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Author Topic: Helping others who will not help themselves  (Read 15868 times)

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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2009, 04:11:38 PM »

Meee, I hope you don't think that I was saying you were wrong or judging.

In Christ
            Hi Roy,   I never thought you were judging.
             My concern was , we can not be sure someone is merely on a pity party, so to speak. Kids kill themselves these days because they are being bullied,etc. and they think in their immature minds they can't live . So, to brush off lightly someones emotions and maybe saying the one thing that can push someone to commit suicide, or in other cases, kill someone else, isn't something I ever want to be the cause of. So, I wouldn't give advise because I don't know, no one can know for sure if the person needs medical help. Some do talk about suicide and then actually do it. 
            I don't agree with some things you have said, but that doesn't mean I judge you either my brother. It just means we disagree.
            Some folks are so far gone and don't recognize God, if He were staring them in the face.   They're deaf to Him, and unless He causes them to hear Him, they won't. It is all of God as we all keep saying.
            For you, it turned out well, you had God and He wouldn't let you destroy yourself.    Soooo, like I say, I do Praise God for you Roy.
           You sis and friend in Christ, I do love ya Roy,meee 

judith collier

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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2009, 06:45:46 PM »

Meee, I agree with you, but I have to be tough with my husband as I found out my loving compassion took him down the tube faster. Now, I say good things to him and validate what he is going through(becoming blind) and tell him I am with him till the end, something like God, but he doesn't want to hear about God. So, I try to do the things God would do and tell him life is a challenge and he must be brave for all the family(a reason to continue)and I will believe for him. Being alone is the biggest problem people with emotional problems have. I got him on anti-depressants but he quit taking them and I didn't force him otherwise. I always talk to the best in him and won't put up with confused thinking where God is concerned. Whatever I am doing along with God's help and prayers for him works, now if he would  just quit drinking(impossible one for me) I know my limitations and whatever will be, will be(God's Sovreignty)  Judy


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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2009, 12:03:37 AM »

I wanted to thank each and everyone one of you for sharing your thoughts and experiences, as well as your prayers, on this topic.  It is not something that I have found comes easily to share with others, but at the time I felt compelled deeply from within to open up about my experience.

Each person's path is entirely different to him. God put these things in my path to make me into the strong, self reliant, and compassionate person that I try to be. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for all that he has shown me in my life and for every experience I have been through.  It is only his way of directing me, guiding me, teaching me and loving me. It is awesome to wake up each day and look at this beautiful world and all the people in it and everything on this planet and derive such joy, laughter, and awe at what sourrounds us and know that God has done this all for us. Praise to HIM!



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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2009, 04:01:03 AM »

I don't think we can make sweeping general statements regarding depression and medication for depression.

I live with depression daily. It is not something that I can think my way out of. I have PTSD from life long trauma and my brain does not produce any "feel good' chemicals. God healed me of all the emotional damage caused by the trauma, but he hasn't healed my brain yet. I am content in life. I do not have any resentments or anger. I do not resent anything I have gone through. I am even content with my depression, but can't deny that it's with me daily. There are times I have to take anti-depressants short term or I won't be able to get up out of my chair even though my mind wants to do lots of things. Part of my severe depression turned out to be a low thyroid. When I started taking thyroid medication I had more energy. Some depression is brought on by physical problems.

My grandson who is 15 years old has chronic daily migraine headaches. He has had them since he was 6 years old and has been bedridden from them for most of his life. He can't go to school or go out and play like normal kids can. There were a couple of times he became very suicidal and depressed from his physical illness. I do believe anti-depressants were a miracle medication for him.

I've known many people with bipolar disease that have to take medication to stabilize their moods.

I've had 2 suicides in my family and they both mentioned suicide before taking their own lives. Mentioning suicide is not always an attempt for attention. Many times it's the only cry for help a suicidal person can muster up.

My son is an alcoholic/addict and I've had to set up strong boundaries with him and not let him dump his depression and blame on me. I've had to let him pay natural consequences for his addiction even though that brought him very close to death a few times. I've let him live homeless and left him in jail. I worked hard on my need to control and save him and learned to turn him over to God even though I am not good at it sometimes. The fear of him dying is a real challenge to my faith.

Each situation is different. There is a time for compassion and medical help and a time for tough love. I find myself praying for help and guidance from God in every situation with myself and those I love. Life can be very hard.


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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2009, 11:30:17 AM »

Meee, I agree with you, but I have to be tough with my husband as I found out my loving compassion took him down the tube faster. Now, I say good things to him and validate what he is going through(becoming blind) and tell him I am with him till the end, something like God, but he doesn't want to hear about God. So, I try to do the things God would do and tell him life is a challenge and he must be brave for all the family(a reason to continue)and I will believe for him. Being alone is the biggest problem people with emotional problems have. I got him on anti-depressants but he quit taking them and I didn't force him otherwise. I always talk to the best in him and won't put up with confused thinking where God is concerned. Whatever I am doing along with God's help and prayers for him works, now if he would  just quit drinking(impossible one for me) I know my limitations and whatever will be, will be(God's Sovreignty)  Judy
                Yes, that's what it's all about , building up and not tearing down. Your hubby is a fortunate man to have you for his wife. Of Course God put you together,so it's all of Him, but you are obedient to how to treat your man.
                Thanks Judy ,hugs,meee


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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2009, 11:38:28 AM »

  MG, you've got a plate full, for sure.
  My sister 's son is an alcoholic and she has done with him pretty much as you have with your son.
  I'll pray for your grandson for healing of the migraine headaches.
  Thanks for sharing this, I'll pray for you all.
          hugs & luv,meee

Roy Martin

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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2009, 07:45:49 PM »

M.G. You also have my prayers, and I hope no one thinks Im a bad guy for sharing how it worked for me, and the truth about the drugs of which I know has destroyed the lives of many people that I know personally, some family, some friends and others that are cases in point from studies Ive done. The numbers are unbelievable. I dont deny that there are justifiable reasons for some to have these drugs, but once taken, the brain will never function normally under stressful situations. God be with anyone that takes these drugs.
In Christ


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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2009, 08:08:34 PM »

I hope no one thinks Im a bad guy for sharing how it worked for me, and the truth about the drugs of which I know has destroyed the lives of many people that I know personally, some family, some friends and others that are cases in point from studies Ive done. The numbers are unbelievable. I dont deny that there are justifiable reasons for some to have these drugs, but once taken, the brain will never function normally under stressful situations. God be with anyone that takes these drugs.
 In Christ
         Roy, no one would judge or fault you, I certainly do not. You spoke from what you know, and you are pasionate about it. You've had much more to deal with than I have this far, and your experience still seems very fresh.
         I want to tell you I am sorry for having caused you any more pain , if I did. I know memories can hurt and you sure didn't need me being disagreeable. 
         I just had to tell how I feel, because somtimes one wrong word can be someones end. I hope you can forgive and not hold it against me.

Roy Martin

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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2009, 09:25:34 PM »

Dear Meee
 You are an exceptionally sweet and precious person. You haven't hurt me in any way, none what so ever. You are a pure blessing to me. Everyone here is a blessing.
 I can tell just from what I read that its not in you to hurt anyone.
I love you my sister in Christ.  ;D :D



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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2009, 01:32:50 AM »

i too will be praying for you and your family. you are right in that every situation is different, and some depression is caused by medical conditions. case in point is bipolar disorder. that is surely one mental illness where the brain does not function properly whether there are stressful or nonstressful situations. the medications available can help that disease's specific brain disorder allowing the patient to function. roy martin is speaking truth when he said that many doctors don't do any of the specific testing available to accurately diagnose depression and the specific degrees of depression. these same docs hand out antidepressants too easily because of drug company reps who load them up with free samples because the drug companies push the reps to push the drugs. but, not all depression is a pity party as m.g. has affirmed in her story. again, like m.g. said, every situation is different.



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Re: Helping others who will not help themselves
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2009, 10:29:08 AM »

         Through teary eyes, I thank you Roy!
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