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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2007, 01:38:41 PM »

I just never knew that there were such mean and cruel folks in the world, and a lot of them in organized religion.

I knew that there were mean and cruel folks in the world, I have seen it live and in person; I did not know that there were such mean and cruel folks in organized religion. Only after God drew me to B-T's were my eyes opened to just how mean and cruel Christendom is.



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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2007, 04:33:09 PM »

Makes you wonder why there are more Christians in jail (I think this statistic is for USAonly - I know Ray refered to this fact) than any other reiligion!

Susan - on what date is the play?

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2007, 08:24:23 PM »

Hi Patrick,it's been ahwile since wev'e spoken...glad to hear from you :D.   I, like you, never FULLY saw the meanness and cruelty either in the church people, until God pulled me out and opened my eyes.  (Ironic??? that a guy (from the last congregation that we were in a year ago) just left my house and was talking about how he is having to take the ELDERS of that congregation to court b/c theydisfellowshipped him for 'wearing too much cologne"  (no joke), and so when he was leaving he was going to take the many dozen padded chairs that he had purchased and had loaned to the church; well, the elders won't give the chairs, (as well as a few other items that are his) to him so he is now taking them to is such a mess and so sad!  They are saying that the chairs were given to church, not loaned!  He is literally haivng to subpeona several in order to have some support!

You are right Arcturus, Ray did write about there being more prisons in this country than anywhere else.  i had an opportunity to work at one just a few miles from here and I could'nt for two reasons; I don't believe in prisons in the way the US does them and I have to have alot of sunlight...and I am closterphobic (I need regualr doors to walk out of if I chose to. ::) ::) ::)

The date for the play is next Tuesday evening at 7pm!
Shalom to you too, dear sister.


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2007, 02:38:12 AM »


Read your reply and am amazed at their pettiness, even for believers in "hell for eternity"...remember the Saturday Night Live "Church Lady"? Not letting your son into language classes? That is not what might be called Christian behavior. They need to be prayed for! Shunning? Mothers telling their kids not to play with your son? Abominable! Trying to condescend because they think you are "poor"? I bet these folks are solid dyed-in-the-wool tithers, eh? Total pains me to know they put you through that! But, God willing, a combination of how they treat you all and God opening their hearts will get maybe a few of them to discern God's agape love and get then to soften their hearts.

Nothing like this has ever happened to us, but (since in the mid and late 90s we definitely struggled financially, most of that our fault, until maybe three years ago, and now my husband makes a fairly decent income) there was a time when we weren't shunned but thought of as maybe "not as good" as the rest of the group. But then our son began to win geography bee chamionships and blue ribbons as the project fair, as well as "Best Notebook" one year and "Best Research" another year, and got accepted to Texas A & M (which I hear is not easy). So now they know my husband and I are serious. They also know we do not use the Bible Curriculum that comes with the rest of the courses (we use A Beka). A few of them (I think) know I at least believe in Universal Reconciliation...but on the other hand one of the local "substitute" preachers does also (I was amazed at the sermon he gave when I was still in the church I was in that he preached that, and debunked the rapture too. told him I wished he was our pastor!). Plus, if they did shun me I could care less since I barely ever see them (like I said most of the group lives in Alpine, 50 miles away.)

Sister, God help and comfort you all, and be strong in Christ!



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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2007, 08:07:50 AM »


  Hope all goes well.  The Lubbock Home School Association is in my prayers, though I am not sure they will turn around, they seem to be caught up in the worldly things, and that cannot be my concern.  Focus on what is more important you and Daniel and feed the group Fish heads.  <grins>


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2007, 01:37:48 PM »

Thank you for your homeschooling input!  (Oh yes, the Church Lady ;))  Yes, the HSers are using all kinds of excuses to keep their kids from Daniel; although they try to have alittle tolerance when they are view when in a public setting (rollerskating etc..).  Yes, some of these mothers were 'together' for a couple years before they met me, so they are inseparable as well as their kids.  (Oh yes, died in the wool tithers for sure...I even went to their church one time to the meeting that that they were holding on the financial program of Dave Ramseys'... which has caught on like wild fire in many churches in town...)  Thankyou for understanding what I have been going through with this group, bu, I do not feel that God has given me the ok to leave just yet!  This has been a thorn in my flesh for awhile, but I am just trying to know if HE wants me to do as you say Deb, possibly reach a soul or two? Of course they ike my presentation and only like me at those times.

I am very happy for you that you have no problems with this issue in your life, and I am glad that you are grown up in this area of spirituality; I have not arrived where you are yet, so please be patient with me as I try to put away childish things! Thank you for your input and Yes, that scripture blairs out to me to0; but, so does the scripture that says that we are to be the salt of the earth (thanks Bev) and to let our lights shine before men; so how do you see this?  Obviously God has put me in this group and has not allowed me to leave yet for a reason...I am still trying to take HIS lead here.

blessings to all of you! 


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2007, 03:24:48 PM »

I am with you on the fact that I left the church just a year ago and I have no desire what so ever ot go back, ever join a church again, or ever have a denominational label over my head again.  Some of my relatives and friends are still in church, but they know that I do not agree with them and that I am very confident in my stance.  I tell them that I have never been happier, and they can see it!  I am not and I do not want to be caught up in the evil that abounds in the churches either, I doesn't matter to me anymore of what goes on is where satan dwells for sure.   (and I too, haven't celebrated their pagan holidays in many, many years.)  God has blessed me greatly to have come out of her 

Good point with the compraison of what churches do today as being no different than what went on in the dark ages, the Salem witch hunts, and the holocaust, (what is McCartism?, did I miss something here?)

Yes, of course I will rebuke and try and teach those who are not teaching sound doctrine; but, the problem is, the homeschoolers are not talking scriptures with me, they will not get into it with me; the groups is all about schooling/education with me (not with others) ...we are just not good enough for them according to them. 

Now my son wants to go and see what they are going ot be showing...I am tempted to use it for a teaching tool for him so that HE can see how deeply his homeschool aquaintances believe in this junk. 

Please continue to pray for my eyes to open and for wisdom here (b//c obviously it has more to do with than just their play on hell: I'm talking 10 years more of being around them so b/c we co-op and share education in a large group of kids. :-\)


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2007, 01:38:29 AM »

Thank you for your reply; I thought you meant McCarthyism, but wanted to make sure.

Also, it is my understanding that here in Texas that when one is considered a PRIVATE SCHOOL, then the separation of church and state does not apply.  (The homeschools in Texas are actually considered to be PRIVATE SCHOOLS- as far as legal definitions are concerned then my family is actually a private school.  Thus, since LHSA (lubbock HomesSchool Association) is considered a christian homeschool support group, not a private christian 'school'; just a support group.  But, I will make a call to the homeschool legal defense and see if this is something that pertains to me having any rights or not.    Thankyou for this input, we shall see. 

Thank you for your prayers too; as I still am blinded as to wether to be sepratists with this group or to just be a prat of their classes only (b/c not I have no desire to be with them one on one anymore and I certainly will not offer them the truth without seeing some seriousness on their parts to learn the truth.  (Yesterday, they chose to not be around me so three, maybe 4 families went bowling instead of rollerskating b/c they thought that we would be there!  I think what has happened too is that one of the mothers has gossipped about an incident that she and I disagreed upon and now those other three families and kids choose to stay away from me in any situation except for schooling events, due to listening to incorrect info from this one woman; thus, no social opportunities for my son and his old little buddies anymore; now that ticks me off /b/c they know that he has limited social opportunities at this time.)   I see homeschooling as being in the world, but not of the world, and that socializing with other homeschool kids is just that...socialization, not personal fellowshipping.

i don't know why this is so difficult for me to get through.  Please keep praying, b/c I can't offer my child many other socialization opportunities with kids of his age at this time. 



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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2007, 04:17:08 AM »

Hello Susan

Sounds to me like you and your son are being dragged! What a blessing! Consider the opposite.

Imagine if you were to write to us like this...that you are so comfortable with your pagan hethen group of friends. That you pride yourself on high levels of tolerance and that you are able to "fellowship" with everyone and that the world just loves you. That you belong.

Okay I know this is like a drop in the ocean but hope it helps to comfort you in this trial. Consider the opposite. God is the master planer for your life and for the future of your son.

Our life situations are very difficult but they do come TO PASS.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2007, 02:49:25 AM »

Yep, You are right Arcturus; I have very little tolerance for their musings, and I am not considered a part of their clique.  So true...we are being dragged; but this situation will come to pass.  My child keeps asking to go to see the play, so I will take him so that it will be a great learning esxperience for him to see, hear, feel, etc..and learn of false doctrine first hand  (of one of the worst possible false doctrines in all of human history!.)   This will be Saturday afternoon...I will keep you informed of what we should be interesting.  I think that Anne might come along too.  They had a reharsal play on Tuesday and I read all of the GREAT email reviews by the parents of the hs kids.  They coudln't say enough good aboout it!!!! ;)( 8) 8) 8) 8) 8))


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2007, 04:59:04 PM »

It is all part of training, endurance, patience and trusting in HIM.

Peace to you and I'll be thinking of you!

Arcturus :)


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2007, 07:53:41 PM »

To All,

  I am wondering something.  If we are called to come out of Babylon, then why are we still discussing Babylon?  Are we truly forgetting what lies behind and straining on towards the prize?

  That's all.


  Anne  C. McGuire


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2007, 08:38:17 PM »

In answer to your question as to why we are still discussing Babylon and not forgetting what lies behind, is because we are 'IN THE WORLD, but not of the world' ...and sometimes in getting through our daily experiences of the WORLDLY influences , we need brethren to encourage us and strengthen us and remind us in the Lord in order to help us to get through difficult times.  The WORLDLY/BABYLONIAN influences are ALWAYS AND CONSTANTLY  around each of us who are trying to to be set apart from the world.   In this particular case, I am trying to teach my young child of WHO AND WHAT BABYLON IS and of how to not do as they do.  it is simply a teaching lesson for truth here.  I hope this helps. :D


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2007, 03:40:46 AM »

To add to what you say Susan

Babylon is also a spiritual influence that we do not entirely come out of until Jesus comes to get us. Non are out yet as non are born again yet or elect yet. We keep our eyes on Jesus in appreciation for how far we have come and we should never forget how far this is because it is paid for by His suffering and His faith.

So for me, "forgetting what lies behind" means never forgetting what and who lies ahead. It is ONE! ;D Appreciation, gratitude and reverential awe of Jesus Christ helps us to continue to fight the good fight of faith. We can only know good by our experience of evil. The contrast helps sharpen our focus on what is holy and helps us in our development to know the difference! See what I mean?

We are not saying go backwards, backslide or return to Babylon. On the contrary! We are saying never forget the lessons! Never become dull of spirit again.

The deeper the influence of Babylon the more intolerant of her plagues and heresy, idolatry and selfish self centered devouring of the sheep we should become.

Rom 6 : 20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound; 21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto aion life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2007, 09:18:58 AM »

Amen and Amen Arcturus!!  Very well said!  Thank you for elaborating on this :D

I shall take Daniel today and then let you know how it went. 

(I am so tempted to write a correction to the statement that the director of this play put out for all HSers to read when she stated in her disclaimer that ..."we are going by what the biblesdefinition of Hell is ...." and to counter her statement with the truth of what the real meaning of hell really is...,but, I don't think that they would receive it at all and it would just caus fruther separation. :-\)


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2007, 11:47:32 AM »

Hi Anne, 

Another point I would like to make about your question;

If we are called to come out of Babylon, then why are we still discussing Babylon?  Are we truly forgetting what lies behind and straining on towards the prize?

Some that are here are still physically in the church.  And we get questions from people who are struggling with coming out of her. 
We also have family members who are still apart of Babylon.
So it is a continued presence in our lives.

As Arcturus said, "We are not saying go backwards, backslide or return to Babylon." 
But we can help encourage others a great deal, by what we have experienced in coming out of her  :)

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2007, 02:09:54 PM »

There seems to be a difference between coming out of Babylon and being of the world.

Christs instruction of: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." is I believe referring the "Church," because Christ say's "For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."

It would seem that the nations are IN the world of which many of its peoples are also IN Babylon.

Rev 18:2  And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Rev 18:3  For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

Rev 18:4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

So what is "being in" the world?

1Jo 2:16 For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

It is very intereting how Christ describes the things in the world. It is not the fast car, or the flashy clothes or huge mansion on the coast line; rather it is the:
  1. Lust of the flesh
  2. Lust of the eyes
  3. Pride of life

What did Christ mean by Lust?

epithumia {ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah} [1939]

It is to desire, crave, long for and desire for what is forbidden; lust

So what then is Pride?

alazoneia {al-ad-zon-i'-a} [212]

  1) empty, braggart talk

  2) an insolent and empty assurance, which trusts in its own power
      and resources and shamefully despises and violates divine laws
      and human rights

  3) an impious and empty presumption which trusts in the stability
      of earthy things

This is what being "in the World" really means. It is not ones possesions or ones job, etc, but rather how one lusts, craves for what one doesn't have and then brags pridefully over ones greatness and power for having acheived ones goals.

This is why Jesus said, any with such thoughts and desires "is not of the Father, but is of the world."

Being not of the world is different than being in the world. :)

Jhn 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we [are].

I truly believe that coming out of Babylon and freeing oneself from perhaps years of guilt, false doctrine, man made tradition is different than being "of the world."

For there are many who were never in Babylon, but are clearly OF the world just as there are many who give thanks to God for everything that have and acknowledge him in all things, yet they are still stuck in Babylon.

Pride for oneself over God is very different than being thankful to God for all the wonderous things he has provided. We cannot come out of the world, but we sure do not have to be caught up in the World.

Our Heavenly Father will care for his own.

Psa 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Comments are always welcome, :)

Love to all in Christ,


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2007, 02:22:15 PM »

Amen, right on  Darren!  I like those definitions too; it puts the microscope even closer to the truth of the three 'lust of' words.  Thanks :D


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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2007, 03:32:27 PM »

Hi Darren,

I see what you are saying.
Babylon is the church and that includes governments when they are intangled with her.  The world is everything of the flesh.

Joh 15:19  If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

This is speaking of coming out the ways of the world, the carnal fleshly nature.

This world will come to an end, but that is not speaking of the earth and all life, but this present evil age.

Mat 28:20  teaching them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you. And, behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world. Amen.

Here is a email of Ray's and an excerpt from Lake of Fire article #9, on this subject.,2049.0.html -------

 is babylon the world, ie, mainly the religious system. of christianity claiming to be the church while being so steeped in worldy affairs?
 i understand some call it the church of babylon, but for me there is one church the body of Christ.
while fale christianity is claiming to be the  church.
are we told to come out of the world or out of the church???
 thank you so much, i hope this makes it to the forum.
 peace and love
Dear Chuck:
No, Babylon does not claim to be the Church, THEY ARE THE CHURCH.
There are the called and the few chosen.  The few chosen come out of the called masses of the congregation.  Babylon the church rides the beast.  The beast is the world.
God be with you,
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

What is actually spoken of in these two chapters of Isaiah 13 & 14 is the history of world religion and government from the creation of man, through the destruction of man, and the realization of God’s spiritual Mt. Zion filling the universe. All the religions and governments of the world in the history of the world are personified in these two chapters. Isa. 13:1 begins with, "The burden of Babylon…" (organized religion and government against God), and ends with Isa. 14;32b, "That the Lord has founded Zion…" (The spiritual capital of the Universe governing all mankind). It’s all right here for those who have "ears to hear and eyes to see."

Let me give you the history of the world including all future prophecies, in one sentence:

God perfectly planned and recorded His creation of the heavens, angels, the earth, and carnal humanity, who sinned wickedly and were all drowned (save a few); who then reached for their own heaven at the tower of Babel in rebellion to the God Who then scattered them (save a few); who later built Babylon into a great pagan empire which God destroyed (save a few); who have since built many wicked and fornicating Babylons collectively called, Mystery Babylon The Great, whom God warns before utterly destroying again (save a few); and of ‘the Few’ God is creating a New Spiritual Humanity of Son-and-Daughter Saviours like unto Jesus, in New Jerusalem on spiritual Mt. Zion, were ALL will be redeemed (NOT just a few); that God may be "ALL in All"!

Maybe I could shorten it down a smidgen, but there it is. The reality of most of the symbolism of Revelation is contained in that one sentence. "But Mr. Smith, I don’t see ‘666’ anywhere in your sentence." You don’t? I do. I see 666 followed by 777 in nearly every phrase of that sentence. "He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the Churches!"

So far then there is no sign of Satan

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: unbelievable...a HELL PLAY by our local homeschoolers!
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2007, 10:32:50 PM »

Well, we went to the play and Daniel was bored!  It was your typical fear tactic type of message delivered by the young actors.  They were very surpreised to see us there; and believe it or not, they were more uncomfprtable that we were there that vise versa.  It was awkward for some of the women, but I just told them that this will be a good learning experience for Daniel. 

The 'HABITATION' was a place where angels resided and where the souls of those whom just died went to if they had repentance work to do before they went into Heaven...then, once they repented of their wrongs, then they got escorted 'to heaven'.  They spoke of hell, but did not show anything of it on the stage. 

Oh well, so much for anyone asking me of the hope that is within me ;) ???...maybe later though.
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