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Author Topic: Comfort zone.  (Read 11051 times)

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Richard D

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Comfort zone.
« on: October 12, 2008, 01:21:48 AM »

You know, I never said anything about my situation when I first join this forum as far as my survival is concerned. You see, I had lost my job because of lack of work back in March of this year. I’m not alone in my situation because many of us Americans lost our jobs in the first part of the year and thorough out the year.

It’s why I had so much time to read Ray’s papers as well as spend time here in this forum. I was twenty three years of age when I purchased my first home which I still live in. Needles to say, because of the economy there are not many Jobs out there for a guy like me.

I never went to college, I cannot even say I had the mentality for college….LOL. Nothing like and honest Joe in this world we all live in. After a few months of being laid off from work and knowing no one is hiring for work I became somewhat nervous, you know it’s a possibility I could loose my home like so many other Americans too and become homeless.

I hear the average poor person in this country has one car and three TV’s and a couple of air conditioners in their home. What a contrast to poor people in other countries who have not these things, in fact many of them die of starvation from what I read and see on TV.

I have no pride left in me, shame, what is that, I don’t care what becomes of me. Let my heart stop, let me die, I don’t care. Comfort zone, tell me, what is that I have forgotten. I asked God saying what is you’re intentions for me? Shall my neighbors watch me loose my home? Shall they watch me loose everything I ever work for?

My unemployment checks are at there end, now what. It’s kind of freaky to me in some ways you know, what do I do with all my possessions, do I just leave them behind or do I try to sell them?

I’m a tradesman, but no one is hiring. What’s my faith, what’s going to happen to me? Don’t answer I don’t care, like I said, let my heart stop, let me die, what’s wrong with taking the easy way out? After all I know I will eventually be saved. Does it matter? There is no hell, I found the comfort I was seeking. My life long fear has disappeared.

God is good, there is not a single person on earth I would believe if they told me God is not good. God has comforted me in the evening of my life. I’m tired anyways and could use a good night sleep………..LOL….see you in a billions years from now.

I know inwardly there is still hope for even the creature was subjected in hope. There is always hope. Things are getting interesting for me but I don’t know what tomorrow holds in store for me.

Heavenly Father, let you’re will be done Amen.  Richard, one of you’re many sons.  :-\
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 12:54:04 PM by Richard D »

Jackie Lee

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2008, 01:51:31 AM »

 Richard, I will be praying for you please don't despair. :'(


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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2008, 02:47:18 AM »

Richard,  I really feel your pain. Before, I found the truth it was a living HELL.
             One night I laid in bed thinking. How could anyone in the USA be forgiven with all the things we have and so many ungrateful. I think why did he put us here in the USA. I have often wondered would it be cause I could not take what they do in many third world countries. It makes me sad when I see little children with there little pots held out for beans. Tents with leaks and only a garbage bag to lay on. All the diseases, they suffer and watch there family die and wait to die themselves. It sure makes one humble. Life sure isn't easy.
But, have hope don't despair. God is our hope and he never forsakes you. I know you realize that. I have to say I shed tears when I read this. I love my Brothers and Sisters in Christ and this so humbles me. But, it is wonderful to know we have such a friend in Jesus. We all have crosses to bare even if we are in the USA. My heart goes out to you.
God Bless


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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2008, 03:06:02 AM »

Hi Richard
I don't know much about suffering other than some loneliness but I will keep you in my prayers. Please don't despair, perhaps this is a fiery trial from God. (1 Peter Ch. 4)
Your friend and brother in Christ,

I have no pride left in me, shame, what is that, I don’t care what becomes of me. Let my heart stop, let me die, I don’t care.

I feel this way too sometimes.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 05:26:21 AM by Stevernator »

Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2008, 12:48:14 PM »

Hi Jackie Lee, Marlene and Stevernator.

I read a thread a few days ago on this forum and found brothers and sisters were wondering what is going to happen. I know as we view the decay of the world economy and the corruption in Washington and Wall Street one can become dismayed or alarmed with all this bad news going around.

I have made my cares known to God and have been going back and forth with God on this but in a trusting way. I consider all things lost but still have my home. I hear on the news that many people are loosing their homes for lack of work.

Sometimes I feel like a man on death row waiting for the executioner to call my name and as I walk to the gallows I say can we walk faster, I would like to get this over before noontime if that’s alright with you. I consider all things lost.

I watched my pride get striped away with each unemployment check I cash. God has shown me to have shame is to have pride, without pride there is no shame. Would you like to talk about trusting God?

I trust God for my next meal, but this is a wonderful way to live, you know, truly trusting God. Once I looked at my bank account and felt secure, now my security is in my God.

My situation is not in vain, I take comfort in knowing God knew I would be here before I was born.

I posted the demise of my flesh in hope that another might be comforted who maybe going through my experience but keeps in concealed. I’m done with this world, its time to move on with the things of God.

If I live I live unto God and if I die I die unto God but either way I belong to God. I can only tell you that without growing pains we will not grow. It’s all of God who knows what He is doing and where He is leading.

I hope my situation is of comfort to you if you find yourself going through what I’m going through. God is perfecting us here and now for His glorious plan of redemption making us into His very image. There is no greater honor in the universe. Shall we receive only good from the hand of God and not evil? Are both not for the perfection of His children?

I trust God more today than I did yesterday and even more so tomorrow. Does my post seem depressing, maybe so but I feel blessed. My trust for God has increased a hundred fold. Can I look down at another? I think not. Is God humbling me? I think so. What does tomorrow hold in store for me? I don’t know but I do know God will be there tomorrow for me, which I do know.      In His Love. Richard. The trusting one.


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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2008, 02:10:26 PM »

Hi Richard,

Maybe it is necessary to go through severe trials to reach a point of truly trusting in God.  It's a hard thing to desire (trials) but to read your words of how God has striped away your pride and how you are trusting Him, makes me think it is worth it and I don't mean just for you, but everybody.  I guess it does happen in different ways for different people. 

But a consolation is I think you have reach a place in your understanding that very few people get to.  I will be praying for your situation. 

mercy, peace and love


Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2008, 03:43:36 PM »


What I have learned or discovered in these past several months is worth more than all the gold on earth. Some may find my words difficult to except but I accept it with ease knowing now that my comfort zone was a deception to me.

If someone could restore me back to my former days I would reject it. If God wanted me there I would still be there. I’m moving on with God and into the future He has planed for me, what ever it entails.

The transition between trusting in our ability to trusting God is very uncomfortable at first but as we leaned not towards our understanding but God’s it becomes easier

It’s one thing to read a scripture and another thing to live it. I find it’s in living it that the beast looses the influence it once had and where God starts to reign and self starts to die.

Do not feel sad for me but rather be happy for me I trust God for everything now. God is able to meet all my needs. God has always met all my needs but the difference now is I know He does where before I did not.

If someone on this forum or who reads this thread is going through my ordeal then listen to what I’m saying and just go all the ways with God as it makes no sense to hold on to the things of this life.

Consider yourself dead and all things lost and God will give you back one hundred fold. And this comes from a brother who stands to loose all his earthly possessions.

Praise and honor and glory belong to God and not us.

             In His Trust and understanding. Richard the trusting one.


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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2008, 03:51:38 PM »


I too have been where your at. I'm also in the trades. I owned a Heating and Air Conditioning company in 1990 when the economy went bad. I lost my business, my home and had to file bankruptcy in 1992. After all that I still owed the IRS $80,000.00 and they cleaned out every account I had. I learned a good lesson through all that. Material things don't mean squat! I did go off the deep end for awhile even walking away from my marriage and kids for 9 months. But praise God he restored my mind, gave me a job, restored my marriage, making it better than it was before all this transpired. I did get angry with God during that time but I know now that I had to go through this to show me my first love was money and material things, not God. That has been corrected! It took awhile, things don't change overnight. Hopefully you will not have to go through this, but God directs our steps. Rest in Him, He is all that we really have to hold onto that doesn't go away.

Praying for you Brother


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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2008, 04:17:11 PM »

Richard, You are right. Just know you have God and he is all we need. Maybe he is trying to find people in USA again. We have grown to be in comfort. My husband and I have struggled for years. We do have a home that is his great grandmothers. We struggled with medicals bills because of my health. I had to stop working two years ago and still fighting for my disability. I had a very serious illness in 2005. It came to thousands of dollars. I was so worried over it. A friend told me about a plan at the hospital and they knocked off half of it. God certainly blessed. Even though our minister at the church we had doen so much for told the dollar amount of what we gave each week. Then sat in Gods seat and said god may kill for that. He said, "He did not know who gave what"
we knew it was a lie. Cause a young family with lots of kids found out he knew and they left. We had been in that church most of our married life and his family also. His family knew that he knew how much everyone gave. My husbands family have some money. They did not leave , but I am not holding it against us. Something came good out of all this. The most important thing was we found out that organized church doesnt have it right. I think, God may be working on organzied churches by showing them who is in control. Yes, and also, what they love most.  I prayed for you last night. But, there is one thing no one can take from us and that is his LOVE for us and that is MORE THAN WORDS. He does tell us to be content with what we have. He will make a way for all of us who Love and Obey him. No, matter the state we are in.
Love To You  Your Sister in Christ

Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2008, 04:26:57 PM »


I also do heating and air conditioning for a living, I’m trusting in God not man this time around. I don’t know what tomorrow holds in store for me but I do know God will get me there.

God has removed my footing in this life and has taken away my comfort zone from me but I have learned a great deal from my situation like trusting God like never before.

There is a certain peace in trusting God with ones life that I can’t explain. A peace I never had before. I’m starting to see the real comfort zone of life is in God and only in God.

How foolish a thing for one to trust in there job or anyone else for that matter when it’s God who dictates to the universe what will be. Not our job or people but God who calls all the shots that will ever ring out.

I put all my trust in God these days and would have it no other way.

                            In His Love. Richard. The trusting one.

Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2008, 05:57:56 PM »


Thank you for sharing your story with me. I’ finding that we who suffer in this life are really blessed, we may not feel blessed during our suffering but I know in my heart I would have not come to the understanding I have if left in my comfort zone.

What ever God’s purpose is for my life is for my eternal good and well being and I will not fight against God’s purpose but submit to it willingly, you know, with a smile and thankfulness.

God is teaching me to trust in Him and stop trusting in my own ability, you know, when we trust in ourselves we are being naughty and God must deal with us. But what son does not get chastise by his Father?

I would that all know that God also upholds us too so that we do not faint from fear of our trials but He strengthens us through our trials.

God bless you all and if or when your time comes submit to God with all your heart, mind and soul for you are in Gods care and He knows you have needs.

                             In His Love. Richard. The trusting one.


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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2008, 07:18:30 PM »

Well, I sure have been blessed reading this.  Doug, here are people walking the walk and not just talking the talk. You will be in my prayers.

This is exactly what sharing anothers burdens are.  You share, people w/ same experience share how God worked all things out, and God gets all the glory!!

Richard you have been such a great addition to our forum family.  You have on many occassions opened your heart and soul to us.  Your faith is helping my faith.

I will be praying for you.  If you need anything please let us/me know!!

Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2008, 08:15:57 PM »


Thank you for your prayers and offer of help, you know I received more than one pm from forum members which I will not mention their names but these have also offered me help too.

I want all of you to know I would appreciate your prayers but also remember where the Lord is leading me I must go and what He is taking me through I must go through. I will not elude what the Lord has declared as it’s for my eternal good.

I don’t ever want to return to my comfort zone again I want to trust God for my next breath, God did not bring me this far for me to turn back. I must go forward where ever forward is God is there also.

God is showing me that outside of Him I ’am nothing, God does not want me depending on myself for nothing not even my next meal, I know this is not very American of me but God’s not American either……LOL….. You just got to love God and trust in Him.

Please pray to God for me but pray according to His purpose for me what ever that entails. God will strengthen me through my trials. I know He will because He is already upholding me and I can trust in His love and wisdom for my life.

I thank all of you for your offer of help but all I want is your prayers which are worth more than all the treasure on earth to me.

Please do not feel sad for me but rejoice for me knowing God is leading me into His kingdom. Become not weak by my situation but strong in the Lord knowing His Love is upon us all.  :)

           God bless all of you. In His Love. Richard. The trusting one.

Jackie Lee

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2008, 10:04:57 PM »

This thread has touched me deeply, my daughter is in a similar situation she is just beginning to see she has no control.
I will be so glad when her faith is as yours that she has no control over any given situation.
She just lately have come out of the church.
  It amazes me the faith and trust God has given you in such a short time.
I thought about you off and on the entire day praying for you and my daughter.
I will keep praying.

Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2008, 12:59:11 AM »

Jackie Lee.

Thank you for sharing your cares with me about your daughter. Jackie, my heart goes out to you so much, it really does. Jackie, I believe that God gave women something special when it comes to her offspring that he did not give man. A mother’s love is the closest love next to God’s love.

If one wants to understand God’s love just look at a mothers love for her child no matter how old the child maybe and one can see the love of God there.

Jackie, if I were with you right now, I would put my arms around you and whisper in your ear everything is going to be alright. And I would not be lying to you Jackie because it really is going to be alright.

Be easy in your heart concerning your daughter because God loves her so much, He really does Jackie. You know God has her best interest in His heart for her, your daughter. Remember she is God’s Daughter too Jackie.

Give God His time and watch how He will deliver her from all things and bring her into His Kingdom forever without end.

Be of good cheer Jackie and start to thank God now for what he is already doing for your Daughter.

Peace be to you Jackie and remember how much God loves your Daughter, He really does Jackie.  :)  :)  :)  :)

                                    In His love. Richard. The trusting one.

Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2008, 01:23:07 AM »


Yes, I do believe my words because they are from my heart. It’s a strange thing to understand but no sooner do I post that God gives me understanding well not right there and then but before long I understand what God is revealing to me.

But none the less He…God has me post it anyways although He….God ..could give me the answer I’m looking for but just the same I have to post it.

When I do make a post I have not a clue and I have no shame about me that I say what is given me to say. I understand it’s not about me or if it is, it’s not just about me but is also meant for another.

If God like you pointed out to me my words then I guess I would not say the things I say but then someone else would not benefit from my foolishness so if I ‘am a fool then it’s what God would have me be, but again I feel no shame in what God causes me to do.

I’m not sure what your meaning is but I hope I have answered your question. But if not let me know in your response and then I will give and answer to you to the best of my ability or at least ask God to give me the answer you seek.

                        God bless you. In His Love. Richard. The trusting one.

Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2008, 02:16:33 AM »

Hi Rodger.

Let me know what post you are referring to that I might read it for myself and see what your post was about that I might learn something new.

Please put the hyperlink onto my post as this would be easier for me. Thank you Rodger.  :)

                                   In His love and understanding Richard.


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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2008, 04:51:28 AM »

How could anyone in the USA be forgiven with all the things we have and so many ungrateful. I think why did he put us here in the USA. I have often wondered would it be cause I could not take what they do in many third world countries. It makes me sad when I see little children with there little pots held out for beans. Tents with leaks and only a garbage bag to lay on. All the diseases, they suffer and watch there family die and wait to die themselves. It sure makes one humble. Life sure isn't easy.
But, have hope don't despair. God is our hope and he never forsakes you. I know you realize that. I have to say I shed tears when I read this. I love my Brothers and Sisters in Christ and this so humbles me. But, it is wonderful to know we have such a friend in Jesus. We all have crosses to bare even if we are in the USA.

 I guess God put more of the few here in USA right now, because they have more to overcome. USA is falling down. Its is sad to see pour people on the tv but It makes me even more sad to see this country  great mistake's and crazy people living disgusting realities of materialism and worshiping corporations and idols fabricated by the homogeneous message from the media, America is truly the mother of harlots.
 There is no comfort zone on here if you are trying to overcome.

I have already more than a moth in NY city trying to survive and experiencing contrasts between what do we really really need and what we don't really need, since I come from a kind of  ‘pour’ country (i still have plans to go back on January). All i can say is that we will never have enough if it is not 'right now' if we can be able to trust that God is really in control.

Richard, About trying to find jobs, me for the last weeks of doing it have realized that not any job is always fine sometimes not even in the most hard times, there is so many details and mistakes in so many that our possibilities are very little (you might know what I mean), and this is one point of what i mean when i talk about america sins, it is almost all about luxury and playing with people emotions to sell unnecessary things and experiences. I have been over thinking lately about all this (also because this email of ray (,7374.0.html) and then I saw your post, I relate a lot with some of your words. Working on heating and air conditioning sound good!  I would like to know what you think about this…

Yesterday i lost my wallet and I will say this with you, 'Heavenly Father, let you’re will be done… Amen.'



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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2008, 11:16:57 AM »


Believe me when I say that you ARE living the scriptures as opposed to just reading them.  Such as

Proverbs 3:5

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding"

James 1

 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

1 Peter 4

12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

 13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

In Matthew 10

 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

What you're discovering is HOW to: take up your cross, come to the end of your understanding, understand that life in Christ is not about "living it up" but coming to hate the lust that consumes the beast within you.  These are HARD lesson from our Heavenly Father.  However, His only begotton Son learned them through SUFFERING.  So too must we, who have been called according to His purpose and grace. 

May His Grace enlighten you further


Richard D

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Re: Comfort zone.
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2008, 11:48:18 AM »

Hello Moises.

I like the way you coined that Americans have more to overcome. Although the people of other Countries may not have to overcome materialism on a level Americans do but they still are still human being no different than we are.

I understand that being blessed with material goods can also be a curse also. But it’s all of God purpose who receives what and who does not.

I think people who suffer greatly in this world may have a greater, more honorable part in heaven one day. But God loves us all and that is the true riches of this world. My dad also came from another country and as a child I would go back to my dad’s mother land on vacation.

It was much different from America or the attitude was different I should say and people never locked their doors then because it was a little poor fishing village and people were honest.

My grandparents did not have modern day plumbing in the home but you could find and outhouse on the property and in the kitchen was and old black pot belly stove they used both for cooking and keeping warm with in the winter time.

I’ll always treasure the memories of a simpler time in a poor fishing village my Dad grew up in, I remember how the adults would sit and converse and us children would sit also and listen to what was being said because there was not a TV in the house.

My dad once told me on Christmas day if he received and apple he was thankful. We lived like this also here in America although I ‘am first generation born in America. And also here we did have a TV and modern day plumbing and eclectic stove to cook on with other luxuries but never being rich in worldly materials but always enough to get by with.

I always kept my dads attitude in this life, you see, I don’t need much and with little I will always be happy or my happiness does not depend on how much I accumulate I this life. My Dad always told me that we are born with nothing and we leave this world with nothing.

My Dad could sit in a room with not much in it and be content, I can also. I lived much of my life from pay check to pay check, you know, apart of the working poor people. That was and is my lot in this life.

I’m not ashamed of this, I always work and honest day and was content with my pay although I did mumble a couple of times to God about it.

Heating and airconditioning was a good thing for me to get into because I never went to college and the saying is if you don’t go to college you need to go to a trade school.

I prayed to God that He will use my knowledge and let me own my own service business so as to support my life here while I live as I wish not to burden another or even the tax payers.

The oil companies are very expensive and I don’t have the overhead they do so I could do the same job but for much less. I’m praying to God that this He will have me do but at the end of the day it’s up to God what I’ll do to earn money.

I believe God takes what we have and uses it for His glory so I have to wait on the Lord to see what will become of me.

I trust in only God now which is the right thing to do. In His Love. Richard.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 01:06:05 PM by Richard D »
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