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Author Topic: Why don't people see the truth?  (Read 7479 times)

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Why don't people see the truth?
« on: September 12, 2008, 12:14:25 AM »

I know the ultimate answer:  God causes them not to see.  God makes them blind.  But how does he blind them?

I think back to how my eyes were opened.  It was a combination of things, not just this website, but a couple of other relate web-sites, and much soul searching.  It didn't happen in an instant, but it almost seems like that.  Eventually after doing a lot of study I realized Ray had the most in-depth study, and most scripturally based study.

Anyway, why did my eyes become open?  (Aside from the obvious cause that God opened them)

1.  I was willing to accept the possibility that eternal hell didn't make sense.  Even as a kid I would wonder how could God be so mean and keep people in hell?  I would think "maybe, just maybe, if I plead with God, he will let some or all people out of hell".  I mean everyone says God is Love and God is merciful, except when it comes to hell.  But then I wouldn't think about it anymore.  I would just rationalize it away.  Only the really bad people would go to hell.  Only those that deserve it.  But who would really deserve eternal punishment?

2.  I had never actually noticed all the "savior of the world" & "savior of all men" verses before.  And in particular no one had explained to me that eternal really means "to the ages" and comes from the word aionios, which comes from aion, etc.  After doing that study it was starting to make sense.

Now this is what boggles my mind.  If I can see these things, why don't other people?  Part of the problem is people just never knew these things (like I didn't before). 

But when you explain it to them and they don't see the light, I have to wonder why.  Here are my ideas.

1.  They don't believe you about aion/aionios.  They look in strong's and see that aion can mean both age & eternal, so they assume that is true.  Basically they stay with their preconceived ideas because that is what they have been taught and it is safe for them.

2.  They actually like the idea of having hell.  How can someone like the idea of having hell around?  I mean even if you are not going there, you shouldn't want to send your worst enemy there.  But some people are happy too.  I can even admit to that myself before I knew the truth.  With hell around, its easy to write off people that you don't like or are jerks to you.  That guy is such a jerk - he will get his in hell.  Gee that is so loving.

3.  This one really boggles my mind.  You explain that we have no free will.  They then say that "makes God a torturer and murderer because he would be in control of everything - that's not a God of Love".  Yet - YET - they still believe in hell?  God "allows" people to go to hell.  No, even though he is a God of Love, apparently he just stands by as everyone burns.  Yet that doesn't make God a torturer.  There's some pretty twisted double think going on there.  And yet everyone of us also believed it at some point.

So when you give people an out "hey do you know hell isn't eternal?"  Its amazing to me people aren't sincerely interested.

Sorry for the rant... again I appreciate any encouraging words you can provide.  I sometimes wonder if its a gift or curse to know these truths... anyone feel like they are in the movie "The matrix"?


Jackie Lee

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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2008, 12:25:43 AM »

Hi Kevin, sometimes with me it is like a light bulb goes off then other times I just don't get it.
I believe somethings are harder to grasp, for me it is freewill but I know now there is no freewill.
I am still trying to rid myself of church doctrine.
All in God's time.


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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2008, 07:46:28 AM »

Simple answer, because they are blinded, decieved, all deliberately and by Gods will and design. And this is exactly where we were until God gave us eyes to see and ears to hear.


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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2008, 07:51:23 AM »

... anyone feel like they are in the movie "The matrix"?  ;D

I sometimes feel the same and have thought of the movie on a few occasions.  Now that I know that God operates in all and through all....think about it....everything you see and feel and experience is God!  Like when the actor finally understood the riddle, he was able to see in a different dimension!  My brain sometimes aches when I try and meditate on it too much, but awesome though.....God is all in all....WOW!!!!

Richard D

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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2008, 08:15:59 AM »

God made Satan the waster to blind our eyes for his good pleasure to fulfill his purpose. And I believe now that when we die we are really dead until the second coming of Jesus!  :)


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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2008, 10:22:47 AM »

Simple answer, because they are blinded, decieved, all deliberately and by Gods will and design. And this is exactly where we were until God gave us eyes to see and ears to hear.
Exactly. The why's and how's mean nothing. I used to worry about them too, and will occasionally still say "but HOW can they not see?!" when I find a new obvious verse, but I instantly answer myself  with the above statement from David. When we fully trust in God and believe the above, we don't need to question why or how He works as He does and it brings a greater peace to our minds. And, yes ,I feel like I live in the Matrix everyday.


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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2008, 10:43:58 AM »


I was just thinking about the matrix on the way to work this morning. ;D
"Great Minds Think Alike" ;)

A Brilliant Work to teach about "A Great Delusion" what is reality?
Our physical Bodies only have a limited amount of senses to interpret the physical world around us.

We need the Spirit of God to be aware of the higher things of God.

One thing I try to remember when dealing with "them" we don't know when that Blindness will be taken away, you may be planting seeds to one of the Elect, that will go ahead of ourselves. [Someone can unplug that cord from the back of their neck at anytime]  ;)

And the Good News is eventually we will all get there!

Be on Guard of MR. Smith,


Douglas Wayne Thomas

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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2008, 11:01:54 AM »

Somebody once explained this concept to me. Have you ever seen needlepoint or embroidery when it is being done? If you look at it from underneath it doesn't make a lot of sense, however when you view it from the top there is a beautiful picture, especially when it is complete. Life is like that, we can only view it from the underside of the project, whereas God sees it from the top part. We see all the loose and unconnected threads and can not discern the overall picture, whereas God's hands gave woven a masterpiece when viewed from his perspective. I like to think that is Heaven is going to be like, we will finally get to see everything the way God sees it!


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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2008, 11:05:40 AM »

Hello Kevin,

                I don't know exactly how God keeps most people Blind to understanding about Aion/Aionios and other Greek and Hebrew meanings and which definition is the correct one. Interstingly enough, I recently purchased a Dictionary by Dr. Strong for $20.00 at Barnes and Nobles, it was on sale. Although he presents the wrong definitions for these Greek and Hebrew words, at least he's honest enough to present all of them. I looked at some other Bible Dictionaries like Hastings and others that were overly Biased. It seems to me that people who receive the Truth and understand it have dug very deep and not merely accepted things at face value and usually did most of this digging prior to their arrival at this Site. Learning and believing the Lie first, struggling with what to believe and humbly and sincerely asking God to open their eyes, because deep in their Hearts they want to understand the Truth. Also, I came to realize that in most cases, the primary or original meaning of these Greek and Hebrew words is often the correct one, as in the case of Aion and it's derivatives. In some of the E-mails and other writings of Ray, he makes mention of a certain words primary meaning of Greek and Hebrew words.

                     I mentioned earlier about digging deep. Isn't it usually true that in this Spiritual process of knowing, that most people just accept whatever they learn from their Denominations at face value and leave it at that and when presented thorough information as presented at this Site, they read a few sentences, if that and claim its wrong, when in fact they didn't even hardly read anything. As an example: I remember, prior to finding this Site, I gave a copy for review of a detailed article(95 pages) about the Greek Word Aion and the History and proper meaning of that word and how it relates to punishment By John Wesley Hanson and after they " claimed " that they read it, I was fully convinced they didn't or even cared too. Contrast that person with my DESIRE to DIG DEEP and really desiring to know the truth of this. It wasn't long after that I found this Site.

                                    Hope I didn't confuse you and this probably only part of the equation, apparently God put the DESIRE in me to really want to know.

                                       Kind Regards, Samson  :)


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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2008, 01:43:36 PM »

Somebody once explained this concept to me. Have you ever seen needlepoint or embroidery when it is being done? If you look at it from underneath it doesn't make a lot of sense, however when you view it from the top there is a beautiful picture, especially when it is complete. Life is like that, we can only view it from the underside of the project, whereas God sees it from the top part. We see all the loose and unconnected threads and can not discern the overall picture, whereas God's hands gave woven a masterpiece when viewed from his perspective. I like to think that is Heaven is going to be like, we will finally get to see everything the way God sees it!


     You said it! The more my eyes our open the more I start to see the little strings to start connecting. I believe when we dye and we eventually see the whole picture then we will be able to understand our Father's great design. Each one of us has a purpose, and we will each individually have our eyes opened to the truth when he feels we our ready. I think that our Father knows when he wants to have our eyes open and when he doesn't. IMO...We shouldn't stop trying to show others the truth but whether their eyes will be open is totally up to our heavenly Father and his great plan for His universe. I think that when we have the blinders taken off and we feel the joy in our hearts and all the excitement that comes with it we expect our loved ones to in brace the same truth. This is in our carnal mind and hearts because we are so excited about it, we want others to have the same joy. Our Father will in his time show them the joy we have and I think most people struggle with the fact that our Father is in control and not us.
     I have found great joy in my life since coming to the truth and I till find myself struggling to have my immediate family have the same joy. I pray about it and pray about it, then it finally downed on me its not my WILL that it will be done but his WILL. I am just learning the truth and understand that all of this is only my feelings and thoughts.
                                                        With God's Love & Understanding,


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Re: Why don't people see the truth?
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2008, 02:32:12 PM »

Brenda and Kevin,

I can totally relate with you about the matrix.  Before coming to BT i watched movie and it was like i could see the biblical connotations in it.  Actually that reminds me of something my 11th grade english teacher told the class--"Almost every book you read or movie you see may have some connotation to the Garden of Eden"---i took that and expanded then to the whole bible.  Try it.  The next movie you see may do this.  I havent watched a movie in along time now so i cant think of another example--the sixth sense (my favorite movie, then matrix reloaded) keeps coming to mind but i cant remember why.

Oh well Anthony
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