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Author Topic: Worries Of The World  (Read 23224 times)

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Worries Of The World
« on: April 23, 2008, 09:29:50 PM »

It is all too easy to get caught up in the frenzied hand wringing that the media joyfully promotes, perhaps I have become jaded from all the failed predictions of doom and gloom that have swirled about the past 50 something years of my life.

Air raid drills, getting under my desk or into a school basement as sirens blared, a bunch of young kids herded like sheep being prepared for that fateful day when the Soviet Union was going to blast Holy Redeemer Parochial School and Samuel A. Lattimore Public School # 11.....

Global Cooling, along with food shortages, impending world starvation as we return to another ice age, oh and those pesky Soviets and their ever growing army and munitions. The "Doomsday Clock" ticking away, 1 minute to Midnight and counting...

Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates and climbing! Gas rationing, sky rocketing prices, long lines at the gas station, the world is running out of oil! Unemployment over 8% and who knows where it will end.....

Bank failures, Savings and Loan Companies dropping like flies, Global Warming first rears it's ugly head, and of course don't forget the impending Y2K disasters on the horizon, you remember the Utility Company computers forgetting how to run the valves, gates and damns of our water supplies, the power grids of the electric suppliers shutting down, credit card, banking, traffic control systems all wiped out....

You remember that, or at least reading about it in history class? Oh, that's right we don't bother much with the dim realities people before us have dealt with, lived through and even eventually prospered in, that would take some of the edge off of the oh so dire circumstances of the present.

Yes we have had some problems to deal with but the predictions of doom did not come to pass but it sure did not slow down the authority with which the prophets of disaster spoke with, or the media's obsession with spreading this message.

Did our Lord have anything to say about this phenomena?

Mat 6:25  Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Mat 6:31  Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

Mat 6:34  Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil (worry) thereof.
Luk 12:22  And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.

I will close with this;

Joh 16:33  These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.




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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 09:53:51 PM »

I forgot to post the following in my previous post, we do not want the following Words applied to any of us.

Luk 8:13 They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.

Luk 8:14  And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection.

Luk 21:33  Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
Luk 21:34  And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 09:58:36 PM »

:D Amen, Joe! I was one of those, who being taught that "the fool" does NOT prepare....went and bought tons of grain to store up for Y2K...and 1 min after mid-night felt like a REAL FOOL! hehehe!

I was in Florida and watched the miles and miles of army jeeps headed for Miami when Cuba was supposed to be preparing to blast us off the map and invade Florida! I think the "conditioning" of the world is this: to keep everyone in a state of "preparedness/ i.e. FEAR" and then come up with some "doosey" cure for the "ailment" so that we "TRUST" in those with the money to "fix" things.

I am thankful for His peace and joy! My prayer is for this to remain in me and for others to have it always!
Joyce :)


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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2008, 09:59:32 PM »

Great post and excellent scripture to boot!


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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2008, 10:04:26 PM »

Hello Joe,

              Thanks for your fine Post, I used to have an extreme issue with worrying. Quite often, I would read Matthew. 6:25-34 and try so hard to stop worrying about Tomorrow, realizing intellectually that I should focus on the day at hand, why worry about something that hasn't happened as of yet.

              I remember reading an E-mail or Transcript of Rays, where he mentions trying so hard on his own to overcome bad desires or faults, he really wanted to stop, but couldn't do it until God decided for him to stop. I apply this principle in regards to my worrying. Although I still occasionally worry, I'm not obsessed with it anymore, the truths at this Site have certainly helped me out.

              Formerly being a member of an Apocalyptic movement, didn't help much, it just made me more paranoid and very worried all the time. Also, being a child of the sixties and early seventies and those big Social changes added to all of this. I used to have more stress from the actual thought of bad and undesirable things happening to me, than the actual event, used to pray to God to remove this feeling of worrying and to stop thinking I'm subject to the catch 22 or self-fullfilling prophecy syndrome.

              Anyway, I think this is a good subject you started, because sometimes we can have worry and fear and this can affect us worse than the actual event.

                                        Thanks again, Samson.

                P.S. I was typing this when three more replies came in, but it seems okay to submit.


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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2008, 10:22:54 PM »

Amen Joe!
 People always talk about the "good ole' days", but were they really that good? If you really think about it, has there ever been a time in the history of mankind when there hasn't been gloom and doom?  We have always been carnal, and have always suffered in some way because of it.
I think this is why Jesus tells us not to worry, it IS totally out of our hands. 
Thanks for helping me see the truth from a different perspective!


brandon h

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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2008, 10:47:24 PM »

This is fitting with what Paul says-" For it is God which worketh in you both to will and do his Good pleasure". Phil 2 13
Though it is hard to see amidst the horrible chaos of murders, hunger, lust, greed, this is all Good in the end because it's apart of our Father's plan for the reconciliation of all things.
All we need amidst the chaos is our Spirit fiiled prayers and deeds given to us by him.
"Not that we are fit(qualified and sufficient in ability) of ourselves to form personal judgements orto claim orcount anything as coming from us, but our power andability andsufficiency are from God."
2 Corinth 3 5 Amplified

A good post on reminding us the soveriegnty of God and the mysteries of how he makes this all turn to good through the body of Christ. Amazing.

God Bless

"For the creature was made subject to vanity, NOT WILLINGLY, but by reason of him who hath subjected thesamein hope,
Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the CHILDREN OF GOD.
Rom 8 20


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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2008, 03:05:52 AM »

Follow the money trail of impending doom and gloom to see if there is much merit in it.

This includes christianity as well.   Authors clean up on end times prophecies, and christianity don't even care if they are wrong.  Amazing.



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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2008, 10:23:01 AM »

Thank you all for your responses, it is amazing that people continue to give an ear to these predictions in light of what our Lord told us;

Mat 24:35  Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Mat 24:36  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Mat 24:37  But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Mat 24:38  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, (Note: They were not starving, thirsting and mourning)
Mat 24:39  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Here are a few of the predictions from the world of Christianity, they tend to mirror the accuracy level of the secular world's end time predictions;

About 90 CE: Saint Clement 1 predicted that the world end would occur at any moment.
2nd Century CE: Prophets and Prophetesses of the Montanist movement predicted that Jesus would return sometime during their lifetime and establish the New Jerusalem in the city of Pepuza in Asia Minor.
365 CE: A man by the name of Hilary of Poitiers, announced that the end would happen that year. It didn't.

375 to 400 CE: Saint Martin of Tours, a student of Hilary, was convinced that the end would happen sometime before 400 CE.
500 CE: This was the first year-with-a-nice-round-number-panic.   The antipope Hippolytus and an earlier Christian academic Sextus Julius Africanus had predicted Armageddon at about this year.
1147: Gerard of Poehlde decided that the millennium had actually started in 306 CE during Constantine's reign. Thus, the world end was expected in 1306 CE.
1179: John of Toledo predicted the end of the world during 1186. This estimate was based on the alignment of many planets.
1205: Joachim of Fiore predicted in 1190 that the Antichrist was already in the world, and that King Richard of England would defeat him. The Millennium would then begin, sometime before 1205.
1284: Pope Innocent III computed this date by adding 666 years onto the date the Islam was founded.
1533: Melchior Hoffman predicted that Jesus' return would happen a millennium and a half after the nominal date of his execution, in 1533. The New Jerusalem was expected to be established in Strasbourg, Germany. He was arrested and died in a Strasbourg jail.
1669: The Old Believers in Russia believed that the end of the world would occur in this year. 20 thousand burned themselves to death between 1669 and 1690 to protect themselves from the Antichrist.
1689: Benjamin Keach, a 17th century Baptist, predicted the end of the world for this year.
1792: This was the date of the end of the world calculated by some believers in the Shaker movement.
1794: Charles Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism, thought Doomsday would be in this year.
1830: Margaret McDonald, a Christian prophetess, predicted that Robert Owen would be the Antichrist. Owen helped found New Harmony, IN.
1832?: Joseph Smith (1805-1844) was the founder of the Church of Christ, which became the Restorationist movement after many schisms. It now includes The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- a.k.a. the Mormons, and about a hundred other denominations and sects. He heard a voice while praying. He wrote, in Doctrines and Covenants section 130:

14: "I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following:"

15: "Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore let this suffice, and trouble me no more on this matter."

16: "I was left thus, without being able to decide whether this coming referred to the beginning of the millennium or to some previous appearing, or whether I should die and thus see his face."

17: "I believe the coming of the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time." 14
The year in which this event occurred is not recorded. However, one commentator suggested 1832 or earlier. 16 Smith is later recorded as having said: "I prophesy in the name of the Lord God, and let it be written--the Son of Man will not come in the clouds of heaven till I am eighty-five years old."

Smith would have reached the age of 85 during 1890. Unfortunately, by that year, Smith had been dead for almost a half century, having been assassinated by a mob. Note that his prophecy is ambiguous. It can be interpreted that:

Jesus would return during 1890 (which did not materialize) or that 1890 would pass without Jesus' return (which did come to pass). Some anti-Mormon sources quote only verses 14 and 15, and draw the former conclusion -- that Smith's prophecy failed.

Here are some that I am very familiar with having studied Seventh Day Adventism for a few years;

1843-MAR-21: William Miller, founder of the Millerite movement, predicted that Jesus would come on this date. A very large number of Christians accepted his prophecy.
1844-OCT-22: When Jesus did not return, Miller predicted this new date. In an event which is now called "The Great Disappointment," many Christians sold their property and possessions, quit their jobs and prepared themselves for the second coming. Nothing happened; the day came and went without incident.

1850: Ellen White, founder of the Seven Day Adventists movement, made many predictions of the timing of the end of the world. All failed. On 1850-JUN-27 she prophesized that only a few months remained before the end. She wrote: "My accompanying angel said, 'Time is almost finished. Get ready, get ready, get ready.' time is almost finished...and what we have been years learning, they will have to learn in a few months."
1856 or later: At Ellen White's last prediction, she said that she was shown in a vision the fate of believers who attended the 1856 SDA conference. She wrote "I was shown the company present at the Conference. Said the angel: 'Some food for worms, some subjects of the seven last plagues, some will be alive and remain upon the earth to be translated at the coming of Jesus."  That is, some of the attendees would die of normal diseases; some would die from plagues at the last days, others would still be alive when Jesus came. "By the early 1900s all those who attended the conference had passed away, leaving the Church with the dilemma of trying to figure out how to explain away such a prominent prophetic failure."
1891: Mother Shipton, a 16th century mystic predicted the end of the world: "...The world to an end shall come; in eighteen hundred and eighty-one."
1891 or before: On 1835-FEB-14, Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church, attended a meeting of church leaders. He said that the meeting had been called because God had commanded it. He announced that Jesus would return within 56 years -- i.e. before 1891-FEB-15. (History of the Church 2:182)
1914 was one of the more important estimates of the start of the war of Armageddon by the Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society). They based their prophecy of 1914 from prophecy in the book of Daniel, Chapter 4. The writings referred to "seven times". The WTS interpreted each "time" as equal to 360 days, giving a total of 2520 days. This was further interpreted as representing 2520 years, measured from the starting date of 607 BCE. This gave 1914 as the target date. When 1914 passed, they changed their prediction; 1914 became the year that Jesus invisibly began his rule.
1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975 and 1994, etc. were other dates that the Watchtower Society (WTS) or its members predicted.  Since late in the 19th century, they had taught that the "battle of the Great Day of God Almighty" (Armageddon) would happen in 1914 CE. It didn't.
The next major estimate was 1925. Watchtower magazine predicted: "The year 1925 is a date definitely and clearly marked in the Scriptures, even more clearly than that of 1914; but it would be presumptuous on the part of any faithful follower of the Lord to assume just what the Lord is going to do during that year."

The Watchtower Society selected 1975 as its next main prediction. This was based on the estimate "according to reliable Bible chronology Adam was created in the year 4026 BCE, likely in the autumn of the year, at the end of the sixth day of creation."   They believed that the year 1975 a promising date for the end of the world, as it was the 6,000th anniversary of Adam's creation. Exactly 1,000 years was to pass for each day of the creation week. This prophecy also failed.
The current estimate is that the end of the world as we know it will happen precisely 6000 years after the creation of Eve. 9 There is no way of knowing when this happened.
1936: Herbert W Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, predicted that the Day of the Lord would happen sometime in 1936. Nothing much happened that year, except for the birth of the compiler of this list -- who has been referred to as an Anti-Christ. When the prediction failed, he made a new estimate: 1975.

1940 or 1941: A Bible teacher from Australia, Leonard Sale-Harrison, held a series of prophesy conferences across North America in the 1930's. He predicted that the end of the world would happen in 1940 or 1941.
1957-APR: The Watchtower magazine quoted 6 a pastor from California, Mihran Ask, as saying in 1957-JAN that "Sometime between April 16 and 23, 1957, Armageddon will sweep the world! Millions of persons will perish in its flames and the land will be scorched.'
1959: Florence Houteff's, who was the leader of the Branch Davidians faith group, prophesied that the 1260 days mentioned in Revelation 11:3 would end and the Kingdom of David would be established on 1959-APR-22. Followers expected to die, be resurrected, and transferred to Heaven. Many sold their possessions and moved to Mt. Carmel in anticipation of the "end time". It didn't happen. The group almost did not survive; only a few dozen members remained.

Most Branch Davidians did die on 1993-APR-29 as a result of arson apparently ordered by their leader, David Koresh. They were not bodily resurrected -- on earth at least.
1967: During the six day war, the Israeli army captured all of Jerusalem. Many conservative Christians believed that the rapture would occur quickly. However, the final Biblical prerequisite for the second coming is that the Jews resume ritual animal sacrifices in the temple at Jerusalem. That never happened.
1970's: The late Moses David (formerly David Berg) was the founder of the Christian religious group, The Children of God. He predicted that a comet would hit the earth, probably in the mid 1970's and destroy all life in the United States. One source indicated that he believed it would happen in 1973.
1972: According to an article in the Atlantic magazine, "Herbert W. Armstrong's empire suffered a serious blow when the end failed to begin in January of 1972, as Armstrong had predicted, thus bringing hardship to many people who had given most of their assets to the church in the expectation of going to Petra, where such worldly possessions would be useless." 3 According to an article in Wikipedia:

"The failure of this prophetic scenario to take place according to this Co-Worker letter scenario, which was often repeated over the years in print by Armstrong, may have been one of the initial reasons why the church organization began to decline as unfulfilled expectations led to great disappointment. As events unfolded, it became obvious 1972 did not have the biblical significance that the church had anticipated for nearly two decades."
1978: Chuck Smith, Pastor of Calvary Chapel in Cost Mesa, CA, predicted the rapture in 1981.

1980: Leland Jensen leader of a Baha'i Faith group, predicted that a nuclear disaster would happen in 1980. This would be followed by two decades of conflict, ending in the establishment of God's Kingdom on earth.
1981:   Arnold Murray of the Shepherd's Chapel taught an anti-Trinitarian belief about God, and Christian Identity. Back in the 1970's, he predicted that the Antichrist would appear before 1981.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church predicted that the Kingdom of Heaven would be established this year.
1982: Pat Robertson predicted a few years in advance that the world would end in the fall of 1982. The failure of this prophecy did not seem to adversely affect his reputation.
1985: Arnold Murray of the Shepherd's Chapel predicted that the war of Armageddon will start on 1985-JUN 8-9 in "a valley of the Alaskan peninsula."
1986: Moses David of The Children of God faith group predicted that the Battle of Armageddon would take place in 1986. Russia would defeat Israel and the United States. A worldwide Communist dictatorship would be established. In 1993, Christ would return to earth.
1987 to 2000: Lester Sumrall, in his 1987 book "I Predict 2000 AD" predicted that Jerusalem would be the richest city on Earth, that the Common Market would rule Europe, and that there would be a nuclear war involving Russia and perhaps the U.S. Also, he prophesized that the greatest Christian revival in the history of the church would happen: all during the last 13 years of the 20th century. All of the predictions failed.

1988: Hal Lindsey had predicted in his book "The Late, Great Planet Earth" that the Rapture was coming in 1988 - one generation or 40 years after the creation of the state of Israel. This failed prophecy did not appear to damage his reputation. He continues to write books of prophecy which sell very well indeed.
1988-OCT-11: Edgar Whisenaut, a NASA scientist, had published the book "88 Reasons why the Rapture will Occur in 1988." It sold over  4 million copies.
About 1990:  Peter Ruckman concluded from his analysis of the Bible that the rapture would come within a few years of 1990.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2008, 10:58:05 AM »

Hi Joe,

I guess every single generation since Christ was on earth thought He would return to them.  I think we all have to focus our attention on Him living in us now, so that we will be prepared at His appearing, if not in this lifetime then at our awakening at the resurrection.  Christ stated four times the kingdom was at hand;

Mat 4:17  From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mat 10:7  And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mark 1:15  And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Luke 21:31  So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.

I think the cares and worries of this world is the main reason many fall by the way side.  What did Jesus tell Martha?
Luke 10:40  But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me."
v. 41  And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.
v. 42  But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2008, 11:02:38 AM »

To be fair, let's look at a few of the secular world's scientific gloom and doom predictions;

In 1970, environmentalists said there would soon be a new ice age and massive deaths from air pollution. The New York Times foresaw the extinction of the human race. Widely-quoted biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted worldwide starvation by 1975.

"...civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind," biologist George Wald, Harvard University, April 19, 1970.

By 1995, "...somewhere between 75 and 85 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct." Sen. Gaylord Nelson, quoting Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Look magazine, April 1970.

Because of increased dust, cloud cover and water vapor "...the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born," Newsweek magazine, January 26, 1970.

The world will be "...11 degrees colder in the year 2000 (this is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age)," Kenneth Watt, speaking at Swarthmore University, April 19, 1970.
"We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation," biologist Barry Commoner, University of Washington, writing in the journal Environment, April 1970.

"By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half..." Life magazine, January 1970.

"Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make," Paul Ehrlich, interview in Mademoiselle magazine, April 1970.


Is our climate changing? The succession of temperate summers and open winters through several years, culminating last winter in the almost total failure of the ice crop throughout the valley of the Hudson, makes the question pertinent. The older inhabitants tell us that the Winters are not as cold now as when they were young, and we have all observed a marked diminution of the average cold even in this last decade. - New York Times June 23, 1890

The Oceanographic observations have, however, been even more interesting. Ice conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice has never been noted. The expedition all but established a record….Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society - January 1905

“Fifth ice age is on the way…..Human race will have to fight for its existence against cold.” – Los Angles Times October 23, 1912

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot.... Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone... Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. - Washington Post 11/2/1922

Scientist says Arctic ice will wipe out Canada, Professor Gregory of Yale University stated that “another world ice-epoch is due.” He was the American representative to the Pan-Pacific Science Congress and warned that North America would disappear as far south as the Great Lakes, and huge parts of Asia and Europe would be “wiped out.” – Chicago Tribune August 9, 1923

The discoveries of changes in the sun’s heat and southward advance of glaciers in recent years have given rise to the conjectures of the possible advent of a new ice age - Time Magazine 9/10/1923

America in longest warm spell since 1776; temperature line records a 25 year rise - New York Times 3/27/1933

“Gaffers who claim that winters were harder when they were boys are quite right…weather men have no doubt that the world at least for the time being is growing warmer.” – Time Magazine Jan. 2 1939

A mysterious warming of the climate is slowly manifesting itself in the Arctic, engendering a “serious international problem,” - May 30, 1947

Greenland’s polar climate has moderated so consistently that communities of hunters have evolved into fishing villages. Sea mammals, vanishing from the west coast, have been replaced by codfish and other fish species in the area’s southern waters. - August 29, 1954

After a week of discussions on the causes of climate change, an assembly of specialists from several continents seems to have reached unanimous agreement on only one point: it is getting colder. - New York Times - January 30, 1961

Like an outrigger canoe riding before a huge comber, the earth with its inhabitants is caught on the downslope of an immense climatic wave that is plunging us toward another Ice Age. - Los Angeles Times December 23, 1962

Col. Bernt Balchen, polar explorer and flier, is circulating a paper among polar specialists proposing that the Arctic pack ice is thinning and that the ocean at the North Pole may become an open sea within a decade or two. – New York Times - February 20, 1969

The United States and the Soviet Union are mounting large-scale investigations to determine why the Arctic climate is becoming more frigid, why parts of the Arctic sea ice have recently become ominously thicker and whether the extent of that ice cover contributes to the onset of ice ages. – New York Times - July 18, 1970

The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines. Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. — Paul Ehrlich - The Population Bomb (1968)

Get a good grip on your long johns, cold weather haters—the worst may be yet to come. That’s the long-long-range weather forecast being given out by “climatologists.” the people who study very long-term world weather trends…. Washington Post January 11, 1970

In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish. — Paul Ehrlich, Earth Day (1970)

“Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind. We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” - Barry Commoner Washington University Earth Day 1970

Convection in the Antarctic Ice Sheet Leading to a Surge of the Ice Sheet and Possibly to a New Ice Age. – Science 1970

“In the next 50 years fine dust that humans discharge into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel will screen out so much of the sun’s rays that the Earth’s average temperature could fall by six degrees. Sustained emissions over five to 10 years, could be sufficient to trigger an ice age.” – Washington Post - July 9, 1971

New Ice Age Coming-—It’s Already Getting Colder. Some midsummer day, perhaps not too far in the future, a hard, killing frost will sweep down on the wheat fields of Saskatchewan, the Dakotas and the Russian steppes…..Los Angles Times Oct 24, 1971

“There is very important climatic change (Global Cooling) going on right now, and it’s not merely something of academic interest. It is something that, if it continues, will affect the whole human occupation of the earth – like a billion people starving. The effects are already showing up in a rather drastic way.” – Fortune Magazine February 1974

“Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age” – Time Magazine June 24, 1974

A number of climatologists, whose job it is to keep an eye on long-term weather changes, have lately been predicting deterioration of the benign climate to which we have grown accustomed….Various climatologists issued a statement that “the facts of the present climate change are such that the most optimistic experts would assign near certainty to major crop failure in a decade,” If policy makers do not account for this oncoming doom, “mass deaths by starvation and probably in anarchy and violence” will result. New York Times - December 29, 1974

Regardless of long term trends, such as the return of an Ice Age, unsettled weather conditions now appear more likely than those of the abnormally favorable period which ended in 1972. – Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society - October 10, 1975

A RECENT flurry of papers has provided further evidence for the belief that the Earth is cooling. There now seems little doubt that changes over the past few years are more than a minor statistical fluctuation – Nature - March 6, 1975

Scientists, these seemingly disparate incidents represent the advance signs of fundamental changes in the world’s weather. The central fact is that after three quarters of a century of extraordinarily mild conditions, the earth’s climate seems to be cooling down. Meteorologists disagree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend, as well as over its specific impact on local weather conditions. But they are almost unanimous in the view that the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century. – The Cooling World Newsweek, April 28, 1975

“Scientist ponder why World’s Climate is changing; a major cooling is considered to be inevitable – New York Times May 21, 1975

This cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause world famine, world chaos and world war, and this could all come about before the year 2000. — Lowell Ponte “The Cooling”, 1976

An international team of specialists has concluded from eight indexes of climate that there is no end in sight to the cooling trend of the last 30 years, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. - New York Times - January 5, 1978

One of the questions that nags at climatologists asks when and how fast a new ice age might descend. A Belgian scientist suggests this could happen sooner and swifter than you might think. - Christian Science Monitor - Nov 14, 1979

Evidence has been presented and discussed to show a cooling trend over the Northern Hemisphere since around 1940, amounting to over 0.5°C, due primarily to cooling at mid- and high latitudes - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society - November 1980

A global warming trend could bring heat waves, dust-dry farmland and disease, the experts said... Under this scenario, the resort town of Ocean City, Md., will lose 39 feet of shoreline by 2000 and a total of 85 feet within the next 25 years - San Jose Mercury News - June 11, 1986

‘New York will probably be like Florida 15 years from now,’ - St. Louis Post-Dispatch Sept. 17, 1989

Some predictions for the next decade (1990’s) are not difficult to make... Americans may see the ‘80s migration to the Sun Belt reverse as a global warming trend rekindles interest in cooler climates. - Dallas Morning News December 5th 1989

By 2000, British and American oil will have dimished to a trickle......Ozone depletion and global warming threaten food shortages, but the wealthy North will enjoy a temporary reprieve by buying up the produce of the South. Unrest among the hungry and the ensuing political instability, will be contained by the North’s greater military might. A bleak future indeed, but an inevitable one unless we change the way we live.....At present rates of exploitation there may be no rainforest left in 10 years. If measures are not taken immediately, the greenhouse effect may be unstoppable in 12 to 15 years. - 5000 Days to Save the Planet - Edward Goldsmith 1991

‘’I think we’re in trouble. When you realize how little time we have left - we are now given not 10 years to save the rainforests, but in many cases five years. Madagascar will largely be gone in five years unless something happens. And nothing is happening.’’ - ABC - The Miracle Planet April 22, 1990

The planet could face an “ecological and agricultural catastrophe” by the next decade if global warming trends continue - Carl Sagan - Buffalo News Oct. 15, 1990

Most of the great environmental struggles will be either won or lost in the 1990s and by the next century it will be too late. — Thomas E. Lovejoy, Smithsonian Institution “Real Goods Alternative Energy Sourcebook,” Seventh Edition: February 1993

Today (in 1996) 25 million environmental refugees roam the globe, more than those pushed out for political, economic, or religious reasons. By 2010, this number will grow tenfold to 200 million. - The Heat is On -The High Stakes Battle Over Earth’s Threatened Climate - Ross Gelbspan - 1996

“It appears that we have a very good case for suggesting that the El Ninos are going to become more frequent, and they’re going to become more intense and in a few years, or a decade or so, we’ll go into a permanent El Nino.” - BBC November 7, 1997

In ten years time, most of the low-lying atolls surrounding Tuvalu’s nine islands in the South Pacific Ocean will be submerged under water as global warming rises sea levels, CNN Mar 29, 2001

“Globally, 2002 is likely to be warmer than 2001 - it may even break the record set in 1998. - Daily Mirror August 2, 2002

Next year(2003)may be warmest recorded: Global temperatures in 2003 are expected to exceed those in 1998 - the hottest year to date - The Scotsman December 30, 2002

(The) extra energy, together with a weak El Nino, is expected to make 2005 warmer than 2003 and 2004 and perhaps even warmer than 1998 - Reuters February 11, 2005

NOAA announced its predictions for the 2006 hurricane season, saying it expects an “above normal” year with 13-16 named storms. Of these storms, the agency says it expects four to be hurricanes of category 3 or above, double the yearly average of prior seasons in recorded history. With experts calling the coming hurricane season potentially worse than last year’s, oil prices have jumped 70 cents per barrel in New York and made similar leaps elsewhere. Economists anticipate that demand for oil will rise sharply over the summer, when as many as four major hurricanes could hit the United States. — Seed Magazine 5/19/06

This year (2007) is likely to be the warmest year on record globally, beating the current record set in 1998, - ScienceDaily Jan. 5, 2007

Warm (2007 – 2008) Winter Predicted for United States - NOAA forecasters are calling for above-average temperatures over most of the country - Science Daily Oct. 11, 2007

There are so many more but I will spare you.  ;)

Peace in Him,




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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2008, 11:03:41 AM »

Hi Joe,

I guess every single generation since Christ was on earth thought He would return to them.  I think we all have to focus our attention on Him living in us now, so that we will be prepared at His appearing, if not in this lifetime then at our awakening at the resurrection.  Christ stated four times the kingdom was at hand;

Mat 4:17  From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mat 10:7  And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mark 1:15  And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Luke 21:31  So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.

I think the cares and worries of this world is the main reason many fall by the way side.  What did Jesus tell Martha?
Luke 10:40  But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me."
v. 41  And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.
v. 42  But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."

mercy, peace and love

Amen Kat!

Thank you,



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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2008, 11:18:00 AM »

24 April 2008, prediction for AZ summers, by Patrick; HOT. ;D


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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2008, 11:26:24 AM »


LOL Patrick!

I am going out on a limb and making my own prediction.

Gulf of Mexico 2008;





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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2008, 11:58:23 AM »

Thanks for posting all of that Joe, that was a lot!, but I managed to read all of your first post, now I need a nap. Kat, thanks for your last post. I noticed something I didn't before.

Luke 21:8

 8.) And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.

Mark 1:14-15
 14.) Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

 15.) And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Romans 13:10-12
 10.) Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

 11.) And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

 12.) The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.


carol v

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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2008, 12:24:37 PM »

I really like this post Joe. My only doubt is that there are people these scriptures apply to and those they don't. The fall of Rome was a 2 year period of starvation marked with cannibalism followed by a bloodbath. And I could list as many times like this as you have listed prophecies. There are people starving and being slaughtered in Darfur, the Sudan and other places today. I love this list and the optimism but there are real world instances of people starving, mourning and not being given in marriage before the end of their world.

Don't mean to be a downer. Very thankful that I trust in what the scripture means to those that believe but sad for others. It is a "sore travail."



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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2008, 01:08:12 PM »

Hi Carol,

There is no denying what you said, but the world is still here!

I certainly understand where you are coming from, my point was not that there isn't any pain and suffering in this world, there is more than enough to go around for sure (we all have had first hand experience, some more than others).

My point is (as the scriptures teach us) take each day's trials and tribulation one day at a time. What is the point of harboring anxiety over what tomorrow might bring, or next month, or a year, or 10 years, especially when the Lord Himself admonishes us not to?

Are His people to be a beacon of light and good cheer to the world or to fuel the fire of fear and trepidation? What distinguishes the spiritual from the carnal if one is bogged down with the cares of this world? If we really have faith in God and in His plan what will worrying about the future do to our faith, will it grow while we harbor fearfulness? Are we following the commands of Christ while we concern ourselves with the possibilities of this physical experience rather than having faith that He is in control?

I am certainly no proponant of a pie in the sky earthly utopian paradise, it is not meant to be, but the knowledge that we are to be perfected by the troubles we face each day should be a source of security even joy. I know it is impossible without His Spirit, but becoming One with His Spirit is the point of this whole existence.

Act 14:22  Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

Look at the Lord's Words in Revelation, it really is something we should consider thoroughly;

Rev 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

It is something to meditate on when we see who tops the list of those who will have their place in the Lake of Fire. The following verse is worth repeating;

Joh 16:33  These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

His Peace to you Sister,




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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2008, 01:52:11 PM »

Thanks for posting all of that Joe, that was a lot!, but I managed to read all of your first post, now I need a nap.

LOL! ;D HEY...what about the bees?? huh?? Global crop devestation because of dwindling bee population!

carol v

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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2008, 04:47:49 PM »

Great scripture to point out Joe. I guess the "fearful" part would directly tie in to loving the life in the flesh too much and lack of faith. I'm going to go highlight that right now and remember it!



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Re: Worries Of The World
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2008, 06:49:51 AM »

Thank you to Joe and everyone that contributed to this thread. Lately I have really been overwhelmed by the worries of the world and I need reminders like this to keep my focus on the only thing I need to be focusing on, Christ Jesus. I am yet carnal and have much to overcome.
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