So we have Adam and Eve at 4000, the flood at 2285 or 2300 is the one I use and they don’t always use these same numbers, they vary. One of the more reputable sources places the flood at 2285 and I up it 15 years to 2300. So Adam and Eve 4000, the flood 2300 and you figure back from the flood how long did Adam and Eve and his descendants go until God wiped the earth out. I mean most of you would never know, but now you know it was about 1700 years. Why that’s a long time isn’t it, 1700 years.
Listen to me this is where it gets amazing, how many pages of history do we have on those seventeen centuries? Let me see and I will tell you how many pages we have… one, two, three, four and a half. Four and a half pages for those seventeen centuries of human history. Four and a half pages, that’s all we have. Now archeologically they may have dug up some pre-flood cities. They think they have indeed, because they were covered in twenty feet of mud. How in the world would a city be covered in twenty feet of mud, except there was a huge flood of mud to cover up a city twenty feet in mud. So when they go that far down in the ground and find a city or a temple or a house, they know pretty much for sure that this is going to be before Noah’s flood. So we have Adam and Eve and his descendants lived for seventeen centuries and then the flood came.
Now I’m also going to give you, on the right margin, just a few interesting things. Not necessarily big battles of Europe and stuff like that, but mostly to do with the Mideast and some places scattered. But just something interesting.
Now Cain murdered his brother, how long do you think after Adam and Eve were created did he murder his brother? It was one hundred years, I have a minus so maybe a couple years less. Then two hundred years after that in 3700, we are told by archeologist that something was invented (I just put these in for fun). The wheel. Archeologist and historians put the wheel at 3700B.C., which would be before Methuselah was born.
But we are sticking with the big dates, just a couple of them. In 3000 give or take a few years someone important died. If you don’t think about these things… you think about when it starts and you don’t think about when it is finished. What happened about a thousand years after Adam and Eve was created? Adam died. He was 930 years old. About 3000B.C. is what they say was the bronze age, but I suspect they had bronze before that. Tubal-cain worked in bronze (Genesis 4:22).
Here is at the time that historians say that the Cuneiform of writing was developed at Sumer Mesopotamia (3000 B.C.). But these are their dates and they don’t line up with the Scriptures, because I don’t think that came into being until after the flood maybe, but who knows.
Now another big date, Abraham, you ought to know when Abraham was born and lived, this is important date, 1995. Just remember the year 2000. He was born a thousand years after Adam died.
Here is an important one, the exact date 1777 B.C., Jacob and Leah start having the children of Israel. That is when they start baring sons, he had six children in seven years, they spaced them out pretty close. Six children in seven years with Leah, then of course there was Rachel.
Here is a date we’ve got to know, when did Moses lead the children of Israel on the exodus? In that same year they celebrate the Passover and they receive the Ten Commandments. We know that the children of Israel began to be born in 1777, so that is when Israel came about and we know that they lived a while. Then Joseph went down to Egypt and then they came down because there was a famine. After a while they were given land down there and they prospered, but then they were put into captivity for a long time. This bring us down to 1275. There are a couple of different times given in the Scriptures, one actually says a whole lot less in the book of Acts. But I have an explanation, that’s a wrong translation in the King James. That’s why it makes it sound like it is a hundred sixty five years or something and it’s way off. It’s 1275.
Now another important date, I’ll give you the date you tell me what happened. So they came out of Egypt in 1275, then what happened in the year 1000 B.C., something very important. I’ll help you out a little bit, I want you to be thinking history - thinking Bible. So when they came out of Egypt, remember Moses and Aaron weren’t allowed to go into the Promised Land, they crossed the Jordan and what is the first thing that they do when they cross the Jordan? They could see what they had to do on the other side up on the mountain and they crossed the Jordan and they did it, what did they do? [Comment: They conquered Jericho.] Yep, they conquered Jericho.
They were suppose to conquer the whole land, drive the people out, the Philistines, the Canaanites, the Ammonites and the Hittites and the Jebusites… and then who ruled them all those years? Who was the ruler? [Comment: It wasn’t a ruler, it was the judges.] Judges, when Joshua died there was judges that ruled for quite some time. Then in the year 1000, something different in the ruling of government, what? They went to a king. There was first a king that is not considered so great, which was whom? [Comment: Saul.] But now we come to the year 1000 and what happened? [Comment: King David.] So that’s an important date. In the year 1000 B.C. King David ruled.
If you remember some of these dates it’s easy to keep stuff in mind. David ruled for forty years, then who ruled? [Comment: Solomon.] Solomon. How long did Solomon rule? Forty years Some of these are kind of easy to put together, David started in 1000, ruled for forty, he died and Solomon ruled for forty. Remember the 1000, remember that David and Solomon each ruled forty years.
Then we come up to around the year 3 or 4 B.C. we have an important date. [Comment: Christ was born.] Yes. Some put it all the way back to 6 or 7, some put it at the year 0. Now you understand that there is no year zero, but there should be. When you go from minus to plus one, how many years is that? Two, it’s one year this side and one year that side, two years. But year 1 is going into the second year forward A.D., year 1 B.C. goes back to the second year B.C. So how can the dividing line be plus and minus one? That can’t be the dividing line, you have to have a year zero (0). From B.C. 1 to A.D. 1 is two years, you’ve got 1B.C. then zero in one year and 1A.D. is two years. It’s three if you count 1, 0, 1, but we are only talking about how much is the space in between, two years. But the way they date things it’s always A.D. or B.C. I don’t know if you could ever find where somebody dates something as year 0, but there has to be a year 0.
[Comment: It was an antiquated dating system back then.] Exactly, it wasn’t that Christ was born and all the historians said, ‘okay now everything before this time is going to be called B.C.’ Before what? Before that little baby over there in the manger in Bethlehem. ‘Well what does He have to do with dating?’ Well just trust me it’s an important event.
I have another important date at 30 A.D. or thereabouts. [Comment: Crucifixion] I prefer to call it the resurrection, rather than the crucifixion, but they both happened in that year.
Another very important date is 70 A.D. and that’s as far as I am taking this, what happened? [Comment: The fall of Jerusalem.] I think a lot of people think of 70 A.D. as the fall of Jerusalem, but it’s the fall of Judea. They wiped out whole towns and villages before they ever got to Jerusalem. So they decimated the whole area, not just Jerusalem. That’s why Christ didn’t say, “when you hear of wars and rumors of wars…” flee to the neighboring towns and cities. No, flee to the mountains, because they are going to get those towns and cities too.
04-07 Bible study video 2
[Comment: What about these notes for the forum?] Well we really have some critical people on the forum. There are some people that will take a date (like the bronze age) and will just make hay out of that, in spite of the fact that I have said that these are approximate dates by historians. These are not iron clad Biblical dates where I say the wheel is invented. But I just don’t like to open myself up too much for that, because then we will get a debate going. Now here’s what happens, I get pulled away from my work all the time. Like with this thing of ordained.
When I wrote seven years ago that God pre-ordained His plan and everything that would happen and so on and so forth, everything that would be said and done and thought was pre-ordained from the beginning of God’s plan. Well unfortunately I was not thinking at that time, when I used the word pre-ordained I was using it in a broad sense, not zeroing in on the Biblical usage often times, of the word ordained. Of course I was brought to task on that. ‘Liar, liar pants on fire Ray, now you are saying that you are not ordained to eat Girl Scout cookies?’ On whatever day I wrote that email I put that I had a couple of these sugar-free Girl Scout cookies. So then for the next week I am just being barraged with all these emails. ‘Well Ray how can you… Ray you just… How can you say, Ray… Ray… Ray…’ I mean like give me a break. As of yesterday I sent somebody another email. I said I’m sorry and I will try to go through this sometime. This is a huge subject, this could take weeks for me to go through.
First of all I will concede that ordained was not the best choice of words seven years ago when I was talking about this plan. But I guarantee you that I did not have in my mind, when I wrote that, that God ordained dirty old men to rape little girls and cut their heads off. That was not in my mind. Now I apologize if it should have been, but it wasn’t. I was talking about the overall plan of God from beginning to end.
But you see how people are going to find a problem with ‘Ray’s teaching.’ They are either going to find a contradiction with God or a contradiction with Ray. They will find it and when they do they can say, ‘well the hell with all of this Ray Smith teaching, why he is just another heretic.’
So just a couple of days ago I sent this guy an email. First of all there is about seven or eight words translated ‘ordained’ in the Bible. Different words with different shades of meaning and so on. When for example I said Paul told Timothy or Titus (maybe it was both of them) to ordain elders in all the cities, where there were congregations.
Tit 1:5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:
When he says “ordained elders,” that word ordained is a word of like sanctification, a special honor on that elder to be a recognized leader among the congregation. That word carries a certain spiritual connotation. We can not then turn around and say, ‘by the way Titus also ordain in every city sexual perverts to rape little girls and cut their heads off, ordain them too.’ Can you not see that we’re talking about two different things, when it come to these word usages sometimes?
I apologized seven years ago when I did use the word pre-ordained, that I was not thinking specifically about that. But then someone will say, ‘well Ray you were talking about all things.’ What can I say… just take me out and shoot me and then you all can go back to your sinning and your drinking/drugs and your hatemongering. Then you can say, ‘listen I gave Ray a fair shot and he is just a heretic like all the rest, so now I’m free.’
Now do you think I’m stretching that? I kid you not, I know human nature like maybe few people alive. I just have a little insight, vision of what human nature is all about. I’ve said so many times, maybe it is because God gave me so much, that He has given me a lot to overcome. So I don’t kid myself about why people will just become like sharks in a feeding frenzy when they discover some little thing like this.
It’s like when Craig Nolin said that time, ‘We don’t die, we never die. That’s correctly translated, if you believe on Him you should never ever (and he put in ‘ever’) die.’ I went around for weeks, I’d take them five or ten pages at a time, going through all his stupid arguments. Then someone on the forum said, ‘I think Craig nailed Ray this time, I think Craig might be right, yep Craig got him.’ After weeks and weeks and maybe two months of all this going around and then he sent Dennis an email where he really opened himself up. That’s the one where I said okay this is my last post and I just totally tore his nonsense to shreds Scripturally. Then reluctantly he said, ‘I apologize Ray I was wrong, of course we die.’ Then I think to myself, I wonder how many on the forum from months before read that apology? Maybe hardly any, who knows. But this is the way things go.
When I put this Bible study together, what could easily be a one year study, to verify all these dates through history and chronology and archeology and genealogy… I could easily spend a year putting this together. But I did it a couple of hours last night and a couple hours this morning, only to give us a frame of reference. But we have those people who are looking for a contradiction and when they find it… if you put this paper on the forum tonight then by Tuesday it’s on Tectonics or whatever that site is, that Holding site. That’s not his real name, his real name is Robert Turckal, he use to work in a prison, now he fancies himself a Biblical expositor or whatever.
Sometimes I will send Denny an email, I won’t send it to anybody else, just Denny. I send him a lot of stuff, almost everything virtually I send to Denny. He will write back, ‘I see you didn’t send this to the forum? Why didn’t you send it to the forum?’ I tell him because it will open up a can of worms. Here is why, because I know how the carnal mind thinks and I know that there are people reading our forum… I mean don’t you realize by now, after tens and hundreds and thousands of people have shoved my tithing paper in the face of their pastor. Don’t you realize how many hundreds and thousands of people and maybe even thousands of theologian would like to nail me to the cross. They’re looking for that big contradiction and then they will put it on their website. Then people will write me and say, ‘Ray I saw this on this website, how do you explain it? Seems like a contradiction to me.’ Trust me, they will.
Even now… listen I know where there are certain contradictions in my writings. I will just openly confess them right now. Some of them I was bamboozled into, because I didn’t at the time, have time to study 20, 30, 60, 139 doctorial points, in great detail all at the same time. You have to understand I first started studying the Bible seriously seven years ago… seven years ago. Now how do you become an expert on a 139 doctorial issues in seven years? There are theologians that wrote doctorates on these subjects 500-1000 page books, hundreds of thousands of books, for two thousand years have been written on this subjects. Now I’ve got to debunk them in thirty five day or six months in a major article in the Lake of Fire series. I don’t think people consider what is involved in some of this stuff at all.
I know I’m getting off the subject here, but people are going to hear this in the forum, so I just wanted to talk about a couple of things here real quick. I know people are real antsy and anxious about these installments of the Lake of Fire - Hell, now we are at part D1. Next week we will be posting D2. I have it lined up, but I have so far about 70 pages of material, in basic form like we would post it. But I just don’t want to be rushed and have to have the whole part D posted this weekend, which is the end of the month. Because I said I would try to have this things posted by the end of the month. Well for many reasons, not the least of which is some of this stuff with the forum, where I get in these debates with people. My own family life, I have situations, you think I don’t have problems like everybody else? I could sit down and start telling you some of the problem that God has put in my path and they do take away from my time and so on.
Where Christ said;
Mat 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
The word is gehenna, “gehenna fire.” Now do you want to explain that? All of you know a lot of stuff about what I know. You all know about no free will… you know about there is no eternal hell… you all know about the salvation of all. I mean you know a lot of stuff, you know there is no immortal soul. You know a lot of stuff that I have taught in the Lake of Fire series. It’s about seven hundred pages or so by now and you all know that stuff. Well now we come to “but whosoever shall say (to his brother), Thou fool, shall be in danger of gehenna fire.” How so? What does it mean?