Dear Nameless:
I will make a few comments in your email..............
You say that God created evil.
COMMENT: No, I think you realize that I got that from the Bible. I did not make that up on my own.
I think this is wrong "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5
COMMENT: Neither I nor the Bible suggests that God "IS" darkness or that He 'IS" evil, but the fact remains that He "CREATED" both darkness and evil (Isa. 45:7).
And as for Isaiah 45:7 the more accurate translation reads "calamity", not "evil"
COMMENT: That is absolutely untrue. The proper translation for "ra" is "evil," not "calamity." There is another word for calamity, but it is not used in Isa. 45:7. The Hebrew word "ra" is properly translated "evil" OVER SIX HUNDRED TIMES IN THE SCRIPTURES.
. And I checked it out in a russian Bible and it says "bedstvie" which means "disaster, calamity, difficulties"
COMMENT: Get ready for a "revelation," Nameless, THE BIBLE WASN'T WRITTEN IN RUSSIAN!
God be with you,
PS Although "ra" should not be translated "calamity," what makes you think that you have left God off the hook by changing evil to calamity or disaster. The tsunami in Indonesia which killed hundreds of thousands was a disaster. Do you really think it was not an "evil" thing?