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Author Topic: Why moved to a restricted section?  (Read 13113 times)

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Why moved to a restricted section?
« on: August 05, 2007, 12:30:12 AM »

I didn't want to post in seminole of 'why' because it is not same topic as he (or she?) have. So, I use different topic.

I don't know if this post is suppose to be in general discussions or off topic.

(to: moderates)
I tried and tried not to say anything but didn't work for me. I need to express my feeling instead of holding my feeling to death. Over month ago, I saw New topic post "Thank you for all the help. I am leaving the forum." I clicked it but it said "moved to a restricted section", so I send with personal message to moderate if this is for 'private or public' or what happened but did not answered me. So I let it go. But to me, why take it away? Can't we see who is from? Is this member that we know em well? I (or we) like to know why he or she left. If this person who made new topic is mistake or changed mind, then moderates can leave the post (removed his or her name & message if preferred private) and they can brief message that this person is made mistake or changed mind? If this person is not mistake/changed mind, then can't we read it and learn something, because I am (or we) concerning?

Then later, another new topic "a new look at Gehenna" last week but it was "restricted section" again. Why can't we learn test the spirits? I know Ray has installments to answers, but what if this topic is true? Or what if this is false? I'm not looking for fault Ray, no, I just want to learn to test spiritual. We cannot tell if the the topic is true or false. The moderates read it and take away from us, this cause me (or us) difficult time to trust moderates. My suggest is they can leave the post there and if they believe this is not good but leave it and 'locked' it with the message there, then they can explained why they locked. So that way we can learn of who moderates and their handling? Like cautious or teaching us?

Can't I (or we) have the right to test the spirits and to learn as the moderates do?

Can't I (or we) learn to trust the moderates?

My suggest (again) is if the threads is getting big debating, then moderates can locked it and explained why.

So that way I (or we) can trust who are moderates........ :-\

Moderates, sorry I post it because I feel that you would not answer me in personal message of this serious issues, so that is why I post it in public to made (or force) you to answer ;D.

Brett  :-[

« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 12:31:52 AM by Brett »


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2007, 01:01:56 AM »,3614.0.html

How this Forum is Moderated 

From time to time we seem to experience members who need to be reminded of our purpose in having this Forum.

We are writing this post with the hope that at a minimum you will try to understand, and at most we hope you will take to heart.

From time to time the moderators come under some fire for banning users.  This post is an attempt to let you know what we as moderators are trying to achieve on the forum.

As it states in the rules: This forum is primarily a place for people of a like mind to fellowship, and secondarily to discuss and question what they learn on

Our number one purpose is to “fellowship with those of like mind”, most understand this without a problem, it is the questioning that seems most have a problem with, so we will address this.

The moderators have received emails and postings accusing us of being unloving, Ray’s puppets, closed minded, Babylonians, etc.   We would be lying if we said these words do not hurt from time to time, but when we go to the Father with our prayers, our spirit is right and of one accord.

We moderators do not care what you believe, and all are welcome to fellowship on the board, unlike some Christian sites we are open for any Guest that happens along to read what is on the forum.  But we have a narrow set of rules defined as to the purpose of the forum and we will guard this with all our being.  Questioning as to trying to get a better understanding of what the Scriptures state as taught by Ray Smith is what we are here for.  This forum is for those of “like mind” to fellowship.  If you are not of like mind that is fine just don’t post your beliefs, or debate here.  The moderators are not here to ferret out the truth of any doctrine or “feeling” that the members may have.

We as moderators will say one thing for ourselves; we can see the gifts each other has to lead this forum.  Discernment is a very important gift and speaking from experience we have been blessed to be correct in our handling of the members, if not immediately then over time our decisions prove to be the right one.  The membership does not see all that goes on behind the scenes with PM’s, emails and posts before we make the decision to dis-fellowship ourselves with a member. And we moderators do not wish to make these dealings public, embarrass (some of their pm's and emails would be embarassing, and show their true intentions)), or “call out” these persons we have banned.  That is why you will not see it posted that someone is gone.

Banning a member is the hardest decision we as moderators make and at times we all look at each other to see who will “push the button” on a member.  Some members who are banned make it very easy, after one post we can see that they are obviously trying to cause trouble (trolls).  Others are more difficult but we try to give them the benefit of the doubt, after some time their intentions become known.  Still the hardest to ban is a member who has been in good standing for some time and then has a “revelation” and brings their own “teaching” to the rest of us.

If you ever catch yourself falling into the last group, please step back and remember the rules of the forum.  The moderators are not here to go through your teaching and decide if you are right or wrong (you may well be right), when we see these posts we will delete them, and you may be asked to stop posting these views, if you continue we will do what is necessary to protect the forum.  Isn’t there enough that we can agree on?

We have been emailed over the years Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron, and warned of following false prophets.  If you believe you are “iron”, then go sharpen on any of a thousand forums and websites on the internet, if you believe that Ray is a false prophet then we will not try to dissuade you from your belief.   We just ask that you keep your opinions to yourself when you are on this forum.  Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

Ray does not cover all that is within scripture but what he does cover we believe to be true; as such we try our best to keep discussions centered on Ray’s teaching of the scripture and to keep out the leaven of other teachings.  If we didn’t do this, how long do you think it would take for the forum to turn into chaos?  Who would you trust to determine what is right?  I say the Spirit revealed this to me and you say the Spirit revealed something entirely different, who do you trust?   What of this scripture?

1 Corinthians 4:14-15 - I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you. For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

There are many, many “would be teachers” but very few “real teachers” and it does not take long for the “wolf” to enter and devour the flock.  And the majority of the time, the “wolf” is good people who do not even recognize it in themselves.  Therefore we keep the teachings of this forum centered on Christ’s teachings as revealed to Ray Smith; else who are you going to trust?  Yourself??

The apostle Paul could not be with every congregation he started and in short time falsehoods crept into the flock, and he admonished them with his letters.  A few years after his death, very little of Paul’s teachings were intact.  What we have left is the doctrines, that Christ, now calls us out of.

One thing members must be somewhat wary of is those who post good words, emotional responses or their own authoritative understandings of scripture.  We moderators try to discern these posts for the membership, and hope that they will trust our judgment.
A verse comes to mind:

Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

That has and will continue to happen from time to time.  And these type of  members are the most distructive to the forum if their masks are pulled back.  A good article for all members to look at is,3719.0.html or Ray's teaching on love.

There are those who have been members, emailing current members stating “Ray is very blessed but he is just a man” and that “the BT forum looks to him for all the answers”.  To the first statement we say of course he is a man, and second we do not look to him for all the answers, but as for the truths he has presented; yes we do hold his teaching of scripture over any other “man” and their belief on what the “spirit” tells/leads them.  People claim the spirit is leading them this way and that all the time, honestly, do you really trust that spirit or person?  We believe the majority that are here, for the first time, have heard the “Spirit of God” through Ray’s teachings and recognize it as such.  But, if not, any member here is free to listen to whatever “spirit” leads them.  We just ask you abide by our forum rules.

We know that there are those out there that will read what is written here and try to pick it apart and apply jaded views on what we are saying and do their best to say “see I told you the moderators, or the forum is wrong, following Ray not Christ”.  That is not what we believe and to those of you that say this, we say “we are sorry for you and hope you can find peace with yourselves in this life”.

The forum should not be the end all in your search for the truth, but it will give you some solid ground by which to continue your journey. Members are free, and welcome to visit and join other forums on the internet, our prayer is that you will not be misled and be able to recognize if their words are truth.  The moderators do not want anyone to be a member here who does not feel comfortable and if you are of that mind we wish you well in your search.

Remember this, if the forum was not moderated closely then it would be closed.  The pupose of the forum is to give the few who agree with Bible-Truths and its teaching a place to fellowship.  It's not a religious forum to get as many members as we can.

God Bless

The Moderators



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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2007, 02:09:17 AM »

thats the ticket!!!!

 ;D 8) ;D


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2007, 09:50:00 AM »

so I send with personal message to moderate if this is for 'private or public' or what happened but did not answered me.

I don't know why you did not get an answer.  Members keep in mind, if you click on "report post to moderator", for some reason this does not work you need to PM them directly.  I've had members pm me and ask why I did not respond to something and found out that feature did not work. 

From what I remember of the post, Dean did not leave and the posts took on a nasty tone.  Members where admonished and the post was taken off the forum.



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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2007, 10:26:30 AM »

Hi Brett,

The "Gehenna" topic was removed because it was a blatant attempt at teaching a totally unscriptural message full of supposition, opinions and the doctrines of men.

Yes, there are many members that would or could see it for what it was but how about new members and guests who come here because of the articles on Bible Truths, they would see something like that and would have to wonder what this site was really all about.

The other reason is a subject such as that one is sure to cause debate and derision (by some) and those are not the reasons why this site is here. As Kat and Craig stated earlier this Forum is primarily here to discuss the articles on Bible Truths, I believe that is the reason the majority of us are here.

It is never a problem to present a question or submit an idea for us to discuss and discern together but a 1000 word (or more) teaching is not allowed as per the rules we all agreed to upon joining here.

I always try to answer any PM's as promptly as possible if I ever missed anyone I apologize, it would never be my intention to ignore any member's PM.

His Peace to you,




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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2007, 01:27:57 PM »

I don't like the way this forum is moderated either, Brett. I don't agree with the moving to private sections, with the reasons why some threads are locked and or deleted, and why some members are banned. You say they come in here preaching doctrines of men; so why not refute them instead of copping out? You say newbies to the forum will get confused and wonder what this forum is all about; not if they also see the refutation. It will only strengthen what is the widely held belief on this forum, and prove how erroneous the Christian doctrines are for all to see.

Unless it's a porn link, spam, foul and or abusive language, or improper photos or something, I see no reason to delete a post, a thread and or ban someone.

This is my opinion,


« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 01:35:34 PM by Sorin »


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2007, 01:42:49 PM »

It is amazing to me how people love to get offended, it is true in almost every facet of our lives, even here. Whenever an action is taken by a moderator there will be some who say "why did you do that?" And there will also be those who say "what took you so long?"  ???

This Forum was created to discuss the papers on Bible Truths not as a soapbox for would be teachers, antagonists, flamethrowers and the like. Now if we all had a deep grasp of all the articles and wanted to dissect certain fallacies together maybe that would work, but today this is not yet the case.

How many of us have a good understanding of the scriptures? I think we know the answer, but there are those who say "What about the Gospel of Judas, of Thomas, how about the apocrypha?" How about becoming familiar with the Bible as we have it now first?

There are never going to be decisions made that will be greeted by 100% agreement, well maybe that statement might get 100% but very few others.....  ;)

If you want debates visit or join one of the 10's of thousands of christian sites dedicated to that activity, if you want to discuss the articles on Bible Truths you have come to the right place!

His Peace to you,



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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2007, 02:18:02 PM »

I don't like the way this forum is moderated either

I'm going to be blunt here.   You don't have to like it you just have to accept it, if you can't then move on.  As Joe said there are thousands of "Christian" forums out there that allow everything and anything in between, have fun.

The rules of the forum and how it is moderated is as clear as we can make them, to join the forum you agree to them.  If you change your mind then you are free to leave, we are not here to get as many members as possible, and we realize the rules will not sit well with some. 



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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2007, 02:28:24 PM »

Wow! Wasn't expecting that. But whatever, I'll leave then.


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2007, 02:57:08 PM »

I just PM'd Sorin and he is already gone!!!

You mods answered very clearly and w/o offense I thought.  You have had to defend yourselves several times and remind the board what the "raison d'etre" is.

So you lock a thread.  Joe you explained it very well when you locked the suffering thread.  It had splintered off. If a thread is moved, so what.  You have your reasons.

I don't understand the "touchiness" or "have to be right and make that point" mentality.  We are here because we feel Ray's teachings are worth discussing and fellowshipping around.

I had just PM'd Joe saying how good the board has been lately. Didn't know all the drama going on I guess.

To read this forum I take time away from reading Ray's site.  I feel the teaching I get here will make up for it.  Then I love seeing how people are doing in their lives-ups and downs. I mean I fellowship w/ people around the world and every walk of life here!

Oh well, my 2 cents anyway. I still will miss any who leave.


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2007, 03:30:34 PM »

Hi Everyone,

I speak for myself on this, but I do not believe for a second that the moderators have a problem with questions being asked and answered within the thread, providing the discourse is in harmony with the Spirit in and edifying in an uplifting way; clearly seen as such by the fruits.

Rom 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

Where is the Spirit, if there is no peace amongst the brethren? This question is almost horrifying :(

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Gal 5:23  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

With Love in the name of Christ, the Lamb

« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 03:33:46 PM by YellowStone »


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2007, 04:01:21 PM »

Amen, Darren.


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2007, 06:12:20 PM »

Moderates, thanks for the response.

I didn't realize my post cause this problem, like "I'm leaving". I am very sorry for this caused. I understand what Joe, Craig and Kat explained the best they can. It does not mean I agree with them about 'restricted section', but it does not mean I will leave the forum because of that. All I'm asking is, leave the post on like "new look gehenna" or any posts and locked it with moderates brief mesaage. But, if moderates do not agree with me, that is okay as long as we respect one another. Just like wife and husband, you know sometimes they not always agree for any issues but they do agree most of things and some of things they don't but they love each other and respect each other. There is no need arguing or upsetting (or even divorced).

Moderates, I'm really sorry for this caused. You can locked it, if you want to.

I really like Sorin, but it hurts me when it said "I'm leaving". I'm sure it hurts someone, too. I'm sorry, again. I'm embarassing.




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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2007, 06:13:04 PM »

I don't like the way this forum is moderated either,   

Unless it's a porn link, spam, foul and or abusive language, or improper photos or something, I see no reason to delete a post, a thread and or ban someone.

This is my opinion,


OK so unless it is porn. spam, foul or abusive language, improper photos all is well and should be tolerated?

I don't like the way this forum is moderated either

I'm going to be blunt here.   You don't have to like it you just have to accept it, if you can't then move on.  As Joe said there are thousands of "Christian" forums out there that allow everything and anything in between, have fun.

The rules of the forum and how it is moderated is as clear as we can make them, to join the forum you agree to them.  If you change your mind then you are free to leave, we are not here to get as many members as possible, and we realize the rules will not sit well with some. 



I detect a difference of opinion, what next?

Wow! Wasn't expecting that. But whatever, I'll leave then.

Sorin, why are you not being an example of this "tolerance" you expect from the moderators? You see something you do not agree with and POOF! you are gone, thankfully we do not deal with disagreements or differences of opinion by shutting everything down.

Another difference of opinion I suspect.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2007, 06:23:17 PM »

Hi Brett,

No need to apologize or be embarrassed at all!

We are going to have differences of opinion here and everywhere, the real issue is how we deal with them, the Forum is here to discuss Ray's papers. To be honest I have not seen anyone so advanced in understanding (myself included) that these articles can be brushed aside.

Let us speak of things we have common ground on and if there is something to be scripturally refuted by all means provide the scriptures and we will address it. Giving weight to every heretic opinion is a huge waste of time, expecting the moderators to dissect thousand word essays with no scriptural authority is presumptuous and unrealistic.

Dear Brother Brett, do not be troubled by any of this, it is to be expected, we need to look to His Spirit within to discern how we interact with our brethren.

His peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2007, 03:47:59 AM »


Thank you for being kindness to me. :) And thanks for the explaining for me, my brother Joe.

Brett :D



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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2007, 04:19:47 AM »

Thanks a lot all... I've learned from this thread as well!

Joy, Janice  HO!


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2007, 07:41:23 PM »

I don't understand all of this either . Oh , by the way, Someone posting above didn't know if I was male or female. seminole is male. They don't have girls playing football where I am from! No foul or harm though!
I get that most peple here study based on what Ray has written or spoken of. I am NOT putting him or anybody else down. My take is the Bible. Some may say that the Bible as we have it today had stuff left out but that is what we have and that is what I'll stand on. It is clear that Ray studies a lot and that is great. I have to stand firstly on what my Bible says. If Ray is teaching the Bible all the better but I have to see it for myself. I want to read and study so I can get my mind around it.I trust God to deal with my heart and brain as I read the Bible. That's not to say I don't trust the words or study of someone else I just need to study and see for myself too.


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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2007, 07:56:32 PM »


I am curious as to whether you have read Ray's writings especially the Lake of Fire series.  You seem to have a lot of issues that I believe is very evident and easy to understand from Ray's writings which are strictly tied to scripture.



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Re: Why moved to a restricted section?
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2007, 08:04:26 PM »

I have read them. Matter of fact I have read through almost all the areas there. I will be the first to point out that my ability to retain knowledge easily is impaired. I took too many hits to the head and too many dugs and alcohol! Maybe someone like me who has these limitations shouldn't even be here. Sometimes I wonder because I sure don't have the knowledge of most of the people here.
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