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Author Topic: Sinners Prayer  (Read 7243 times)

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Sinners Prayer
« on: July 20, 2007, 02:10:08 PM »

A couple threads going have alluded to the "Sinners Prayer".  This has got me thinking, so I'll look forward to everyone's input.  I understand what Ray is saying about salvation not being something that can be gained in a moment, in a prayer, salvation is an enduring to the end, etc.,.  The question is this:  WHOM hasn't begun their walks with the Lord with a form of sinners prayer?  A confession made to Him about our sin and need for a Savior.  Doesn't , hasn't EVERYONE begun the journey TOWARD salvation this way??  Maybe the point is that Salvation isn't granted at that prayer, but the first step.  Nonetheless, the Sinner's Prayer is a HUGE deal.  Thoughts??


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 02:32:22 PM »

Hi sasscell,

I think what you are talking about is repentance.  I think that is the starting point, when the Holy Spirit really begins it's work in us.
Here are some emails on repentance.,2628.0.html ------

Dear Maribel:
I am sure that your "baptism" was just fine: it is the repentance category where I believe you might need a little improvement. Repent means more than to make a public confession that you like God, or that you believe there is a God, or that you desire to have God love you, or some other such thing.
Repentance means to turn from what you are doing (sinning) and from what you are (a sinner) and start living a godly life of overcoming the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life. Only God can grant such repentance (Rom. 2:4). The fact that you have come to our site, may be evidence that God is beginning to work in your life. I would encourage you to keep reading and studying the material on our site.
God will not forsake you.

God be with you,
Ray,4181.0.html ------

Dear Jim:
        Primarily, we must repent of our "carnal minds" which HATE God (I realize that most people do not believe that they ever hated God, but by their disobedience, they prove that they did), which are at the root cause of all our other sins. We repent of not only what we have done wrong, but the reason why we did wrong in the first place.  The human heart which is the seat of our emotions and morality or lack thereof, "is deceitful above all things and exceedingly WEAK--who can know it" (Jer. 17:9, Jewish Publication Society), Although all will be saved, not one will be saved until he repents of his sins, accepts Jesus Christ as the Saviour of his soul, and learns to live a godly life.
        Ask God to grant to you repentance (Rom. 2:4).
        God be with you,


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 04:33:05 PM »

 Rodger, I never said a sinners prayer would save anyone...didn't you read carefully?  It seems that the letters to Ray you included in your post were talking more about that.  You, however are perfectly right in saying that our walks START with God's calling us out, you have me there.  AT SOME POINT, I begin to realize the work HE is ALREADY doing in me (though I may not know it's Him, I may think it's my own bright idea)  and tell Him I need Him, etc.  Even if what is called a sinners prayer then is merely my acknowledgement of His work already in progress, isnt it still important and nescessary???  Perhaps like Kat said it is called something else, but it is still a prayer.  I stand by my post.


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 11:07:30 PM »

Hi sasscell,

I think I understand what you are saying.  All of us, if we've been indoctrinated into some church have said, whether in our minds, or publicly at an "alter call", some form of a sinner's prayer, guided by some preacher or pastor.  This seems like a common practice in becoming a "Christian" in almost all denominations.  So in a sense, it is something we did when we were "called" into a church system and first came to a basic knowledge of Christ. 

I don't think the prayer itself is important in that its not very accurate.  But we pray it in naivety.   Certainly at that point our childlike hearts are crying out for a Savior that we recognize we need...and that is hugely important, yes!  Sadly, after this, we must also "fall away" and "lose this first love", at least if we are to carry on the journey into "chosenhood" (is that a word?)  So it's almost like a marker, if you will, to recognize what part of the journey we are at, just like all the physical "rituals" we also fall into for a time.  This we only see, however, in looking back.  We don't have an understanding of it at the time. 

So because, in order to be chosen, one first needs to be called, the so-called "sinner's prayer" could be considered the beginning of that (being called).  But I see what Rodger is saying too, in that the real and true progress towards spiritual maturity seems to begin when you are called out of Babylon (spiritually or physically).




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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2007, 11:33:33 PM »

Well when I first met the Lord Jesusu Christ He came to me and showed me His love.  Twice He came to me and surrounded me with His love.  I believe He mets us where we are at and exactly what we need.  I did not have any church doctrine so to repent for my sins was foreign thoughts to me.  I just need that love in my life.  After the second love feast  I said "  I don;t know who your are or what you are but I want you in my life".  it was Jesus and that was 35 years ago.


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2007, 02:02:08 AM »

In 1973 My apartment was robbed and for weeks I was scared to death!!!  I kept all lights on and wouldn't go to sleep until about 4:00 (I naively thought "Who robs this late?").  Then I got up at 6:00 and went to school.

This went on for weeks!  Finally, I did the "I don't know if YOU are real but if You are I need to know" speech.  A presence came into my room and gave me PEACE.  I was giggling, and jumping around the room, and I jumped into bed and fell asleep like a baby.

Next morning I found a Bible, started reading it and have never stopped!!

Scoff if you wish, I know that I know.  I was THAT way, and then I was THIS way. My life changed completely that night.  Old friends-gone.  Old habits-gone.  Old lifestyle gone. (Now of course new ones came, old ones resurface over the last 33 years ;) Happiness that I never knew I could have.  I couldn't believe it.

I believe too that HE meets us where we are when He calls us and gives us what we need.  I NEEDED to FEEL He was real, then thru His word I KNEW it.

That is the truth! :P


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 08:50:30 AM »

I cannot recall an exact moment when my journey began.  It wasn't with a presence or becoming filled with a spirit while sitting in church or listening to a sermon.  It was very gradual.  It started sometime in my early 20s when I began acknowledging there was more to my life than, if that makes sense.  Over the years I slowly but surely began seeking Him more and more. 

I had been deceived all my life into thinking I had to go through a water baptism before I could "be saved" and join a church, so that's what I eventually did.  But my walk started long before that and my participating in the physical rituals was something I thought I was required to do.  It had no bearing on my spiritual growth whatsoever.  It sure didn't make me feel or act any different about myself or God.  I basically felt relief that I had "followed the rules" and that I had been "saved". 

I had no idea God was working on me and dragging me to Him the whole time.


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2007, 09:49:14 AM »

O.k. I think I am seeing what you are saying more clearly now Rodger, thank you, and thanks to all who are seeing what I'm trying to say.  Rodger is closing me in on a few things and that is good.  I'm not sure if I am ready to agree that a form of sinners prayer is anti-christ though.  Not that manufactured tickets out of hell aren't though!!  I am speaking only of a genuine "I see that I am a sinner in need of a Savior prayer".  Agreed that our walks don't start at that point.  However, from OUR PERSPECTIVE, AT THAT TIME, they did.  Anyway, I still feel that that genuine outcry to the Lord was in response to His work, possibly inspired of Him....anti-christ you say?  I think we need to be very careful in this area.  I am open to learn Rodger, what say you?


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2007, 10:46:25 AM »

hi all and greetings.

well if im off topic here i apologize. i think it happens a little different to all of us.

i was raised catholic, so i always"beleived" in God. at age 24 after  being a rebellious teenager

i knew somethng was wrong and there had to be something better, so one night i got on my knees and started praying, well i felt a "change" and started reading the bible vigorously and attending church again, then i got a great job in alabama and started going to a pentacostal church i was on fire!! after a yr i moved back to GA. and man was i on fire to save people from hell, looking back i can see how self righteous i was and so condeming of others i actually drove them away, well this was the point  i was knocked down and thrown into the wilderness, oh i was a beleiver but could not let go of the flesh, i was literally tormented in the presence of the lamb for 20 yrs!!! all the while desperatly trying to be "good" and so after 20 yrs i cried out to God, show me LOVE what is LOVE, who are you GOD..etc.....after a few months of crying out to God he showed up!! YES he showed up for it was time for my visitation!!

there is much more to my  story but looking back i can truly see it was in fact ALL the working of God all those yrs being prepared to deny freewill!! and to be ready to have scripture opened up to me!! how awsome is GOD!!!!

we tend to live in real time and cant really see till we look back do we understand whats ahead!!

while the term "sinners prayer" is a man made term, we all at one point have to go thru  some form of  it for it is the beginnig of being called out!!! for some it takes 20 yrs for others only days, God know when and where :P :-*

the problem with orthodoxy;s sinners prayer is they leave you there in the dirt/carnal mind ((darkness/error))drinking milk.

they dont tell you what you must go thru and prepare you that your not saved but being saved :o

90. Two Spirits
15 ...From the God of Knowledge is all that is and shall be; before they were, he made all their designs.
16 And when they come to be they testify to his glory as planned, fulfilling their deeds and changing nothing. In his hand
17 are all judgments, and he will support them in all their needs. And he created Man (enosh) for dominion
18 over the earth; and he appointed two spirits for him to walk in until the time of his visitation. These are the Spirits 19 of Truth and of Error. Those born of Truth are in a spring of Light; and those born of Error are from a well of darkness. 20 In the hand of the Prince of Light is dominion over all the sons of Righteousness who walk in all the ways of Light. But in the hand of the Angel
21 of Darkness is dominion over all the sons of Error, who walk in the ways of darkness.
--- Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule (1QS) 3.15-21

be well and blessings in YESHUA
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 11:25:30 AM by chuckt »


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2007, 12:32:18 PM »

Agreed that our walks don't start at that point.  However, from OUR PERSPECTIVE, AT THAT TIME, they did.

From my perspective, AT THAT TIME, I thought I was obeying a God-given command.  Even back then I did not feel that my walk started at that moment.  I had been seeking God long before I got up in church and did the sinner's prayer.  I was striving for obedience.  I thought it was something I had to do along the way in order to be saved. 

For me, I think the beginning of being called out was the day I "heard" a voice say "Go to church."  Hmmm, I guess I did have a visitation after all!  But this was about a year or so after I began actively seeking God.  I found a church and within a few weeks I became a regular visitor. 


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2007, 12:46:38 PM »

Thanks Carol.  I think maybe we should try to define sinners prayer.  I think there are 2 ways and maybe that is why I feel some are misunderstanding me.  1. A PUBLIC prayer led my someone else usually including an altar call, after a very manipulative hell-fire sermon.  2.  A PRIVATE prayer, after a realization of need of a Savior.  I am talking about number 2.  Maybe even both could be happening at the same time for some.


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2007, 02:08:22 AM »

Well, even Paul the apostle said in Philippians 3:12 - Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2007, 10:12:30 AM »

AS  mature christians bring every thought word and deed captive to the mind of Christ!!

peace all


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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2007, 10:43:54 AM »

Hi Sasscel,

God works in different ways for different people. In my case, I never said any sort of "sinners prayer" either publically or privately to God. My praying to God has always been and now is very informal. During the time that I "got saved" I did repent, in the light that I had back then. But I think this is a process, and as I walk with Him, He reveals further things in me that I need to repent of.

And way back then, I did accept Him as my Lord and Saviour, in a very childish way. I was just so happy not to have to go to hell! But looking back, I still lived carnally. This too is a process. The old things fall away, and God continuously does something new. It is sometimes painful, but glorious, as God reveals to us our carnal nature, and gradually transforms us into what He wants us to be.

I remember about a year after I got "saved", I told a friend that I never actually said the sinners prayer. She said, "Oh, well maybe you better say it now, just to make sure."!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Re: Sinners Prayer
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2007, 06:29:21 PM »

Kinda reminds me of then Moses gave Israel the law, and they were like" oh, yeah, we can do that!"  They had NO CLUE what they were getting into.  Thanks for all the responses to my post.  Interesting points Rodger, were your questions about prayer pointed of rhetorical?  Do we pray for our needs, or Gods will?  Both I guess. Christ taught the disciples to pray for their daily bread and the Fathers will to be this what you were alluding to?  Anyway, great post and Braddigans scripture summed it up beautifully.  Thanks. 
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