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Author Topic: Plans for a chip implant.  (Read 23166 times)

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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2007, 04:18:36 PM »

Hi Michael,

Welcome to the forum!!!
I'm glad you joined us and hope to hear a lot more from you.



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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2007, 07:32:39 PM »

Wheeeeee....this is a really interesting thread!  I like everything I have read even opposing thoughts.  I like to see all around something so I can think about it and study it.  I love seeing Ray's words in these threads.

Personally, I would LOVE everything to be spiritual, seems less scary that way.

Years ago, many Christians thought that using checks instead of "real" money was the Mark of the Beast!!


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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2007, 10:21:34 PM »

Gena, you are just way too cute!!  And I mean that in a most lovable (respectful) way! ;)

Peace and love to ya,

Jackie Lee

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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2007, 01:02:23 AM »

I attach no "name face or product" to this beast.
i can see the spiritual meaning of this "beast". I just dont place any trust in it yet.
IMO it is stretching things to the breaking point to use this strictly spiritual definition, when there may also be
a literal definition too, especially with the world situation now.

Not all prophecy is strictly spiritual. Ninevah was a literal city. Damascus will be literally destroyed, Sodom and Gomorrah were literally destroyed as prophesied. Etc. et.

I simply said that I am "hedging my bets" by not getting placed in economic slavery, if we
go to a cashless system.

How many here will let themselves get chipped, based on what you believe now?
Is it worth the risk?
That's a strictly rhetorical question.

It does seem odd that that there is so much information on each individual now, even when you purchase something now many have information already in the system.  progress huh?
 The mark on the right hand or forehead seems to possibly be literal when the ones that recieved the mark breaks out in sores and are in pain and beg to die.
If someone comes up and say you must get the chip in your right hand or forehead then I am suspicious.
I plan on taking tomorrow and studing Revelation  further.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 01:36:56 AM by Jackie Lee »


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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2007, 09:46:11 AM »

I see where the "mark of the beast" is a spiritual thingy...not a physical thingy...we have things every day that say to Babylon:  "see..the end is near!" and they preach it and people pay more tithes to come hear how they can "escape all these things that are coming upon the earth."  I've been there and done have most of you....but I take GREAT comfort and peace in this scripture that I read just this morning....

Jeremiah 10:1-2
"Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them."

Speak to anybody?

:)  Joyce


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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2007, 07:10:54 PM »

In the ministry of the late Barry Smith (NZ) he also mentioned the VISA card (Warning, 2nd Warning and Final Notice Books)  He also loosely predicted the end as 1998 based upon 1948 + 50 the last generation post re-establishment of the state of Israel and others I can't remember, The pope's latin name = 666 "false prophet" something like Vini Vicarius Dei meaning one who stands in the place of the Son of God
some possible Antichrist names = 666, don't have the books any more else I could give more details

VI = 6
S = 6
A = 6 (A=6, B=12 etc.)

Another interpretation related to Solomon's Stairs leading to an alter have sybolism of 666

Another, 6 digits for your date of birth, 6 digits for your geographic location (to within 100 x 100 m) and another 6 digits just in case you and someone else stayed in the same area and born on the same day viz twins.

The chip was already ready/designed/invented in 1990 and was already being used on pets.

Although the "beast within" is something new for me, even if one subscribes to Revelation merely being symbolic, there is the issue of the man of sin being revealed, even Ray mentions this will be a public display in one of his teachings.  Whether he can deceive the whole world as the Antichrist I don't know, Antichrist does not necessarily mean opposed to Christ, can also mean counterfeit Christ.

In 1990 there were no cell phones, who does not have one now?  We are now so interconnected viz Internet etc. it is easy for those in the know to triangulate your location, grocery stores now track what you buy if you use debit or credit cards, the list goes on.

I mention this as I cannot correlate the beast within to the revelation of the man of sin being each one of us too.

I got saved through this guys teachings, he never said 1998 was the year merely indicated the possibility.

I've observed what has transpired since 1990 technology wise and agree with his views that never before in the history of mankind have we had the technology to implement the MOB

Like other respondents to this blog, I would refuse the chip.

For what its worth

Luv to all


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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2007, 01:51:08 AM »

Although the "beast within" is something new for me, even if one subscribes to Revelation merely being symbolic, there is the issue of the man of sin being revealed, even Ray mentions this will be a public display in one of his teachings.

Morning Bernie :-)

Could you provide the link to Ray's mention please.



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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2007, 02:53:14 AM »

Could you provide the link to Ray's mention please.

The last article I read was the Exposing the Secret Rapture Theory

Here's the quote (Search on "man of sin")

We need to be careful about setting dates for Christ’s return. We are told that when the man of sin takes his position in the Holy Place of the Temple, (an event that will obviously not take place in secret), it will be exactly 1335 days to the day for the resurrection of the saints of Israel. We are also told, that the 1260th day is the actual day of Christ’s return. How then is it that Christ told his disciples numerous times that no man (not even rapturists) knows the time of His return (remember that thing about coming unexpectedly, like "a thief")?



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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2007, 08:07:38 AM »

Hi Guys.

I saw an article in a local newspaper today discussing the microchip implant. They were talking about how important it is for medical reasons, to scan it and find out the medical history of that person. The problem is that the doctor stated that the implant is put in the right arm... why oh why must it be the right arm? If they said the left, then it would be so easy to just dismiss it.

I'm looking forward to Ray getting right into this topic in his future LOF installments, as it appears to worry many.
Nevetheless, God WILL save us all.

God's peace to you all.


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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2007, 10:29:38 AM »

I am also wondering, if the marks might be physical for some while spiritual for others. ie...the difference between the called and the chosen.  Does that make sense?

Phil 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

versus the mark of the beast.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 10:40:36 AM by Redbird »


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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2007, 11:40:40 AM »

I haven't read this entire thread because discussions about the mark of the beast usually get pretty frustrating. However I'll add this. I was watching a documentary last week about the government and such. Apparently, and this is according to that dvd, next May is when the new National I.D. Card starts. This thing is powerful!!!!! It'll have a TRACKING DEVICE embedded within, with all your info such as ssn, personal stats, banking and credit, eventually your health history so your docs or hospital will just scan it and know it, and eventually tied in with the banking and credit will be this: when you get paid at your job, it'll go on the card like a debit or checking card. When you go to Walmart and make them a bit richer, they'll just scan your card, and the "money", or funds will come off your card's account. Here's the clincher: All "big brother" has to do is turn your tracking chip off, and you're done! You won't exist folks. No buying and selling. No working, at least not at a legit job, no health care, no nothing. It'll be like you've died, except you didn't.
Now I stress that was all according to the DVD I watched last week, but I've heard of this National I.D. Card for several years. Anyone else hear of this or am I wasting my breath?



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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2007, 11:45:14 AM »

Hi Matt,

Yes, I have heard of it.  Also, the first family (of 3) has already been "chipped" a few years back in Florida.
Sadly, the teenage, genious son, died in an accident a short time ago.  It was his idea they be chipped for medical reasons.  You can look this up on the internet.



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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2007, 02:05:27 PM »

I haven't read this entire thread because discussions about the mark of the beast usually get pretty frustrating. However I'll add this. I was watching a documentary last week about the government and such. Apparently, and this is according to that dvd, next May is when the new National I.D. Card starts. This thing is powerful!!!!! It'll have a TRACKING DEVICE embedded within, with all your info such as ssn, personal stats, banking and credit, eventually your health history so your docs or hospital will just scan it and know it, and eventually tied in with the banking and credit will be this: when you get paid at your job, it'll go on the card like a debit or checking card. When you go to Walmart and make them a bit richer, they'll just scan your card, and the "money", or funds will come off your card's account. Here's the clincher: All "big brother" has to do is turn your tracking chip off, and you're done! You won't exist folks. No buying and selling. No working, at least not at a legit job, no health care, no nothing. It'll be like you've died, except you didn't.
Now I stress that was all according to the DVD I watched last week, but I've heard of this National I.D. Card for several years. Anyone else hear of this or am I wasting my breath?


I have heard of it. In the not-to-distant past, this was considered by some to be tin-foil material. It's not seen that way anymore.

The debit card is nothing new, it's how I got paid in my last job. But this ID is something new and sinister. This is why I am a survivalist. Getting this card is out of the question, for me and many others that think like I do in this area. We're just waiting for it to happen. When it does, there will be enough that refuse it so that society will crash and burn.

Do they really think they can refuse life necessities and there will be no repercussions?

The PTB are intentionally trying to provoke a Civil War II, by using this ID, new restrictive laws, weapons bans, and qute a few things I could mention but will spare you from reading it all.



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Re: Plans for a chip implant.
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2007, 10:07:44 PM »

There is already satellites that can guide a bomb through a specific window! Satellites can isolate your movements so the chip thing  doesn't seem like that much. If you are one of God's own nothing can separate us from His love.
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