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Author Topic: Jesus' day off  (Read 9861 times)

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Mark J.

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Jesus' day off
« on: May 10, 2006, 02:35:59 AM »

Hi all

First up, I'm new to this forum and only stumbled upon Ray's site a few days ago, but I'm so glad I did. I no longer feel alone with my feelings of doubt regarding some of the teachings of the mainstream church.

I hope more people find his site and it makes them question some of their blind beliefs.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw something up here as a bit of fun.

My partner and I were just discussing some the things on the site and out of the blue we both started to wonder, what would it have been like to be hanging around with Jesus while He was here when "the cameras were turned off".

What I mean is, what would He be like while He was taking a break from ministeral duties? like just sitting around the dinner table with a goblet of wine with the boys feeling very relaxed. You know, just having a good time before "geting back to work".

Ever wondered what they might have talked about? Joked about? I'm sure Jesus must have had a sense of humour or he would have gone stark raving mad with all the nonsense he had to put up with day in day out.

Mark J.

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Jesus' day off
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 02:59:12 AM »

I just had another wierd thought as I submitted my first post.

Jesus demonstrated  a real big soft spot for children. Even to say that we should come to God as a child.

Ok, so here's the wierd thought, or I should say ANOTHER wierd thought,
Who of you who are fathers, and let's be PC here, mothers as well, have had their kids begging them to "come and play" with them.

Has anybody here ever asked their Heavenly Father just to "play with them" for a while?

I haven't myself, because as I said, it was a wierd thought that only just popped in there.

If anyone has actually done this, I'd love to know what the result was.

I just can't bring myself to belive that God could only be about "business" where His children are concerned. There must be time to play. But how would one play with God? More to the point, how could you even hope to win the game?

Is this line of thinking disrespectful to God? I would personally doubt it as we are made in his image and we have a great capacity for fun and frivolity when the mood hits us.

So what would God's idea of fun with His children be? Ball games and piggy back rides are obviously out. But there must be something that God likes to do for a giggle with His kids.

What do you think?


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 06:58:09 AM »

hey Mark,
I don't think your thoughts are weird at all :D

for me, when I play with my son it IS like playing with God...cause God is in all of us...and I KNOW that He is right there with us, because when i give attention and love to my child...I'm doing His will

also, sometimes when he falls asleep on my chest...and he breathes so softly one can hardly believe he is alive...I just HAVE to thank the Lord for giving me such a beautiful child of His to raise...and I'm ETERNALLY grateful...and THAT moment becomes like a HUGE praise and worship moment for me 8)

hope I'm making sense here...


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 07:11:05 AM »

Ever see that video about the autistic basketball player who had never gotten to play in a game untill the last game of his senior year?  The kid hit 6 3point shots in a row and when the game was over, he was carried off the court by the whole crowd!

I'm sure God had some great fun that night! And so did the kid....I'm sure it was the best night of his life.


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2006, 08:39:38 AM »

Hey Mark, nice to have you here mate.  Where about in Sydney are you living?  I went there last year for a while, travelling Oz and i went again this year in February, travelling.  Amazing place.  I would say God is having a great deal of fun having yu live in Sydney.  I had an amazing time in Sydney.  I spent a while in Darling Harbour, Pitt street, you name it.  My now girlfriend lived in Redfern (shes English and shes back now).

Anyway, as "All is of God".  I would say that even the fun part of life is God given.  Christ i am sure did extra curricular things outside his Godly remit.  I just wish the series of "Big Brother" had been invented back then.

Mark J.

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Jesus' day off
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2006, 12:31:28 PM »


Thanks for the warm welcome. After I posted those two "what if's" I started thinking that people here might think me a total nut job.

I've just met one too many christians in the past who have little or no sense of humour and believe that the topic of God must be treated with the utmost seriousness and reverence at all times. To them the idea of fun with God is anathema.

Their loss I think.

Hey Zander. I live out near Parramatta in Sydney's West.

Where are you from?

I'm glad you love Australia and I hope you come back. Maybe we could get together and observe the Aussie tradition of going to the pub and having a beer.

Anyway, i'm still wading through L.Ray's web site. But so far I like what I see and read. I've had gut feelings about the issues he addresses for a long time, but couldn't locate the scriptures to back it up. Well, he's done it for me.

I'm actually a christian who has done some major backsliding over the years as I felt isolated by my beliefs. Maybe this will help me claw my way back.

If any of you like to chat on msn, I'm happy to exchange details.

Again, thank you for the warm welcome.


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 12:35:10 PM »

Quote from: Mark J.
Maybe we could get together and observe the Aussie tradition of going to the pub and having a beer.

Sounds like a good tradition to me. :wink:

Welcome to the board.

God Bless,



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Jesus' day off
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2006, 12:39:51 PM »

Mar J,

Your "stumbling" represents God drawing you to a REAL Relationship with Him in Christ.  (John 6:44  says "No man can come to me except the Father, which hath sent me, DRAW Him, and I will raise him up at the last day).  As you will discover, this walk can be fun and enjoyable.  Why?  Jesus will give you that joy that says your His child and He will revel in showing you just how much joy you will have with Him.  

You will have tribulations, but who doesn't?  He will guide you through them to make you stronger IN Him.  Keep on studying at His lead.  You will benifit from it.


P.S.  Jesus said to humble ourselves LIKE little children before him.  Not act "childish" around him (lol).


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2006, 01:43:29 PM »

Hey Mark.  Sure, lets have a beer if and when i make it back to Sydney, i sure hope to.  I live in England, in London.  My girlfriend lived in Sydney for 15 months and came back in March 06.
There is a church here that began in Sydney and i think Sydney still has it - called Hillsong, do yo know it?  Lots of Australians and English people go, including a few of my friends.  Hillsong masks the real horror of Christendom.  It paints itself as friendly and loving and hyper sing a ling sing song and uses rock and roll images and funky slants to lure pepole into their domain.  Not unlike an advert yo might see for a concert.  But their beleifs are just screwed up man.  i emailed them a while ago and asked why they beleived in such stuff.  Like most churches i never received a reply.

My email address is  Wahck me onto msn messenger dude

Mark J.

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Jesus' day off
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2006, 02:21:59 PM »

Ahhhhh. Hillsong at Baulkham Hills. Yes, it makes the news sometimes over here.

I have never set foot in the place for the reasons you mentioned. I have no time for those kind of teachings. I've heard it all before and it never filled the hole but did wonders for emptying my pockets.

They're also another example of how to build a church for fun and profit. :lol:

Hey Ches, C'mon.  :wink:

I know what Jesus said, but He never says we can't have fun. Like I said, it was just a wierd thought. There's a time for everything. I don't want you to think for a minute that I would ever disrespect or debase God in any way shape or form. Not intentionally. But I tell you what, if I can do anything that would put a smile on His face, or do something that would give Him a big belly laugh, then why not?

I bet He would have a laugh on Him that would shake the earth to it's foundations. Wouldn't it be something to hear it?


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2006, 02:43:06 PM »

I think that this just about sums it up about whether we can laugh or cry in Eccl chapter 3
Ecclesiastes 3
A Time for Everything
 1 There is a time for everything,
       and a season for every activity under heaven:
 2 a time to be born and a time to die,
       a time to plant and a time to uproot,

 3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
       a time to tear down and a time to build,

 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
       a time to mourn and a time to dance,

 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
       a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

 6 a time to search and a time to give up,
       a time to keep and a time to throw away,

 7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
       a time to be silent and a time to speak,

 8 a time to love and a time to hate,
       a time for war and a time for peace.


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2006, 02:47:12 PM »

Welcome to the forum, Mark.  The religious people in Jesus time complained about Him spending so much time with the publicans and sinners.  I would say He might of kicked back and drunk a beer or two with them and told some funny religious jokes.   :lol:  :lol:

Nothing wrong with kicking back, relaxing and telling some good stories.  I'd rather do that, than pretentious, ceremonial, hypocritical hogwash!  Just the thought of it makes me sick.

Anyways, here's to ya, cheers.

God bless,



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Jesus' day off
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2006, 03:06:45 PM »

Hey Ches, C'mon. Wink

I know what Jesus said, but He never says we can't have fun. Like I said, it was just a wierd thought. There's a time for everything. I don't want you to think for a minute that I would ever disrespect or debase God in any way shape or form. Not intentionally. But I tell you what, if I can do anything that would put a smile on His face, or do something that would give Him a big belly laugh, then why not?

I bet He would have a laugh on Him that would shake the earth to it's foundations. Wouldn't it be something to hear it?


I apologize if you misunderstood the P.S. (bad humor attempt, I was referring thoses in Christiandom as "childish") what I was saying that you will have fun on the journey in ways you never imagined.  I didn't say you were debasing God.  That "wierd thought" is probably God's way of showing you how you will enjoy your new found fun.  God has many ways to reveal things to you, and you will find great Joy in what he will do in you.  Keep trusting in him and he'll smile on you like you never thought.  In other words,  "lighten up" and enjoy.



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Jesus' day off
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2006, 08:21:36 PM »

Quote from: Mark J.
I just had another wierd thought as I submitted my first post.

Jesus demonstrated  a real big soft spot for children. Even to say that we should come to God as a child.

Ok, so here's the wierd thought, or I should say ANOTHER wierd thought,
Who of you who are fathers, and let's be PC here, mothers as well, have had their kids begging them to "come and play" with them.

Has anybody here ever asked their Heavenly Father just to "play with them" for a while?

I haven't myself, because as I said, it was a wierd thought that only just popped in there.

If anyone has actually done this, I'd love to know what the result was.

I just can't bring myself to belive that God could only be about "business" where His children are concerned. There must be time to play. But how would one play with God? More to the point, how could you even hope to win the game?

Is this line of thinking disrespectful to God? I would personally doubt it as we are made in his image and we have a great capacity for fun and frivolity when the mood hits us.

So what would God's idea of fun with His children be? Ball games and piggy back rides are obviously out. But there must be something that God likes to do for a giggle with His kids.

What do you think?

Hey Mark,


Please allow me to share my experience with God's big soft spot for children. Not only is it big-It is HUGE!

It all started at our very first prophetic conference way back in '96. While the worship team was ministering to the gathering, my husband & I were both spiritually translated to Jerusalem. No kidding! No joke! It was so real that we could actually smell the smells (animal & human), feel the heat of the sun & taste the sandy grit in our mouths.

Keep in mind that neither one of us knew, at that time, that the other was having this experience, nor have we every had this experience, nor were we seeking this experience.  My husband's experience was that of being a spectactor while Christ passed by carrying His cross. My experience involved the joy of Christ's ministry.

As throngs of people, myself included, stood on either side of the dusty  road, Jesus, along with His disciples, was walking down the middle of this road. Jesus was laughing & joking with the children that would run up to Him in the middle of the road. He would hug them, & "ruffle" their hair. He took such delight in each & every little one.

As I stood on the side of the road, I too, wanted Jesus to "ruffle" my hair. But I did not run up to Him in the road; and then, He passed by-it was too late! (or so I thought) Spiritually, I was in utter awe of Him. In the natural, I was weeping uncontrollably.

About one year later, as I was waking up one morning, the whole experience flooded back in my mind. I was very sad that I had missed my opportunity to be touched by the Lord just as all the other kids had been. Then suddenly, my husband rolled over & "ruffled" my hair! (Now keep in mind, this is not my husband's MO; this is not something he is in the habit of doing! He said that he had absolutely no idea of why he did that.) But I sure did. I was so overcome with joy & weeping that there was no containing it. The Lord had not forgotten this child. Quite the contrary!

So, how does Father come & play? As He chooses, when He chooses, & how He chooses. It's important that we be open to His Spirit.

No, Mark, you're not a nut job & neither are we. This is an actual true experience. We are just peculiar!!! :wink:  Praise God!!


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2006, 09:01:09 PM »

Hey mark, welcome aboard buddy, great to see another believer out there amongst the world!

To answer your questions, which are very good - I do think God has a sence of Humor. First of all, im a big goof ball, i love to joke around when its appropriate or atleast i try to keep it that way, and i love good times. Since all is OF GOD, then obviously God is a very funny guy, we just don't always know its Him.

I want to share with you something that i atleast found hilariouse. My brother was having his Doubts about God, and not everyone is as fortunate as him to have such a revalation but, he prayed that night before he went to bed.

He prayed God would give him "some proof" that He was there. So my brother sleeps, and he has this crazy dream. Hes walking down the stairs of our house (2 story house) and he sees all these angels, kinda like cupid looking angels, with arrows fighting these things that are trying to come into our house. He even remember what there eyes looked like, they were Hearts. He said it was kinda creepy. Well as hes walking down thte stairs, he stops and hears this voice, and He looks up to the cieling and nits all shining Bright light, he couldn't see a face or anything. The Voice said with mighty authority "YOU WANT YOUR POOF? HERES YOUR PROOF." At that moment my brother woke up, his heart was pounding, he was scared out of his mind. He knew right then and there who that was talking to him, he went straight for the bathroom to take a pee. He told me he has no doubt about Gods existence, but that He doesn't want God to talk to Him again like that because it scared Him. LOL. Can you imagine?

I found it humerous, now we just laugh about it whenw e look back at it, but i can understand at that moment when you wake up how frightneing it must have been, knowing evne though it was our Father in Heaven, still pretty spooky hehe.

Gods had His fun with me also lol, its kind of embarrassing for me actualy to share it with you guys but... Since you are my family i hope you don't look at my differently for this. God have mercy upon me for what i did but,

WHen i was still very carnel minded, yet growing in the Lord i had some struggles with the LUST OF THE FLESH. It is God willing behind me but, I was in my room... bieng a naughty boy youd say. My brother (Same one who had the dream) was downstairs on His computer, and He thought he heard me scream "JESUS CHRIST GOD ALLMIGHTY" so he thought something was wrong naturally or that i was going nuts. So he ran upstairs quickly, and Opens the door and sure enough He caught me with my pants down. (Please don't laugh ><) I was embarrasd offcourse, and my brother was cracking up, hes like "Did you just say Jesus CHrist God almighty?" and i replied "Yea sure while im doing this offcourse i did!" (sarcasm obviously) and hes like "no really did you?" I told him "No, why?" And sure enough He tells me what he had heard and im like "Dear Lord, thats not funny!" Well my brother left the room and i walked to the bathroom in shame, and in embarresment, and i looked up to the cieling and kinda chuckled knowing it was Him having His humor but also telling me to not do what i was doing. In the end i got a laugh out of it, and so did my brother, and im sure God was having his fun while also being a good Father and telling me "No, no son!"

The reason i know this was God, well everything Is Him and everything happens for a reason but, I knew it was Him having His fun while also being a good father is because, OUt of everything my brother could have heard me say he heard "JESUS CHRIST, GOD ALMIGHTY!" and at all the times he could have heard that He heard it right when He did, which wasn't a good time for me, if you know what i mean.  :oops:

Thats my personal and embarrasing story, please don't look at my differently, it was very hard to swallow my adams apple and tell the tale!

Anyway God bless and welcome aboard buddy!

In Christ

Alex :)


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2006, 11:52:27 PM »

But Thou, O LORD, art a shield about me,
My glory and the One who lifts my head
I lay down and slept;
I awoke,  for the LORD sustains me.
Thy blessings be on thy people!
Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousnes!
Thou hast relieved me in my distress;
Be gracious to me and hear my prayers.
Lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, O LORD!
Let all who take refuge in Thee be glad,
Let them sing for joy.
When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers,
The moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained;
What is man that Thous dost take thought of Him?
And the son of man, that Thou dost care for him?
Yet Thou hast made him a little lower than God,
And didst crown him with glory and majesty!
Thou dost make him to rule over the works of Thy hands;
Thou hast put all things under his feetl
I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart;
I will tell of all Thy wonders.
I will be glad and exult in Thee;
I will sing praise to thy name, O Most High.
Praise the Lord!
Let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord!


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2006, 11:57:49 PM »

That's beautiful Debra!   8)

Mark J.

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Jesus' day off
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2006, 01:25:21 AM »

Hey Ches. No need to apologise. I did get the joke and I took no offence at all.

I just had this convo with my partner yesterday about how the written word is so easily misunderstood. These forums are no different. Let's just say we were both joking, give each other a hug and move on.  :D

You'll find me the resident joker around here. If I'm upset about something anyone says, trust me, it will be made abundantly clear with no mistake. Otherwise, always assume levity in what I say.

Hey manonthecross.

That is one amazing story, and it's just what I was asking about. God's idea of fun can often go beyond anything we could even  dream of.

"Hey Lord, would you like to play scrabble with me?'
"Well my son, that could be fun, but how about this instead....WHAM!" A time travel trip to Jerusalem.

You've gotta love Him.

Mark J.

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Jesus' day off
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2006, 01:50:49 AM »

Alex, I was going to say that your secret's safe with me, but it's posted on a public forum so...the cats out of the bag now. :wink:

i applaud your courage for sharing that all the same. i don't think I could no matter how funny it was. But yeah, it sounds like you got a Fatherly slap on the wrist there.

As for your brother. Not sure how I feel about that one. I have had revelations of angels in the past, but fear never accompanied any of them. Just a feeling of peace in the knowledge that God was in heaven and that he was most certainly watching over me and my family protecting us.

It seemed to do the trick for your brother however. It scared him straight so to speak.

I'm really loving this group at the moment i have to say. Things are happening here that I will share in another thread another time. but I thank God for all of you.


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Jesus' day off
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2006, 10:58:53 AM »

Beautiful Mark, just BEE-YOO-TI-FULL (smile)!!!  
Glad to have you here.

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