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Author Topic: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?  (Read 15459 times)

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Richard D

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Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« on: November 02, 2008, 05:03:11 PM »

I thought you should see this article.


Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 05:09:37 PM »

I know this is not right but I wish I were there with a grill just to see how long they can hold out with their fasting.

Ok I'm being bad today.

                                       In God's love. Richard.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2008, 05:18:04 PM »

The election has already been decided....God knows ....but man will not know until the ballots are counted...and even then will be in the dark about the individual ballots.

Keep in mind that God put Herod in place and look what herod did to the baby's in bethlehem. . For many the pro-life stance is the part of the platform they are using to justify their beliefs.

Most of these people in the picture are probably praying their own wills and not necessarly God's will . They are concerned most about their worldly goods, and what the ecomony will do to thier goods. They are not for the party they voted for in as much as they are against the other party.



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 05:45:11 PM »

Interesting, i wonder who has wisdom to understand that everyone of those people is a child of God in
unbelief and that we should not mock but instead be in sorrow and Prayers for the opening of their eyes
of understanding daily.

Many of us including myself are still wracked about how to do or not to do about all that is not right in
this World.

There are millions of People that do genuinely care about the Life still in the womb, and what will happen
if one candidate wins over another.

We who have been given a special privilege to see and understand into the future must not be mockers and
boasters of our currently not enlightened Brothers and Sisters writhing and crying in pain and darkness out

At this moment in time i feel that God has given me so much Power and Might but i do not yet have the
ability to use it wisely and must stand by in abject sorrow and shame while my Sisters and Brothers in the
World run to and fro in fear and confusion and i can do nothing to help.

I would like to ask each and every Believer on BT to put aside any political feelings and look at the condition
God sees us in and Pray for Him to free us (The World) from the bondage of this physical and spiritual death.

In Humility and Love,



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2008, 06:35:24 PM »

Hello, I have always been of the opinion if anyone who wants an abortion they will do what they want. Laws never stop any sin. Thats why he died for us. Many girls my mother said,"Died years ago or went to there aunt to live or such. My Mother who is a very moral person. Who saved herself for marriage said," She does not know what any woman would do, if put in a situation they never dreamed of. My sister who was saving her self for marriage was raped by some one who she was not dating. She could not even find out his true name. She became pregnant . She almost lost the baby several times. My Family wanted to keep it even though my sister was raped. My sister went through alot of mental anquish. That Girl is now 34 she is so amazing. She takes care of my sister who is paralyzed on her left side from a stroke and many other health issues.

But, what my Mother and I were talking about was that if a woman does not have a change of heart inside anything could happen. Also, if given a certain circumstance no woman might not know what she would do. Only God, can change the heart . We can't judge. All, I know is they do run on the christian believes, but we have yet to see one change the law. Maybe, God has other plans. All, I know if we went back to biblical law us New Covenant only people might have some problems of persecution. Like if the instituted sacrifices and such. We know that the Babylon church teaches law mixed with New Covenant.
Which, is not New Covenant. Thats why I dont get into the political hype cause we know who is in charge. I never did get into that Babylon teaching.

But can a grey haired lady change Gods mind. No, but she could just get her wish but have nothing to do with her wanting.

In His Love,

Yes, my heart breaks for all in bondage of Babylon. I once was there. But, its all up to God. He led me here. It never happend by some man leading me.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2008, 06:45:57 PM »

I wasn't not mocking these people, We know that they are blind and  they are bound in Babylon and do not know it. The result of Babylon teaching dictate the motives of their prayers.  It is observation and not judgement.

This type of media coverage just points to this behavior for what it outward display of piety .....that jesus spoke of.  

What do these people do about the issue of abortion the rest of the elected official can do anything in himself.

What do we do..... Go to our closet in private.....and agreement and fellowship.  It is not about them  praying ......but our prayers...we ourselves who are to go to the throne of Our Father bodly.  

God will free the World and I think that we can pray this in agreement to His will



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2008, 07:44:03 PM »

I'm also against gay marriage.  Married couples are supposed to be miserable.  Makes me feel better since I'm single.  Ha, Ha, Ha.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2008, 09:25:19 PM »

Yes beloved you are so right God knows who our next Pres. is gonna be and what is going to happen to the U.S. in the near future. I am really for the first time worried for us. I wasn't this worried after 9-11. I am now. I am pretty sure we are going to have a Pres that doesn't have much experience when it comes to national defence. Do the American people truly understand that nothing else matters if we can't defend ourselves? cutting taxes, health care, jobs, immigration social security none of this means anything if we can not defend ourselves. The next Pres. and the U.S. will need all of God's blessings in order for us as a nation to survive. Do you guys think that the U.S. people are as evil as the people in Sodom? or Gomorrah? If we take a hard look at us as a country, Rape, murder, porno, child molestation, parents killing their children and children killing their parents. It sound like Sodom does it not? Do yall think that this will be the time that God deal with us as a country? Will God take His hands of protection away from us? WE all know these are the end of days it's just a matter of how soon. I think it is happen now.  Just like when God removed His protection from Israel and they were defeated by their enemies and took into captivity. Just like when God wiped out the people of Noah's days. Is it our turn now? All the super powers since the dawn of time has come and gone and we are the only remaining super power on earth. Is this our end time? Is God ready to remove His hands of protection from us? I personally think so. I think it is our time. I think God is going to be very harsh with us as a nation. Why, because He has bless this nation so much and we (nation) have turned our back on Him and took His blessings for granted. I think He is upset with us,He has given the U.S. everything we could possible need even wanted and we turned our backs on Him. Yes I think His anger is coming upon us. All that being said< I pray that I am wrong. I'm usually wrong anyway.

Jackie Lee

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2008, 09:33:40 PM »

 Much of the Americans think nothing like this could ever happen we have put ourselves on a pedestal and think we are above all this.
I remember a few years before 9-11 my husband said America would never be attacked.
 I think he is seeing things in a different perspective now.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2008, 09:50:56 PM »

This country could defend itself alot better if it didn't have most of its millitary in and out of Iraq over an oil war.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2008, 09:57:25 PM »

Beloved, I hope you didn't take it that I thought you would judge Babylon people. Thats the last thing I wouls think of anyone on here. We have all been in there seat.  
            I was just trying to explain all the hype of the politics. Yes, I know it takes more then one man to change things. But, it only takes God to change the United States or any other country.

             I too have to agree with Darren that our country has turned away from the values they once had. It is scary to think that we could be cut down by God. Even Ray in one of his articles talked about the murders in Iraq and how God told us to love our enemies. Also, Ray had an article about Molech and how many entertainers and politicians practice it. Also, a man can say they stand for anything to get votes. In the end God knowns who they are.
In His Love,


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2008, 09:59:40 PM »

Amen ! Musicman


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2008, 12:07:23 AM »

Why, because He has bless this nation so much and we (nation) have turned our back on Him and took His blessings for granted.


In regard to your above statement.  I wrote to one of our presidential candidates and told him that I am sick and tired or hearing politicians and others saying God Bless America.  Because the fact of the matter is that God HAS blessed America and like you say, we have turned our backs on Him.  I asked him to rephrase and start saying God Blessed rather than asking for more of God's blessings.

Needless to say, my request was not honored but hey, you gotta try.



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2008, 12:25:20 AM »

good try Eileen but it won't do no good.The path is set it will be what is His will to be. I wonder how many others feel like I do.? I feel like our best days are gone behind us. The politicians job is to go through the motions you know what I mean? God bless America, cut taxes, reform health care and SS take care of our borders, keep jobs here in the U.S. tax breaks for the middle class. blah,blah,blah. SOS. every 4 yrs the same thing over and over. Musicman is right on this Iraq issue. BTW why are we borrowing money from China to pay for the war in Iraq. Iraqis produce way enough oil to pay for their own war. How stupid is this. They have the man power and they are trained, they have the money to support their ownselves. Iraq can conduct this war own there own we did our job we got rid of Saddam, Anyway I do love my country as we all do and I do pray that it is in God's Will for the country to move ahead and prosper.

Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2008, 12:51:26 AM »


You are so right, God is passing judgment on this nation. We have same sex marriage and abortions taking place everyday. We are worst than Sodom and Gomorra. Look at the filth alone just on T.V. and listen to the music of today.

This country ought to be ashamed of the filth it has allowed to happen. This country deserves God’s judgment especially our politicians.

I see lots of signs saying I’m proud to be an American but the truth is how anyone can be proud of the garbage this country has on its hands is beyond me.

I don’t want to get started here so I won’t but you are so right. And I think how we laugh at the Middle East. America should take a real good look at herself because she has become the whore of the world, that’s exactly what she is, a whore.

                                                In God’s anger. Richard.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2008, 01:34:23 AM »

Richard, I say Amen to that.

In His Love


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2008, 01:42:19 AM »

My my, oh what a tangled web we weave, when ourselves we deign to deceive. Let's see USA bad, everyone
else not as bad. USA shares wealth, world and middle east raise oil prices, USA feeds the world, world want to
destroy USA. We all ignored what was happening while trying to get ours, now it is everybody's fault but ours.
oh what a tangled web we weave. So Sad, So Sad, guess after this venting all will go back to being followers
of Our Lord Jesus Christ like nothing happened. So very Sad to see, what happened to be angry and Sin Not.

They at least have the excuse of being blinded, what excuse do we have Pray Tell. Know you not that The Saints will Judge The World?.

George. ???  :-\  :(  :'(

Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2008, 09:44:19 AM »

Hi George.

Its one thing to raise oil prices and another thing to sign into law same sex marriage. United States is know throughout the world as baby killers of the world and if one cannot see the filth of this county they are not fit to judge anything.

I know what is going on in this country like every other country is God’s purpose but I don’t think God intended for me to approve of the wickedness I see on T.V. or hear about in the news or the filth and corruption in Washington D.C.

After all we say we are a Christian nation but maybe America should drop the saying these days because she has become the biggest whore on earth.

Don’t think twice that God will not make and example out of this county because God has been passing judgment on America for sometime now.

Welcome to the give me generation of America even Burger King Puts on its cups have it your way and don’t forget about iphone too.

One must be careful what they say these days because it might not be politically correct and one should be tolerant of everyone and everything no matter what they do or you’re a bigot. Satan has done a great job at deceiving many no doubt about it.

IMHO America is the biggest whore on earth and in the entire universe.

                                In God’s love. Richard.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2008, 11:16:57 AM »

 United States is know throughout the world as baby killers of the world and if one cannot see the filth of this county they are not fit to judge anything.

The U.S. certainly has an abysmal record in regard to the termination of the most innocent life known to mankind, but the rest of the world has no higher moral ground to throw stones from either.



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