way to get there.  As a matter of fact, take a nap during the sermon if you like."  That is what the tradition of man has done with the Word of God.



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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2007, 11:04:07 PM »

Amen and amen D & CIY.

As Diana said before, Look at the ArK. It didn't take too many did it???


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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2007, 11:32:30 PM »

I've been a "believer" for over 20 years and to be honest, the only time I thought about hell was when my dad died.  I wondered (hoped) he was saved.  And then of course for myself, constantly trying to be "good enough" to get to heaven.  But even in that it was focused on getting to heaven, not the alternative.  I had heard about this belief that all will be saved years ago, but someone called it heretical so I didn't give it any thought.

When I saw the link to Ray's website, I clicked on it (about a month ago) and started reading.  What struck me like a brick, when I first was reading on this "all redeemed" perspective was this:  Love your enemies.

That is what pushed me on to read more (well, that and Jesus)  :)    I thought to myself, hmmmm if this is true, then there's a good reason we are told to love our enemies, as one day they would be my brothers and sisters in Christ.  And my dad ?   ;D

What peace, what truly "Good News"



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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2007, 11:37:16 PM »

That's beautiful Dawn,

There's such joy in knowing God's real good news, that all will be saved! We can just rest in His goodness and know that He will take care of ALL His sheep, and won't let any stray.

Interesting about loving your enemies, it's selfless. In Christendom, it's all about ME. Whew, as long as I'M saved, I'm doing ok. It's such a selfish doctrine based on total fear for oneself.

God is so totally BIG and AWESOME!



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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2007, 04:51:11 PM »

I had heard about this belief that all will be saved years ago, but someone called it heretical so I didn't give it any thought.

I had the exact same reaction, but only after I argued the point a bit. The thing that made me pay attention to Ray (via God saying it was time to open my eyes) was when I read how God placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in a spot where Adam & Eve couldn't miss it, which is directly the opposite of what a parent would do if he wanted his children not to touch something. What Ray said made sense.

I thought to myself, hmmmm if this is true, then there's a good reason we are told to love our enemies, as one day they would be my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Excellent observation.

I've heard Christians say, "There but for the grace of God go I," but their actions say, "I could NEVER be that bad." One day Hitler, Hussein, Stalin, et al, will be perfectly righteous. If God could do it instantaneously for a man known as Saul of Tarsus, He can do it through aeonian judgment for them.

Re: your father, I always wondered how a "gospel" of eternal hell could be "good news" for new Christians who've lost loved ones who died "without God." The TRUE gospel says he is sleeping and awaiting a kind of judgment that will lead to his salvation. Praise God forever!



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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2007, 10:05:37 AM »

 where is this UR.....i could not find it by Google. 



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Re: Not good news to Christendom
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2007, 11:52:36 AM »

You can find plenty on Universal Reconciliation in Ray's writings, but if you Google it you will also find plenty supporting UR.

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