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Author Topic: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.  (Read 7575 times)

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I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« on: March 30, 2008, 10:06:42 PM »

I have caused some one or some ones to feel that I have offened them , I was only funing around , now I have hurt someones feelings, I feel so sad because I have caused one or three of the tryiny to be follers of Christ to acualty call me a bad name ,a word that I will not put  in front of my brothers and sisters . One of these believers said that I am the one that comes across as being holier than than thou , i never meant for that to happen ,that is so far from
the truth, that was said because of the way that i tell people that I love them when i sign off
of a post. One of these people goes on to say that ,[ quote you are the one claiming to be this holier than thou follower of  Jesus---not me . So act like it .The only way that I can act like it is to not post anymore. I can not ever speak to the sheep without telling them that I love them. It has been said that I am a hypocrite,A nd that my love is the kind that will stab you in the back , the same love that lazarus had for Jesus,I never thought this of my self .
  I have all ways known that my frist love was not some church system , I knew from jump street that dewey was my frist love, I have tried to come out of him , he is a very hard one to leave, I honestly dont know if that is posible while I am still in fless and blood , I have been in a croud of thousands of people , and still felt so loneley that  I could feel my heart beat in my head like a huge drum in a jungle with no trees .I feel like my father sent me here and some day he will bring me back home. With that i say I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU .
    And mods I have this to say to you , it is because of you that I can say , that i can sit in front of this computer , and sit my grand children on my lap and read the post of the people  ,out loud.+I will not ----------------------------- If you do not believe in me than believe in the things that our father has me do . In the name of Jesus paula and I love all of you . In dew time , punt entented . and dewey said it.  GOOD BYE


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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2008, 10:41:23 PM »

Dewey, don't take this the wrong way.  But please get a tissue and wipe your self down.  Stop crying over little differences.  If somebody offended you, just evaluate what they said and move on.  Perhaps they have a point.  Or, perhaps they missunderstood something you said.  I, for one, just noticed how you called people you speak to here "sheeps".  Sir, you are in no position to call anybody sheeps unless you call yourself the same.  I wouldn't think that you are talking down to anybody on purpose.  Just remember what we all are in the presence of God.

If your going to punt the ball (as in no punt intended), go outside first.  You may break something.


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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2008, 10:58:33 PM »

I have read thru your last posts, and have found absolutely nothing that would possibly bring on an attack like this. Not that something like this is ever justified  >:( >:( >:( especially on a Christian forum by those that presumably love God.

Do keep in mind that PMs can be read on some forum software. I know because I used to run a small board. I never had a reason to do this, but I knew I could if I wanted to.

Not sure about this one, but there probably is a way...


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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2008, 11:50:02 PM »


Don't feel bad. You're not alone in this.

There's nothing we can do other than let the spirit of Christ strengthan us and let these people whom have resorted to name calling and private attacks be dealt with by Him who judges all things.

For us, let us take this as a trial by fire to strengthan us and to also show us things we need to improve on.

Again, don't feel bad, you are not alone in this.

The Lord is with us, even unto the ends of the earth.

God be with you and much love,


Little Joe

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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2008, 01:24:53 AM »

Dewey, my friend.  Please don't beat yourself up over this.  I didn't see anything wrong in your last posts either, and I think it will be a helpful thing now that you brought this out in the open like this.  I know you are a fine brother, so hang in there bro!

Your friend,



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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2008, 03:43:27 AM »

"Post unto others as you would have them post unto you" ;D
I get mad when I meet mean spirited people (especially the spineless ones), I like to squash them right away like little bugs :P

Dewey, let it pass brother, it is not worth getting your heart rate up (easier said than done , right!)



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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2008, 05:57:01 AM »

Hi there Matt-
Prayer going up here on your behalf....for peace and comfort! I tend to look down the road when these things day God WILL BE ALL IN ALL!! We can't get away from the "mystery" that Christ is bringing all things unto himself....we will be changed, and we will be one in God....take comfort in that my friend.

My words have been often misconstrued....everyone experiences that...everyone, to one degree or another....

peace to you brother!
Joyce :)


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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2008, 01:48:32 PM »

"Post unto others as you would have them post unto you" ;D
I get mad when I meet mean spirited people (especially the spineless ones), I like to squash them right away like little bugs :P

Dewey, let it pass brother, it is not worth getting your heart rate up (easier said than done , right!)


Amen to you, Brother Matt,

                                      That sounds like mature sound counsel, stated above. We are all adults here(Theoretically Speaking), Sometimes inadvertently we may at times " push another's buttons", sorta like Husbands and wives do to one another. It happened to me in that favorite Television Thread I started, I overreacted, because I thought that my Thread was being targeted, taking it personally, but be as it may, everybody has a right to their opinion, as long as theirs' no name calling, slander or an attach on ones character;etc,etc.

                    Hello Dewey,

                                       I really don't know you too well, in the sense that, I haven't really been involved in threads where you commented. In the posts you've made, I haven't read anything offensive, at least in my opinion. I firmly believe that LOVE is the most dominate quality of God and as the Apostle Paul expresses, without love, we are nothing. Agape and its' forms being the most important. I pray to God that I'm able to distinguish between loving the person, but hating the action. Their are people that " I don't like", but I try to love them in the sense that I don't treat them the unloving way they treat me, its' not a sentimental love on my part, but one where I try to leave matters in Gods' hands, realizing that he's in control of everything, including that persons destiny. I pray to God to continue learning tolerance, something I've had difficulty with achieving. Marriage seems to be good training in that area. God certainly knows what we need, certainly TOLERANCE AND PATIENCE, in my case. Now that I know that God is going to eventually save everyone and that people like Adolph Hitler, Charles Manson, Joseph Stalin, Anton Lavey and everyone that committed horrendous acts against mankind, learning righteousness and be spiritually cleaned up on the inside(myself included),gives me at least some idea of how much GOD LOVES US.

                     Anyway, I just want to say that I'm glad you are a member of this forum and fellowship.

                                     Your Brother in christ, Samson.


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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2008, 04:51:04 PM »

Okay here we go again...I will keep is short

Learn the art of making war with yourself and the art of making peace with others
(from the Little Monk)

We all need to take reproaches from the world , we however are told to not think more highly of one is to judge another's slave...only the Master can do that.

We know our brethren by the sincere LOVE they show toward each other .
The word sincere comes from a trick used to hide cracks in the pottery by putting wax so it appeared whole ...sincere means without wax...

Let us have no wax in our love.  Love is not saying I love you...Love is living your life in a way that your life demonstrates Love....

It means letting the brother step all over on you because he is weak right now and taking it.

It also can mean a willingness to be rejected because one is steppiing up and questioning or rebuking a brother because he think he is going in the wrong direction, . 

Who is Right ..The question is always answered by each looking at themselves ......but keep in mind .....both sheep will answer to the Master.



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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2008, 07:05:54 PM »

This is ridiculous, to put it mildly. Where do you guys get off talking all this crap about the people in question? And to make matters worse, you are basing your OPINIONS  {not facts} based on 'Dewey's latest public posts'. Who said anything about this having to do with his public posts? Did not even Dewey specifically mention, that it was via PM's?  Okay then.

I am one of those people in question, that supposedly caused Dewey to leave the forum, but of course he only gave you one side of the story, and on that alone you all decided that you have all you need to start bashing those whom Dewey spoke of.

First of all, Dewey is the one that PM'd me, and started judging me, he started off by saying: "  Hey if you dont chill a little bit you will most likely have high blood presure by the time you are 30 yrs old ."

Then went to: " 1st of all you are paranoid or you would show your e-mail address on your profile"

And also: " and second of all you are very insecure"

And here's his "proof" ;p   " and here is my proof ,you let elex get your goat every time you turn around.You can not stand to be questioned on any of your post ,that is a shame ,I am under the impression that you are intelligent enough to stand up to his post with LOVE,and if he calls it wisshey washaey,just show him more LOVE."

What does not having my email addy on my profile have to do with paranoia? Where does he get off dubbing me paranoid? Is he the rightful judge, that knows my thoughts and intentions?

Where does he get off calling me insecure? Does he know me in real life, has he even spoken to me once without judging me, and attempting to belittle me? I am not insecure.

So I already told him, that I am going through a lot of hardships right now, health, finances, even having doubts, etc.. etc.. etc...
Yet he has the gall to PM me, and judge me like that. Who does he think he is?

So yes, I called him a "judgemental *****" because that's what he is, and his love is about as genuine as Judas' loyalty to Christ.

I didn't want to have to do this, but it had to be said. I couldn't just stand there and let you guys badmouth me, and I suppose whomever else Dewey was referring to, like that. I don't care if you call me "mean spirited', I don't care if you call me evil, or even Satan


P.S. It is my belief that Dewey is simply seeking your sympathies, of which he has obtained in loads.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 07:10:15 PM by Dennis Vogel »

Dennis Vogel

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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2008, 07:16:21 PM »

Sorin, there are certain words in the English language that have multiple meanings. That word you selected (and I removed from you post) is one of them.

It is sometimes very hard not to let people get to you. But when we react, they win and we lose.



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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2008, 07:26:12 PM »

Sorin, there are certain words in the English language that have multiple meanings. That word you selected (and I removed from you post) is one of them.

It is sometimes very hard not to let people get to you. But when we react, they win and we lose.


Dennis, you are quite right, and I know this fact about that certain word. But one of it's meanings is simply 'an unpleasant person'.... and that's the one I had in mind. Now am I saying that he is always 'unpleasant'? No, I don't know him personally, but when you are being wrongfully judged like that by a person, said person is definitely unpleasant at that time. As Dewey clearly was.



Dennis Vogel

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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2008, 08:14:46 PM »

That may be the way you meant the word Sorin, but it sounded the other way to me and most likely others.

If someone attacks you in public then there is nothing wrong in defending yourself in public. But it's nearly impossible to stop it from escalating.

If you have a debate via PM's then it should stay in the PM's, especially if you started it.

You can have the last word then I'm going to lock this thread.



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Re: I received a P. M +3. and a couple e-mails,yesterday.
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2008, 08:54:53 PM »

That may be the way you meant the word Sorin, but it sounded the other way to me and most likely others.

That's fine, everybody is entitled to their own interpretation; this is a "free country" after all. Or at least it should be. ;)

Quote from: Dennis Vogel
If someone attacks you in public then there is nothing wrong in defending yourself in public. But it's nearly impossible to stop it from escalating.

Yes, it most definitely is; nearly impossible to stop it from escalating. I am by no means denying that.

Quote from: Dennis Vogel
If you have a debate via PM's then it should stay in the PM's, especially if you started it.

First point, I fully agree. Second point, I did not start this. Dewey did.

Quote from: Dennis Vogel
You can have the last word then I'm going to lock this thread.


Heh.. I don't always agree with the reason behind why some threads are locked; but I do agree with you on this one. It should be locked, and soon forgotten.

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