Dear Forum and bible-truths readers:
It is an inspiration to me when I see how many people around the world are sincerely concerned about my health and well-being.
The only thing that bothers me about all this attention is that somehow my diseases and trials seem to take center stage, and
this I do not want to happen. My trials and tribulations are no greater and certainly no more important than yours. From time to
time I receive a message from someone who apologizes for writing me because they feel they are taking me away from more
important things. There are no more important things than for me to know the state of our loyal readers and supporters. Certainly
I cannot answer all of the e-mails I receive, especially those asking detailed questions regarding doctrine and prophecy. But let
it be known that I read every single e-mail I receive, and it is not a burden, but a privilege. The day that I feel too important to read
your e-mails is the day I need to step aside from this ministry.
I pray for everyone who comes to our bible-truths site, but I don't know most of them--certainly not by name. So if you are alone in
your little part of the world, and think no one really cares about your particular trials and tribulations, you are wrong. If you think you
are not important enough to bother me with a message you would like to share with me, you are wrong. It can take hours, days,
and even weeks to answer some of the questions I am asked, but it takes only minutes to read your e-mails. I can't get involved in
giving marital advice, legal advice, medical advice, financial advice, etc., etc., but I can read your messages and ask God to intervene
in your life and give you peace and rest from your trials that are weighing you down and maybe even spiritually discouraging you. Our
readers support the financial burden of this ministry. It is your advertising dollars that enable us to buy the services of the largest search
engines on the Internet. And it is the personal financial support of a few that enable me to continue my expensive cancer protocol. So
don't EVER think that I am too important or too busy to take an active interest in your personal needs. I cannot personally solve most of
your problems, and many of them may be things in which God is testing you, and therefore will not be removed except in God's time.
This brings up another very important subject. When many believers find themselves in trials and hardships, they often feel that they
must be doing something wrong, and that God is not please with them--maybe you believe God is even punishing you for your sins.
Let me tell you something: in all these trials that I am personally going though the last couple of years, I have never once felt that God
is punishing me for my sins. Let's not forget the lesson of Job. God did not assign Satan to crush Job with horrible diseases because
God wanted to get Job to repent of his sins. God was not punishing Job, He was TESTING Job, and guess what? Job passed the
test. God did not tell Eliphaz to sacrifice seven bullocks and seven rams for Job's sins, or for Job's short-comings, no, God told him
to sacrifice them for the sins of himself and his two friends. The three of them condemned Job for doing wrong, when they could not
point to one single wrong that Job committed. Job said to God: "Thou knowest that I am NOT WICKED; and there is none that can
deliver out of Thine hand" (Job 10:7). Furthermore, God Himself stated that Job was "...a perfect and an upright man, one that fears
God and suns evil" (Job 1:

Certainly, if you are sinning or know that you are doing wrong, you need to repent of it and stop it, but if you know that your heart is
right with God, then sop persecuting yourself and thinking that your trials are signs of God's disfavor in your life. And so, if you have
anything you wish to share with me, be it trials and tribulations that over-burden you, or whether it be the goodness of God's blessings
in your life that you wish to share, then do it. I will be privileged to pray to God for your needs, or to thank God for your blessings.
God be with you all,