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Author Topic: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me  (Read 8057 times)

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Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« on: May 08, 2008, 09:37:31 PM »

 About 7 months ago a decided that I needed to return to my First Love and get my life back in order with Christ.  I had always believed in Hell and did my fair share of witnessing trying to save loved ones, friends and even strangers especially when I was a new believer.  With my new walk I started listening to Ray Comfort from the Way of the Master and even ordered his "how to witness" kit.  I really started to believe that my family would be in hell and got very depressed.  I remembered back just a few months earlier when my youngest son was just learning to walk and he put his little baby hand against the glass of our gas fireplace for a mere second and what that looked like.....almost like he was he was holding a baseball the blister was so big..very painful.  I family and even myself could one day be burning for ever and ever and ever in this place....WHY!!!!!!  I prayed out to God...PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND!  I would go to the Gym in the morning and when I would come home I would be going the opposite direction of the traffic heading to work and I would this it?  Is this what it would look like if everyone were to die today....6 lanes of backed up traffic heading for eternal torment forever and just a handful going to everlasting peace?  I was so disturbed which lead to some depression (and I'm a happy person by nature).  THEN..Then I found this site.. I was very cautious and very slow in reading at first as it went against everything that I had been taught for so many years.   I started to read more and more and realize that this made so much sense.  I have to say that it shook me to my core.  My whole foundation crumbled not knowing what to believe.  Well, after reading and reading and listing, it's under new construction.  Now I know that there is no literal hell of burning flesh.  I know it.  Now I have another problem.  I am so upset when preacher teach on hell I have to speak up.  Not sure if it's right or not but it's just were I am right now.  It makes me sooo mad hearing that message.  Just wanted to talk to somebody and this feels like a great place to do that.  Ive got a longggg wayyy to go!

carol v

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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 09:56:59 PM »

Hey Nikoa,

I used to listen to Ray Comfort a lot and even ordered a few of his witnessing dollar bills. Seems crazy now. I still get his emails and mostly ignore them but every once in awhile feel the need to write back. I doubt he reads them. Some poor secretary I'm sure.

What most of us seem to do is quit listening to preachers. I no longer attend church or watch Christian TV. The hell doctrine always drove me crazy and I argued with God about it every day for decades until I found Ray's site almost 4 years ago.

That youtube video is gross!



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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2008, 10:02:00 PM »

Honestly I was almost at the point of standing on the street corner.  I figured if hell is true then every waking second needs to be dedicated to warning other people that are going there.  One of Ray Comfort's messages even made me believe that if I wasn't doing that then I too would be there. 


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2008, 10:31:42 PM »

Honestly I was almost at the point of standing on the street corner.  I figured if hell is true then every waking second needs to be dedicated to warning other people that are going there.  One of Ray Comfort's messages even made me believe that if I wasn't doing that then I too would be there. 

"Preachers" like that just LOVE putting people in bondage like you describe. Throw down those chains and don't look back.



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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2008, 10:45:02 PM »

They say don't shoot the messenger.  Well, I yell at the the messenger every time Ray Uncomfort and Kirk the Cameraman come on my TV.  That's right, the TV is the hapless messenger I'm speaking of (I'm not gonna shoot my TV, yet).  Iv'e tried sending e-mails to these clowns several times but they would'nt waste their time with me.  But I've saved the e-mails and giggle at them from time to time.  I can't stand their heretic witnessing styles.  I wish they would interview me.  Man, those poor blind saps that they witness their hell crap to, who start crying.  Makes me want to scream and start shooten.     


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2008, 02:28:23 AM »

I like you Nikoa was always fearful that my family would go to hell and burn forever,because they were not born again Christians. I was devastated that my grandmother who loved me dearly and had not had a bad word for anyone was frying in hell for the last 15yrs because she was not born again christian. I wasn't so much in fear for my own self just the ones I love. I was very happy when I read Ray's papers on the lake of fire. It all made since to me. That what these modern false prophets do they put the fear of burning in hell forever and ever unless you change your ways and choose God's way.
(free will) B.S. If God is all mighty and the most powerfull being in the universe then why is tens of billions of people who ever lived are going to hell and burn. This is what the preachers of today would have you believe. I believe that God sent His son Jesus to save ALL of mankind and if you believe scripture God's will will be done and His desire to save ALL of man.
That's what I believe.



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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2008, 04:00:19 AM »

Part of me wants to engage in discussion with people who believe in a fiery hell just so that I can learn and dig deeper.  It's funny, the few times I have spoke up about this on a forum I have received messages back with this " Oh you poor ignorant and deceived soul" attitude.  I can be humble but am not a big fan of being talked down to and that is what I get from "Christians".  Seems like "Christians" are the most closed minded people and not even willing to discuss anything that goes against their world view.  I see this in the majority of emails to Ray..No scripture just...this is the way it is and I will pray that God reveals His truth to you attitude.


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2008, 05:37:09 AM »

Your right Noika, Christians who are doctrinated in the man made doctrines are very closed minded. You right just read some of the Emails Ray gets from so called Christians. They hate him and his teachings. They all fear the truth. I join Bible truths about a month or so and I've notice just how much hate these so called loving Christians have. Also , when I'm flipping through the channels on tv and I come across a Joyce Myers, haggee or a pat Robinson and the rest of these false teachers I really listen to them at least for a few mins. just to see how full of it they really are. At the end of any of these program ms they are selling something. Books, tapes or trips and they all need money. If you give your last penny then God will bless you. But you have to give money. What does God need what our money.  Sorry I went on a small rant and have gotten off the subject. (Christians are the biggest hypocrate ever).

                                                       Thanks and peace



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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2008, 12:38:41 PM »

Honestly I was almost at the point of standing on the street corner.  I figured if hell is true then every waking second needs to be dedicated to warning other people that are going there.  One of Ray Comfort's messages even made me believe that if I wasn't doing that then I too would be there. 

Hello Nikoa,

                 The above is precisely the ultimate conclusion one could reach in regards to the belief in everlasting Hell-fire for the wicked and unbeliever, at least someone who trly cares for other people.

                 I can remember discussing this with a "Brother" that is a member of my former Religious Affiliation and he said basically the same thing you stated above, Nikoa, " If Hell-fire is in store for the unbeliever and the wicked, we should use all our time and resources to warn the people, so they don't end up their." The irony of it all, we taught that the wicked and unbelievers would be annihiliated instead at the battle of Armageddon." I started to reason within myself that, although Annihiliation(extinction) was preferable to Eternal Hell-fire, it still lacked justice, mercy and Love.

                 The punishment still well exceeded the crime in either case(Hell-fire or Annihiliation). I reasoned and discovered that our Loving God would never punish his children to that extreme, based on what they did or didn't do or what they did wrong or didn't do right. I've known for years that Sin(Hamartia-GK) literally meant missing the mark and we all miss the mark. If we break one of his commandments, we are guilty of all of them. Now, I'm glad and thankfull to God for opening my eyes in believing that Jesus really is the Savior of the  World(1John. 4:14).

                  Isn't it wonderfull ! That by God's Grace, our eyes are now opened and we don't believe the lie anymore.
                  Rays' Audio Bible Study on WORSHIP, parts 1 & 2 is very helpfull in this regard, was listening to it the last few days.

                                                         Your Brother, Samson  :)


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2008, 12:48:59 PM »

Greetings and GRACE to you.

This story is typical, and confermation abounding that it was God leading/dragging you to HIM and the truth!!

for 40 yrs i never even heard of UR, and when i cried out to God same thing, and a light went on and there is confermation after confermation !! PRAISE HIM.

also 4 yrs ago i was on fire to get this new meesage out, and have come to realize, it must be the LORD whom opens doors, you cant force it on anyone.

your job isnt to make one drink, its to make them thirsty, plant seeds so to speak.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 01:01:53 PM by chuckt »


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2008, 01:02:05 PM »

These people could not possibly know the truth or they would have to be the most evil people don't you think?  I don't want to forget where I came from.  I need to study more and pray more.  Seems like once I heard this truth which made so much sense then I began to wonder what other belief systems am I holding onto that could be false??? This caused me to question everything and set me back to the point of not praying a way back sliding.  I think this is all part of the process of having my foundation shaken. Now I need to start over with digging new footing on new ground.


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2008, 01:48:35 PM »

These people could not possibly know the truth or they would have to be the most evil people don't you think?  I don't want to forget where I came from.  I need to study more and pray more.  Seems like once I heard this truth which made so much sense then I began to wonder what other belief systems am I holding onto that could be false??? This caused me to question everything and set me back to the point of not praying a way back sliding.  I think this is all part of the process of having my foundation shaken. Now I need to start over with digging new footing on new ground.

you are in a perfect place to now grow in Christ  be patient , and soak it up :D

blessing in your new walk!! WITH HIM.



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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2008, 12:55:10 PM »

your job isnt to make one drink, its to make them thirsty, plant seeds so to speak.


Great point Chuck, if we can live our lives as an example, a living sacrifice so to speak, that is a much better witness for Christ than debating or arguing bible verses with someone who is intent on holding fast to their belief in god the destroyer of his children.

Just as the Jews of the time Christ walked the earth weren't going to be persuaded by the true Messiah the church is not going to be persuaded by His message of salvation for all or by those He has so far chosen to reveal it to. It is amazing that it is for exactly the same reason that He was rejected then and His message, the true Gospel, the real Good News is rejected now, they want a Messiah/God of vengeance not forgiveness, of destruction rather than mercy.

The Jews wanted their messiah to destroy not only the Romans but anyone else that was not like them, sound familiar? Once they realized Jesus was not going to kill their enemies but to forgive them they turned on Him and cried out for Barabbas;

Luk 23:18  And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:
Luk 23:19  (Who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison.)

Luk 23:25  And he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison, whom they had desired; but he delivered Jesus to their will. (Crucify Him!)

The prophecy of our Lord holds true;

Mat 10:24  The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.

Mat 10:25  It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

Joh 15:18  If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.


« Last Edit: May 10, 2008, 02:20:17 PM by hillsbororiver »

Roy Monis

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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2008, 04:08:12 PM »

These people could not possibly know the truth or they would have to be the most evil people don't you think?  I don't want to forget where I came from.  I need to study more and pray more.  Seems like once I heard this truth which made so much sense then I began to wonder what other belief systems am I holding onto that could be false??? This caused me to question everything and set me back to the point of not praying a way back sliding.  I think this is all part of the process of having my foundation shaken. Now I need to start over with digging new footing on new ground.

Hi! Nikoa

Welcome to the Forum. Lovely to meet you.

Standing at street corners to try to save strangers from the eternal fires of hell is indeed an admirable though fruitless gesture as there is no such thing. But it does show one important thing, and the thing that you have  is what I believe to be the quality that God requires in His chosen, that quality being a love for all mankind. There is no higher quality, for God is LOVE; "The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love." (1Jn.4:8).

With this quality going for you, you need have no worries. God will call whoever he wants in His own time and they will come to you, you don't go to them that is the Holy Spirit's prerogative, so don't infringe.

God bless you and may you grow in His love.

Love in Christ Jesus'

Roy ;)



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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2008, 12:41:31 PM »

I really appreciate your words Roy...Thank you!

brandon h

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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2008, 09:24:38 PM »

The eternal torment message bugs me as well. Well, that's undersatating it. It makes me very upset. Sermons on TBN will make you ill. But we should be angry at these heresies that bring people into bondage! We get upset because it grinds at the very core of our spirits; it is the absolute opposite of the spirit of God. It is apart of the anti-christ system! And for now it is apart of God's will. But like everything in creation it must be judged, and will be purified. Until then, we are with you sister. By the way, that is admirable to have witnessed as you did. Though the message was wrong, there's nothing wrong with boldness. Be strong in Christ and welcome to bible-truths.


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2008, 03:11:16 AM »

You know what really gets me... the photos and videos they have about hell.  Knowing what I know now I can't believe that I didn't see how evil this is before.  They always show fire burning people, screaming and demons tormenting.  One even showed a beautiful angel throwing a person into a lake of flames. It's no wonder so many people are turned off by this message.  Looking back I can remember witnessing to one of my coworkers and he kept asking about where I thought his unsaved dad was.  I never gave him a straight answer but he flat out told me that if God was going to torment his father forever that he wanted nothing to do with this God and he would just as well go to hell too.  It really upset him and he put the defenses up.


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Re: Knowing the truth the hell message really bugs me
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2008, 03:50:09 PM »

Nikoa: It looks like you have received a lot of good advise and comment. Your post made me think of church the other day. We had a baby dedication and all the proud parents and their babies were there all dressed up then our pastor begins by saying the "children are a gifts from God..." and it got me thinking that if our children are a gift from God, which I believe they are, then why on earth would a loving saviour allow some of these to be born so that they could be sent to eternal torment? That God would not be a loving God. The fact is that babies as well as everyone else will not be condemed to some hoax called hell, as we have all discovered. The beautiful summary posted by Hillsbororiver says it all. How God had the Northern Ten tribes removed from the land for offering their children to Molech. Our God is a God of love who stops at nothing to draw ALL men to Him.

GB, David   
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