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Author Topic: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me  (Read 7189 times)

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The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« on: July 03, 2007, 05:38:51 AM »

So anyway, i thought i'd take this thread, and this time to inform the older generation of just how bad mine, and the ones after myself are.

Today, it is not abnormal to find 10 year olds, who are not virgins. Infact not to long ago, i was walking in a crowded shoping area, when i witnessed three boys, about the age of 10 or less, describing what they called a 'fine a@@.' I was utterly shocked when one of the boys said; 'Damn did you see that girls fine a@@.'

Shocked? Not because i don't hear this from my friends, but because of the age of these boys, and this is nothing uncommon.

I know a girl who was 11, and lost her virginity to two boys at once, they were both brothers.

Shes no longer 11 now, offcourse, but i do recall this from her having told me a couple years back.

Kids as young as 9,10,11,12 and doing drugs is also not uncomon, as i know 12 year old girls who smock weed, and ciggerettes regularly!

So how do the older generation feel about this? Is this nothing new? Or is what is going on, really getting out of controle?

I am no angel when it comes to this department, if i must be honost with you all, and i'm n oway trying to put others down or myself up on a pedestal, but i was wondering, what do you all think of this? Where do you see the generations coming headed?

I can tell you, almost everyone i know, cares little about politics, religion, or studys of any matter, rather sex, drugs, and fun. Age is not a restraint when it comes to this, as young boys and girls as young as 9 years old are doing drugs and this i kid you not.

Perhaps it is the area i live in, Orange county california, or perhaps this is the common trend, but from the friends i have who are not limited to this area, it seem as if this is a very common trend among the newer generations, and i see it as only getting worse.

Well God bless, ill leave you all with that, as i am off to bed, its very late, or should i say early, and i must get my rest =]

Love in Christ,


P.S. I saw transformers, IT WAS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 one!!11eleven!!1

Chris R

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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2007, 08:57:35 AM »

Hi Alex

Thousands of years ago, " he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy [it] for ten's sake.[Gen 18-32]

In all these two great cities of Sodom and Gomorrah where perhaps thousands of men lived,  If only ten righteous could be found..God would spare it. But not even ten could be found!  It is nothing new that men sin,

But even now  "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." 2Ti 3:13 

So yes, It will get much worse, before it gets any better.


Chris R


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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2007, 10:41:29 AM »

So true Chris and Alex,

I was thinking the other day, how glad I am to be part of this forum.  It helps keep me away from the lusts of the world and my heart and mind on the things of God.  This and work, and being totally involved in my 3 son's lives.  That is what matters to me.  The world IS getting worse and I as a mother, try to shelter my children as much as possible from it.  Sadly, alot of parents do not spend time with their kids.  Some friends tell me, I can leave my sons alone now that they are older (teenish). Boy oh boy, does the world have it wrong!  This is the time NOT TO LEAVE THEM ALONE for long periods of time! ::)



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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2007, 03:57:30 PM »

So true Chris and Alex,

I was thinking the other day, how glad I am to be part of this forum.  It helps keep me away from the lusts of the world and my heart and mind on the things of God.  This and work, and being totally involved in my 3 son's lives.  That is what matters to me.  The world IS getting worse and I as a mother, try to shelter my children as much as possible from it.  Sadly, alot of parents do not spend time with their kids.  Some friends tell me, I can leave my sons alone now that they are older (teenish). Boy oh boy, does the world have it wrong!  This is the time NOT TO LEAVE THEM ALONE for long periods of time! ::)


Yea things are really bad, and i'm just curiouse was it normal for kids at the age of 10 when you were young to be talking this way, doing these things? I think its insane, i know when i was 10, i still thought girls had coodies [SP?] lol.


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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2007, 05:15:04 PM »

Hi Alex,

No, when I was 10 - that would be about 4th grade, none of my friends were doing such things. By the way I grew up in Chicago even!  Now, the teen years were a whole new ballgame.  The children today learn way too much - way too soon in my opinion.  The schools also teach them things in hopes that they stay away.....but maybe this has backfired.



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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2007, 05:20:57 PM »

Hi Alex,

No, when I was 10 - that would be about 4th grade, none of my friends were doing such things. By the way I grew up in Chicago even!  Now, the teen years were a whole new ballgame.  The children today learn way too much - way too soon in my opinion.  The schools also teach them things in hopes that they stay away.....but maybe this has backfired.


I just wonder if this is just another sign of the end times nearing? I think that Christ will find little faith when he returns as it is now, but after my generation, will there even be one drop in the entire sea of faith for Christ to bring forth?

All things are possible with God, but like sodom and gomora [sp?] will he find even 10 righteous among all the worlds people? Perhaps 8?!

God bless,




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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2007, 05:36:38 PM »


I do believe we are nearing the end of the age. 




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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2007, 05:35:34 AM »


In my younger days, I too lived in California (Costa Mesa/Huntington Beach). And, "there is nothing new under the sun."

However, Redbird and Chris are absolutely correct.

- jER


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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2007, 01:29:49 AM »

Hi All.  Just thinking of this very thing tonite driving home.

I have to believe the breakdown of the family unit is one of the blights on our society. I am not necessarily talking of divorce in and of itself. 

I am talking it is perfectly OK to never get married and have several children by diff. men.  (I teach these kids each year).  Also the single mom, who brings into the home, a man, usually a stranger to the children, and expect everyone to make nice.  Men who come into the home, when the mom full well knows the kids don't like him. (again, this is so routine in my classroom). Men who bring their kids into a home and expect the kids to get along. Dads in jails.  Moms in jail.  Raised by grandma and the grandpa is in jail. Mom just up and leaves the dad and kids.

THAT IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!!!  I have seen it all and then some, and I am sure I will get something new and different this year.

Yes, I know this is God's will, but I am just saying......

Unless it is God's will to change us, I would have to agree that this country (and most industrial, modern nations) are going down the toilet!!

Alex, when I was 10 I knew for sure boys had cooties!!!!

My mom stayed home and cooked. My dad worked and was home by 5. I played outside w/ neighbor kids till the street lights went on.  I never heard any cussing. TV didn't teach me things or show me things that I shouldn't know about. (Think Leave it to Beaver) I wouldn't dare get in trouble at school. I got spanked if I sassed or lied or hit my sister. Every week end we saw all our aunts, uncles, cousins.
That was mostly in the 1950's.  In 1962, parents divorced, mom went to work and life for me changed.


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Re: The spiritual state of My generation, and those behind me
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2007, 04:24:02 AM »

Hi All.  Just thinking of this very thing tonite driving home.

I have to believe the breakdown of the family unit is one of the blights on our society. I am not necessarily talking of divorce in and of itself. 

I am talking it is perfectly OK to never get married and have several children by diff. men.  (I teach these kids each year).  Also the single mom, who brings into the home, a man, usually a stranger to the children, and expect everyone to make nice.  Men who come into the home, when the mom full well knows the kids don't like him. (again, this is so routine in my classroom). Men who bring their kids into a home and expect the kids to get along. Dads in jails.  Moms in jail.  Raised by grandma and the grandpa is in jail. Mom just up and leaves the dad and kids.

THAT IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!!!  I have seen it all and then some, and I am sure I will get something new and different this year.

Yes, I know this is God's will, but I am just saying......

Unless it is God's will to change us, I would have to agree that this country (and most industrial, modern nations) are going down the toilet!!

Alex, when I was 10 I knew for sure boys had cooties!!!!

My mom stayed home and cooked. My dad worked and was home by 5. I played outside w/ neighbor kids till the street lights went on.  I never heard any cussing. TV didn't teach me things or show me things that I shouldn't know about. (Think Leave it to Beaver) I wouldn't dare get in trouble at school. I got spanked if I sassed or lied or hit my sister. Every week end we saw all our aunts, uncles, cousins.
That was mostly in the 1950's.  In 1962, parents divorced, mom went to work and life for me changed.

Haha yea, what you describe is a whole ntoher world to me, i mean i feel like im in the twighlight zone when you talk about this kind of stuff, it truly is other wordly to me.

A family? Whats that? haha.

To jer;

Ty for the verse it is true, but it just makes you wonder.... is really NOTHING new under the sun, is this an absolute statement from God, or a relative statement to man? I Think it smore along the lines of Absolute from God's point of view, or am i wrong?

God bless,

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