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Author Topic: The passion of Christ  (Read 13624 times)

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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2008, 12:53:03 AM »

Glad you do not feel persecuted Darren

Judas a betrayer.???..

Judas was not a Galliean , he was Judean and must have had more prestige than Matthew because he was given the job of handling the money. Perhaps Matthew turned down the job.  I also found it interesting that the two Cananite brothers were paired with Simon the Zealot and Judas iscariot.  We think it normal that Judas was always named last because of what he did  but Jesus taught the last will be first and the first last.

Think about it you yourself went out in pairs cast out demons and came back rejoicing then you see your leader raise people from the dead, feed thousands and walk on water...

Contrast that with the fact that you hate the romans and the corruption in Judaism.  Wouldn't You want the confrontation to occur...Judas's pride and carnal desires were easy to be played on.

Jesus chose him as one of the 12 himself. When jesus told him to do it quickly I can see that Judas may have taken it as sign of approval. Jesus even washed his feet before he left.

Judas could not have been the only one to know where Jesus hung out after dinner , it would have been an easy feat to accomplish. I doubt that jesus and his company of people were clandestine except perhaps in that final week.

In gesthename, the  mushey kiss was for Jesus because he was about to 'make history" and in Judas eyes make things right.  The problem was it was what Judas wanted but not what God had planned.

Why is it that Judas threw the money back when he saw things turn sour. Why didn't he leave he country.  He saw himselh as a worthless scumbag who was responsible for this death and he killed himself. It is remorse at its extreme.

It must have been the disciples who buried him at least. It had to be after the ressurrection because they were too scared to come out before that.

Harod tried to kill Jesus  his home town tried to stone him and the pharisees loooked for ways to corner him so they could get him.. All Eleven ran out of the garden that night and despite the bravado of Peter, he vehemently denied him three times, and even after the ressurrection Peter was still bother by a statement  made about John.

There is a little of everyone in the scriptures in us. Nothing special about Judas except in the physical...spiritually we are all betrayers, liers adulterers thiefs etc in essesnce we are no better ....except for the mercy of  God. 

« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 11:38:10 PM by Beloved »


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2008, 12:08:05 PM »

Did I ask about Mel Gibson? Now that you mention him I will say I like him as an actor. I like most of his movies.

Lethal Weapon IV was one of the stupidest movies ever (well, Chris Rock's pretty funny).  Jet Li would have kicked the American  pretty hairdue crap out of Mel and his buddy Murtah.  Oh, and let's not forget one of Mel's unfamous lines from a movie that I never saw (oh wait, I glanced at it on some cable station once).

Give Me Back My Son!!!


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2008, 12:23:36 PM »

Did I ask about Mel Gibson? Now that you mention him I will say I like him as an actor. I like most of his movies.

Lethal Weapon IV was one of the stupidest movies ever (well, Chris Rock's pretty funny).  Jet Li would have kicked the American  pretty hairdue crap out of Mel and his buddy Murtah.  Oh, and let's not forget one of Mel's unfamous lines from a movie that I never saw (oh wait, I glanced at it on some cable station once).

Give Me Back My Son!!!


I thought Ransom was pretty did like Braveheart right?  :D



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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2008, 03:50:14 PM »

This post was to be about Christ not mel gibson. this post should be locked out it ran its course. That's why I am not the mod. man they have a tough job.


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2008, 04:17:17 PM »

Bird On a Wire suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked!!


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2008, 04:19:41 PM »

Appocalypto was good, though.

Any comments?


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2008, 04:25:25 PM »

Darren  I am not sure why being beaten is so crucial it because of the pain that you are going through right now?

I am not sure if you are aware that Ray teaches that Jesus was probably sickly in some manner, the physical beating therefore compounded things but the beating was only one part....think of the humiliation of being rediculed rejected, by the nation that he came to, after all they were brought through and the written records. There is also enormous shame in Jewish society that was associated with that type of execution.

Look what Jesus cired on the cross.... Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?  This statement has always bothered me. Jesus was always saying that he and the Father were one so how does one reconcile this statement?   How could God ever forsake Jesus?

Many say that because he bore our sins he was repulsed by God. But Jesus knew no sin and was like an unblemished lamb.

I think he said this as a witness to those there and those that would read about was  refererence to psalm 22

(Psa 22:1 KJVR)  .
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?
(Psa 22:7 KJVR)  All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,
(Psa 22:8 KJVR)  He trusted on the LORD that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.
(Psa 22:14 KJVR)  I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.
(Psa 22:15 KJVR)  My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
(Psa 22:16 KJVR)  For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.
(Psa 22:17 KJVR)  I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.
(Psa 22:18 KJVR)  They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.
(Psa 22:19 KJVR)  But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.

Jesus reminded all of why he was there....BUT YOU HAVE TO Read the rest of this psalm...jesus knew it by heart...the audience was blind and deaf.




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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2008, 02:31:18 PM »

I saw it when it was still in theaters. Not that I necessarily felt a "need" to see it, I was more curious... [and granted this was long before I came out of Babylon.]

I wouldn't say it is a must-see video, however I will admit that it is a real eye-opener! We read about what Jesus suffered for all of us, but to see it with our own eyes is very humbling. Especially when I go through hard times, and I recall what Christ went through, and it reminds me that I serve a LORD who is willing to go through everything I go through, times a billion!

No doubt, the video is influenced by many false teachings. But if you can see through all of that nonsense, there is a positive message. The message of a GOD who knows what it's like to be in our shoes...

But anyway, there's my thoughts on it,



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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2008, 03:18:49 PM »

I absolutely love the movie.  I watch it frequently with the Bread and Cup handy.  It's the botomline of the New Testament (Galatians 2:20; Galatians 6:14; Ephesians 1:7; Ephesians 2:13; Colossians 1:20; 1John 1:7, et. al.).  It's accurate, though some people might not get the point of certain dramatizations, particularly if they don't believe in a literal devil and in any kind of free will, or if they have [misdirected] very bitter feelings towards Mary because of Catholic abuses with taking the veneration a little far.  But the Gospels do indicate that she was there, and if she even remotely cared, she had to be a basketcase at the end of that day!  I've studied H. Clay Trumbull's books on covenants so each of the details of the dramatization were particularly important to me, baring in mind all of the "Last Supper" passages in the Gospels and in 1Corinthians. 

I do believe that the movie is a gift to our generation from the Throne of Grace.  It took courage to make the movie for everyone involved.  Mel Gibson's "career" could have honestly been over, over this.  And he did take some heat from both Christians and nonChristians, but he knew he was sticking his head on the chopping block for whatever God wanted to be his ultimate fate.  And though we'd each possibly run screaming from his choice in churches with the particular heretical sect of Catholicism that he's a part of (that at least rejects the Pope as authoritative), we can still admire his courage for having put as much on the line as he did to make that movie. 

Unless he were a multi-trillionaire, there would have been no way for him to have shown it to each of us that have seen it without the commercial aspect of putting it in the movie theatres.  The larger the attempt to touch the world and the Church with anything of the Gospel, the money-side is completely unavoidable.  It winds up being a matter of whether one cares enough about people or whether one wants to have the self satisfaction that they were no part of such large sums of money.  You can't have both.  Not in this age.  Many choose to bury their talent because of twisted views about so-called "filthy lucre," but money with a mission looks much better to me than the Lake of Fire as I examine Jesus' comments about the one that buried his talent, not only having his part with the wicked, but also having his talent go to the one with 10. 

I pray everyday to be allowed to be a ten and eleven talent man.  Especially after having seen that movie and catching a glimpse at what cost He reached me.  I can't do enough for Him after all He's done for me.  Where's my bottle of spikenard?  And where's the Judas to revile the usage of it on Christ Jesus?  I look forward to the insult that such and such should have gone to the poor and hungry.  It always reveals a Judas among us and it always causes Christ Jesus to speak up.


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Re: The passion of Christ
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2008, 03:02:26 AM »

i saw the movie when it came out which was before God led me to the bt website and the truths He had to show me. i know now that the depiction of Jesus being "handsome Jesus" before they beat the daylights out of Him is not true. i must admit though that when i saw how He was tortured and beat and dragged around and then beat some more and spit on and then He had to try and carry the cross all the way to the hill He was crucified on made me cry. i actually sat in the movie and quietly cried with big ole tears running down my face. i know it was a movie and it made gobs of money, but i wasn't thinking about any of that at the time. i was just so sad to see how much He suffered, and then to think that He was the Lamb of God. i cried for Him, eventhough i know He is now sitting at the right hand of God. so, i can relate to the emotions you felt.

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