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Author Topic: LIAR!  (Read 7387 times)

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« on: March 04, 2007, 02:32:56 PM »

This is taken from the email section, orignally titled: Mr Ray ( I need Some Help)

My name is Viviane.
Catholic by family tradition, married a Baptist (we never consider tithe).
Never experienced Jesus Christ, but read the Bible anyway.
ONE DAY a friend invited me to a church in which I  felt a HOLY presence, and instantly was heal from glaucoma (I have suffered for a long time).
I took early retirement and went on a fast and prayer and reading, and reading ...
During one of the fasting I saw a place that I could only describe as hell (pure horror).
I have been out of my body.
I have seen angelical angels.
I have seen demons (they are more real than your imagination)
There is a Gehena if you want to get technical.
Satan is master of lies and he inserts ideas into your mind .
I have experienced tithing and WORKS in a Spirit Filled Church (you place your seed in good ground)


I pray that God will give you a desire to seek HIM not in anger against a church or people, but to
seek HIS face.  So you might know real love. YOU ARE ANGRY AND IT SHOWS.


I believe that she is lying through through her teeth! Was instantly healed of glaucoma? Has been out of her body? Has seen hell?
Gehenna's flames have been extinguished for thousands of years. The only way she could have been alive, still conscious and out of her body is if God lied when He said "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing...."
Ecc 9:5

And also:

 "Ecc 9:10      Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do [it] with thy might; for [there is] no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

So if she was out of her body, then we have to assume she was dead, and if she was dead, then she could not have known anything at all, unless the Scrptures are false.
How useless would it be for God to say that there is no work, no device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave wither thou goest if He was only talking about, for your body, this shell that you leave behind [according to the christian/pagan immortal soul theory]? It would be less than useless, God is saying when you die, you know not anything. Not just your body knows not anything, but you, your whole being, whatever you want to believe is the thing that gives you consciousness right now, that, that's dead, and you have no more conciouness until the resurrection.

So you have to contradict all that in order to have an conscious "out of body" experience.

And how does she figure that Ray is angry? Can she see and or hear him? And can just tell, boy that guy is steaming mad?


« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 02:48:24 PM by Sorin »


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« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 02:39:29 PM »

She proved she was a liar to me when she made the subject of the email what she did.

"I need some help"

Normally I change the subject line of an email to match what is being talked about, but in her case I left it alone to show she lied from the first word she wrote..



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« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 02:51:21 PM »

Hello Sorin

Nhaa....she is tripping out on mushrooms or something! ;D Sometimes you do not need mushrooms you just need Mystery Babylon and to drink from Her cup!....Babylon is right behind the illusions and deceptions in errors that resonate right through this persons e-mail.

She is a God hater and does not know it yet. She will find out!

As for her experiences in her mind, they may be real but they do not set her free they bind her to deception and she has a majority that agree with her. She is one of the many.........I do not think she even knows that she lies. She believes the lie is the truth. We all did at one time! She is a strong advocate. Reminds me of how I used to be ;D   ;D  She neither knows the scriptures or the power of God, she only thinks she does!.....She will find out!....she will. Everyone will see the truth and some will be shattered and go away gnashing their teeth and weeping....

If God doesn't reach in and dragg her away, we know where she is heading don't we.....LOF...weeping...into darkness....for correction.....

.... I too have seen an angel.  I was about 8 years old. I too have seen a demon.  Never saw hell though....or heaven.... ;D  ;D the most important thing I have seen in all my right here in Bible Truths and that is THE TRUTH!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 02:53:26 PM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2007, 01:18:54 AM »

Hee hee hee,

  Arcturus, You beat me to it.


  Anne C. McGuire


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« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2007, 03:51:55 AM »

Hi Arcturus,

 You said you've seen a angel? What did he/she/it look like? 
It would be great if you were willing to describe what you saw to us.
Also the demon.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2007, 03:52:50 AM by Sorin »


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« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2007, 04:25:20 PM »

Mark Robinson, was the boy. He rode up next to me and for absolutely no apparent reason at all, he lifted his foot up and gave it a sharp jolt against my handle bars as we were riding our bicycles to return home from school. Needless to say, at the speed we were going, I somersaulted right over in forward motion as my bike jeered away and I flew into the air head over heals and straight on my chin into the tar road in front of me. I blacked out and in the space of what seemed only a few seconds I remembered last nights vision. Just to remember was worth the horror of being shoved off my bicycle for absolutely no apparent reason.

As I struggled in the darkness of the blackout and started to come back to consciousness I desperately took hold of the memory of the vision in a huge effort to bring it with me as I surfaced back into consciousness. It was not easy. I fought hard to not loose my memory of the vision and it was a real struggle to keep hold of it as I came round. At first the sounds of the kids who had stopped to help who had been riding along side of me and others who had now joined to see what the commotion was all about, came to my mind as my first entry point back to consciousness. They were worried. They were asking if I was dead or just unconscious.  As I re-opened my eyes to the scene around me, the alarm was broken and a there were few nervous giggles of relief  that I was not dead and had only passed out. They were very happy once they saw I was regaining consciousness. I do not know how long I had been blacked out but by now there was an adult woman on the scene who helped me get up and walked me to her house across from where the accident had happened. The most important thing for me is I had a hold of the memory of my visitation the night before. Nothing else mattered. Yes my chin was bleeding and my parents were on the way. Mark Robinson looked more dazed than I and he was totally perplexed as to what on earth took hold of him to kick me off my bicycle as we were riding at top speed to get home. The poor fellow.  He apologised shyly and said he had no idea why he had done what he had done. He did not have a clue! I told him not to worry but he looked scared. There was blood everywhere and obviously this would have to end in stitches for me and who knows what for him once he got home to his folks! Anyway, that was the last thing on my mind. I was happy I had been restored to the most significantly beautiful event to have ever happened to me. I had recalled the angel visit and the message I had received!

I decided not to tell anyone and kept the treasure of the memory deep in my heart. It was too precious to take out and show anyone. Besides, now was not the time to say anything. Everything was happening exactly as it was meant to happen! I knew it and there was absolutely no need to tell anyone either.

My Mother was first to get to me. She was calm. Thanked the Mother who had attended to me and whisked me off to the hospital where I received swift attention and a few stitches.

“What happened darling?” my Mother asked me attentively as we were driving to the Hospital.
“Well Mum…Mark Robinson just came up next to me while we were cycling home. I was with two other friends who were with me. Mark came along side of me and without any warning or reason he just kicked my handle bars and I took a fall.”

“But why did he do such a thing sweet heart?” my Mother asked.

I did not want to bring my angel message into the discussion if at all possible. It was simply too holy and too special even to share with my own Mother. Besides which the atmosphere had now changed to emergency and it was simply not conducive to share in that situation so I did not venture to explain my supernatural experience.

We got to the hospital and my Father met us there. He was furious with the boy who had hurt me. I think it was his chance to act out how protective he was because actually he was quite a dysfunctional person. So he took my little accident and was hell bent to make it into a grand stage performance. He said he was going to sue the parents of this boy who for no reason caused my accident. The problem was, that my Father was very likely to do such an awful thing and win too. This was what prompted me to take my Mother aside and beg her to make my Father reconsider.

“Mum. I have to tell you something. Please listen. Dad must not sue Marks parents. Please Mum. He doesn’t understand. I saw an Angel last night. Please Mum. An Angel told me last night something was going to happen to me to prevent me from entering the diving competition on Saturday. “

My Mother had no idea what I was talking about which was another reason I did not at first want to share my experience. It was tough getting through to explain such a bizarre message I had received and also the rejection from my Father who refused to believe me.

We retuned home and quietly my Mother approached me and asked me to explain.

“Mum. You know I was selected for the spring board diving competition on Saturday?”

“Yes” she answered slowly as if trying to make a connection to my accident and not succeeding. I continued.

“Mum, in order to be in the competition I had to do three dives. I only knew two really well so I could not really enter but there was no one else and the school told me if I did not go forward then no one could. So, to not let them down, I decided I would go forward and I would just have to do the third dive I had never done before for the first time at the competition itself. “

“Yes…”my Mother patiently replied obviously still at a complete loss.

“Mum. The third dive was going to be like this.”  I go up to show her.

“Imagine facing the swimming pool, taking three steps forward on the spring board and jumping into a back dive.”

I explained to my Mother that the danger of such a dive could cause the diver to hit their head on the way down against the diving board. I explained also that my school had no one but me to bring them into the competition and that they asked me to come forward to compete. I had to do the dive I explained to my Mother in order to be in the competition even though I had never attempted to do this dive.
This cause some concern to appear and now my Mother was following my story. Now I could explain the visitation.

On the Wednesday night while a sleep I was suddenly awake. Talk about in a twinkling of an eye! Deeply asleep and then suddenly wide, crystal clear awake and I mean really awake! That in itself was phenomenal! Never mind what I saw next standing at the door to my bedroom! I looked not wanting to blink to miss even a nana second of the glorious sight before my eyes. WOW! AWESOME!

There at my door looking softly straight at me as if this was the reason for my very sudden twinkling of an eye wake up call, stood a being of indescribable beauty. Standing in golden light that seemed to be emitted from the being her/himself. Yes that is right. I could not tell if the angel was female or male! Facial features were chiselled perfection. Hair cascading to the shoulders in soft curls. All golden light from head to the hem of a long robe fastened only by a soft belt at the waste. All golden light.

“Fear not!” was the immediate communication I received as I looked upon the dazzling splendour of this being.

“FEAR NOT? I replied. W~HAT’S  TO FEAR?! YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! “ I replied.

By the way, the communication was telepahic! Yes! that's right...telepathic! The Angel was a vision and  smiled and I felt there was relief in this being and joy all at once as he/she then moved from the door way to come towards me. Now that was another spectacle. There were no motions that are typical of human movements. This being glided…glided across the room and then, not standing above me, he/she came down to my level to communicate with me. As this happened, the atmosphere surrounding this being enveloped me and I felt a joy and happiness I have before and since never again quite experienced. It was way above earthly. It was another realm altogether.

The Angel came close and said that he/she was sent by God to give me a message. That God did not want me to be anxious or to think that He was punishing me for something. He/She said that I was going to experience a small disturbance the next day that would prevent me from competing in the diving competition. If I were to compete I would in fact hit my head against the diving board and kill myself and it was not my time yet.

Now right there you could say….wait a moment! God could change that and make and cause me to walk faster, spring harder and do the dive…but NO. God caused me to take up the challenge. He caused me to have the vision. He caused me to encounter an accident the following day that put me out of the competition all together. WHY?

Well. Needless to say, I convinced my Mother to tell my Father that what had occurred had to happen and that to sue the boy accountable for my injury, would be totally wrong! If it had not happened I would be killed in the diving competition. My Father thought I was protecting Mark Robinson because I liked him which was not true. He was just another boy from school. He dropped the idea to sue Mark’s parents though. 

The atmosphere surrounding the Angel was so beautiful Sorin. I did not want to remain on earth. I wanted to go with the Angel into the fellowship of the world from where he/she had been sent to come to me with this message of reassurance and comfort. But the Angel left. The next morning I woke up to go to school as usual and only remembered what I had experienced the night before after I blacked out! The accident happened on the Thursday. The school had the whole of Thursday and Friday to withdraw from the competition. There were no bad feelings and my Father never did tell Mark Robinsons parents why he did not sue them! ;D

Peace to you

Arcturus :)




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« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2007, 04:45:31 PM »


  Wow what an awesome story.  Thanks so much for sharing it with us.  I was crying at the beauty of it.  Thanks for sharing.  What an awesome blessing you are to this Forum as well in my life.  May God bless you and yours.


  Anne C. McGuire


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« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2007, 05:00:15 PM »

Thank you Anne

The Messenger was a vision of beauty made by Christ our Lord. He/she was sent from the source of all beauty. It is beyond our imaginations to know or see what Christ is going to appear to us when He does and when we see HIM as He is! It is going to be beyond our minds comprehension! I was blessed to see just one of His multitude of heavenly Hosts!....a simple messenger...maybe the lowliest of all!....sweet precious messenger of Jesus sent to say in the first words of communication to me by the order no doubt from Jesus Himself..... Fear not!....God does not want you to think He is punnishing you......I am sent to give you a message........

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2007, 05:04:12 PM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2007, 06:13:22 PM »


  What a blessing to realize that the Father does not want to punish me.  He loves me completely and with a deep phileo love.  That is so awesome.  Again, thanks for your words of wisdom.   :)

  It is blessing to read your posts.  Thanks.


 Anne C. McGuire


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« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2007, 02:14:02 PM »

As most of ya'll know, I lost my parents when I was still in my 30's. It hasn't been very long ago. My mother was basically murdered, though I don't think he intended her to die just to beat her. My Mama went on an April 1 and my Daddy went on April 9. Spring is a hard time for me emotionally and I do need ya'll's prayers right now.
But the reason I am writing in this topic is regarding angels. When my Mama was at a local hospital she was still concious and I got to talk to her . They were air-lifting her to a bigger hospital. One of the hits she took was to the temple and that caused a brain bleed. Our local hospital is not set up to deal with something like that. Mama was afraid of heights and also got real motion sick. she didn't want to go on the helicopter. I convinced her she had to. I also told the doctor that she was afraid and would likely get sick from the motion as she always did even on a car trip. They gave her a shot of phenargan to keep her from getting sick. she was concious when they took her to the helicopter and when we got to the big hospital she was in a coma. she never spoke again but she would squeeze my hand when I talked to her. I have always blamed myself thinking the medicine made her go to sleep and never open her eyes again. I even made an appointment with our doctor to ask him if that made her never wake again. It breaks my heart into pieces to even tell ya'll about this. My guilt is so big.
Before they took Mama  all my family was there and a lady with blond hair showed up. She didn't have any hospital i.d. on or a uniform of any kind. She came up to me and said "this is your Mama". I said yes and she took my hand. It was so warm and comforting. She asked if we would all hold hands and pray for the comfort of the Lord to come into us. After the prayer, she looked at me while she held both my hands and said that it was hard but that I would be okay. After that we never saw her again. When everything was over, I wanted to thank her but there was no one at that hospital who matched her description. all the medical personnel that were working with Mama said there was no one there. No one but the ones in the circle remembered what happened. I think she was an angel that God sent to help me and us.
My brother tried so hard to make it here in time but what is normally a  six hour drive for him turned into a 10 hour drive. His casr broke down on the interstate. He said he was looking under the hood and crying. An old pick-up truck cam along and stopped. an elderly black man with gray hair came to him and said son what's wrong? He had his hand on my brother's shoulder when he asked this. My brother broke completely and told the man he had to get to Mama in Georgia. The man called his boy who came and got the car running again. The elderly man stayed with Jeff right thee on the interstate until his boy had the car working again. I think he was an angel too. Angels come in many forms not just how they are pictured in books. sorry this took so long. Unburdening your soul, mine anyway, takes a while.Jennie


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« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2007, 02:44:16 PM »


thank you very much for sharing your experience. I too believe that God sent those Angels to you!  Even if some might say they were only humans, God STILL CAUSED the comfort from HIM to reach you and your brother! And, if you recall, Jesus too was able to appear and He extended His hands out to Thomas so Thomas could place his hands into our Lords wounds before he believed. Then Jesus asked for something to eat as well!

Yes, Jennie I too believe you recieved a special intervention that God had ordained just for you! God can do ANYTHING!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2007, 02:45:20 PM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2007, 03:14:13 PM »

This is an awesome discussion and I would like to use it as an opportunity to share a "visitation" my wife experienced.

As some of you know, my wife had been deathly ill for a number of years. Well the last time she was admitted in to hospaital, they told her that her lungs were almost totally solidified (I seen the xrays) and that she would never breathe on her own without a ventorlator. Her oxygen level in the blood was around 40% :(

To cut a long story short. She slipped into a coma like state from which the visitation came. She remembers being taken to a beautiful park like place and sitting on a bench. Then she was approached by an angel (a young man)who took her by the hand and asked what she was doing here, because it was not yet her time. My wife indicated that she did not know why she was there, but told the angel she did not want to return to life she had.

They walked around the park for a little while, each step my wife remembers taking was a step in healing. After a little while the angel left and my wife was not saddened because she knew she could now live.

Needless to say, less than two weeks later, her lungs totally cleared, her blood oxygen soared to 96%+ and her heart is as strong as someone half her age. :) She walked out of the hospital, something she had never been able to do before.

That was two years ago, and my wife has not even looked like she needs hospitalization.

Of course I cannot share the feelings she felt through out all of this, but the results speak for themselves. :)

Thank you Arcturus and Jennie for sahring your experiences. :)

Praise be to the God whol loves us so!,

Your brother in Christ,


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« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2007, 05:34:59 PM »

Ya'll please pray for me. I need it so much this time of year especially. The sorrow and guilt I feel is too big. Jennie


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« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2007, 05:49:57 PM »


You did not kill your Mother. Your Mother did not die because of you. She is asleep because it was her time and the way she went to sleep was the way God meant it to be or it would have been different.

You do not need to believe in a lie anymore. Only Jesus has the keys of death not you and not any circumstance, human error real or imagined but Jesus Christ. Believe this if you don't believe me Jennie Rev 1 : 18 I AM HE that liveth, and was dead; and, behold I am alive for evermore. Amen: AND I POSSESS THE KEYS OF DEATH..............

Jennie, you never had any power over the way your Mother went to had no power to change it or stop it.......

May His Peace be yours

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2007, 08:57:09 PM »

Thank you so much. I can't begin to tell you of how those words help. Guilt is an awful and terrible thing to bear. I am going to save your words so I can read them often in the coming days. Thank you so much for caring.Much love, Jennie


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« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2007, 09:20:24 PM »


You will be in my prayers.



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« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2007, 09:58:32 PM »


It is not an easy thing to watch our parents pass away, both of mine lingered for about 30 days from the time they were admitted to the hospital, both of them went through periods of clarity and then confusion. I felt guilty about a couple of times I lost patience with them while they were in a confused state. I truly beat myself up over it.

When my mother was in the hospital I took a leave from my job, my sister would travel in from across the state for a few days and then go back my wife would also drive to Orlando from Tampa as often as she could but most of the time it would be mom & me. My mother had gotten to the point where she only wanted very few people around her, this transformation happened rather quickly after she was diagnosed with liver cancer. Before then she visited people all the time as well as write letters, chat online and on the telephone with old friends, new friends and our extended family.

Once she was sick she pretty much only wanted to be around the immediate family, my sister and her husband their daughter, my wife and I and our daughter. During that last month we were never able to all be there at the same time, we were finally able to all assemble together one day and she seemed more lucid than she had in a couple weeks. She was talking smiling and enjoying the visit especially of the young ones.

We started making plans to split off into 2 groups at lunch one group staying with mom while the other group went to lunch, she heard our plans and said rather firmly "no, you guys all go together, you can enjoy your lunch and then come back, please go, I need a little rest too," we all kissed her bye and went off to eat. Right as we finished up my cell phone rang, it was the nurse, you better get back here" she said.

I immediately knew why, mom had passed away but she did not want to die in front of us, that was on March 28 2001, the day before my birthday, I guess she did not want to die tomorrow either. She wanted to hang on until she could see us all together again one last time.

Jennie, I can certainly empathize with you Sister, but do not feel any guilt for what is past feel the joy of His promise for the future.

His Peace and Love to you,



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« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2007, 01:37:32 AM »

Hello Joe

My Mother also went to sleep after liver cancer ravaged her body and morphine had to be given to her due to the pain. She stayed with us and tied up all loose ends in the six months doctors estimated that she would remain alive. I saw her often during that time and stayed with her helping her out for a long stretch towards the very end. In the last week of her life I was not there with her and that was a mercy. I was falling apart.

I had just met my husband to be and was not in  the country when I recieved news thatmy Mothersr spirit had returned to God. I was devestated through my loss but the sweetness of finding my other half eased the pain! The sweetness of finding the truth has put to rest the trauma of loosing a most wonderful friend and Mother. God is love.

Peace to you

arcturus :)


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« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2007, 01:57:04 AM »


I know how you feel.  When I lost my mother, I completley lost it for days.  At that time, I was still in the pigpen of life wasting my Father's inheritance, and it wasn't until He dragged me back to Himself and then brought me here with all of you, that I was finally comforted with the knowlege of her eventual salvation.  My earthly father died a very slow death from Alzheimer's; it was absolutley devastating.  But again, knowing that God will have mercy on him and save him too, is such a comfort that only those who have seen what we have seen can have true hope.  Thank you our dear sweet Jesus for your mercy and grace.

In His sweet love,



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« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2007, 02:07:14 AM »


Thank you.

We share the wounds of Christ through the cross He has made us to bear in our own lives of pain suffering and  loss that He has overcome for us.  He leads us to recieve ultimately what He has in store for us. It has been hard and harsh but He knew and knows all that. He was first and remains so!...He has marked our paths for us and it is precious to see and share our moments most deep that Jesus has shared from His life and suffering that marks us as His sheep......His children....We hope to be faithful and found so for HIS suffering we only know in part!

Peace to you too brother

Arcturus :)
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