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Author Topic: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?  (Read 8089 times)

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Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:18:25 PM »

Ray, Where's the love, man?

    Jesus preached on love.  He showed mercy, forgiveness, and grace.  He came so that sinners would repent.
    Where's the love on your website?  You website is full of anger and condemnation.
    Where's the love?

    Dear Andy: I have said hundreds and hundreds of things about "love" on my site, but when you are enraged and blinded by the Truth of God, you won't see the love.  You are like the Pharisees who didn't SEE THE LOVE in Jesus' teachings:

    [selections from Matthew 23]

        "But WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES… FOR YOU SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AGAINST MEN…

        …THEY BIND HEAVY BURDENS and GRIEVOUS to be born, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but will not move them with ONE OF THEIR FINGERS

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES… you DEVOUR WIDOW’S HOUSES… you shall receive the greater damnation.

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES…

        WOE unto you, ye BLIND GUIDES…

        You FOOLS AND BLIND…

        You FOOLS AND BLIND…

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! You… have omitted… JUDGMENT, MERCY, and FAITH…

        You BLIND GUIDES, which strain out a gnat, and SWALLOW A CAMEL.

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES… within they are full of EXTORTION AND EXCESS.


        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! You are FULL OF DEAD MEN’S BONES, and ALL UNCLEANESS… and HYPOCRISY and INIQUITY…

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES!… you are the children of them which KILLED the prophets. FILL YOU UP then the measure of your fathers.

        You SERPENTS, you GENERATION OF SNAKES… you KILL AND CRUCIFY… you SCOURGE in your synagogues… Behold your house is left unto you DESOLATE"!!

    WOW! Every one of these comments from Matt. 23 were spoken directly to the "Religious Scholars and Theologians" in the Church of God centered at the Temple in Jerusalem. Would Jesus speak in the same manner to the Religious Scholars and Theologians in God’s Church today? Does Jesus "change"? NO. Has the Church changed in the past 2000 years? YES. It has gotten WORSE.

    God be with you,

    With love,


I wonder if the writer of this "Email To Ray" was impressed by the "love" of the Bakker's, Swaggert, The White's, etc. I also wonder if the writer thinks he himself is a beacon of pure undefiled unconditional love. It is an easy claim to make but not so easy to live. Just in the way he presented his opinion shows a lack of even brotherly kindness much less the culmination of all things good wrapped up in one word.

We all have a degree of carnal, selfish love, being kind and empathetic to our own but what about folks we do not understand or agree with? It can get a bit sticky then, can't it?

He may not know a thing about Ray but I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know him a bit and I have come to know a man who gives unselfishly of his time and resources who has the skills in many areas to have dedicated his life to the persuit of wealth and or power but instead devotes most of his waking hours to spreading the Good News that most of the mainstream churches has polluted. This to me shows more love than rattling off some venomous email probably intended to impress the writer's friends or followers.

Mat 5:46  For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
Mat 5:47  And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
Mat 5:48  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Paul dealt with this type of vile innuendo and people who were only looking to tear down his work, I know we will be continually dealing with this as well;

1Ti 1:4  Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
1Ti 1:5  Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:
1Ti 1:6  From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;
1Ti 1:7  Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.

The accuser is an outstanding inventor of accusations and is not shy in sharing them, but he certainly "loves" his own friends and followers I would not deny that.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 10:25:46 PM »

Yes Joe, this was a classic.  When I read it the first time I saw, "Ray, Where's the lies, man?"

Isa 30:9  That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:
Isa 30:10  Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:



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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 08:37:07 AM »

 When I read it the first time I saw, "Ray, Where's the lies, man?"



Hi Bobby,

Your response is right on the money.  ;)

This stuff has a history even through the OT, thanks for the scriptural references.

His Peace to you,

« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 08:38:13 AM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 09:05:49 AM »

Sometimes we only see what we want. or sometimes we are just blind by the providence of God.

ever read something ad say " what the heck""  the read it again at a later time and go ""Daaang""

i didnt see that before.

to the pure all things are pure.

may God continue to open all our eyes to his glorious truth, may those whom see a glimmer of light

in the darkness, may it become brighter and brighter....

peace yall....



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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 09:36:07 AM »

may God continue to open all our eyes to his glorious truth, may those whom see a glimmer of light

in the darkness, may it become brighter and brighter....

Amen to that Chuck!




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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 10:19:20 AM »

Hi Joe,

I saw the little  ??? in your post... so not sure if I expressed myself as I intended.

I was thinking of this section from Ray's Sarcasm Paper (underlinings mine):

Jesus came to expose evil and hypocrisy like no one had ever done before. His voice was the "voice of a trumpet." God told Isaiah to:

    "Cry ALOUD, SPARE NOT, lift up your voice like a TRUMPET, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins" (Isa. 58:1).

As a servant of God I cannot expose the evil and hypocrisy in the Church and in this world with a song in my heart, a smile on my face, and a chuckle in my voice! Sorry, but that won’t get the job done.

There is a time for humor and there is a time to get serious. Sarcasm can be serious business. I do not use it to elicit laughs. I am not naive of the fact that most people do not want to hear the Truth. Well did Isaiah prophesy of those:

    "Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us SMOOTH thing, prophesy DECEITS" (Isa. 30:10).

I would rather sound a little angry or sarcastic than to teach smooth and deceitful things.

You are correct Joe, sadly people have not wanted to hear the truth throughout history... they would rather be lied to.



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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 10:37:20 AM »

I saw the little  ??? in your post... so not sure if I expressed myself as I intended.

Hi Bobby,

It is I who caused any confusion, the  ??? I put in my reply was intended to relate my own incredulous state of mind when I see this type of blindness, the fact that people can so easily disparage others publically when they really have no clue as to what they are saying is surprising even though I know where the delusion originates.

With that being said even though things are said out of ignorance or blindness the ones who promote cloudy thinking seem to really love what they are doing, it is an idol of the heart to consider one's self better than another, we are actually admonished against this (Phi 2:3).

It is one thing to disagree in doctrine using the scriptures as our foundation but quite another to pronounce judgment from our own reasoning.

Thank you for the opportunity to clarify this Bobby, His Peace to you Brother,



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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 11:14:45 AM »

From the Home Page;

Purpose for
"[1] preach with sound doctrine and [2] refute those who contradict it"
[Titus 1:9 - The New Revised Standard Version]

This site is a ministry of love. We charge for nothing; we have nothing to sell; we ask for nothing.  All we at bibletruths have full-time jobs to support both our families and this site. The site requires thousands of man hours and thousands of dollars annually to operate.  It is FREE to all. And our goal is to teach the Truths of God as He has given us understanding.
There is, however, a two-fold commission in teaching the Gospel of Christ:

"...that he [the elders] may be able to [1] entreat with sound teaching as well as to [2] expose those who contradict" (Titus 1:9, Concordant NT).

Unfortunately, many are offended that we would "expose those who contradict" God's Word  They accuse us of being unloving, unkind, or bad-mouthing God's anointed. Untrue. Nowhere do we attack the person or character of those who oppose God's Word. So please don't confuse our mission of "exposing" as an "attack" on the character of a person who contradicts God's Word.

May God richly bless all those who have a real love of the Truth!

L. Ray Smith


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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2008, 08:10:50 PM »

Ray, Where's the love, man?

    Jesus preached on love.  He showed mercy, forgiveness, and grace.  He came so that sinners would repent.
    Where's the love on your website?  You website is full of anger and condemnation.
    Where's the love?

    Dear Andy: I have said hundreds and hundreds of things about "love" on my site, but when you are enraged and blinded by the Truth of God, you won't see the love.  You are like the Pharisees who didn't SEE THE LOVE in Jesus' teachings:

    [selections from Matthew 23]

        "But WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES… FOR YOU SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AGAINST MEN…

        …THEY BIND HEAVY BURDENS and GRIEVOUS to be born, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but will not move them with ONE OF THEIR FINGERS

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES… you DEVOUR WIDOW’S HOUSES… you shall receive the greater damnation.

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES…

        WOE unto you, ye BLIND GUIDES…

        You FOOLS AND BLIND…

        You FOOLS AND BLIND…

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! You… have omitted… JUDGMENT, MERCY, and FAITH…

        You BLIND GUIDES, which strain out a gnat, and SWALLOW A CAMEL.

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES… within they are full of EXTORTION AND EXCESS.


        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! You are FULL OF DEAD MEN’S BONES, and ALL UNCLEANESS… and HYPOCRISY and INIQUITY…

        WOE unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES!… you are the children of them which KILLED the prophets. FILL YOU UP then the measure of your fathers.

        You SERPENTS, you GENERATION OF SNAKES… you KILL AND CRUCIFY… you SCOURGE in your synagogues… Behold your house is left unto you DESOLATE"!!

    WOW! Every one of these comments from Matt. 23 were spoken directly to the "Religious Scholars and Theologians" in the Church of God centered at the Temple in Jerusalem. Would Jesus speak in the same manner to the Religious Scholars and Theologians in God’s Church today? Does Jesus "change"? NO. Has the Church changed in the past 2000 years? YES. It has gotten WORSE.

    God be with you,

    With love,


I wonder if the writer of this "Email To Ray" was impressed by the "love" of the Bakker's, Swaggert, The White's, etc. I also wonder if the writer thinks he himself is a beacon of pure undefiled unconditional love. It is an easy claim to make but not so easy to live. Just in the way he presented his opinion shows a lack of even brotherly kindness much less the culmination of all things good wrapped up in one word.

We all have a degree of carnal, selfish love, being kind and empathetic to our own but what about folks we do not understand or agree with? It can get a bit sticky then, can't it?

He may not know a thing about Ray but I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know him a bit and I have come to know a man who gives unselfishly of his time and resources who has the skills in many areas to have dedicated his life to the persuit of wealth and or power but instead devotes most of his waking hours to spreading the Good News that most of the mainstream churches has polluted. This to me shows more love than rattling off some venomous email probably intended to impress the writer's friends or followers.

Mat 5:46  For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
Mat 5:47  And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
Mat 5:48  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Paul dealt with this type of vile innuendo and people who were only looking to tear down his work, I know we will be continually dealing with this as well;

1Ti 1:4  Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
1Ti 1:5  Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:
1Ti 1:6  From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;
1Ti 1:7  Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.

The accuser is an outstanding inventor of accusations and is not shy in sharing them, but he certainly "loves" his own friends and followers I would not deny that.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,



I believe that i have to comment on this one. Yes, though you see in the Bible the contempt and utter disdain Jesus shows toward the religious hypocrites, how about the love and patience He exhibits toward His own slow of learning love one's (the disciples). You have to be careful you're not cutting one of them (us) off.

 - Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.



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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2008, 08:25:22 AM »

So true Bradigans,

That is where discernment comes in;




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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2008, 11:18:39 PM »

Let us love one another 1john 4:7-8

Be angry and sin not!

Jesus had a special calling.  His disciples didn't go in the temple lashing and yelling. He had to do that to fulfill prophecy.

Ray (I believe) is called to do some exposing of those who contradict.  I can safely say I am not called to expose.  So for me, I will try the Love one another thing in my own little corner of the universe.And I don't do such a great job of that! 

Ray is loving also bcz he is trying to help us get out of contradiction and he does a great job of it.

No, I am not a worshiper of Ray-good grief.  But it WAS his site that caught my attention and then changed my life.  So I respect him and do think the Lord is blessing him w/ understanding.  I also believe the Lord is giving others the eyes to see, not just Ray.

(sorry, I seemed to have veered off the topic!) :D
I could say more but I will stop here! :)


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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2008, 08:27:29 AM »

Hi Gena,

What you said was very well stated, the Lord has drawn many to His Truths through Ray and it is my belief that those who minimize or speak negatively of BT and/or Ray's work will not be answering to any man about this but will be answering to the Spirit of Christ, either in this age or the next.

After all these nuggets of gold come not from the mind of Ray Smith but from the Lord's Spiritual inspiration.

Great post Sister!



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Re: Ray, Where's The Love. Man?
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2008, 03:24:29 PM »

Thanks Joe, but you expressed it nice and simple:

    comes from the Lord's spiritual inspiration.....

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