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Author Topic: God will save all mankind  (Read 8941 times)

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God will save all mankind
« on: September 06, 2008, 02:59:10 AM »

I know the Lord will save all mankind. I want to prove this to someone but I don't know chapter and verse where is this scripture. I told them I will tell them where they can find this scripture. I know I am asking the right people.



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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 03:16:29 AM »

There is a lot of scripture but my favorite is the parable of the lost sheep.

Matthew 18: 10-14



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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2008, 03:36:13 AM »

Hi Darren,

Here's a list of scriptures I saved - I found it on tentmaker's website before finding bibiletruth.Many of them contain the word "all" which will help in showing that it's God's will and plan to save all.

I'm a bit pressed for time now, so I couldn't take out all the scriptures that contain "all". You might want to use the on page find function to highlight "all" in the below scriptures. (Press ctrl and F at the same time. Then type in "find" and select highlight all. This will highlight "all" in all the verses)

I'm sure it will help you!

1.   1Tim 2:4-God will have all to be saved - Can His will be thwarted?
 2.   1Tim 2:4-God desires all to come to the knowledge of truth - Will His desire come to pass, or is it a WEAK WISH?
 3.   1Tim 2:6-Salvation of all is….testified in due time - Are we judging God before due time?
 4.   Jn 12:47-Jesus came to save all - Will He succeed, or FAIL?
 5.   Eph 1:11-God works all after the counsel of His will - Can our will overcome His?
 6.   Jn 4:42-Jesus is Savior of the world - Can He be Savior of all without saving all?
 7.   1Jn 4:14-Jesus is Savior of the world - Why don't we BELIEVE it?
 8.   Jn 12:32-Jesus will draw all mankind unto Himself - To burn or to love?
 9.   Col 1:16-By Him all were created - Will He lose a part of His creation?
10.   Rm 5:15-21-In Adam all condemned, in Christ all live - The same ALL?
11.   1Cor 15:22-In Adam all die, in Christ all live - Again, the same ALL?
12.   Eph 1:10-All come into Him at the fulness of times - Are YOU tired of seeing the word, ALL?
13.   Phil 2:9-11-Every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord - Will the Holy Spirit be given to everyone?
14.   1Cor 12:3-Cannot confess except by Holy Spirit - See what I mean?
15.   Rm 11:26-All Israel will be saved - But most Jews don't believe yet!
16.   Acts 3:20, 21-Restitution of all - How plain can you get?
17.   Luke 2:10-Jesus will be joy to all people - Is there joy in Satan’s "hell"?
18.   Heb 8:11, 12-All will know God - How long will you tarry, O Lord?
19.   Eph 2:7-His grace shown in the ages to come - Have we judged Him before the coming age?
20.   Titus 2:11-Grace has appeared to all - Experientially or Prophetically?
21.   Rm 8:19-21-Creation set at liberty - How much of creation? After those who have the firstfruits of the spirit?
22.   Col 1:20-All reconciled unto God - There's that word "ALL" again.
23.   1Cor 4:5-All will have praise of God - What for?
24.   Jms 5:11-End of the Lord is full of mercy - Is eternal "hell" merciful?
25.   Rev 15:4-All nations worship when God's judgments are seen - Could His judgment be mercy?
26.   Rm 11:32-All subject to unbelief, mercy on all - All?
27.   Rm 11:36-All out of, through, and into Him - ALL into Him?
28.   Eph 4:10-Jesus will fill all things - does this include "hell?"
29.   Rev 5:13-All creation seen praising God - Including Satan? All creation!
30.   1Cor 15:28-God will be all in all - What does that mean?
31.   Rev 21:4, 5-No more tears, all things made new - ALL made new? Or few? Are you crying still?
32.   Jn 5:25-All dead who hear will live - How many will hear?
33.   Jn 5:28-All in the grave will hear & come forth - How will the "righteous" Judge, judge?
34.   1 Cor 3:15-All saved so as by fire - How can FIRE save you?
35.   Mk 9:49-Everyone shall be salted with fire - Including you?
36.   Rm 11:15-Reconciliation of the world - Will fire save?
37.   2Cor 5:15-Jesus died for ALL - Did He die in vain?
38.   Jn 8:29-Jesus always does what pleases His Father - What pleases the Father? (1Tim 2:4)
39.   Heb 1:2-Jesus is Heir of all things - Does "things" include people? YES.
40.   Jn 17:2-Jesus gives eternal life to all that His Father gave Him - How many did the Father give Him?
41.   Jn 3:35-The Father gave Him all things - (Repeated for emphasis) Study the word "things”.
42.   1 Tim 4:9-11-Jesus is Savior of all - Can't seem to get away from that word "all."
43.   Heb. 7:25-Jesus is able to save to the uttermost - How far is "uttermost?"
44.   1Cor 15:26-Last enemy, death, will be destroyed - In the "lake of fire" which is the “second” death. No more dying (Rev 21:4, Isa. 25:8 )?
45.   Is 46:10-God will do all His pleasure - Does Old Testament agree with the New?
46.   Gen 18:18-All families of the earth will be blessed - Here comes that word "all" again.
47.   Dan 4:35-God's will done in heaven and earth - What can defeat His will?
48.   Ps 66:3, 4-Enemies will submit to God - Can any stay rebellious?
49.   Ps 90:3-God turns man to destruction, and then says return - How can one return from "destruction”?  Humbled, bruised and ashamed?
50.   Is 25:7-Will destroy veil spread over all nations - All nations?
51.   Deut 32:39-He kills and makes alive - Kills to bring life?
52.   Ps 33:15-God fashions all hearts - "All" hearts, including men like "Hitler"?
53.   Prv 16:9-Man devises, God directs his steps - What about "free will"?
54.   Prv 19:21-Man devises, but God's counsel stands - So much for "free will."
55.   La 3:31, 32-God will not cast off forever - Why does He cast off in the first place?
56.   Is 2:2-All nations shall flow to the Lord's house - ALL nations?
57.   Ps 86:9-All nations will worship Him - ALL nations!
58.   Is 45:23-All descendants of Israel justified - Including the wicked ones?
59.   Ps 138:4-All kings will praise God - Are you catching on?
60.   Ps 65:2-4-All flesh will come to God - That sounds wondrous.
61.   Ps 72:18-God only does wondrous things - I wish we would BELIEVE that.
62.   Isa 19:14, 15-Egypt & Assyria will be restored - Really?
63.   Ezk 16:55-Sodom will be restored to former estate - Sounds impossible.
64.   Jer 32:17-Nothing is too difficult for Him - Nothing? No, nothing!
65.   Ps 22:27-All ends of the earth will turn to Him - For what purpose?
66.   Ps 22:27-All families will worship before Him - Praise His name!
67.   Ps 145:9-He is good to all - Including your worst enemies.
68.   Ps 145:9-His mercies are over all his works - Let's start believing that.
69.   Ps 145:14-He raises all who fall - Who hasn't sinned?
70.   Ps 145:10-All His works will praise Him - For "eternal torment"?
71.   Is 25:6-Lord makes a feast for all people - And you are invited.
72.   Jer 32:35-Never entered His mind to torture his children with fire.- This came from the carnal mind, NOT SPIRITUAL.
73.   Jn 6:44-No one can come to Him unless He draws (drag) them. - You can't "choose" to follow Him, SELF-DETERMINATION.
74.   Jn 12:32-I will draw all mankind unto Myself - Amen!
75.   Ps 135:6-God does what pleases Him - If it PLEASES Him to SAVE ALL that He might be in all, are you upset?


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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2008, 07:32:14 AM »

Thanks Triton....this post i can use very much.



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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2008, 07:38:23 AM »

That is a good list I have one with 150 but there so many more implied and hidden, there are so many references where it is plain ad day but not seen

Eze 16:55  When thy sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former estate, and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate.

Ezekial is talking to Israel. and God is telling them point blank that these low lifers in Sodom and Samaria will be saved before they would be. And Jesus also confirms this

Mar 6:11  And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city[/b]

Jesus himself pointed out that the Father was the God of the LIVING, then why did he use Abraham Issac Jacob in this statement when theses 3 were all long dead.

Later Jesus tells them
Joh 3:13  There is no one who has gone up to Heaven, but there is One who has come down from Heaven, namely the Son of Man whose home is in Heaven

If they are not in heaven then how can Abraham Issac and Jacob be alive and living with God the Father. This all we be hard for them to see, they will feel tricked and think that it is you are reading things wrong.
I am sure that somewhere amongst the universalist someone has compiled a comprehensive list....but they did not get it then and won't now unless it is times for the blind to see.



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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2008, 09:08:44 AM »

I wouldnt mind if you post that list Beloved


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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2008, 11:11:42 AM »

Hi Darren,

I thought this piece from no. 5 of the LOF series was really good and shows a lot of Scriptures concerning ALL being saved. --------------------

"Who WILL have all men to be saved" (I Tim. 2:4).

Second witness:

"For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, Who is the Saviour of ALL MEN, especially [but not exclusively] of those who believe" (I Tim. 4:10).

Doesn’t God will that most of humanity will eternally perish in the lake of fire?

"The Lord…is NOT WILLING that ANY should perish [eternally]…" (II Peter. 3:9).

Second witness:

"And I, if I be lifted up [on the cross] from the earth, will draw ALL MEN UNTO ME" (John 12:32).

But doesn’t the whole world need first to have their sins atoned for?

"And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for our’s only, but also for THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD" (I John 2:2).

Second witness:

"The next day John sees Jesus coming unto him, and says, Behold the Lamb of God, which TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD" (John 1:29).

Hasn’t the Church proven by their interpretation of the "lake of fire" that it is "impossible" to save all mankind?

"Who then CAN be saved? But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" (Matt. 19:25-26).

See Second Witness in Job 42:2.

Isn’t it up to each individual to "CHOOSE CHIRST" in order to be saved?

"You have NOT CHOSEN ME, but I have CHOSEN YOU…" (John 15:16).

But didn’t Billy Graham say at one of his crusades that "we must come to Christ all on our own?" To not even pray for those making that decision, because that decision to "come to Christ" must be theirs and THEIRS ALONE?

"NO MAN CAN COME TO ME [by his own free will choice] except the Father which has sent me DRAW HIM [Greek: DRAG HIM] and I WILL raise him up at the last day" (John 6:44).

See Second Witness in Verse 65.

Are you telling me that I never did seek God ON MY OWN?

"There is NONE that seeks after God" (Rom. 3:11b).

See Second Witness in Psalm 14:2.

But what if I believe that I can and I do WILL to serve God on my own.

"For it is GOD which works IN you both TO WILL and TO DO of His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).

See Second Witness in I Cor. 15:10.

Well I know for a fact that it says in Heb. 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God, so surely we must work up our OWN FAITH in order to please God?

"For by grace are ye saved through FAITH; and that [that ‘FAITH’] is NOT OF YOURSELVES [well where does it come from then, if not from US?]; it is the GIFT OF GOD" (Eph. 2:08).

Second Witness:

"…and what have you that you did not RECEIVE….?" (I Cor. 4:7).

But surely everyone will have to acknowledge the RISEN Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Jesus [Jehovah-SAVIOUR] before they can ever be saved, so when does that happen?

"That at the name of Jesus [Jehovah-Saviour—THEIR Saviour] EVERY knee should bow, in heaven, and in earth, and under the earth; and that EVERY tongue should confess [‘That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED, Rom. 10:9)] that Jesus Christ [The Christ that God ‘raised from the dead.’ Christ was already ‘RISEN’ when this was written in Phil. 2:11] is Lord [‘Lord’ means ‘master’—acknowledging Christ as Master of their lives], to the glory of God the Father" (Phil. 2:10-11).

But doesn’t this sound like ALL that we do to be saved is OF GOD, and not of ourselves?

"God is operating ALL in all" (I Cor. 12:6)

"Yet ALL is of God" (II Cor. 5:18)

"For OF Him, and THROUGH Him, and TO Him, ARE ALL THINGS: to Whom be glory for ever. Amen" (Rom. 11:34)

"…being predestinated according to the purpose of Him Who works ALL THINGS after the counsel of His OWN WILL" (Eph. 1:11).

This almost sounds like we can do absolutely NOTHING on our own to bring about our own salvation.

"I am the vine, you are the branches … for without me you can do NOTHING" (John 15:5).

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 10:52:48 AM by Kat »


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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2008, 02:31:20 AM »

God will save all mankind?!!

Not if the churchaholics have anything to say about it!!

carol v

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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2008, 01:12:36 PM »

Hey Darren, there is a great primer book on the salvation of all that I give to people. You can get it free or give a donation directly from the web site or go to amazon to look at the customer reviews which are interesting...well, I just read them for the first time in ages and find that my review from 16 months ago is at the top of the list.

Oh, guess I should tell you the book -- "Hope Beyond Hell" by Gerard Beauchemin, a fellow Texan.

There is no meat in this book -- it's pure milk -- and that's good. It's a primer. It's very well organized and chock full of scripture. It includes the basic aionous/eternal stuff. Chapters on Gehenna/Lake of Fire; the nature of God; apollumi; free will & God's will; purpose-driven judgment; and so on round out the explanations. It has a great appendix including one that answers the biggest arguments you will get against universal salvation.

To the moderators -- I know you guys are hesitant on the posting of other teaching materials but I hope you will trust me that this book includes no other doctrinal issues at all. This book is simply a primer on universal salvation & some of the arguments used against it. It is easy to read and solely devoted to this one single issue. There is nothing in this book that disagrees with anything Ray teaches.

If you go to the web site of the book, you can get as many copies as you want free or for a donation. You can download the whole book for free there too. I ordered a case of them for a donation. I stick them in gifts as a "bonus" all the time and my sister-in-law actually told me months later that she had read it and loved it. That was great!

This book has tons and tons of scripture.



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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2008, 02:44:08 PM »

Thanks everybody, I wanted to know where in scripture was this said I did not realize it was basically through the whole Bible. I wanted to know the clearest to the point scripture was. The reason why is some are asking me  to prove it. Like I said I don't know scripture. Well I know some but I don't know where it is in the Bible. Thanks again everybody.



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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2008, 02:44:56 PM »

Thanks for the tip Carol!

(ps  I think I am following you today :D)


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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2008, 05:35:11 PM »

Thanks everybody, I wanted to know where in scripture was this said I did not realize it was basically through the whole Bible. I wanted to know the clearest to the point scripture was. The reason why is some are asking me  to prove it. Like I said I don't know scripture. Well I know some but I don't know where it is in the Bible. Thanks again everybody.


Im that same way too Darren.  I know the words but i cant just pop out and say Isa 45:10 says this and that.  I can only be like in Isa God says this and that.  I just cant memorise the numbers.  Is there a easy way to do this?  Of course its only through God can someone memorise verses like that.


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Re: God will save all mankind
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2008, 07:42:31 PM »

Has everyone notice that the people who can quote every scripture or just about every scripture are the ones who teaches the false doctrines. I notice that Ray sometimes has trouble remembering where the scripture is at. This shows me that He is a man of the truth that he is not perfect. Just look at Jack Vanipee :D :D He knows and Bragg's about how many scriptures he remembers. He too is a false teacher. One more thing ;I notice, When people on the Benny Hinn show are on the stage waiting to be healed or receive the Holy Spirit they always fall backwards. They are stiff as a board. I remember Ray said when the Holy Spirit enter the prophets or others they would fall face down always face down, never backwards and stiff. I surely believe that there is something to this. I always fall back on when the majority thinks they are right, they are wrong. It is the minority who are right. Just as the elect are a small group of people(minority). Just as the true church of God is small.


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