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Author Topic: Complacent  (Read 7549 times)

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« on: September 17, 2008, 09:46:53 PM »

I know this topic has had to come up before, but im a just a little bit lazy right now sorry.

I feel so complacent.  I wanna "free will" myself out of drinking and smoking and to lose 20 pounds, but i know better.  I put it in Jesus' hands and know it will happen without a doubt but its just taking so long to me.  Sometimes it feels like this is the day God is compelling me to stop and to start losing weight, but at the end of the day, same ol same ol.  Its frustrating.  I want to do it now, i want to free will this now but i know i cant.

God has given me great patience, but this is killing me, (ha literally).  Oh well i still am waiting for that day when this will happen because i know my (our) God will do it.

Anyone else feel this way?


ps I feel like a child throwing a temper tantrum because i cant have what i want right now.  LOL ;D

Richard D

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Re: Complacent
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2008, 10:07:04 PM »

Ak4,. I’m going through issues myself. Reading your post has helped me out because I don’t feel I’m the only one who believes in God without sinning. I’m not sure if I should broadcast my sins over the internet but to give you a clue I’m a man. I’m sure you can figure out the rest.

I don’t know how to say no to my dilemma and if I try on my own to stop. I sin twice as much. I know its going to be a long journey. It would have been easier if I were born in the Middle East.

Thanks for your post; it helps me to cope with this heavy load.


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2008, 10:31:55 PM »


Have no fear, this subject will always come up until His return.

What ever Flavor of Sin we have it is all impossible with out God.
Until we overcome his Grace exceeds our weaknesses.

Is there judgement in us anywhere that we pray to God like the Pharisee about the Tax Collector?
Is there any area where secret belief exist that we can/should do this in our ability?
Would we become prideful if it came to us easily?
Do we truly appreciate how this sin hurts others or do we think it is just a rule?

Lots of questions, No simple answers.  There's no magic formula that works for everyone, except seek, ask, knock,  pray, beg, and repent as many times as we are to forgive.

Your not alone,

P.S.  Richard that was a pretty classy way you shared your struggle.


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2008, 11:28:40 PM »

I'm thankful for this topic, as I have many struggles myself. My main problem is trusting in God again like I used to before He took my father. I prayed and prayed with many many tears for his healing. He was only 65 and was the most wonderful man I have ever known. I am the man I am today because of him.

He died last December, and the loss is still devastating. Not a day goes by that I don't wish that I can see him one more time. Everytime I hear someone ask me to pray for them, I get this sick feeling in my stomach, and am reminded how God ignored my prayer for my Dad, how He denied him the opportunity to see the grandchildren he so desperately wanted. I stated on another post that I have literally not had a prayer answered in at least 10 years, not one. It doesn't make me hate God. Just make me wonder all about this thing called prayer. It seems like it's easier to understand Chinese than to understand prayer. I can't trust God right now even if I try. I try to pray for L Ray whenever I think about him, but my prayer is so laden with doubt that it just seems to fizzle to the ground like a dead firecracker when it leaves my lips.

I'm OK, just wanted to vent.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 11:31:52 PM by Decky »


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2008, 12:53:18 AM »

Hi Decky.

I felt led to respond to your post as I can identify with your loss. Four years ago my father died, very sudden aged only 69. He too had young grand children. Two years ago just passed my youngest brother was mowed down and killed by a drink driver aged only 37. He had a 6 yr old son and a wife. As I'm typing my mother has maybe weeks to live, she's dying of skin cancer, in constant pain, her lungs keep filling with fluid causing great difficulty in breathing etc. She's 62.
Although you may not see it now, and I know how hard it is to reconcile this in ones mind when suffering loss, but God is hearing your prayers and answering every single one of them.
Remember, God works all things after the council of His own will, including how He chooses to answer our prayers. The answers we get we don't always see, and often its not the answer we want, but its the answer God wills and its the answer we need to conform us to the image of His son.

1 Peter 1:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: 13But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 01:03:38 AM by David »


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2008, 10:14:16 AM »

Hi Decky,

Have you read Ray's paper on PRAYING BY GOD’S RULES.

Few subjects in the Bible are more mysterious or less understood than the subject of prayer. Few indeed know how to pray or what to pray about. And what is the proof of that statement? The proof is that most prayers are never answered. Hundreds of millions of people a day pray in vain. They get no answer to their prayers. Why is this? Is there an answer as to why most prayers go unanswered? Absolutely, there is. Will most people accept the only and true Scriptural teaching on this subject? I’m afraid most will not.

There are many clich�s regarding prayer, and some are absolutely true. It is said that God has one of three answers for all prayers: "Yes, No, or Later." This is basically, albeit not totally true. This one might be closer to the truth: "Your way, My way, or No way."

There is an interesting essay on prayer in which it is stated: "I got nothing that I asked for, but everything that I could have ever hoped for." That may make for a nice sentiment, but few would ever believe such a thing deep in their heart. Most people do not believe that they got everything in life that they could have ever hoped for.

Christians and heathens alike, ignorantly and stupidly believe that they can change the mind of a Sovereign God Who always knows long in advance how He will fulfill His perfect plan and purpose under every and all circumstances. Many imagine that answered prayer is when God changes His mind with regards to the way things were going in your life. In other words: You change your ways to please God, and God will change His mind and begin blessing you. NOT TRUE. God never, ever changes His mind about anything.

This subject of unanswered prayer is so incredibly simple that a child can understand it, yet many learned theologians and clergymen have not even a clue as to the ultimate Scriptural statement regarding prayer. I will first give you the number one pre-requisite to having prayers answered, and then I will give you a most amazing second witness from a Scripture that is preserved in very few Bible translations

Here is the link to it.




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Re: Complacent
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2008, 11:59:57 AM »

This is such a hard topic for me to talk about... There is a very long list in my life of unanswered prayers, yet there are some that were answered in a fashion that left no doubt in me that God KNOWS ME and cares deeply for me as an individual. They were so tailor made to my highest hopes and dreams (unspoken dreams residing in the deepest recesses of my heart), that I was absolutely speechless when they came about. Yet even a few of those answered prayers were only available for a season and then taken away again to where I almost despaired. Others are still in the balance... they could be taken away any time. There is nothing in this life I can hold on to other than God... I don't know why He works in my life this way, but over the last years, I have become a literal "puddle". I am such a softy now that there is hardly anybody that I can't empathize with in some fashion and feel their pain. It is plain "nuts" sometimes.
Thank God, He has given me a passion for technology... the logical way that computers and software work is a welcome diversion and a pleasant "get away from it all" occupation. Otherwise, I would probably die of a broken heart.
I don't mean to sound so melodramatic... if I understood it all it "might" help, but I don't.
Maybe some of you can completely relate... at least, I hope so.  :) ::)

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Complacent
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2008, 12:56:15 PM »

Hi Firefly.  I think some people need softening and some people need toughening up.  Part of that is being conformed in this life to the image of Christ.  Didn't/doesn't He possess both in fullness? 

Part of it is preparation for ministry, in my opinion.  With that, God seems to 'lean' us more one way or the other to accomplish His will through us.  That's kind of how I see the gifts of the Spirit.

You have your computers and that beautiful logic.  I have music and the beautiful unpredictability in creation.  Both bring us to balance.  I think those are blessings. 
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2008, 01:40:18 PM »

I agree with Dave,

We have all been given Gifts in different proportions.  Firefly...sounds like you are one who has a "Mercy" heart.  You are probably the one to go to when all you need is someone to hug & accept you.  I would respond differently by trying to figure out/reason in order to solve it.  I have more of a "Teacher" heart.

And there are a million other layers that add to who we are today.  God has put many "Mercy" people in my life to try and teach me balance.  I have to try and disengage my Brian and give room for Christ to make me more than I am.  If you are in a terrible car accident & your life is in danger, you want a mercy heart holding your hand assuring you.  And just as important is the person who has a gift to detach themselves emotionally to save your life. A Doctor or Surgeon. [Dr. House]  :-\

I think it was Paul who said, he became all things to all men?
We ought not get stuck in our personalities/gifts, Both Feelings & Reason can become idols of our heart.
We should not value one over the other just because we are more comfortable operating in one.

You ever notice the one who always jumps in to help out and serve?  They always seem to be in the background never drawing attention to themselves.  Rarely get in deep conversations, they walk in contentment?
I just can't wait to see the crowns that are placed on their heads?
JM 2 cents,
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 01:44:02 PM by OBrenda »


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2008, 01:45:10 PM »

I agree with Dave,

We have all been given Gifts in different proportions.  Firefly...sounds like you are one who has a "Mercy" heart.  You are probably the one to go to when all you need is someone to hug & accept you.  I would respond differently by trying to figure out/reason in order to solve it.  I have more of a "Teacher" heart.

And there are a million other layers that add to who we are today.  God has put many "Mercy" people in my life to try and teach me balance.  I have to try and disengage my Brian and give room for Christ to make me more than I am.  If you are in a terrible car accident & your life is in danger, you want a mercy heart holding your hand assuring you.  And just as important is the person who has a gift to detach themselves emotionally to save your life. A Doctor or Surgeon. [Dr. House]  :-\

I think it was Paul who said, he became all things to all men?
We ought not get stuck in our personalities/gifts, Both Feelings & Reason can become idols of our heart.
We should not value one over the other just because we are more comfortable operating in one.

You ever notice the one who always jumps in to help out and serve?  They always seem to be in the background never drawing attention to themselves.  Rarely get in deep conversations, they walk in contentment?
I just can't wait to see the crowns that are placed on their heads?

JM 2 cents,

Great point Brenda  ;)


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2008, 03:03:27 PM »

Thank you so much for your kind words... They are appreciated  :)
The gift of mercy... my goodness, I had completely forgotten about the "gifts". It so makes sense now. It is almost like the weight of the world fell off my shoulders. One of the signs of this gift I read this morning is also being distraught when "brothers" fight amongst themselves... I have always been a "peacemaker"; it never mattered much to me who would win the argument if a knockout drag-out fight could be avoided. Close relationships should be valued and cherished... an argument or fight IMHO ought never sever a relationship to where you cannot at least say that you agree to disagree and continue to be friends. If I consider the gift of mercy... there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that "God WILL have MERCY on them all" and not torture them in Hell forever, and after all, I am just getting a very small glimpse of how merciful our Heavenly Father really is.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 04:58:23 PM by firefly77 »

Richard D

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Re: Complacent
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2008, 04:26:09 PM »

Hi Brenda, I had came back to this post to see what others outside myself might be experiencing and how they might also be dealing with there shortcomings with our creator.

I enjoyed the insights you have shown through you’re questions. They were of great help and comfort to me, causing me to think in the things you said. Thank you also for the P.S. you had addressed to me as well.

It’s wonderful to be in and part of the wisdom that can only be found in the collective body of Christ.  :)

             Thank you and all who have posted here. In His Love. Richard.



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Re: Complacent
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2008, 06:02:38 PM »


It reminds me of Paul and the thorn in his flesh.  I believe we all have at least one thorn, (i have at least 4 or 5 big ones).  Remember whatever issue you or me or anyone here is going through "My Grace is sufficient for you" is what the Lord says not only to Paul but to us all.

That speaks to me saying something like---I know now your short comings and its okay, because I still love you--or, Even though you have this nagging thing going on and you are trying your best to please me, it doesnt matter what you do because My Grace is upon you.

Think about it.  Paul was given a thorn in his flesh to keep him humble because of the revelations he was given--cant that also apply to us.  Our eyes have been opened and the Truth (little to some, more to others) has been revealed to us and to keep some of us humble we've also have been given some sort of thorn in the flesh.  I tell you, my biggest thorn (my ex) Ive prayed and prayed for this (expletive) to be removed, but this thorn has had the opposite effect of what i initially thought it was for. It (she), the more (expletive) things she keeps doing to me only brings me closer to Jesus because in Him is my only Hope for it to end.

This thorn has actually got me praising Him more and more, and praising Him more and more for her (that (expletive) thorn in my flesh).  Without it I seriously doubt i would be were i am at today--with still along way to go (i still have at least 13 years left of directly dealing with her).

I guess my advice to you would be to accept whatever it is thats the thorn in your flesh.  It may be more of a blessing than you know.

In Jesus,


Richard D

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Re: Complacent
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2008, 07:52:05 PM »

Hello Anthony.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the thorn in his flesh with me. I was thinking that when I used to go to church, how everyone dressed up and had smiles upon their faces and appeared so righteous to me. I knew deep within there was something terribly wrong or missing within me.

We never talked about thing there, as we do here in this forum. You know Anthony, it’s difficult for one to go to a righteous man or women and say, I have this issue or that issue or I think this or I think that, knowing condemnation waits on the tip of their tongues.

 I’m not a righteous man , I don’t have much knowledge but as I look back where I came from  because of what I found here, I can see I have grown some in true knowledge, I have brothers and sisters in the true teachings of God that are a total blessing to me.

I understand now my agonizing over my issues is really God bringing into light my wickedness and sinful ways. God took me from where I was and lead me here to this forum for a reason. Perhaps it’s my time to burn to begin the journey of purification which is painful and necessary for the transformation of His image.

Thank you Anthony for this post, it helps me more than you’ll know. I believe God inspired you to post this one knowing he was going to use it for my benefit and also for all who like us struggle in this life.

                                           You’re Brother in Christ. Richard   


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2008, 09:40:37 PM »


I've thought about your post all day.  When I read posts like yours I feel so helpless.  You have been through many experiences I never have.  Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man.  It will be an amazing Day when you embrace each other again.   When I read about what You & David have endured I question if I am even one of the called?  I admire your strength to keep in the race, even if right now it is just a step a day.

I think it's O.K. to vent all you want,

[I'm so grafeful Suzie posted Ray's article on praying God's way.  :)   ]


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2008, 09:18:36 AM »

It reminds me of Paul and the thorn in his flesh.  I believe we all have at least one thorn, (i have at least 4 or 5 big ones).
Lucky you  ;D  :'(
This thorn has actually got me praising Him more and more, and praising Him more and more for her (that (expletive) thorn in my flesh).  Without it I seriously doubt i would be were i am at today--with still along way to go (i still have at least 13 years left of directly dealing with her).
So true. OBrenda's second post was just bigger than me. Thank you all for what you shared

If I've never told you this before, I wish to say it from the bottom of my heart...I genuinely love you guys. I just realized that I do. Unlike Adam, I can walk around naked in this place. Am I becoming like the second Adam? All I know is I am spiritually connecting with everybody.

ALL Glory to GOD


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Re: Complacent
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2008, 10:59:11 AM »

Hi all,

Pray for me please, my biggest thorn in my flesh is acting her usual self again and im loosing my patience with her >:(.  I usual deal with her by holding my tongue and letting everything go, but today and yesterday i spoke my mind and lost that usual patience.

Thanks and appreciation,



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Re: Complacent
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2008, 06:46:24 PM »

I thank all of you for your comments to my post. David I truly sympathize with you brother. I'm very sorry about your Dad and brother and your Mother. The strength that you exhibit going through this devastating trial is a real encouragement to me. Thank you for sharing that. It's so refreshing to hear people offer encouragement when I say the things I said in my post instead of, "If you'd get back to church, God will start hearing your prayers again."

I have read L Ray's paper on prayer. I need to read it again. It makes much sense, and is definitely not anything that you'd hear your average prosperity preacher say.
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