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Author Topic: Easily Distracted  (Read 10734 times)

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Easily Distracted
« on: March 21, 2008, 10:18:26 AM »

As I was rereading through LOF Part 7 this morning a certain portion of it jumped right out at me;


The devil has always been mindful of physical, literal, material things. That’s what Satan "dines" on—

"…DUST [of man] shall you eat all the days of your life" (Gen. 3:14).

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour [Greek: ‘swallow up’]" (I Pet. 5:8).

Yes, the Adversary eats "dust" and we, mankind, ARE "dust" of the ground. Satan does not feast on spiritual food—it would choke him! Satan dines on the carnal [flesh/meat] mind of men. While Jesus was physically starving for forty days, He was feasting on spiritual food from heaven! Satan thought he could trick Jesus into satisfying His need for physical FOOD before He was finished dining on spiritual food with His Father!

"Then was Jesus led up of THE SPIRIT into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered" […and so was STARVING, The Four Gospels By C.H. Rieu].

And when the tempter came to Him, he said, If you be the Son of God, command that these stones be made BREAD" (Matt. 4:1-3).

Satan should have realized that one doesn’t tempt a Spiritual Giant with a loaf of physical bread.

I know that most of us can relate to being too easily distracted and taken off course (or stumbling off of the path) in our personal journeys with our Lord. Sometimes they are powerful temptations from our old ways that seem to come out of nowhere, things we had thought (or is it hoped) we had left behind but here we are staring at our old man face to face.

Other times it is just something relatively minor, irritating drivers on the road, a stupid comment from family, friend or coworker (or another brother or sister in the Lord), a lack of acknowledgement when we feel we deserve credit or accolades for something we believe we have done very well or even over and above what was expected.

All of these things (and more) can lead to a carnal downward spiral that leaves us frustrated, ashamed and quite honestly sick of our natural selves, the amazing thing is this is exactly how God is working in us, taking us to the point that our natural tendencies begin to irritate and eventually disgust us to the point we hate even entertaining those thoughts and/or temptations.

Lord I pray, bring that day here soon!

In the mean time Satan is using every trick in his bag and attacking us from places we sometimes least expect it and at other times presenting a panoramic mental power point presentation glorifying the old carnal fleshly desires. Once we begin recognizing the pattern(s) of how even a small stumble can start the whole downward spiral and we seek spiritual nourishment and strength through His Word and Spirit we are following the example of our Lord in how He was able to overcome the devil and then we will see more and more victories as we make our way on this incredible journey.

His Peace to you,



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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 10:57:30 AM »

Thanks Joe, good reminder and very uplifting  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2008, 11:02:49 AM »

I totally Agree with you.
BUT,...I have to say that I think that Satan's strongest foothold IS the VERY WORD OF GOD, in our minds!
The reason being, that if you do not even KNOW the truth, you cannot even Fall back on the truth to help you up again.
I say this because, it has only been a year since I was brought to the knowledge of the truth about HELL.
And since then, when I do fail, I have this WEIRD (Weird to my adult life) PEACE, in knowing that all is well with things. And that God is in control.

Back to "falling back on the truth".
Before, when I used to fail, I had NO or LITTLE peace. Since (At least for me) I could never be REALLY sure about my Salvation.
BUT,.....NOW that I KNOW GOD will Save ALL.
I have a peace that I cannot even describe.

Yet,...I do agree with you totally, since my FEAR is not all gone, all the time.
I have to learn to be still. And worry about nothing.
I find it more and more important to study the word of God, in IT'S correct environment.
And I find it more and more important to PRAY!!
It is truly like it says in the Word of God, that it is FOOD, that we desperately NEED.
When I let the time laps in between study,...I get all agitated and concerned inside.
I feel a release inside when I study the word of God, IN TRUTH!! The Real way,....the way it is meant to be read and learned, having PEACE and  knowing that ALL THE WORLD WILL BE SAVED!!!
It strengthens me!!! :D

Sorry to babble! lol.



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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2008, 11:56:33 AM »

Hi Joe,

It is so true that we are constantly being distracted from spiritual matters.  This world bombards us with enticements that continue to cater to the satisfying of the flesh, and this assault on our senses is getting worse as time goes on. 

We are in a spiritual war.  Our adversary has plenty of admonition, but our God gives us the spiritual power to overcome.  As Dante mentioned, staying prayerful is very important.  I ask the Lord constantly to give me the strength to endure, as well as, the heart to be obedient.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 03:14:03 PM by Rene »


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2008, 12:30:46 PM »

Thank you Kat & Dante for your responses!

I agree with you Dante in regard to the difference of knowing His Word and living His Word in a humble state of prayer, sometimes we perceive prayer to be a rather formal ritual, getting on our knees, hands clasped, head bowed. While there is nothing wrong with praying in such a manner it does take a certain environment to pull it off.  ;)

It isn't something (assume the position) one does in the office, driving your car, waiting in line at the grocery store or just about any place in public (unless of course one is seeking attention). The thing is that we really can pray (converse with God) while we are in all the places above, communicate with Him as we would if He were physically sitting right next to us as we know He is in Spirit all around and even within us.

Yes, there are certain times when an isolated place is best for us having a One on one conversation with Him but during the course of our day to day lives this is not always available or even possible, but we can always converse with Him as we would our most beloved and trusted friend, Counselor and Guide. This journey is all about seeking (and doing) His will and He is never far from us.

We have a real battle on our hands because this carnality within is a real beast;


What then is it to be carnal or carnally minded? It’s not good, I can tell you that. It’s a monster—IT’S A BEAST:

"for to be carnally minded is DEATH…"

And just why is that?

"Because the carnal mind is enmity [DEEP-SEATED HATRED] against God: for it is NOT SUBJECT to the [spiritual] law of God, neither indeed CAN BE [Gk: ‘is ABLE’]. So then they that are in the flesh [carnal-minded] CANNOT please God" (Rom. 8:6-8).

Have YOU ever seen yourself as the man of sin?

Do you believe that YOU were once the son of perdition?

Have YOU ever been carnally-minded in your walk with God?

Have YOU ever left your first love?

Have YOU ever put your hand to the plough and looked back?

Has the spiritual house YOU built upon the sand fallen yet?

Have you fallen from grace since first believing?

No? You say, "NO—NEVER"! Then the chances are great that "ye are YET carnal."


Paul wasn’t telling the unbelieving world that "ye are yet carnal." Nor was Jesus telling the world that they had "left the first love." No, Paul and Jesus are both telling THE CHURCH that they are "yet carnal and have left their first love"! In other words, AFTER coming into a church, AFTER they have accepted Christ, AFTER they have pursued their walk with God, AFTER they have built a spiritual house upon the sand, AFTER they have become indoctrinated with the commandments of men and the traditions of men, can one fall away and be in a position to actually spiritually SEE THE BEAST WITHIN! SEE the man of sin and the son of perdition. See your carnal-minded, God hating, SINS. You and I and all who have be enlightened by God’s word and our own failures in life, can surely see that we are all spiritually, WILD BEASTS.

If you insist that: "Ray! I don’t see myself as a spiritual BEAST, or a man of SIN, or the son of PERDITION [destruction]." Well, all I can to say is to parrot Paul: "YE ARE YET CARNAL."

His Peace and Wisdom to you,


« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 12:48:34 PM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2008, 12:34:13 PM »

Hi Joe,

It is so true that we are constantly being distracted from spiritual matters.  This world bombards us with enticements that continue to cater to the satisfying of the flesh, and this assult on our senses is getting worse as time goes on. 

We are in a spiritual war.  Our adversary has plenty of admonition, but our God gives us the spiritual power to overcome.  As Dante mentioned, staying prayerful is very important.  I ask the Lord constantly to give me the strength to endure, as well as, the heart to be obedient.


Hi Rene'

I hadn't seen your post before I wrote my second entry here but I can see we were on the same page and that your message was delivered much more succinctly than mine!  ;)

For some reason I always tend to run a bit long.......  8)

His Peace to you,



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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2008, 01:25:00 PM »

Joe, Rene', Kat and Dante

Thankyou so much for what you have shared and hope you all know how important
what you share can mean to someone else.  I have been a confessing Christian for 30 years and have had many valley experiences and a few mountain top also.  I now am finding that knowing the real truth of God's plan ( which I have learned through BT) and realizing that all I am going through and have been though is ultimately to allow me to see what a beast I am and only Christ can make a difference.  The sincerity and honesty in which you share is refreshing.




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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2008, 02:21:17 PM »

Joe  if we suffer through our trials are we still moving in carnality?  is this the evidence that our flesh is burning?  can we just be accepting the will of the Father and be at peace with that?  I have never been able not to suffer  although there are times when I knew angels of the Lord Jesus were with me. ( maybe the prayers of the saints) To be honest at times I feel so beat down and undone and in the same day the message that is given here gives me peace along with confirmation or more specific a second witness that seems to come from the Holy Spirit that I am a son of God.  Even the very act of the trials and sufferings and discipline seems to cry out as a testimony that the Lord Jesus is working in my life.  It makes me feel like a child fumbling around.  Then again i think it is all my own undoing and all my troubles are  my own dis functioning life asnd when i get my thinking straight then my life will be much better. 
My poor sick husband has left and every time i tried to love him back into our lives he turns on me with vicious acts.  He has lost a great deal over the past few years and his health and mind are not stable.  This pain is great as we have been together working and living together for 23 years.  He was so much a part of my life.  Please no comments of consolation.  i need only what Christ can give me every thing else seems so shallow. peggy


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2008, 03:32:31 PM »

Hi Randy & Peggy (and all),

This business of being carnal beasts is certainly humbling but when we were blessed with this self realization from Christ's Spirit so many things begin to fall into place. You know the scriptures compare us to lumps of clay, I have imagined what a piece of clay might feel like if it had nerve endings, pain sensors and a sense of self.

The clay is peacefully, blissfully ignorant of what is going on above and below it as it lays in the ground, then along comes the Potter and snatches it out of it's comfort zone and begins to knead it, shape it, form it, that lump has no clue as to what is going on, where it is headed and what is in store for it so of course it is not terribly happy or content in it's present state outside the ground it was plucked from as the pain of having everything inside it turned upside down and inside out is at times quite excruciating.

Then the Potter brings in this incomplete work to His shop and the clay sees this magnificent Vessel displayed on a shelf at the very top of a display, brightly colored, perfectly formed and it is so wonderful the clay can't even comprehend what it might be, how it got there and how could this impossibly beautiful thing even exist? The Potter knows what his raw barely formed clay is thinking and reveals to it that it too will be as the Vessel it was admiring although there is yet more work to be done, this work may be painful at times especially when it is being burnished in the kiln.

The rest of the forming experience while still uncomfortable, even painful at times is no longer quite the hopeless or uncertain, strange and bizarre journey it had been, even through the painful stages of this work of being created there is a certain joy within the clay as it knows step by step, day by day it is that much closer to finally being like that magnificent Vessel that was so overwhelmingly beautiful and perfect.

As one lump of clay to another I must say that the following portion of "Praying By God's Rules" is a very critical bit of spiritual wisdom, knowing that we are incomplete and beastly but with a promise more incredible than we can fully comprehend is the beginning of our real journey, accessing our Creator all along the way is an absolute necessity as we run the race and yearn for the prize.


Anything you desire that accords with God’s will, and accords with "what must be." God had met my physical needs of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. What I pray about are qualities of godliness—love, faith, courage, knowledge & understanding, wisdom, patience, self-control, thankfulness. I am a firm believer that if we think about the right things; we will then pray about the right things. I pray all day about everything and anything that is strongly on my mind. Why shouldn’t we, seeing that God is our Father and Jesus is our Saviour and Elder Brother. God wants to hear from us. Talk to your God. Anything important enough for you to think about or be concerned about is worthy of talking with God about.

Periodically I thank God for everything I have—I mean everything. Including the many things that most people take for granted. You have heard of counting sheep to fall asleep? Well I fall asleep many nights thanking God for all of my blessings. I start where I am—on my comfortable mattress and pillow, next to my wife, in an air-conditioned room.

You heard me right, I start by thanking God for my pillow and my comfortable bed. How many people in the history of the world have ever had a bed as comfortable as mine? Not even one percent. I thank God for my wife lying next to me. I thank God for my children. I thank God for our great little feline companions. I thank God for air conditioning in the summer and central heating in the winter. I thank God for our home, my office, our large living room for Bible Studies, our television that enables me to see the major news events of the world instantly, and documentaries (I watch a fair amount of the Science Channel, National Geographic, the History Channel, etc.).

I thank God especially for our refrigerator. Do you have any idea how much kings and queens of the past would have given for a refrigerator? And add to that, a plethora of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, and ice cold water. I never take my refrigerator or all that is in it, for granted. I thank God for indoor plumbing. Most of the world does not have indoor plumbing or even good drinking water. How many in the world drink warm, muddy water? How blessed we are.

I thank God for all of my friends, and all those coming to our Conferences, and for all who read and participate in our Discussion Forum. I thank God for the Truths that He has given me to share with all these people. I thank God for the miracles of electronic email (which takes up a great deal of my life).

I thank God that I don’t need to live in a war zone, for the protection of our civil authorities, and for emergency services.

I thank God for being such a great and loving God and for giving us the secrets of His plan and purpose, His kingdom, and our eternal destiny with Him. I thank God for His Word. I even thank God for our tribulations and ask only that He gives us the strength to endure and the spiritual understanding to see the purpose and value in all God does. There is so much to be thankful for, and God wants us to be thankful. Notice how little it took for Paul to be content with God’s dealing with him: "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content" (I Tim. 6:8).

Anyway, I often pray myself to sleep just giving God thanks for my many blessings. Here is one of my favorite Scriptures, and it just happens to be on proper prayer and meditation:

"Be rejoicing in the Lord always! Again, I will declare, be rejoicing! Let your lenience be known to all men: The Lord is near. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING, but in everything, by prayer and petition, WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, that is superior to every frame of mind, shall be garrisoning your hearts and your apprehensions in Christ Jesus.

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is grave, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is agreeable, whatever is renowned—if there be any virtue, and if any applause, be taking these into account. What you learned also, and accepted and hear and perceived in me, these be putting into practice, and the God of peace will be with you" (Phil. 4-9, Concordant Literal N.T.).

Ah, yes, "the God of peace will be with you." What more do we want? Really: what more do we want? I can swap war stories regarding my past life with the best of you, but to now know that "the God of peace will be with you" is the thing that makes it all worth it. Don’t hesitate to thank God for your trials and tribulations and persecutions—they are qualifying you for the incorruptible and immortal Kingdom of God. Answered prayer is a major proof that God exists and that God loves. Obey God’s rules governing prayer, and you too will begin to experience God’s intervention into your life. And finally, the second shortest verse in the Bible:

"Pray without ceasing" (I Thes. 5:17)!

His Peace and Wisdom to you,


« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 03:41:33 PM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2008, 04:22:20 PM »

Hello Joe

Distraction is one thing but what about those times of stillness or when you feel hemed in. Even times of a sense of inner paralysis to the sensitive voice and breeze of the Spirit. Those times of being deaf and blind are so distracting! That numb feeling! What is it? Why is it? It feels like a deadness absent of pride or ambition. It is like resignation that comes after all energy is spent. Like submission when all resistence has been exerted. Like Okay, You are God and I am clay. Now what? :)

You opened a thread not too long ago where we discussed being broken which was one alternative and being ground to powder was the other. I believe distractions form part of our process in being made into the image of Christ. Our encounters with our limitations and boundaries serve to help us to come to a place of acceptance that God is All Mighty and He alone can bring us past and beyond our expectations and assumptions into experiences that are much larger than our wildest imaginations could ever contain.

Paul knew this about God. He often supassed the experiences that would bury him and leave him for dead! I believe Paul knew by direct experience what he was refering to when he prayed this prayer for us all.

Eph 3 : 19 That you may really come to know practically through experience for yourselves the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience; that you may be filled through all your being unto all the fullness of God, may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!   8) ;D

What a wonderful prayer and promise that God will be all in all.

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2008, 04:39:24 PM »

As I was rereading through LOF Part 7 this morning a certain portion of it jumped right out at me;


The devil has always been mindful of physical, literal, material things. That’s what Satan "dines" on—

"…DUST [of man] shall you eat all the days of your life" (Gen. 3:14).

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour [Greek: ‘swallow up’]" (I Pet. 5:8).

Yes, the Adversary eats "dust" and we, mankind, ARE "dust" of the ground. Satan does not feast on spiritual food—it would choke him! Satan dines on the carnal [flesh/meat] mind of men. While Jesus was physically starving for forty days, He was feasting on spiritual food from heaven! Satan thought he could trick Jesus into satisfying His need for physical FOOD before He was finished dining on spiritual food with His Father!

"Then was Jesus led up of THE SPIRIT into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered" […and so was STARVING, The Four Gospels By C.H. Rieu].

And when the tempter came to Him, he said, If you be the Son of God, command that these stones be made BREAD" (Matt. 4:1-3).

Satan should have realized that one doesn’t tempt a Spiritual Giant with a loaf of physical bread.

I know that most of us can relate to being too easily distracted and taken off course (or stumbling off of the path) in our personal journeys with our Lord. Sometimes they are powerful temptations from our old ways that seem to come out of nowhere, things we had thought (or is it hoped) we had left behind but here we are staring at our old man face to face.

Other times it is just something relatively minor, irritating drivers on the road, a stupid comment from family, friend or coworker (or another brother or sister in the Lord), a lack of acknowledgement when we feel we deserve credit or accolades for something we believe we have done very well or even over and above what was expected.

All of these things (and more) can lead to a carnal downward spiral that leaves us frustrated, ashamed and quite honestly sick of our natural selves, the amazing thing is this is exactly how God is working in us, taking us to the point that our natural tendencies begin to irritate and eventually disgust us to the point we hate even entertaining those thoughts and/or temptations.

Lord I pray, bring that day here soon!

In the mean time Satan is using every trick in his bag and attacking us from places we sometimes least expect it and at other times presenting a panoramic mental power point presentation glorifying the old carnal fleshly desires. Once we begin recognizing the pattern(s) of how even a small stumble can start the whole downward spiral and we seek spiritual nourishment and strength through His Word and Spirit we are following the example of our Lord in how He was able to overcome the devil and then we will see more and more victories as we make our way on this incredible journey.

His Peace to you,


   Great Post Joe,

                            Especially the part about the relatively minor things, Satan uses, at his disposal. In my case, whenever I'm especially tired(physically, mentally or emotionally), it seems that I'm a more likely target for Satan to test. All of a sudden something that I would hope wouldn't happen, at the most inconvenient time presents itself. It reminds me of Jesus in the Wilderness for forty days and forty nights, tired, hungry, thirsty and guess who shows up to twist and misuse Scripture, our adversary. Whenever I'm especially tired, I tend to proceed with caution, based on my past experiences, making an attempt to keep my mouth shut, when in doubt, so as not to dig myself deeper and make matters worse. All of this training and disipline is for our benefit. For me with strangers, it's much easier to avoid sinning with the mouth and succumbing to the pressure provided, with loved ones and friends, the difficulty increases. Some of us tend to be more sensitive to the unkind remarks and actions from those closest to us(myself included), their lies the danger of turning a relatively minor event and adding unnecessary grief to the situation, thats usually the case with our Marriage Mate, at least for me.

                 So thankyou very much for this Post, it's very informative and enlightening, also thanks to those that contributed their responses too.

                                              Your Brother in Christ, Samson.


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2008, 06:13:35 PM »

Distraction is one thing but what about those times of stillness or when you feel hemed in. Even times of a sense of inner paralysis to the sensitive voice and breeze of the Spirit. Those times of being deaf and blind are so distracting! That numb feeling! What is it? Why is it? It feels like a deadness absent of pride or ambition. It is like resignation that comes after all energy is spent. Like submission when all resistence has been exerted. Like Okay, You are God and I am clay. Now what? :)

Hi Arc,

I am very familiar with this "paralysis" you speak of, early on I would be frightened or very disheartened when this came upon me but now I know it is a test of faith. What are we to do when we experience this? Give up? Curse God?

Wait on Him to deliver us, learn patience through adversity and from the very fact that we cannot force His hand or direct our own progression we really have no choice in the matter, we either learn to accept these trials in faith of His promises or we venture off the path and run toward the wide road to destruction.

His Peace to you Sister,




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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2008, 06:31:43 PM »

   Great Post Joe,

                            Especially the part about the relatively minor things, Satan uses, at his disposal. In my case, whenever I'm especially tired(physically, mentally or emotionally), it seems that I'm a more likely target for Satan to test. All of a sudden something that I would hope wouldn't happen, at the most inconvenient time presents itself.

Hi Samson,

This is so true, the most difficult temptations do come when we are most vulnerable, in addition to what you listed above I myself also find it to be when we get a sense of complacency or that we "have arrived."

Actually it surprises me a little that more discussion does not take place here in regard to that insidious beast within all of us, to me it was a very serious Eureka! moment; "you mean the beast isn't out there somewhere, I am him?!!!"

It would be very interesting to hear what others have felt when being convicted of this spiritual truth.

Thank you for your honest and open response Brother.

His Peace to you,



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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2008, 07:45:56 PM »

Hi Joe and all,
I used to think this world was measured as to what we have or do.
Then God opened my eyes after finding this site, True I had basic understanding of God and Jesus (Jehovah)
but I thought because I wasn't as good or what ever as others I was looked down by God because man I wasn't blessed as I thought blessings were issued.
I felt like a dud yes even a loser, then like I said God lead me here to BT and things just seemed to fit into place.
Emotion's still get in the way but what I've come to learn is this, This is school, a learning place for His elect.
would God devote so much for so few people? Right now yes this is the case.

Now when things happen I just try to find what God is teaching me and try to get a handle on it so I don't have to play in the lions den to long.

Its all about learning and asking for Jehovahs direction.

I know its hard to do but getting saved is the hardiest thing we'll ever do.

Stand fast brothers and sisters as it God who directs your steps.
Lead us not into temptation (unless I need to learn from it] but deliver us from evil.

Peace and mercy.
 ;D 8) ;D
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 10:44:30 PM by Randy »


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2008, 11:07:58 AM »

          This is so true, the most difficult temptations do come when we are most vulnerable, in addition to what you listed above I myself also find it to be when we get a sense of complacency or that we "have arrived."

  Hello Joe,

                 I like your above point from your last post, " We have arrived ", it reminded me of the Scripture, " Let he who thinks he is standing, beware that he does not fall " I remember many years ago going through a stage like that, being complacent and believing I'd arrived, spiritually speaking, Satan sifted me as wheat and quickly esposed my flaws and I was humbled, now I try to stay low-keyed about thinking " I've arrived ", I still have alot to learn, many at this Site have much more insight than I have regarding Scriptural presentation and knowledge, thats one of the reasons I'm so glad to be here, theirs no better place to learn and develop Spiritually.

                                     Your Brother, Samson.


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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2008, 04:10:02 PM »


Your post reminded me of what I posted about selfish prayers,3218.0.html

When things go against us, It's very easy to get distracted.  I know I've always wanted things to go my way and forgetting (ALL the time) that I CONTROL NOTHING.  Timely reminder bro.



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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2008, 04:21:30 PM »

Wise council indeed Joe. Thank you Brother.



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Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2008, 10:53:50 PM »

Hi Randy & Peggy (and all),

This business of being carnal beasts is certainly humbling but when we were blessed with this self realization from Christ's Spirit so many things begin to fall into place. You know the scriptures compare us to lumps of clay, I have imagined what a piece of clay might feel like if it had nerve endings, pain sensors and a sense of self.

The clay is peacefully, blissfully ignorant of what is going on above and below it as it lays in the ground, then along comes the Potter and snatches it out of it's comfort zone and begins to knead it, shape it, form it, that lump has no clue as to what is going on, where it is headed and what is in store for it so of course it is not terribly happy or content in it's present state outside the ground it was plucked from as the pain of having everything inside it turned upside down and inside out is at times quite excruciating.

Then the Potter brings in this incomplete work to His shop and the clay sees this magnificent Vessel displayed on a shelf at the very top of a display, brightly colored, perfectly formed and it is so wonderful the clay can't even comprehend what it might be, how it got there and how could this impossibly beautiful thing even exist? The Potter knows what his raw barely formed clay is thinking and reveals to it that it too will be as the Vessel it was admiring although there is yet more work to be done, this work may be painful at times especially when it is being burnished in the kiln.

The rest of the forming experience while still uncomfortable, even painful at times is no longer quite the hopeless or uncertain, strange and bizarre journey it had been, even through the painful stages of this work of being created there is a certain joy within the clay as it knows step by step, day by day it is that much closer to finally being like that magnificent Vessel that was so overwhelmingly beautiful and perfect.

As one lump of clay to another I must say that the following portion of "Praying By God's Rules" is a very critical bit of spiritual wisdom, knowing that we are incomplete and beastly but with a promise more incredible than we can fully comprehend is the beginning of our real journey, accessing our Creator all along the way is an absolute necessity as we run the race and yearn for the prize.


Anything you desire that accords with God’s will, and accords with "what must be." God had met my physical needs of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. What I pray about are qualities of godliness—love, faith, courage, knowledge & understanding, wisdom, patience, self-control, thankfulness. I am a firm believer that if we think about the right things; we will then pray about the right things. I pray all day about everything and anything that is strongly on my mind. Why shouldn’t we, seeing that God is our Father and Jesus is our Saviour and Elder Brother. God wants to hear from us. Talk to your God. Anything important enough for you to think about or be concerned about is worthy of talking with God about.

Periodically I thank God for everything I have—I mean everything. Including the many things that most people take for granted. You have heard of counting sheep to fall asleep? Well I fall asleep many nights thanking God for all of my blessings. I start where I am—on my comfortable mattress and pillow, next to my wife, in an air-conditioned room.

You heard me right, I start by thanking God for my pillow and my comfortable bed. How many people in the history of the world have ever had a bed as comfortable as mine? Not even one percent. I thank God for my wife lying next to me. I thank God for my children. I thank God for our great little feline companions. I thank God for air conditioning in the summer and central heating in the winter. I thank God for our home, my office, our large living room for Bible Studies, our television that enables me to see the major news events of the world instantly, and documentaries (I watch a fair amount of the Science Channel, National Geographic, the History Channel, etc.).

I thank God especially for our refrigerator. Do you have any idea how much kings and queens of the past would have given for a refrigerator? And add to that, a plethora of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, and ice cold water. I never take my refrigerator or all that is in it, for granted. I thank God for indoor plumbing. Most of the world does not have indoor plumbing or even good drinking water. How many in the world drink warm, muddy water? How blessed we are.

I thank God for all of my friends, and all those coming to our Conferences, and for all who read and participate in our Discussion Forum. I thank God for the Truths that He has given me to share with all these people. I thank God for the miracles of electronic email (which takes up a great deal of my life).

I thank God that I don’t need to live in a war zone, for the protection of our civil authorities, and for emergency services.

I thank God for being such a great and loving God and for giving us the secrets of His plan and purpose, His kingdom, and our eternal destiny with Him. I thank God for His Word. I even thank God for our tribulations and ask only that He gives us the strength to endure and the spiritual understanding to see the purpose and value in all God does. There is so much to be thankful for, and God wants us to be thankful. Notice how little it took for Paul to be content with God’s dealing with him: "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content" (I Tim. 6:8).

Anyway, I often pray myself to sleep just giving God thanks for my many blessings. Here is one of my favorite Scriptures, and it just happens to be on proper prayer and meditation:

"Be rejoicing in the Lord always! Again, I will declare, be rejoicing! Let your lenience be known to all men: The Lord is near. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING, but in everything, by prayer and petition, WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, that is superior to every frame of mind, shall be garrisoning your hearts and your apprehensions in Christ Jesus.

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is grave, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is agreeable, whatever is renowned—if there be any virtue, and if any applause, be taking these into account. What you learned also, and accepted and hear and perceived in me, these be putting into practice, and the God of peace will be with you" (Phil. 4-9, Concordant Literal N.T.).

Ah, yes, "the God of peace will be with you." What more do we want? Really: what more do we want? I can swap war stories regarding my past life with the best of you, but to now know that "the God of peace will be with you" is the thing that makes it all worth it. Don’t hesitate to thank God for your trials and tribulations and persecutions—they are qualifying you for the incorruptible and immortal Kingdom of God. Answered prayer is a major proof that God exists and that God loves. Obey God’s rules governing prayer, and you too will begin to experience God’s intervention into your life. And finally, the second shortest verse in the Bible:

"Pray without ceasing" (I Thes. 5:17)!

His Peace and Wisdom to you,


That brought me to tears--how absolutely beautifully you put that.  Between your inspiring posts as well as Arc's, I feel so blessed.  While totally appreciating the meat of your words, I also thought how much my former English teachers would have just loved your mastery of imagery.  I'm wowed and in total awe that our language can be so touching and spiritually enlightening.  Thank you God.



  • Guest
Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2008, 11:00:24 PM »

Haven't quite nailed that quote thing down--meant to just comment on the blue parts Joe said, but now that I see that the reference to Ray's paper was in the quote, it all still multiples!  We have such good teachers here and I'm very grateful.



  • Guest
Re: Easily Distracted
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2008, 09:40:42 PM »

Dear Randy, Samson, Ches (yes, your thread was absolutely relevant to this subject!), Arcturus and Vangie,

Thank you all for your responses and contribution to this thread. Vangie you were too kind and very generous in your posts here, but I do agree we have so many folks we can learn from, even the newest members bring another vantage point of Light with them.

In an email reply Ray made a great point when he said to the email writer
"Now then, what do we do with the demons of anger, lust, and other aberrant behavior, cast them out?  Well, if all we had to do was "cast them out," we wouldn't have to "wrestle" with them, would we?"

Wrestle indeed, that sure sums it up to me!  ;)

Dear Jim:

Well, just like almost everything else Christians adopt as truth, their knowledge of demons and spirits is equally eschew.  First, Jim, always remember the basics:

"...for it is not ours to wrestle with blood and flesh, but with the sovereignties, with the authorities, with the world-mights of this darkness, with the spiritual forces of wickedness among the celestials" (Eph. 6:12).

So it is NOT the physical that is our biggest problem (flesh and blood), being overweight, etc.

Next we must understand that demons are FALSE DOCTRINES -- "doctrines of demons" Paul calls them. So anything that would influence us to believe in, follow, or be persuaded by any such things are demons influences.

So when we speak of "anger" we are in the realm of the spirit. James says, "Whosoever is ANGRY with his brother is a MURDERER"! WOW! "Be angry and SIN NOT--do not let the sun go down upon your ANGER" is another. 

So being overweight and having uncontrolled anger are two totally different things.  Being overweight is no more a sin than having flat feet. There are thousands of things in the biological makeup of our bodies over which we have and nor can we have control. If one is a total glutton, that is a lust of the flesh, but MANY overweight people eat very little for their size. But anger, that's different. Anger comes from within the man and it can cause one to SIN.

Now then, what do we do with the demons of anger, lust, and other aberrant behavior, cast them out?  Well, if all we had to do was "cast them out," we wouldn't have to "wrestle" with them, would we?

Satan and his demons have their role in God's creation. God Himself has even commissioned LYING spirits to go out and do their dirty work (I Kings 22:22). So demons and real, they are here, and they will be around for a long time.

How should we handle them -- ask the preacher to cast them all out so that we are clean and will never be bothered in any spiritual way again, not to mention having a perfect size body? No, here's what God tells us we should do after telling us that we DO WRESTLE against these forces:

"Therefore take up the panoply [armor] of God that you may be enabled to WITHSTAND in the wicked day, and having effected all, to STAND.  STAND, then, girded about your loins with TRUTH [remember I said demons are FALSE doctrines], with the cuirass of righteousness put on, and your feet sandaled with the readiness of the evangel [gospel] of peace; with all taking up the large shield of FAITH, by which you WILL BE ABLE TO EXTINGUISH ALL THE FIERY ARROWS OF THE WICKED ONE."

So the truth is that we continue to wrestle and do battle with them -- it is good for us to do so, it MAKES US STRONG in the TRUTH and in our reliance of God's spiritual armor to protect us.

Hope that helps your understanding a little better.





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