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Author Topic: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"  (Read 11298 times)

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"God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« on: May 31, 2008, 12:04:24 PM »

I can't stand this statement!!
Is it me or does anybody else feel this way about it??
It makes me angry to believe that God, my Father will not give me
answers to the questions I ask!! If I don't know something about something
I wait for him to reveal it to me. The key word is WAIT!
It seems that those who are quick to repeat this statement
are content in their ignorance of somethings.
I know paul said be content in all things but I don't think his statement is
contradictory to seeking my father and knowing my father!
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? Is it justifiable anger???
I need help with this one. :-\
Thank you Guys

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2008, 01:09:36 PM »

Hello Antaiwan,
If we had free will then I guess your feelings would be correct.
If you understand what Ray has pointed out and God has blessed you with," we can do nothing on our own."

You will get the answers you want only it will be in Gods time.
Searching is good to do, how many times have you read over things and understood them long after the first reading.

In Gods time.



Roy Monis

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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2008, 03:40:26 PM »

Dear Ataiwan

I don't quite understand what you are angry with God for? Please don't get me wrong when I ask who should be the one to be angry, you with God or God with you?

I am a great grandfather, and if my children, grandchildren or great grandchildren didn't give me my due respect I would not answer them either. But here we are talking not about a mere earthly great grandfather but our Almighty Sovereign God over all creation. Give Him His respect and He will give you an answer: “ ‘A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?’ says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests who despise My name. But you say, ‘How have we despised Your name?’..." (Mal.1:6).

And your request also will be granted provided it is not for something frivolous: "What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (Jas. 4:1-6).

Don't be angry with God, my brother He is much too big for you, be angry with yourself.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     



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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2008, 06:22:34 PM »

Ok it sounds to me like the last two people have completely misunderstood what the OP meant. You are not angry with God correct??? You are angry with people saying "well God just doesn't answer everything" and using that as an excuse to remain ignorant right?? If that's what you mean then, yes, I understand your frustration but try not to let it make you angry. You know that God will answer you in His perfect time and that's all that matters. We have to somewhat let go of the ones who can't see b/c we cannot make them see.


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2008, 09:01:36 PM »


Yeah, either way if its us or them its still God directing the cause.
If such statments are made then its God who keeps them in the dark not us them or anyone else.

One of the two last people   ;D

 8) :P 8)


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2008, 09:31:05 PM »

Ok it sounds to me like the last two people have completely misunderstood what the OP meant. You are not angry with God correct??? You are angry with people saying "well God just doesn't answer everything" and using that as an excuse to remain ignorant right?? If that's what you mean then, yes, I understand your frustration but try not to let it make you angry. You know that God will answer you in His perfect time and that's all that matters. We have to somewhat let go of the ones who can't see b/c we cannot make them see.

Yeah Krista,
I'm not angry with God, no way!
I do get frustrated sometimes when my parents and friends of mine use this statement to suggest that no one can know God.
It always bothered me. I try to explain to them why I don't go to church and all I get is statements like this and "You think you know everything!" It boggles my mind!!
I do know that God reveals in his time, I just wanted to share my frustrations with a few like-minded people!
Thanks Guys

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2008, 10:37:43 PM »

Hi again Antaiwan,
Sorry for the confusion.
Looks to me like God is teaching you the fruits of the Spirit.

Galatians 5; 22
But "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Against such things there is no law,"

I understand your frustration also.
Its the hardest thing we will do......



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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2008, 09:43:57 AM »

:D "keep on seeking" Antaiwan--
If you become frustrated or angry along the way--this too serves a purpose--I am a seeker of The Truth, and He is so far beyond my understanding at times!
But in your state of "frustration" you might will find more than you are looking for...

just my opinion!
Joyce :)


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2008, 08:01:09 PM »

Sometimes when you think you didn't get an answer, thats your answer  ;)
Read Isaiah 28. God reveals the answers we search for as and when He sees fit, when we are spiritually ready to recieve it.


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2008, 09:31:42 PM »

Great answer Rodger.


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2008, 10:13:22 PM »

;D okay...WHO let ROGER back on the stage?  ;D


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2008, 11:32:36 PM »

Ok it sounds to me like the last two people have completely misunderstood what the OP meant. You are not angry with God correct??? You are angry with people saying "well God just doesn't answer everything" and using that as an excuse to remain ignorant right?? If that's what you mean then, yes, I understand your frustration but try not to let it make you angry. You know that God will answer you in His perfect time and that's all that matters. We have to somewhat let go of the ones who can't see b/c we cannot make them see.

Yeah Krista,
I'm not angry with God, no way!
I do get frustrated sometimes when my parents and friends of mine use this statement to suggest that no one can know God.

It always bothered me. I try to explain to them why I don't go to church and all I get is statements like this and "You think you know everything!" It boggles my mind!!
I do know that God reveals in his time, I just wanted to share my frustrations with a few like-minded people!
Thanks Guys


Hello Antaiwan,

                      Yes, you are entitled to your feelings regarding people that prefer to remain ignorant of knowing God and his Truths and purposes(John. 17:3), however, because many are called and few are chosen in this age and ages past, many will choose ignorance, apparently it's God's plan for them. I can relate to your frustration with those that don't seem to care about getting to know more about God. Applying that Scripture at 1Peter. 3:15, (Always ready to answer someone who asks of you a reason for the hope in you), is helpfull to consider. Ray received a new E-mail entitled WITNESS, received today that may be helpfull in this regard. Good thread and interesting responses.

                                             Your Brother, Samson.


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2008, 12:25:10 AM »

I can't stand this statement!!
Is it me or does anybody else feel this way about it??
It makes me angry to believe that God, my Father will not give me
answers to the questions I ask!! If I don't know something about something
I wait for him to reveal it to me. The key word is WAIT!
It seems that those who are quick to repeat this statement
are content in their ignorance of somethings.
I know paul said be content in all things but I don't think his statement is
contradictory to seeking my father and knowing my father!
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? Is it justifiable anger???
I need help with this one. :-\

Try your hand at performing a visual show to a BLIND audience i.e... magic, dancing, acrobats,,ect.
Altough limited by Non-sight, they can sense the something is going on, but are clueless to what is REALLY happening.

Try your hand at performing an audio show to a DEAF audience i.e... singing, acoustics, percussion,,ect.
Altough limited by Non-hearing, they can sense the something is going on, but are clueless to what is REALLY happening.

Now imagine for a second you having to explain to each a DEAF person and a BLIND person what is happing on stage, as the show progresses. The AMBIANCE being the biggest draw of the show would surly be missed by the deaf and blind individuals. The audiences is left UNFULLFILLED, thirsty, hungry,..UNENTERTAINED.

Now try tasking your FAITH at explaining SPIRITUALY, to a person whose eyes and ears are not open, "WHY God doesn't give the answers to everything ". The persons can not HEAR the Words of God, nor SEE the MIND of Jesus the Christ, but they can sense the something is going on, but are clueless to what is REALLY happening.

All the while the SPIRIT AMBIANCE is MISSED, the people are left UNFULLFILLED, thirsty, hungry,..UNDISCERNED.

All the World is indeed a stage and WE ALL are participants of the grandest of shows "God's Grace and Love", Where ALL the Truths and Answers to everything is given in living SPIRIT.

peace and understanding

Well said Rodger.



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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2008, 02:01:33 AM »

Musicman, Joyful1, Beau....  Thank you and your welcome  :)

LOL they would bahg that gong in sec if i were on stage  ;D

Hi and blessings upon everyone and your loved ones. :)

« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 02:06:25 AM by Falconn003 »

Roy Monis

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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2008, 10:48:23 AM »

Sometimes when you think you didn't get an answer, thats your answer  ;)
Read Isaiah 28. God reveals the answers we search for as and when He sees fit, when we are spiritually ready to recieve it.

Hi! David

I agree with you, if man does not give God His due reverence then he is not spiritually ready to receive those answers. The answer he is getting "No answer" is the only answer he can expect. Mortal man must learn humility, reverence, honour and respect for his Almighty Sovereign God before he can expect to receive anything from Him: And now this commandment is for you, O priests. "If you do not listen, and if you do not take it to heart to give honor to My name,” says the Lord of hosts, “then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings; and indeed, I have cursed them already, because you are not taking it to heart. Behold, I am going to rebuke your offspring, and I will spread refuse on your faces, the refuse of your feasts; and you will be taken away with it. Then you will know that I have sent this commandment to you, that My covenant may continue with Levi,” says the Lord of hosts. “My covenant with him was one of life and peace, and I gave them to him as an object of reverence; so he revered Me and stood in awe of My name. True instruction was in his mouth and unrighteousness was not found on his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many back from iniquity. For the lips of a priest should preserve knowledge, and men should seek instruction from his mouth; for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts." (Mal.2:1-7).

Copy of Antaiwan's posting:

answers to the questions I ask!! If I don't know something about something
I wait for him to reveal it to me. The key word is WAIT!
It seems that those who are quick to repeat this statement
are content in their ignorance of somethings.
I know paul said be content in all things but I don't think his statement is
contradictory to seeking my father and knowing my father!
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? Is it justifiable anger???

The key word is not "WAIT" The key words are, "HONOUR", "RESPECT" & "REVERENCE" both in the written and spoken words from the heart in due humility.

That's what my posting to Ataiwan was all about. He is addressed as Ataiwan not ataiwan with the respect due to him as a person. Should it not be more so for his Sovereign God? But he shows no respect for man or God, and I have no time for such plain ignorance.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2008, 11:31:19 AM »

A very good valid point Roy UK.  "HONOUR", "RESPECT" & "REVERENCE" are indeed good starting points for a closer relationship with God.

Peace Rodger


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2008, 10:03:25 PM »

The key word is not "WAIT" The key words are, "HONOUR", "RESPECT" & "REVERENCE" both in the written and spoken words from the heart in due humility.

That's what my posting to Ataiwan was all about. He is addressed as Ataiwan not ataiwan with the respect due to him as a person. Should it not be more so for his Sovereign God? But he shows no respect for man or God, and I have no time for such plain ignorance.

Hey Roy
Are you addressing me when you make this statement???
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2008, 10:56:08 PM »

Hi Folks,

Let's not jump to conclusions or make unfounded accusations, I have come to know Antawain through this Forum and at a couple of BT Conferences, I can assure you that he respects God and man and is a very humble person doing what I hope we all are doing, seeking a greater knowledge of and relationship with our Lord and God.

What might we have said to Jacob?

 Jacob Wrestles With God
 24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak."
      But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."
 27 The man asked him, "What is your name?"
      "Jacob," he answered.

 28 Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, [e] because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome."

 29 Jacob said, "Please tell me your name."
      But he replied, "Why do you ask my name?" Then he blessed him there.

 30 So Jacob called the place Peniel, [f] saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."

 31 The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, [g] and he was limping because of his hip. 32 Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to the socket of the hip, because the socket of Jacob's hip was touched near the tendon.

You know there have been, are and will be times when to wait and be still is the Lord's will for His own.

Isa 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Lam 3:25  The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

Luk 24:49  And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

A few of many wonderful promises to those who learn patience, waiting for our Lord.





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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2008, 11:07:45 PM »

Antwain, I don't think Roy means to offend you--his take on your post was that you were angry at God, not at the people who you meant irritate you with their ignorance.  He's taking your precept in a different direction now, but I don't think he means to throw you the proverbial stumbling block.  

Just my observation, but it's great that we can agree to disagree here, as the big picture is that each of us are on our own spiritual journeys to finding our places in His Kingdom--we all have a mutual goal right?!

Joe posted before I did, and I hope that my response doesn't contradict his insights and scriptural references, but I will go ahead and post my thoughts.  Hope I don't rub anyone the wrong way!   :)

Love in Christ,


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Re: "God doesn't give the answers to everything"
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2008, 11:40:03 PM »

I did not intend for this thread to be about my anger, but what I was angry about.
When I say angry I don't mean violent rage and outburst of uncontrolled emotion, but simply
frustration. I even get sad sometimes.

Can I not still care for those who are still blind to these truths???
I will wait on the lord, I will wait for a desire to hit their hearts to ask of the lord.
I will wait.

Also please don't question my honor,respect, and reverence of men and God by my lack of grammatical etiquette.
I fail to see why not capitalizing proper nouns means I don't have honor, respect, and reverence for men and God.

Thanks Joe!
I'm not the most humble person I know but I try to be. 
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus
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