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Author Topic: These things they said to me were of no value to me!  (Read 6915 times)

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Richard D

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These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« on: September 23, 2008, 11:46:36 AM »

We the believers in God are being made in his image through the knowledge of good and evil here and now, this is my understanding from reading Ray’s papers. If I’m off track saying this, please correct me for my own good.

I believe the world in general is also benefiting from this knowledge of good and evil also but the fullness of their benefit will not take place till they emerge from the lake of fire.

I understand that the only possible action or chose I can take or make is that which is cause by God or God causes within me what he God pleases for the outcome of his will, working all things together for good.

Sin hurts my relationship with God and what I would like to do is deal with this subject so as to understand or connect the dots.

Do I or we or believers have but only one chose or has God given us two chose‘s ? I have heard believers in church when I use to go to church which I stop going say when I ask how one deal with sin they would reply, don’t sin or you must fight it.

These things they said to me were of no value to me as even I knew that much. I guess what I was really asking is how to perform in not sinning.

If I have a desire to do a certain thing and inwardly I say, well this is not good to do or God would not approve of this, has God given me or every believer two chose’s.

I always choose not to sin or prefer not to sin but as I make this chose not to sin I find the desire within me is multiplied with intensity or like a raging battle it always conquers me.

Is there a way out of my dilemma maybe a particular prayer I don’t know about or perhaps a formula I never heard of, there has to be something maybe special powers from God I’m unaware of that he gives to those who believe if they know the right words to say.

If not, then what does one do to overcome the intensity of the desire? Is there intensity for everyone or just me? How does one not become subdue? Or must I always be sin’s prey?

There just has to be at least one believer here with and answer to my dilemma! It’s better to be dead than to sin against God. Surly there is a way out of sins domain!

                                    A lowly servant in his love. Richard

Dave in Tenn

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2008, 01:02:35 PM »

There's a lot of question in there for an easy answer.   ;D

First off, there is no formula that will remove sin from you.  There may be practical wisdom which can help you stop or lessen harmful behaviors.  In the end though, you're left with the root cause of those behaviors.  It's even possible you can become a worse sinner by 'trying' to remove those behaviors. 

As for Prayer, consider the prayer of the Tax collector in Luke.

Luke 18:9  And he spake also unto certain who have been trusting in themselves that they were righteous, and have been despising the rest, this simile (parable):
10  `Two men went up to the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax-gatherer; 11  the Pharisee having stood by himself, thus prayed: God, I thank Thee that I am not as the rest of men, rapacious, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax-gatherer; 12  I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all things--as many as I possess.
13  `And the tax-gatherer, having stood afar off, would not even the eyes lift up to the heaven, but was smiting on his breast, saying, God be propitious (merciful) to me--the sinner! 14  I say to you, this one went down declared righteous, to his house, rather than that one: for every one who is exalting himself shall be humbled, and he who is humbling himself shall be exalted.'

Sin doesn't make become sinners.  Being sinners makes us sin.  It's our nature to be sinners and the expression of our nature to sin.  If you want to stop sinning, you're going to have to begin exchanging natures with Christ.  You are dying, He lives.  You become less, He becomes more.  And that doesn't happen overnight in all the secret compartments of our lives.  It'll take the rest of your life and won't be completed until He's done all that is necessary to make you conform to the image of Christ.  If you think you can do that, read the underlined prayer above again.

You've already discovered the best way to start, I trust.  Read, study, and prayerfully meditate on the very Words of God.  You'll find on the practical 'formulaic' side that this will give you less occasion to sin.  It will also begin to renew your mind and begin to put the mind of Christ in you.  It will also begin to give you Richard-exclusive encouragement, exhortation, wisdom, energy, defense, faith and anything else you need.

I hope that's of some value to you.

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2008, 01:23:02 PM »

  I , for one, personally believe that this is something we all are going through! I constantly battle sin even more so since rededicating myself to God and His truths. If we are not sinning then the devil or the beast is not doing his job, so he concentrates on us even more. If he lets one slip away, he fails in his duty. He's not worried about who is sinning as much as he's worried about who is not or at least who's trying not to! Once a person makes the choice to turn away from worldly ways, that is when God begins conditioning the person spiritually. It is a constant spiritual battle, remember, we are God's children, and like any good father, He wants us to be the best we can be!  If you are to be one of God's chosen it will not be easy!  Everything that is happening to you is the way it should be! How you deal with this experience is what is important, that is how God teaches us ! I think of it like this; this life that God gave us is the ultimate school of hard knocks,and the best, most effective way of teaching us in a way that will stick with us, is the hard way! God scourges and tests the spirit of his chosen either in this life or in his consuming fire on the great judgment day!  But fear not, His will shall be done! And it is in his will, through Jesus that we will all be saved!  Anyway, I hope that sheds a little light on what your dealing with! I think its safe to say we are all going through this together> You are not alone! God Bless!! ;)


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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2008, 01:24:29 PM »

Hi Richard,

If I have a desire to do a certain thing and inwardly I say, well this is not good to do or God would not approve of this, has God given me or every believer two chose’s.

I always choose not to sin or prefer not to sin but as I make this chose not to sin I find the desire within me is multiplied with intensity or like a raging battle it always conquers me.

Yes he has.  And now, with Him working in you, you are able to resist some sin, wherefore before you were powerless.  if you trust and believe God will get you through whatever it is you are going through, you will make it through.  you just got to be patient and trust and believe.

Is there a way out of my dilemma maybe a particular prayer I don’t know about or perhaps a formula I never heard of, there has to be something maybe special powers from God I’m unaware of that he gives to those who believe if they know the right words to say

No and yes.  No particular prayer or magic formula, but yes Let His will be done...

Mt 26:42 - Show Context
He went away a second time and prayed, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done."

And as for powers IMO, its the power to actually believe.

If not, then what does one do to overcome the intensity of the desire? Is there intensity for everyone or just me? How does one not become subdue? Or must I always be sin’s prey?

There just has to be at least one believer here with and answer to my dilemma! It’s better to be dead than to sin against God. Surly there is a way out of sins domain!

Embrace it and be thankful you were counted worthy to suffer for Christ.

Im still in this state hoping and believing that one day the Lord will deliever me!

In Jesus,


Richard D

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 01:55:27 PM »

Dave in tenn

Everything helps but sin plagues us all, I understand before I was in Christ I did what I did without thought. But as I draw near to Christ I see things I don’t believe are right in me.

It could be as simply as my thoughts rushing me at once in a way that stresses me so maybe to a family member I snap but then I catch myself and of course apologize even when I’m right and their wrong. I apologize because of how I might have handled that situation.

It’s the little things in me I see that trouble me. Like to be in public driving down the road and someone cuts me off and I might find myself having bad thoughts towards that person.

For instance I like it when and elderly person pulls out in front of me and I say to myself, you know this person is old and by the time their brain gets the message from their eyes your already there on them when they pull out and I have peace with that.

Or sometimes a person offends me and I don’t need and apologize from that one because I choose to forgive people but after I choose to forgive at some point in time I reflect and have bad thoughts towards that one.

I see my mind as the battle field and I say its here where all battles will be won or lost. I guess what I’m looking for is a way to be victorious in every thought. I see these thoughts as sin and that’s alright its in giving into them that’s not.

As I talk to other people and meditate on these things myself I feel or think in the day I die I will have sinned in that day also.

I suppose I should put this sin issue to rest, I’m a human being I was made spiritually weak I’m a sinner God die for me and he God will deal with me. As I die to myself everyday the less I’ll sin because Christ will become stronger in me.

Its funny, I hate seeing the bad things in me I wonder how much more God hates it.
The road we walk on in this life is not and easy road by any stretch of the imagination.

But I must conclude it’s the best road to walk on none the less.
I’m a blind man trying to follow a neon light in a world full of darkness.

Thank you once again. In His Love. Richard.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 01:59:58 PM by Richard D »

Richard D

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 04:16:44 PM »


Thank you for your input into these matters that always plagues me. I realize as I read responses of brothers and sisters with their own concerns of sin and hearing how they deal with sin is of a great comfort to me.

First I receive insight knowing I’m not alone and that others are also going through difficult times as I’m also going through difficult times! I’m wondering if sin and trials are one in the same thing or are they different.

I thinking this is my relationship with Christ. And day by day Christ will take me the distance and I’ll be able to look back and understand why so much grief.

 I believed in God all my life but not with His truths but rather with the truth of Christendom which is not truth at all. So I say to you I’m new in the truth and want or have a desire to really understand. Why I do the things I do and how God deals with me.

I do not wish to take anything for granted. It’s why I shout across the board. And you know there is always someone who cares enough to help in anyway they can.

I never had this sort of help in any church or if so I certainly did not pick up on it so maybe I was just deceived.

     Thank you once again for your help and support. Your brother in Christ . Richard


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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 04:18:53 PM »

Hi Richard,

It’s the little things in me I see that trouble me.

I see my mind as the battle field...

I think these things that are troubling you and the battle in your mind is the Spirit at work in chastening you.  If you were not concerned because of these sins, then that would be something to worry about.  Why do you think you go back and apologize?  It is the spirit moving you to do so, that is the chastening to change and overcome.

Heb 12:6  For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives."
v. 7  If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?
v. 11  Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Here are a couple of emails that should help.,1026.0.html

 There is no magic bullet that will save you today from all your sins and problems. As you have stated YOU have tried and tried and failed time and again. ONLY GOD can save you from all of your sins.  I can teach you the truths of the Scriptures, but overcoming the sins of the flesh is something that only God can do for you. I know the feeling. I have been there; done that.  But God is faithful, and if you continue to hate your flesh and your sins and cry out to God, He will hear you.  So be encouraged.  Many have gone before you and have obtained the victory over sin. We are never totally free from all sin, but we do reach the place where sin no longer has dominion over us, and that is a great feeling.  Don't do ANYTHING that gives you a guilty conscience.  Don't GO anywhere, don't DO anything, don't SAY anything for which you feel guilty or wouldn't want your wife, children and par ents to see you doing.  People condemn me and say all kinds of hateful lies about me on a daily basis.  But my conscience is CLEAR before God, and so I don't have to answer to all my hate-filled detractors.  Take God with you wherever you go and your whole life will change.

God be with you,
Ray ------

2Cor. 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

II Cor. 10:5 is one of those ALL-ENCOMPASSING Scriptures that cannot be realized by following some magic formula or repeating some prayer, etc. Bringing every thought into the captivity of Jesus Christ requires a LIFETIME of overcoming and living by God's Spiritual Laws. Jesus also told us to "Be ye therefore PERFECT." Again, this is not something that is accomplished by reading the Scripture or following some short-term magical formula. It requires a lifetime of obeying God and living through our many trials and tribulations.

However, I do not wish to let you stranded with an impossible task for your daughter. The Scriptures also say that "As a person THINKS IN HIS HEART, so is he."   Therefore THINK ABOUT GOOD AND PLEASANT THINGS. Even dreams "Come from an abundance of business" or whatever we think about most. Therefore, again, THINK ABOUT GOOD AND PLEASANT THINGS.

Notice what Paul himself tells us:

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me [Paul], DO; and the GOD OF PEACE SHALL BE WITH YOU." (Phil. 4:8-9).

I'll leave it up to you to put these terms into words your daughter understands.

God be with you,


Richard D

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2008, 04:31:21 PM »


Your reply really helps me out. I’ve been going through much these past six weeks since I read Ray’s papers on the lake of fire. It seems I question every little thing about me but have no answers.

It’s a great blessing being apart of this forum that is full of knowledgeable brothers and sisters who come to my aid and assist me in times of trouble, helping me with my understanding which is important to me.

In time I hope to be of mutual benefit to others as I learn more each day. Then surly I would see Jesus working through me for the good of another.

Thank you Anthony as always. Your brother in Christ a lowly servant. Richard.


Douglas Wayne Thomas

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2008, 03:50:19 PM »

I like the quote, "One is taught in accordance to one's fitness to learn". Resisting sin is like working out, at first it is difficult to lift a portion of your own bodyweight, however with proper training and discipline you get stronger and stronger. Soon you can lift greater percentages of your own bodyweight. Getting closer to God and his will enables us to resist even more sins as we strengthen our relationship with God. As we let go of our "life" and live according to God's will sin is easier to avoid, however like someone posted before, if there was no temptation than Satan is not doing what god created him to do, tempt us to sin.

Richard D

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 08:40:03 PM »


It’s not by the will of man but by the will of God. Have we started out in the spirit only to finish in the flesh? As I give up and stop trying does God takes over and starts doing!

The beast is more cunning than we give him credit for. We must stop doing and start letting God take over. There is no other way. Or we find ourselves fighting against God without realizing it. That is how cunning the beast is.

And yet it’s of God not us.  Patience is a virtue. In my house I do not make plans but I wait on the Lord. I’m not capable of clening my house only God can clean my house and what a beautiful thing it is to behold in cleaning action. His burden is lite and His yoke is easy.

                                          In His Love .Richard.

Jackie Lee

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2008, 02:29:21 AM »

I constantly ask God to give me more truths according to his will, There is so many questions, but precious few answers but when I get that one answer through my thick head, I am thrilled.
I have finally come to the conclusion through God that he has given me all I need for today.
I realise I have no freewill yet I was allowed to try it my way.. or so I thought, with my choices.
You want to talk about a mess but I am being refined and learning slowly according to the will of God.
 I can't rush God he does in his time.

Jackie Lee

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 03:04:39 AM »

As an afterthought, God worked with me with sin in a simple way.
When I hated the sin more than I enjoyed it God intervened with that one particular sin.
I have no desire for that sin.
There are still sins in my life but he is with me conquering one sin at a time.
If I could just hold my tongue when frustrated I would be grateful, this will be overcome too hopefully in this life before I die.

Richard D

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2008, 09:10:43 AM »

Jackie Lee

You said (I can't rush God he does in his time.) That’s what God is showing me. We have nothing to do with any of it. Its God working in us and through us.

I could desire all knowledge pertaining to the things of God but it matters not. It’s when God chooses not when I choose. This is the very thing God has shown me!

Jackie Lee

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2008, 06:33:32 PM »

Richard your posts are inspiring, You are a faster learner than I am.
Once in a while I still battle the freewill issue.
When you write your posts and thoughts I say yes I know what he means, because I am experiencing some of the same things like the battle in my mind.
I really enjoyed your thread we only have to die, because I die a little daily and I am rejoicing.


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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2008, 07:00:56 PM »

Hi Richard, My Brother there is a way out; we are on the right path to that way. For There is None Other Name Under Heaven Whereby we Must Be Saved Than the Name Christ Jesus.

With A Holy Kiss, George.

We the believers in God are being made in his image through the knowledge of good and evil here and now, this is my understanding from reading Ray’s papers. If I’m off track saying this, please correct me for my own good.

I believe the world in general is also benefiting from this knowledge of good and evil also but the fullness of their benefit will not take place till they emerge from the lake of fire.

I understand that the only possible action or chose I can take or make is that which is cause by God or God causes within me what he God pleases for the outcome of his will, working all things together for good.

Sin hurts my relationship with God and what I would like to do is deal with this subject so as to understand or connect the dots.

Do I or we or believers have but only one chose or has God given us two chose‘s ? I have heard believers in church when I use to go to church which I stop going say when I ask how one deal with sin they would reply, don’t sin or you must fight it.

These things they said to me were of no value to me as even I knew that much. I guess what I was really asking is how to perform in not sinning.

If I have a desire to do a certain thing and inwardly I say, well this is not good to do or God would not approve of this, has God given me or every believer two chose’s.

I always choose not to sin or prefer not to sin but as I make this chose not to sin I find the desire within me is multiplied with intensity or like a raging battle it always conquers me.

Is there a way out of my dilemma maybe a particular prayer I don’t know about or perhaps a formula I never heard of, there has to be something maybe special powers from God I’m unaware of that he gives to those who believe if they know the right words to say.

If not, then what does one do to overcome the intensity of the desire? Is there intensity for everyone or just me? How does one not become subdue? Or must I always be sin’s prey?

There just has to be at least one believer here with and answer to my dilemma! It’s better to be dead than to sin against God. Surly there is a way out of sins domain!

                                    A lowly servant in his love. Richard

Richard D

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Re: These things they said to me were of no value to me!
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2008, 12:23:36 PM »


Thank you for your response to this post. I’m learning day by day. You’re so right when you say there is a way out. Thank you Jesus. Amen. :)

In His Love. Richard
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