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Author Topic: The passion of Christ  (Read 13661 times)

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The passion of Christ
« on: November 06, 2008, 11:00:10 PM »

I just got finnished watching The Passion of Christ. Man, WOW that all I can say. I am stuned and shocked. I read like all of us about Christ's beatens and death but to see it on film was a real shocker. If and I say IF, Christ just went through half of the torture that was shown in the movie UNBELIEVABLE!!! I had to turn the movie off. Also about Judas, we all know the story we were told and read in the Bible. We know from what we were taught through the babaloyian system which are lies. Just about everything we thought we knew we really didn't know. So was Judas the betraier as we were taught or was he not? I mean we do nothing of ourselves, Jesus chose Judas for this all important job. Jesus had 12 to decied from so why Judas? any thoughts?


PS" my spell check is not working, so sorry for all the miss spelled words. I hope yall can understand my post.


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 02:13:33 AM »

I have never felt compelled to see the movie at the theaters and I've seen it at the video stores and moved on past.  I'm not sure why but it is not in me either to view that movie.


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 12:23:56 PM »

Hi winner,

I hope you don't feel persecuted for bringing up the movie.  All things happen within God's plan, so the movie must have had some purpose.

I see no one even mentioned your question about Judas.  Why him?  I have no idea.  Someone had to do it.  There were types of him in OT scripture such as David's friend who manipulated Absalom into rebelling against his own father.  I'm sure there are more.  All the roles have to be filled by someone.  Instead of why him I guess we should focus on forgiveness for any 'villain' in the world's history or even our own little chapter.  The important thing is to focus on what we will be, not what we have been or what we could be.




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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 12:51:17 PM »

No I don't feel persecuted. I was making a point. Seeing what He went through on film even though it  is hollywood just hit hard. I'm not asking if y'all like or did not like seen or not seen the movie. Your right no one even attempted to ansewer the question on Judas. I guess they seen my comment on the movie and that's all they saw. Did I ask about Mel Gibson? Now that you mention him I will say I like him as an actor. I like most of his movies.


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 01:20:01 PM »

So was Judas the betraier as we were taught or was he not? I mean we do nothing of ourselves, Jesus chose Judas for this all important job. Jesus had 12 to decied from so why Judas? any thoughts?

So that the scripture might be fulfilled...[John 17:12]

P.S.  Yeah, I liked the Lethal Weapon movies too :D


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 01:33:49 PM »

The way I see it is a lot of people may have thought more about Jesus' sacrifice when they saw it, but probably to some it was just a movie. I used to wonder why Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus, but now I know he was chosen from the beginning to be the one. Jesus knew who was going to betray him and why.  Even Judas knew that Jesus knew and still he was compelled to do it! Jesus said to him "...What you are doing do more quickly." John 13:27 That's from the Concordant Literal Translation the King James is "...That thou doest, do quickly." It was planned that way by God and who knows WHY? Not I! I don't think it's important that we know right now, but I believe in His time God will show us all these things. The Bible tells us that satan "entered into Judas" when he ate the morsel that Jesus gave him. Things change a little when you look at what the words really mean! There was something in Judas that made him the one who was chosen to betray Jesus.

I have said it before, I am not a deep thinker, I'm kinda like a little kid who takes everything at face value which doesn't serve me well in everything! So anyway that is what I think about the whole "Judas-as-betrayer thing".  You know, Ray may have had something to say on these lines, I don't know.
Keep searching!
Kathy :)


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 06:38:24 PM »

Falcon, I am glad to see your post. Being , new to all this now I see why Christmas and Easter is not important. What, is important is the victory our Lord had on the cross, and the power we have in us to live like he did.
Praise His Holy Name.

In His Love,

We all can get caught up in the Babylon teaching. I am just getting out.


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 06:42:04 PM »

Falcon, I am glad to see your post. Being , new to all this now I see why Christmas and Easter is not important. What, is important is the victory our Lord had on the cross, and the power we have in us to live like he did.
Praise His Holy Name.

In His Love,

We all can get caught up in the Babylon teaching. I am just getting out.

Thank you dearly for your kind words.....i am sooo thankful by the GRAC of God you are seeing and hearing the Word of God.   It is hard for many to focus the Glory of the cross and the promises of the future, perhaps that is why Our FAITH is a GIFT from God. because of ourselves, we would be satisfied with what secular FATE would dish/serve us to believe and NOT seek the VOICE of Our Father.

We all can get caught up in the Babylon teaching. I am just getting out.

I hear you SISTER !!

This weekend i was shamefully caught up in the politics........I stood FIRM and Prayed as God's will is done.

then i changed the channel and continued to watch the game........ i lost 5 bucks on Dallas.... ;)

PS i do on occasion post but find myself more in PMs as of lately....... i don't get sent to TIME-OUT in PM's  ;D
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 06:49:44 PM by Falconn003 »


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2008, 06:48:51 PM »

Good response Rodger, Darren this is big piece of meat to chew on. I believe that Rodger has given you and us a lot to think about it.

I especially liked your line

I purposely did not answer your question about Judas, because you ask what i learned from the Babylonian system.  Now WHY would you Darren, ask me to bring out/up that dead Adam and poison you with what i was thought in Babylon

I agree with you about this movie,  :P I saw it as I was coming out of Babylon and watched them drooling over the income generated by it and how some ministries pondered about going into the movie business.

The movie also make a few stupid Jesus as a carpenter who came up with the concept of a table that you sit in a chair, it put in a few catholic myths about wiping up the blood, I did enjoy the metaphor of Satan with snakes in his nose and the fact that he paced up and down and stirred up the soldiers into being as vicious as men are capable of being.

Winner 08( we all have to fight the tendency to remain where we were...we need to run the race and go on to maturity. Living in this world with its carnal tugs is a daily struggle, I am beginning to see why we are told

Mat 22:37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

It is going to take Christ in us, working in our whole being, to accomplish this.

Mat 26:41  Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Hey Rodger are you trying to slip in another movie "Mama Mia??"   ;D

« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 06:50:11 PM by Beloved »


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2008, 06:55:23 PM »


Thank you for your encouragement ,,,i was hoping not to come across as strong as i usualy do.... ;D

OMG   MAMA MIA the movie.....hahahahaahaha  i share this bit of secrecy more like lunacy, as i was getting a re-fill from the fountain drink machine i found myself tapping and swaying to the music of the movie, playing next to the vending is when i shook the booty a bit, i said " NOW STOP THAT !!!"  :o

Thay can be entertaining........ooops sorry if that should stray the thread ... :D :D :D

« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 06:58:32 PM by Falconn003 »


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2008, 07:01:12 PM »

It is not about the dispute of his being scourged or are the four passages that talk exactly about it

Mat 27:26  Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.

Mar 10:34  And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again.
Mar 15:15  And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified.

Luk 18:33  And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again.

Joh 19:1  Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him

There are references to this in the OT but are as explicit as these eye witnesses to the effects of the scourging. I doubt that they could ever talk about it again....after the ressurrection...without considerable remorse for themselves and mankind.




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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2008, 07:17:08 PM »

Beloved: You just quoted four passages that states that Christ was tortured. I don't know what roger calls it or anybody else. It is torture. Also I too understand that Christ overcame. So what I am not guided by the Holy Spirit because I read where Christ was beaten and mocked and whipped (tortured) AND understand He overcame these things to live again and to be seated at the Right Hand of the Father. YE, I know I am guided by the Holy Spirit. The only mistake I made here was saying the words"like we all have" That is it.



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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2008, 08:47:02 PM »

For the record, I never said anyone WAS persecuting winner.  I asked if he FELT persecuted.  There is a difference.   I'd like to say more but it would be useless.


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2008, 08:52:57 PM »

I do not think that Rodger or myself are saying that jesus was not "beaten" in the physical. That is why I posted those scriptures.

There was no television or ipods or internet...believe me the populattion knew all about Roman stye execution. The Romans were extremely intolerant of anything they perceived as rebellion.

Darren, the movie plays on the carnal...the visual and the emotions. What was done to Jesus was carnal and even without the movie it shows us the depths of mankinds depravity....

When Adam and Eve where in the garden..a physical sacrifice was clothe them.....It was a image of what Christ was going to do and what He did do ....and what He will do (clothe all mankind" ) in the future.

Symbolically that is what we have to go through, we die daily each idol of the heart will be removed like a scourge. We are spat upon by Babylon and called heretics. Right now we are dead to them and lying on the street.

Darren, I am not trying to dispute the issue of the actual passion of Christ, what we are trying to point out is that we no longer have to give credence or be bothered by the nonsense that Hollywood or babylon puts out anymore. We do not look back, we walk in the Light and in the Way.  

« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 12:10:17 AM by Beloved »


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 09:36:32 PM »

paula and I watched the movie and thought it was ok. We both like Mel.  The real life punishment was much worse.  Any other human being would have been dead hours earleir. They could not kill Jesus -  he had to take his own life while on the cross; once again proving that dying is as much a miracle as being born.

love y'ans in Christ


p. s.  no matter what, faith and grace


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2008, 09:37:53 PM »

For the record, I never said anyone WAS persecuting winner.  I asked if he FELT persecuted.  There is a difference.   I'd like to say more but it would be useless.

I do not understand this comment, I know that as I have written to Darren's thread that  I have not felt one hostel thought toward him, this is simply a discussion. If he felt persecuted, then I will be glad to end the discussion.

There is a saying that you cannot lead a horse to water.....but when he is thirsty he will go to it. All of us are struggling to find God's truth.  

I think it has been said time and time, mo one can show another person the is only the Holy Spirit that will do this. He uses human beings like Ray to help.

Over the years this topic of the 'Passion" has come up, it is not new to those of us who have been here since the movie came out in 2006.  As far as I know it is not taboo subject. I gave Ray my copy of the movie with some other DVD , he had not seen this movie. I also told him there was no need to return it.  I did not need to see it again



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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2008, 09:47:16 PM »

What Dewey just post struck me.  I am from Ohio tonight on Channel 10 Columbus Ohio a young lady announcer 38 years old passed away of Cancer. She has a child 4 and 7. Her husband also. She worked till around Oct. of this year. She passed this morning. Over the years she worked we turned in to it for the local news. We all loved her like she was part of our family. To watch her valiant fight with it was so humbling.She always had a smile on her face. She did many things for people with cancer and diabetes among other diseases. She was a breath of fresh air in this world of evil. But, it made me think of all the people who suffer all over every day
that no one cries over. Sometime, ones in our own family never think we get lonely or have needs. I for one think go see them , or buy them a flower because after they are gone they know nothing. But, I also see the people who suffer and no one sees not the whole world. To me they are important to. Thats why I love everyone on here. I know in the short time I have been here I have felt love. Also, I do know its not like hearing the voice.

Ray  even mentioned that some would think he does not love the blind or should I say those in Babylon. After, all we are all going to be Brothers and Sisters and it does not get better than that.

In His Love,


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2008, 11:11:07 PM »

Honestly is ONLY a movie.....put in another DVD and pass the popcorn & soda.

No reason to get uptight for the weekend........ ;)



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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2008, 11:38:40 PM »


I agree with Scarletwren.  I believe this movie had it's purpose also.  I think people don't understand the magnitude of the pain and suffering which Christ endured.  I confess, I taught religion and I asked the class if they thought Christ actually felt pain and they answered NO because he was God.  I knew that would be their answer that's why I asked the question.  So this movie shows people that Christ was MAN, just like we are.  He suffered as we suffer.  I think that's an important point when coming to know Christ.

As far as the money made from this movie, it was unexpected.  Mel Gibson shelled out the money from his own earnings to make a movie no one wanted to touch with a ten foot pole.  I admire him for that and the actors that took a chance on perhaps not even being paid if the movie was a flop.  They believed in what they were doing even if they are somewhat blind.  Everyone has been blind at some point in their lives but somehow some forget that.  Maybe just maybe this movie opened up some eyes and brought them into the light.  Who are we to judge God's intentions?



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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2008, 11:44:29 PM »

OK already! I do not feel persecuted in anyway shape or form. This was not to be a heated post. All I wanted to say was if Christ was beaten JUST half as bad as it was depicted in that movie, WOW! I was shocked. I meant to make a statement that's all. I didn't ask  if y'all like or did not like the movie or if y'all seen or not seen the movie or if y'all like Mel Gibson or not. I did however want to know what y'all thought about Judas. If y'all thought it is just as I (I) have been taught through the system. A betrayer. This is what I wanted to convey. If I conveyed more than this I am sorry.


PS thanks eileen
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