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Author Topic: Saved Tithes UGH!  (Read 6594 times)

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Saved Tithes UGH!
« on: December 09, 2007, 02:41:05 PM »

This email thanks to Ray bothered me. Did it trouble any of you?

Here is the email quote :

Thanks for the tithing teaching
« on: December 06, 2007, 02:21:25 PM » 

Thanks for the teaching on tithing, that has set me free, On Friday 30th November 2007 it was pay day of my wages, and i kept back 10% which is $160 (USD) and when i read one half (Part one) I was set free and said to myself to put back the $160 back in my pocket. It is great to have now the freedom to freely give and be a blessing. Praise God.
Also I have heard of  Pastors preaching to give money to their church. The thought makes me angry because i see them in luxuries, Also TV ministers who preach it also.
Thanks again
Every Blessing

For me it is rather like reading thanks from a person who has learnt there is no "Hell" and they write back saying THANK YOU now I can go and party and indulge I feel so free now...thanks!

I just hope Steve has sent some form of financial gratuity to BT that I might not know about ??? I am not trying to appear holier than Steve. If you have to give then great and if not then you do the best you can.

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2007, 06:05:29 PM »

Hopefully as he continues to read Ray he will realize we are still to be a GIVING people, but in freedom, not under the law.


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2007, 06:35:08 PM »

Yes G!

I feel for this fellow.  Not paying the Tithe does not mean to stop giving.

Perhaps he will find this out sooner than later and even come here to join in the Forum :) What a testimony that could be in swerving into the pendulum opposite direction to the bondage of Tithing and then come to rest in the knowledge of the myth of self sufficiency!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2007, 06:44:32 PM »

I think that may be a prevalent idea around Ray's website, maybe not so much on the forum.

The idea that, Yahoooooo...I don't have to pay out any more $$$$!  When my son read it on BT that is exactly what he thought.

A lot of people like the physical--they just pay a set amount and somehow that pleases God and they've paid their dues, no grey areas.... Now the spiritual- to listen to His voice and obey - is a wee bit harder, not as neat and tidy, can't list it on your tax return!! ;)


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2007, 07:17:35 PM »

Put yourself in his shoes...No judging  ;)



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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2007, 10:27:41 PM »

My old church used to always emphasize how important it was to not only give tithes and offerings, but it was "imperative" that you give to "this" church.  Anything else above and beyond was o.k. afterward. :o

I have always seen giving as more than just $$  Please do not get me wrong, there are so many financial needs that we, as followers of Christ, need to help others with as we are able.

What I try to teach my children is that their time, along with a loving heart, is worth more than any dollar amount.
Time given to another, no matter how small, is something we can never get back. 
Whether we visit the sick, poor, elderly, or orphaned, or just lend a helping hand when you would rather be doing something else, these are precious gifts.  If we can master these things, then giving money will never be an issue. ;)

Matt   :)


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2007, 01:17:30 AM »

It is great to have now the freedom to freely give and be a blessing.

I read it and thought he was saying he could now freely give and not be obligated to give it to the church.



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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2007, 01:59:43 AM »

Put yourself in his shoes...No judging

I was in his shoes! That is perhaps the better point to make here. Giving Tithes in the conditional way that it is falsely taught through Babylon, became for me a work of the flesh, an assumption that my works (giving) MADE God HAVE TO BLESS ME as is taught that HE WOULD by HIS opening the windows of heaven to me and that HE would rebuke the devourer for me. That if I GAVE my tenth then I HAD GOD IN A CORNER! 

I was writting a book on this very subject when my husband was given to advise me to read Ray's Tithing paper and the truth set me free too and the devourer has come and humbled me not making me distrust God, but understand why GOD  has created evil.

God still loves a cheerful giver and those who can give should indeed be cheerful. To whom much is given, much is required! As you say Matthew, giving is not only physical. It is washing the feet of our brethren. It is so much more than our works. It is obedience to God. What a wonderful path to follow instead of the false teachings that are birthed out of vanity, deception and pride.

MG that is a comforting thought that he means now he can freely give without obligation or bondage. Yes that is certainly a much better place to be away from the lies of Babylon.

G. you can't list it on your tax return!   :D...well that sure would be rendering to Caesar what is God's! How many companies do that anyway? ....

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2007, 11:14:20 AM »

Put yourself in his shoes...No judging

I was in his shoes! That is perhaps the better point to make here. Giving Tithes in the conditional way that it is falsely taught through Babylon, became for me a work of the flesh, an assumption that my works (giving) MADE God HAVE TO BLESS ME as is taught that HE WOULD by HIS opening the windows of heaven to me and that HE would rebuke the devourer for me. That if I GAVE my tenth then I HAD GOD IN A CORNER! 

I was writting a book on this very subject when my husband was given to advise me to read Ray's Tithing paper and the truth set me free too and the devourer has come and humbled me not making me distrust God, but understand why GOD  has created evil.

God still loves a cheerful giver and those who can give should indeed be cheerful. To whom much is given, much is required! As you say Matthew, giving is not only physical. It is washing the feet of our brethren. It is so much more than our works. It is obedience to God. What a wonderful path to follow instead of the false teachings that are birthed out of vanity, deception and pride.

MG that is a comforting thought that he means now he can freely give without obligation or bondage. Yes that is certainly a much better place to be away from the lies of Babylon.

G. you can't list it on your tax return!   :D...well that sure would be rendering to Caesar what is God's! How many companies do that anyway? ....

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

Hey Deborah,
The last paragraph above 'sounds like' you don't have tax deductible charitable donations in your country.  Am I mistaken?  Just wondering, since we have so many 'not for profit' group designations in the U. S.

Personally I am presently not in favor of tax exempt status for churches at least not for all the properties that they own and say that they use for spreading "their own" dogma.  I know that it may be helpful for some groups and for the pastors who save a little on their salaries, but it also gives the government access to and potential control of a group's teaching or outreach. 

Some courts of law in the U. S. and other nations have restricted what a pastor can preach if it is not considered politically correct.  Once a group applies for (501-3c status) and files all the reports required, they subject themselves to outside control of their message.  Of course this doesn't harm the really big corporate groups because they employ law firms to lobby for privilege and so appear to cooperate with the regulations.  Or they just preach what is acceptable and rake in the "filthy mammon"  see Matt 6:24

Does anyone else have some input on this topic?

Indiana Bob


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2007, 02:51:16 PM »

Hello Bob

Thank you for your post. Yes we do have tax exempt status for so called "charities"  and religious groups. I think this is a world wide phenomenon.

I am concerned more for the motive why people Tithe. They are taught that if they do not God will curse them. That is not a sound basis for giving anything. It calls to mind the Scripture where Jesus describes what one of the talent recipients buried his talent and gave it back to his Lord because he had believed and said the he knew the Lord to be "harsh and hard, reaping where he did not sow and gathering where he had not winnowed the grain." Mat 25:24 To this man the Lord said You wicked and lazy and idle servant! Did you indeed KNOW  that I reap where I have not sowed and gather where I have not winnowed? Then you should have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received what was my own with interest. ...throw the good for nothing servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.

Tithe payers would be better off investing in the Bank than in Babylon! :D Does this not perhaps show how those who follow Babylon will share in her plagues? Tithe money yields no interest and is extorted through false teaching and nurturing of a blasphemous perception of God that unless repented of would bring a share in the warned of plagues of Babylon. What cheerful giving could ever possibly come out of such skewered and bent motives of hearts set against and teaching, leading and believing a lie about God?

Perhaps this too is what is meant by the Blind indeed do lead the blind. Together they will fall.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 04:04:03 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2007, 05:34:22 PM »


Yes that post initially struck me exactly as you describe, plus I thought the poster was preparing to get a sarcastic dig at Ray. 

Now I think G is right, the poster is experiencing the freedom of the truth on tithing for the first time and firsthand.


                                             Charles O


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Re: Saved Tithes UGH!
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2007, 05:59:52 PM »

I agree CEO

Thank you for your observations.

My hope is that this person checks his motives for having Tithed in the first place.  :)   I hope he does not run off celebrating his healing from the scourge of deception but that he does go back to Jesus to thank Him and receive restoration through repentance.

Freedom from the Truth surely has to lead to repentance for the error ;D

Luke 17 : 17 Then Jesus asked, Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the nine?

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
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