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Author Topic: Introducing Myself  (Read 7795 times)

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Introducing Myself
« on: January 07, 2008, 09:46:17 PM »

Hello Everyone,
                     Allow me to tell you alittle about myself. Firstly I love to research Biblical Subjects, always attempting to find spiritual truth. Early in my life, it always troubled me that a loving and merciful God could and would Eternally Torment people based on what they did or didn't do right or wrong in such a short life span (70-90 years, if you happened to live that long). In 1981 I began to read and study some of the Watchtower(Jehovahs' witnesses) literature particularly that of Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society and how early on in his ministry he deplored the teaching of Eternal Torment and how this brought reproach on our Heavenly Father. In the Early 1900's, he publicly debated with many of Christendoms' Clergy, proving that the dead were not conscious in Hell(Hades) and that their future hope was in the ressurection, not inherent immortality. Although Charles Russell didn't believe in Universal Restoration for all, he was headed in that direction early in his ministry, unfortunately he got caught up in End time prophecies, falsely predicting the End of this Age in 1914 and other false predictions. The reason I bring this up is because these initial teachings: ( Soul Sleep, Non-Trinitarianism and no endless torture of the wicked,ignorant and unbelieving) attracted me to become a J.W. I spent twenty years of my life as a Jehovahs' Witness(1983-2003) before writing an extensive letter of resignation to the local body of Elders and to the Watchtowers Governing Body in Brooklyn, N.Y. The main reason for resigning from the J.W.s was due to their extreme legalism on  every personal or doctrinal matter where the Scriptures are either silent or not explicitly clear. In their case, they make these matters rules that must be followed or the individual could be subject to expulsion and considered spiritually dead to the congregation with prospects of Eternal Death at Armageddon. After coincidentally stumbling at various sites emphasizing the Universal Restitution of all approximately 8-12 months ago, I began to realize that the Watchtower is almost as reprehensible as the other denominations in that, instead of sending everyone, except them to never ending Torments, they send every one else besides themselves to never ending death. Everyone who dies at Armageddon, regardless of ignorance will be Eternally dead, except the Jehovahs' Witnesses. I reasoned with myself that a Loving and merciful God(1John4:8) wouldn't do that. After reading an article written by John Wesley Hanson about the meaning of the Greek Words Aion(age-lasting) and Kolasin(the pruning of the luzurian tree, chastisement, disipline with a view to correction) and how they were originally defined in the New Testament, I was on my way to further research, hence my finding Rays site about two weeks ago, I visit this site every day since that initial discovery. I have one question for KAT, before I conclude this post, Did you in the past ever post at Randy Watters free minds site guest book, the reason I ask is because I read some posts from that web-site by someone who referred to themselves as KAT.  With Christian Love to All, Samson.


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 06:30:26 AM »

Hi Samson... 

It's great you dropped in!  Cool intro, thanks. 8)

I tip my hat off to you for making the effort to write that extensive letter to the JW authorities.  BRAVO!!

You sound like a well-rounded individual and that's a GOOD SIGN!

Christ's joy to you!


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 08:55:36 AM »

Hi Samson,

Welcome to the Forum, you have certainly been on an interesting journey and one of the few things we can be sure of in this flesh (other than God's promises) is that it is going to get a whole lot more interesting as you/we continue.  ;)

There are a wide variety of experiences here from folks all over the globe, we look forward to fellowshipping with you!




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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 10:35:36 AM »

Good Morning to Janice and Joe,
                                            Thankyou for your speedy and welcoming responses. Sometimes after spending all these years searching for truth and reading all the variety of Bible information, I feel like the Apostle Paul at Acts. 26:24-29, where Festus says to Paul, " Now as he was saying these things in his defense, Festus said in a loud voice: You are going mad, Paul, Great learning is driving you into madness." Yes, one can overwhelm themselves with all this information and learning, but you have to want it. My real name is Brad, but I chose the name Samson, because he's one of my favorite Bible characters and I can identify with him regarding the naggers and the weepers, ie- Delilah and the woman that proceeded her in Samsons life. He seemed like such a good guy, trying to do his best to serve God and please Delilah, but he emotionally caved in, poor fellow. The strongest man that ever lived, but a woman did him in. Of course nothing personal towards any one, just having alittle fun. Believe it or not, this is my first home computer, purchased this past December of 2007, with a printer too. Used to go to the Library to do my Bible Christian research, now look out.  Heard about Universal Salvation in the distant past, but dismissed the possibility of it being true, as it seemed to good to be true, however when you've been subjected to extreme Legalism and Judgementalism as I have in my former religious experience, you grow very tired and weary of mortal men trying to decide the fate of someones eternal destiny, reducing our Heavenly Father to their level. Shortly, I'm on my way to the tennis courts, no I don't live in Florida or California, instead its' Easton Pennsylvania. My days off are during the week, most of my working hours are on the weekend, less people to deal with.   With Christian Love to all of you and hope to hear from more of you, Samson.


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 10:41:38 AM »

Hi Brad,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)
It is so interesting the journey that leads us here, different, but the same.  I was in church for 25 years, 15 of those in WorldWide, so I know about the "Legalism and Judgementalism."
That wasn't me at the other site.  I came to BT and studied many months before I would even join this forum.  I love the fellowship I have here, it is such a blessing.  But I have no desire to join any other forum.
God brings us here from different experiences and that gives us all a little different perspective.  That makes the discussions interesting and helpful.  So I hope you will join in and share with us here.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 06:02:42 PM »

Hi Kat,

         Thankyou for your welcome to this forum, actually this is the first forum I ever joined, was only a guest at other and previous sites, this computer communicating is rather new to me. While searching around this site, I just discovered what a locked topic was when trying to make a reply about death, an encouraging word. Discovering it was locked because of the Reincarnation Post, one would have to believe in immortality of the soul to believe in that. Anyway, may the Love of our Heavenly father and his Son, our lord Jesus Christ be with you and direct your effforts--------------Samson


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 07:30:41 PM »

Welcome Samson!!  Looking forward to your posts!!  Awesome testimony!!!


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 07:43:51 PM »

Welcome to the forum and GOD Bless you in everything. I am glad you are joining us and I can assure you that most of our stories are very much like yours. Spend as much time as possible reading Ray's teachings and in GOD'S Word. All of us have our wilderness experience but our GOD will overcome all pain and suffering in HIS time. As long as we are in this fleshly body we can do little. Surrender all to HIM and HE will see you through everything. He promises suffering to all that are HIS but the rewards are well worth it.
Keep reading, knocking, searching and GOD will reveal HIMSELF. Legalism is something you will not find here.


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2008, 08:00:23 PM »

Welcome Samson,
Glad you have joined the forum.
I also was a Jw for 13 years.
I know of what you speak.

Its a blessing to be here and we have some great family here.
Looking forward to your post!

Gods speed.


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2008, 07:31:41 AM »

Welcome Samson[/b]


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2008, 11:34:26 AM »

Hi Samson,

Well, congratulations on leaving the JW"s! You must have had a very difficult time right afterwards, especially if you still have family there. I knew some ex-JW's who were shunned by their families. Heart-breaking. Yeah, those cult-type groups can be very destructive. I remember some of the things my friends used to tell me, like having to go door-to-door at least 12 hours a week, and recording it. Sheesh! And Jesus apparently landed on earth in 1925 (?) except no one has actually seen him. Um.....sure.

Ursula :)


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2008, 02:47:20 PM »

Hi Ursala,

               Thankyou for your response and Greetings. Actually I had and have no objection to going Door to Door telling others about Gods wonderfull truths. However in the New Testament, their is no evidence that Jesus went Door to Door in his ministry, he didn't need to, everyone was always trying to find him, he couldn't find a quiet place to rest. The Account in Luke.10:1-16 shows that the seventy sent out were to stay overnight at a house deserving, accepting lodging, food and drink provided, etc and to not be transferring from House to house. The fact that the Apostles and early Christians visited believers in private homes, (Acts.20:20,Acts.2:46,Acts.5:42) is clear from scripture. Paul preached Publicly and then proceeded to visit them in their homes. The greek word Kat oikon or Kat oikous can be rendered either house to house or private homes, but in a distributive sense, not necessarily consecutive as JWs practice this. My reason for mentioning all of this is that I don't consider preaching and teaching house to house as being wrong, but its not Scripturally required. I happen to have enjoyed going to peoples homes, but have come to realize that this method is ineffective, actually I had more success and more quality Bible conversations witnessing informally, when I was a J.W. and during the time thats transpired since my departure. I believe that RAY responds to an E-mail about Door to Door and how ineffective it would be in reaching people. In reference to your other comment about family still in,fortunately for me their weren't any, thank God for that. When I write my Testimony for this site, I'll explain more detail about my leaving and my subsequent search therafter. In my case, I wasn't Disfellowshiped for wrongdoing, but resigned of my own accord and now am labled an Apostate, to be completely shunned by all including the body of Elders. Actually in 1925 they expected the Hebrew Patriarchs to be resurrected back to the Earth and Armageddon to take place, they believe Jesus returned invisibly in 1914 and in 1918 chose them as their Faithfull Slave dispencing his "truth" at the proper time and they still do( I know, how arrogant and absurd, I concur). Sorry for the lecture, I couldn't resist and thankyou for realizing what an effect that experience can have on people.   Warm Christian Love(Agape), Brad(Samson).
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 03:01:06 PM by Samson »


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2008, 03:51:58 PM »

Hey Brad,

I've always been really bad on dates.  Right...1914...Jesus landed. Got it!

Door to door is good if that's what a person wants to do. Jesus didn't HAVE to go door to door, ha ha! I did it once when I was in the baptist church, and hated it, and that was to invite them to the church. You know, I'm just too shy for that, and really don't know what to say when put on the spot.

I'm looking forward to your testimony. It's always hard to leave those close-knit groups with end-times ideations. I know, cause I was in one once.



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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2008, 04:28:39 PM »

Hello Sampson

You have come out of Her in the sense that you were right within the ranks and by contrast you are getting your distance away from Babylon. What a magnificent and valuable testimony that for me illistrates this blessing in your life.

I look forward to enjoying your participation here.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2008, 04:39:04 PM »

Thankyou Arcturus,

                           Looking forward to fellowship with you also, unfortunately I have made some bad choices in life, even if my motive was usually good, the J.W. experience was not a total waste, it taught me to use caution and discretion when making spiritual choices always remembering what Jesus stated, " I am the way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the father, except through me".

                               May he continue to direct your life, Samson.


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2008, 04:41:42 PM »

Of course we make "bad choices" Sampson. It is all in God's Plan! :D :) How else do we come out or experience the contrast between good and evil?

I used to be a Catholic!!! ;D

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

PS To whom much is given.....He who sins much.... :)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 04:43:52 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: Introducing Myself
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2008, 10:11:37 PM »

Welcome Brad-Samson,

I'm a former JW too, so I know what you mean about their initial teachings being so attractive - especially no eternal torment.  And yes, their legalism drove me away too.  Legalism and when my mother and brother died, knowing they believed they would not be resurrected.  I just couldn't accept that the God of love didn't care about them and would leave them in their graves.  Something in my spirit rebelled against this lie!

But I am grateful to them for some things.   But especially grateful to our Father who led me thru and out of the deceptions of Babylon into His wonderful truth.

Glad you are here, and His true light is shining in your life.

Your sister in Christ,

                 Cindy  :)
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