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Author Topic: Decide?  (Read 8012 times)

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« on: June 08, 2006, 12:24:59 PM »

My husband and I are thinking about selling our home to use our equity to buy another home.  We are hoping not to have a house payment.  Recently a woman (who says she died and went to heaven, then returned.) said she feels strongly we should not sell our home.  She seems to have words from the Lord a lot, and most seem to be pretty accurate.  I am cautious about believing peoples “words from the Lord.â€?   But then again, I wonder what if the Lord sent her to warn me that I am making a mistake.  I want Gods will for my life and seem to be unsure of how to make “bigâ€? decisions and stay in His will. I don’t want to be a double-minded.  I just love God so much I’m afraid making a mistake that would displease Him.

     Anyway, when you consult God will thru prayer and don’t feel an answer, how do you know what to do next?  I would have asked my pastor this question, but he is too unapproachable.

Thank you,


Dear Pam:

Sometimes in life, Pam, you will not and cannot find a definitive answer to every question that you have.  You won't find it in a dictionary, at your church, or in a friend.  And at times even God does not appear to give you a needed answer.  What are you to do?  LIVE BY FAITH.  Make a decision on all the facts you have, and then just do it.  God gave us "minds" for a reason and a purpose.  We are to use and exercise them.  What should I wear today?  Just make a decision and put something on.  I know people who have worked very little in life because they never quite knew what they wanted to be "when they got big."  But won't you possibly make mikstakes by living by faith?  DUH!  Of course you will make mistakes. A large part of life consists of making mistakes and learning from them.

God be with you,

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