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Author Topic: Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho  (Read 26188 times)

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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2006, 10:43:07 PM »

You guys are right, I'm in no position to judge anybody with this beam in mine own eye.

I'm a worse sinner, than homosexuals.



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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #41 on: March 23, 2006, 03:05:09 AM »

Quote from: Sorin
You guys are right, I'm in no position to judge anybody with this beam in mine own eye.

I'm a worse sinner, than homosexuals.


.I don't know about that I am not sure if I have not met a homosexual that was not also guilty of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. You at lest are willing to understand you may have been in the wrong.


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #42 on: March 23, 2006, 10:49:58 AM »

Quote from: rvhill
Quote from: Sorin
You guys are right, I'm in no position to judge anybody with this beam in mine own eye.

I'm a worse sinner, than homosexuals.


.I don't know about that I am not sure if I have not met a homosexual that was not also guilty of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. You at lest are willing to understand you may have been in the wrong.

I've met many good people that aren't homosexuals, rapists, murderers etc., that don't see their sin, and don't see the need to repent.  They live in their self righteousness.  

But I do agree with you re: Sorin, a humble spirit is a gift from God, and Sorin has it, he like hopefuly the rest of us here, see our need to repent and renew ourselves daily.

Steve Crook

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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #43 on: March 23, 2006, 11:20:35 AM »

Ok, here we go. I'm sure a lot of you will not like what I say, but when has the truth been liked by many?

Christ wants ALL OF YOU! The Word states: (Jam 2:10)  For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all

Now, have any of us ever tried to keep any of the law? Well, we are then guilty of the whole law.

Sin is the same sin to the Lord. Sin is SIN. When the Lord says he wants all of us, that's it...ALL OF US. Here is what I see the truth of the Word stating: Christ wants us all to understand to our core that we are not only guilty of OUR SINS, but of the SINS OF ALL others as well.

It is of the good Grace of our Father that we have not gone down the road of being a rapist, or murderer, or spouse beater, or child molester, or extortionist, or, or, or, or, or, or. We are ALL THE SAME BEAST!

The Lord wants us to realize to OUR CORE, that we are ALL THOSE THINGS. Yet, because our Father wills it, some of us experience some of those things while others are given other demons to contend with. One is a drunkard, while another a thief. We need to see we are guilty of being homosexual even if we aren't homosexual. Why? BECAUSE WE NONE CHOOSE without CAUSE, to be or not to be.

Now, am I condoning any of those things when I say this? Am I saying go do these things now because you are already guilty? NO NO NO. Here is what I'm saying. We are not to be sorry and repent of only our "personal" sins, we are to repent of them ALL. ALL ALL ALL.

Sin is Sin. We do not condone it, but we are not the ones to condemn it either. We should close our eyes to the evil of it once we repent of it, but we are not to judge another mans condition that he has been caused to be in.

It's the same idea of a man breaking into my house to rape, pillage, and murder my wife and child and probably me. What will I do? Is this man here by himself, our has our FATHER HIMSELF just caused this to happen? Is it our Father causing this man to attack me, or is it of the man in and of himself? I, myself, can not control the beast I am. However, with CHRIST in me, I can do ALL THINGS. Isn't it funny how Christ uses ALL, to incompass everything? Well, we are to pray that the Lord NEVER places us in the circumstance to have to face those issues we see as evil.

Well, this is getting longer than intended, but please consider your own self before considering others. Why are YOU not a HOMOSEXUAL? Did you choose on your own not to be? Did that person CHOOSE without CAUSE to be that way? Let the record show, that I genuinely had a HATE for homesexuals. Real HATE. However, because the Lord has set me free, I now LOVE every individual I see in my face, as I am seeing Christ in another form. You are being tried at every turn around the corner, and you better be asking Christ to direct your thoughts and decisions accordingly.

In His good Grace,

Steve Crook

Edited for spelling and grammar


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2006, 11:31:28 AM »

Quote from: Steve Crook
Ok, here we go. I'm sure a lot of you will not like what I say, but when has the truth been liked by many?

Christ wants ALL OF YOU! The Word states: (Jam 2:10)  For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all

Now, have any of us ever tried to keep any of the law? Well, we are then guilty of the whole law.

Sin is the same sin to the Lord. Sin is SIN. When the Lord says he wants all of us, that's it...ALL OF US. Here is what I see the truth of the Word stating: Christ wants us all to understand to our core that we are not only guilty of OUR SINS, but of the SINS OF ALL others as well.

It is of the good Grace of our Father that we have not gone down the road of being a rapist, or murderer, or spouse beater, or child molester, or extortionist, or, or, or, or, or, or. We are ALL THE SAME BEAST!

The Lord wants us to realize to OUR CORE, that we are ALL THOSE THINGS. Yet, because our Father wills it, some of us experience some of those things while others are given other demons to contend with. One is a drunkard, while another a thief. We need to see we are guilty of being homosexual even if we aren't homosexual. Why? BECAUSE WE NONE CHOOSE with CAUSE, to be or not to be.

Now, am I condoning any of those things when I say this? Am I saying go do these things now because you are already guilty? NO NO NO. Here is what I'm saying. We are not to be sorry and repent of only our "personal" sins, we are to repent of them ALL. ALL ALL ALL.

Sin is Sin. We do not condone it, but we are not the ones to condemn it either. We should close our eyes to the evil of it once we repent of it, but we are not to judge another mans condition that he has been caused to be in.

It's the same idea of a man breaking into my house to rape, pillage, and murder my wife and child and probably me. What will I do? Is this man here by himself, our has our FATHER HIMSELF just caused this to happen? Is it our Father causing this man to attack me, or is it of the man in and of himself? I, myself, can not control the beast I am. However, with CHRIST in me, I can do ALL THINGS. Isn't it funny how Christ uses ALL, to incompass everything? Well, we are to pray that the Lord NEVER places in the circumstance to have to face those issues we see as evil.

Well, this is getting longer than intended, but please consider your own self before considering others. Why are YOU not a HOMOSEXUAL? Did you choose on your own not to be? Did that person CHOOSE without CAUSE to be that way? Let the record show, that I genuinely had a HATE for homesexuals. Real HATE. However, because the Lord has set me free, I now LOVE every individual I see in my face, as I am seeing Christ in another form. You are being tried at every turn around the corner, and you better be asking Christ to direct your thoughts and decisions accordingly.

In His good Grace,

Steve Crook

Couldnt' have said it any better.  Thanks.   :D  :D  :D


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #45 on: March 23, 2006, 04:57:52 PM »

I do not disagree with either Steve Crook, or roperfam.


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2006, 06:17:25 PM »

I second that

Origen II

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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2006, 11:46:35 AM »

I'm disgusted by homosexuals, but I don't hate them.


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2006, 11:52:17 AM »

i am discusted with MY flesh


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2006, 11:55:15 AM »

I jus don't like dis custard.

perfer vanilla pudding....know what i mean



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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2006, 11:57:40 AM »

Quote from: Falconn003
I jus don't like dis custard.

perfer vanilla pudding....know what i mean


dang now im hungry :P


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2006, 02:43:23 PM »

Quote from: eutychus
i am discusted with MY flesh

Well euty if you just wrap a towel around it maybe the rest can regain their appetites and eat their pudding. :lol:

I would like to address the issue of parents responsibility.  The age of the kid is not given. Let's just say he's legally a minor.

Does is matter what a child has done or professes what gender he is drawn to as far a parental responsibility to the child. Is it alright to throw an underaged person out into the street where the chance of survival is questionable?  

I believe that we are the responsible adults and must see to the child's welfare.  We need to do whatever is necessary to correct any wrong behavior and/or find help no matter what.  

If the home situation is intollerable then we need to find another safe environment to put the child for his own welfare and guidance.

Whether a parent feels shamed or embarassed by their offspring, is it not more shameful to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  How can someone just throw their  children away for any reason. This seems  more grievous to me.

I believe that hate is the worst offense as it is 180 degrees from brotherly love.  

I don't really understand the intollerance of homosexuals in general. Is it learned from the pulpit, deep seated fear of being a homo too,  or just intollerance of something being different. Whether you subscribe to the theory that they are born that way or that it is God's will that they are what they are, why such vitriol.  They  are what God wants them to be. I just can't understand the hatred displayed.

I am not even sure that having sex of any kind is sinful, after all we are stuck in these physical envelopes with all the needs of gratification that comes with them..  The ten commandments do not address masturbation or fornication [hetero or homo]. They do address adultery though. I don't think it is the sex part that so wrong as much as the betrayal of your partner.

Steve's post was an excellent.  Much food for thought.  

Maybe you can have your pie and eat it too.



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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2006, 02:48:34 PM »

most of what is written in the bible of homosexuality, has too do with temple prostitutes, male or female.

all sexual sin is sin, plain and simple, but so is gossip, backbiting, slander
etc etc.



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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2006, 03:02:05 PM »

Practicing homosexual sex is a sin, plain and simple.

But the problem is, some try and make it the unpardonable sin.  

It is a sin that, that individual must struggle with and overcome.

Just the same as the sin in my life, that I must overcome.  

I thank God that He didn't put that particulair lust, in my heart.

I assure you that I have others though, just as bad.

Because sin is sin is sin is sin.

I hate whenever people try to candy-coat sins.  

They are all terrible, and they all keep us from drawing closer to God!

If you want pick and choose your sins or coat them with a sweet taste, then go ahead and spin your wheels.  You are just arguing with God, and His spirit in you.




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« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2006, 03:29:27 PM »

A few years ago the military made it so homosexuals" be accepted into the military"( like there were none before!!!!). Someone I know was in the military at the time and he just about had a fit! He said he wasn't going to go to the gymn on base or shower on base anymore! I told him that I really didn't think he was going to be looked at and ogled. Not that he was not a handsome man , he was. But to be so fearful! Really I was a bit more graphic and told him I didn't think anyone was going to jump his bones!


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2006, 03:34:09 PM »


He could have worked out in a rode and showered with his underoos on.

A bit nerdy, but safe non the same.

he could have bought a male chasity belt if he really felt so weary about it.    :oops:   :lol:   :oops:



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« Reply #56 on: March 28, 2006, 03:37:11 PM »

That's about how silly it seemed to me too, Rodger!


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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #57 on: March 28, 2006, 03:56:59 PM »

Now a blind homosexual  8)  would most definatly give me the heebie geebies, Though  you can never really know for sure they are staring, they do seem to feel their way around things with and without the walking stick.   :oops:    




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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #58 on: March 28, 2006, 04:18:52 PM »

Quote from: parsonssc
Practicing homosexual sex is a sin, plain and simple.

But the problem is, some try and make it the unpardonable sin.  

It is a sin that, that individual must struggle with and overcome.

Just the same as the sin in my life, that I must overcome.  

I thank God that He didn't put that particulair lust, in my heart.

I assure you that I have others though, just as bad.

Because sin is sin is sin is sin.

I hate whenever people try to candy-coat sins.  

They are all terrible, and they all keep us from drawing closer to God!

If you want pick and choose your sins or coat them with a sweet taste, then go ahead and spin your wheels.  You are just arguing with God, and His spirit in you.



Hi Craig.

Thanks for your post.  I used to think everything was sinful.  I had nuns teach me the guilt of sin at every turn.  It was sinful to get dirty in the playground because God wanted us to be neat and clean.  They also taught me about the eternal punishment in hell I would incur for my sins.

I agree wholeheartedly with a sin is a sin is a sin.  I just don't know that what others think is sin is necessarily so.

If you believe in the concept of loving God and your fellow man and truly practice and strive to perfect it and act it out every moment of your life, then you are at least trying to follow Christ's example.

I get it that anything that you intentionally do that is harmful to yourself and/or someone else is in direct contradiction of love and is falling short of the mark. That would be sinful in my view. The rest of it is moseic law and was established for control and unity of israelites.  I don't know if it directly applies to us today.  However, if you think you should abide by some of it then you should probably abide by all 6oo some odd laws prescribed.

I'm not trying to be controversial, it just seems that what I am talking about in this thread about consentual sex is human nature.  Sex is a natural thing for us as God made us.  

Perhaps I am way of base here but I guess I have a different view than I did as a child, of what a sin is.  If my view is not scriptural then I hope that God will help me to find the truth.

I have a lot to reflect on.



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Christians with an unchrist like approach in dealing with ho
« Reply #59 on: March 28, 2006, 07:03:00 PM »

Quote from: Harryfeat
I'm not trying to be controversial, it just seems that what I am talking about in this thread about consentual sex is human nature.  Sex is a natural thing for us as God made us.  

Perhaps I am way of base here but I guess I have a different view than I did as a child, of what a sin is.  If my view is not scriptural then I hope that God will help me to find the truth.

I have a lot to reflect on.


Harry, you bring up a very interesting point. Consentual Sex can be likened to Fornication and is indeed classified as a sin. In fact we are instructed on how to avoid committing this sin.

1Cr 7:2 Nevertheless, [to avoid] fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

But what is fornification, is it the act itself or just the tinking about it.

Mat 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Now one could ask, what is the meaning of "lust." It seems this is something I am guilty of, even though totally unintentionally and certainly without trying. So if such acts are considered adultery then consentual sex outside of marriage must be the same.

Sorry, Gods Words, not mine....
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