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Author Topic: Earth  (Read 11157 times)

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« on: May 06, 2009, 07:40:37 PM »

Just watched some of that movie "Earth" playing at the theatres.  Those of you that saw it may comment about the wonderful scenes.  Others may comment about the savageness of nature while others are just thankful to share the planet with such amazing creatures.  I, however must set everyone straight about this movie.  See, what you saw was mostly rigged.  I'll give you a few examples.  But first, you're probably wondering how I know this.  Well, it just so happens that I was one of the main camera men for this movie (Musicman's Hollywood Filming Agency), and boy do I have some revelations.  I guess one of the more disturbing moments for people watching this film was seeing that polar bear struggling with every ounce of strength, only to end with its demise.  Remember, we are led to believe that this animal got stuck way out on the ice as the warmer months approached and couldn't walk on the thin ice.  We remember how it made it to shore with all of those walruses there.  Lacking strength, it fought tooth and nail for a meal, but in the end, the walruses escaped and the bear supposedly laid down for the last time.

Not so.  Do you think the animal is so stupid that it would travel that far away from land with the warmer months approaching?  First off, if you'll remember, the polar bear looked pretty p'd off to be walking on the ice to begin with.  That's because we lowered the bear down from a helicopter right on to that ice.  We watched it struggle and struggle through the ice and water until we got bored and tazered it.  Then we took it to that island with all those ugly walruses.  As it began to come to, we started filming again.  It was now famished and weak.  We had hoped that it could handle itself but unfortunately, it was made a fool of and the big ugly seals went back into the water.  Furthur, you'll notice that when the bear was really weak the seals came back and began taunting the weakend bear.  Due to my love of animals, I was raging mad at that.  But do you really believe that giant bear died?  It did not.  That's because I went and tazered the biggest walrus on the island.  I then cut it up into thin, easy to chew slices and fed it to the dieing bear.

How about that little deer thing that was running from the wolf?  Well, when the wolf caught it, notice how they switched scenes quickly.  That's because I walked up behind the wolf and clubbed it with a frying pan.  The little deer died anyway from internal injuries, but clubbing the wolf made me feel better.  And the crew laughed.

Finally, how bout them skeet trying to fly against the wind over the Himalayas?  They nearly lost their lives trying to reach the fertile other side.  But they made it and all the children at the theatre cheered.  Little do they know what took place when the scene changed. . . . .Just to put this into perspective, imagine you're a skeet struggling with all of your might to fly against a very stiff upper breeze.  Anyhow, you finally make the other side.  You are relieved and beginning to relax when you see a bunch of us guys holding skeet riffles.  You say "Oh", "Come" "ooooooooooonnnnnn"!!  Then the fire works start.  I won best shot.  Sorry for bragging.  Man I love nature. 

Anyhow, you guys at bibletruths can't tell anybody about this.  I could be sued badly for what I've leaked out here.  It's a good thing nobody knows that we were firing those seals out of a cannon. right at the great white shark to assure perfect angels for filming.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 07:43:30 PM by musicman »


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Re: Earth
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2009, 10:16:26 PM »

I didn't see the movie but if this is your way of saying that these animals were mistreated in the making of the movie, then I don't want to see it. 

I know you were not part of the making of this film but is there a lick of truth to this half-humorous story?

I never know with you musicman. ??? ??? ???



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Re: Earth
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2009, 10:22:43 PM »

I didn't see the movie but if this is your way of saying that these animals were mistreated in the making of the movie, then I don't want to see it. 

I know you were not part of the making of this film but is there a lick of truth to this half-humorous story?

I never know with you musicman. ??? ??? ???


What do you mean I wasn't part of the making of this film?  I mean, I've been drinking the koolaid and it seems like it all happened.


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Re: Earth
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2009, 10:37:06 PM »

There was a show on the history channel last night that showed the scientific research into the formation of the Hawaiin Islands (and the chain they're a part of).   Anybody see that?  (No animals being mistreated--sorry MM--I just can't stand going there.  Actually, the next program was called "Life after People", really "imaginative" if you know what I mean, and when they started on the zoo animals with no humans to care for them, I had to change the channel!)  I'm sorry, but I just don't think that inhumane animal humor is funny.  :(  No more koolaid for you for a while.  ;)

But, the show I'm talking about here was very interesting, and I just wondered if anyone else caught it.  Sorry to hijack Musicman's fun (nonsense) thread, but his title reminded me of last night's program I caught in a lucky bout of insomnia.  Science is so much more interesting to me now that I've learned that it ties directly into scriptural truths. 


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Re: Earth
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2009, 11:46:11 PM »

Hi Vangie,

I did watch both series, there are many good shows that even have very important information in them. Where it usually goes off kilter, is when they start drawing conclusions that have no basis in the Science being used; to try to make a humanistic beast point.

Such points being manmade global warming, spontaneous births and deaths of stars and the evolution of mankind from dirty water and slime. These shows take enough facts and proven Science, to make the story plausible; then dump in as much human free will and self taught intelligence as they can sell. To keep people from seeing The Hands Of GOD And Our Lord Jesus Christ in every bit of Nature.

They do great work but because they try to claim the glory; it is all vanity and sand castle building, just before the Storm.

george. :)



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Re: Earth
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2009, 12:44:42 AM »

So true George.  That's why I thought the formation of the Hawaiin Islands program was very well presented.  Just plain geology and research, but very intriguing.  Did you see the hot spot thing?  It totally proves active plate tectonics.  There's another island in the works as we speak.  I wish I'd paid more attention in school now!


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Re: Earth
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2009, 01:06:29 AM »

We all wished we paid more attention; or not. Then we may have been too smart, to heed the Higher Calling and be lost still.

???????????????????     ???????????     ???????, all these questions will be answered for us later.

Bet we paid just enough attention to be here now; JUST LIKE GOD CAUSED IT TO BE.

george :).



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Re: Earth
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2009, 01:28:23 AM »

Musicman, I'm going to be forced to tell your MOM, if you don't quit drinking the koolaid!! You are a lying dog! hahaha! (that was in reference to that "cheap" thread that Craig posted the other day!) ;D ;D
Oh you just like to spin a yarn, dude! ;D :D Even IF I believed that you were filming the movie, who in his right mind would clobber a wolf with a frying pan???  ??? Too much koolaid!! ;D
Kathy ;)

judith collier

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Re: Earth
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2009, 07:33:10 PM »

I concur with Ninny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Judy


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Re: Earth
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2009, 09:18:38 PM »

i saw the Earth episode with the poor polar bear several weeks ago and i was infuriated that the REAL camera men or the director or SOMEONE would allow that bear to go through what it went through JUST for the emotional effect  >:( >:( >:( >:(.

yes, i know that sometimes it is a harsh world in nature, but we don't have to be voyeurs and then put it on t.v. to pull at the carnal heartstrings of humans. humans are screwed up enough without the help of t.v. producers who are in it for the money and the sensationalism.

oh yeah, when it became apparent in the episode with the polar bear, that the bear was going to loose the battle, i left the room. i have to agree with you vangie, inhumane treatment to animals is not funny. i know you were just trying to shock us into a certain reality musicman, and i must admit i was almost sucked in to the koolaid induced story, UNTIL the bit about coming up behind the wolf and hitting him on the head with a frying pan. i mean, what were you doing in the middle of filming with a frying pan???



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Re: Earth
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2009, 12:19:33 AM »

It's called irony Claudia.  I pretend to be a nature lover (which I am, by the way) who takes out his carnal rage on another animal for wanting to eat a deer.  The frying pan part was added because a frying pan is a kitchen appliance that wives are known to hit their husbands with.  Why would a documentary nature filmer be carrying a frying pan?  As far as the polar bear?  They may have actually fed it, for all I know.


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Re: Earth
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2009, 01:35:04 AM »

It's called irony Claudia.  I pretend to be a nature lover (which I am, by the way) who takes out his carnal rage on another animal for wanting to eat a deer.  The frying pan part was added because a frying pan is a kitchen appliance that wives are known to hit their husbands with.  Why would a documentary nature filmer be carrying a frying pan?  As far as the polar bear?  They may have actually fed it, for all I know.
i know musicman, it was all irony. surely you know i was kidding about the frying pan. and i know too that you love animals, gee i even remember something about your neigbors' parakeet or something. you have a very very creative imagination, and i enjoy seeing where it will lead you next.

now have another koolaid on my tab.  ;)



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Re: Earth
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2009, 01:45:20 AM »

NO!! It was my parakeet. . . . . ...

UUUuuuummmmm. . . . .

But it was my neighbors cat.


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Re: Earth
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2009, 04:04:54 AM »

NO!! It was my parakeet. . . . . ...

UUUuuuummmmm. . . . .
But it was my neighbors cat.
now i remember. you buried your parakeet which was inside your neighbors' cat. now that's an animal lover if there ever was one. you are so silly musicman.


Roy Martin

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Re: Earth
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2009, 08:22:20 AM »

Hey Musicman, do you have anymore of that koolaid?



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Re: Earth
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2009, 03:34:05 PM »

AAh Musicman, your post reminds me of the heady days when I trained animals for the movies and Search and Rescue programs. Whenever you saw a cat stuck in a drainpipe, a doggie floating on a log during a flood or a horse trapped in a ditch it was probably one of my highly trained students. Trained to look scared and miserable and not  to bite, kick or scratch the rescuers.
One of my proudest moments in the movies is when they used my crocs Hammy and George to spill out the tank and attack the actors. Cant remember if it was Eraser or Mission Impossible2. They showed incredible restraint and never nipped anybody.

I have since retired but I do know they used my polar bear Freddy for the role in Earth. Despite my warnings they put him on a diet  to make the scene more credible. blooming amateurs. they only have themselves to blame for the non publicised event that resulted from their stupidity. Freddy ate a cameraman, I believe. Hope it was not someone you knew.


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Re: Earth
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2009, 04:11:31 PM »

AAh Musicman, your post reminds me of the heady days when I trained animals for the movies and Search and Rescue programs. Whenever you saw a cat stuck in a drainpipe, a doggie floating on a log during a flood or a horse trapped in a ditch it was probably one of my highly trained students. Trained to look scared and miserable and not  to bite, kick or scratch the rescuers.
One of my proudest moments in the movies is when they used my crocs Hammy and George to spill out the tank and attack the actors. Cant remember if it was Eraser or Mission Impossible2. They showed incredible restraint and never nipped anybody.

I have since retired but I do know they used my polar bear Freddy for the role in Earth. Despite my warnings they put him on a diet  to make the scene more credible. blooming amateurs. they only have themselves to blame for the non publicised event that resulted from their stupidity. Freddy ate a cameraman, I believe. Hope it was not someone you knew.


If you insist on using my namesake (George) The Croc for a prop, we will ask SAG to sue for proper renumeration aka (Large bundle of money). ???

george. ;D ;D



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Re: Earth
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2009, 04:20:46 PM »

Wow Jassy.  You trained computer animated crocidiles to eat badguys in the movie Eraser.  How'd you pull that off.  Actually, I was going to inform everyone that it was a camera man that the polar bear ate.  But it was too weak to do anything, so we decided to tazer the guy that no one liked and placed him right in front of Freddy the polar bear.


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Re: Earth
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2009, 12:32:34 AM »

yes, i know that sometimes it is a harsh world in nature, but we don't have to be voyeurs and then put it on t.v. to pull at the carnal heartstrings of humans. humans are screwed up enough without the help of t.v. producers who are in it for the money and the sensationalism.


I agree with what you have said, and yes it is not only with animal that this happens but with humans as well, witch it makes me wonder how come we have become very insensitive for what we see constantly on the screens, maybe because people say 'well its just a movie nothing most be real', and yes most of the times its just a theatrical performer  with real humans, with real emotions who not just live on the movies. (well on the bear case or any animal case, i doubt it to be a theatrical performer for them, ha)

 And then we all have seen that there is also movies that have a bliss or certain amounts of truth, but since people is so used to these kind of thinking (of 'its just a movie') i wonder, Are all these peaces of truths in movies always being blown by the wind?


ps. I haven't seen the movie, but... I can image the scenes easily. 

« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 05:02:31 PM by Moises »


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Re: Earth
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2009, 12:43:00 AM »

The movie is really quite good.  Check it out.
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