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Author Topic: An invitation to forum musicians  (Read 30427 times)

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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #40 on: June 09, 2009, 03:45:21 PM »

Ok. So I just wanted to put this out there.

If I wanted to make money singing...I could. This is not what God desires for me.
If I wanted to record albums...I could. This is not what God desires for me.

I just wanna sing truthful songs to those who will listen. Period. I just desire God. Day and night. There so much that I don't understand in the Word, but even before I knew what I now know I always thought it was wrong to sell wisdom or knowledge. I still do. I also think its wrong to sell music.

I JUST WANNA SING! THAT'S IT! Now that I have a few people that would like to hear I'm excited because for me it is an awesome blessing to be able to share this with others, but not for money. Not for me. And not for fame. YUCK!

Ok. I'm done.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 03:47:32 PM by larissa4676 »


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2009, 03:36:41 AM »

Good Day All.

To those who are meeting this weekend are there any things that you don't or won't eat. Things like sugar, dairy, pork, etc? Please let me know as I'll be putting together some fiddles for us.

Gosh, this is great!



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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2009, 09:31:17 AM »

Aww man, wish I could join in, but I'm livin' on the other side of the world.  :(

Regardless, looking forward to hearing the end product!!  ;D


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2009, 09:18:13 PM »

            What a blessing for those of you getting together this week end. Praise the LORD!!!
            I'll be there in spirit.


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2009, 01:25:59 AM »

I'm excited and a little anxious.


Roy Martin

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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #45 on: June 13, 2009, 09:09:53 AM »

Still needing more musicians. Harmonica players, horns, violin, vocals, etc.
 Song writers, lyrics, ideas and suggestions.

 I'm not much more than a novice musician myself. The first time I was tossed into playing bass with a group of professional musicians, I wanted to hide behind my amp. I didn't know one song from beginning to end and these guys were way too good for me, but as it turned out after two months that they had never seen someone excel and learn as fast as I did. We became as good as any band out there fast. This was a band pure carnal. Just imagine how it can and will be being a band in Spirit.
  Don't be afraid to test your talent. You would be surprised how good you can sound with someone working with you to get you into the groove.
 The invitation still stands.

In Christ and love


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2009, 12:21:09 PM »

Still needing more musicians. Harmonica players, horns, violin, vocals, etc.

          Dern, now I know why I have a love for the harmonica.  I should have been practicing,learning it, but I will get going and see how far I get.  Maybe someday what I play will sound like what it's suppose to be. ;)
           Have fun ya'll.
                   meee ;D


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2009, 01:51:36 PM »

Still needing more musicians. Harmonica players, horns, violin, vocals, etc.

          Dern, now I know why I have a love for the harmonica.  I should have been practicing,learning it, but I will get going and see how far I get.  Maybe someday what I play will sound like what it's suppose to be. ;)
           Have fun ya'll.
                   meee ;D

Hi there meee,

I sort of envisioned your harmonica playing to be something like this;




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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2009, 02:08:58 PM »

Wow, meee,

You do have great musical (harmonica) talent in your future according to Joe's ( :o envisioning :o ),

Maybe you will be buddy meee  :-*.

george. ;D



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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2009, 08:43:50 PM »

Great time with Roy and RoundBelly, who I must say doesn't NOT have a round belly after all. LOL! I had such a great time. The fellowship was awesome!!! It's was such an amazing thing to be in front of such great musicians! Now, if you let them tell it, it was nothing...but to this was something special.

Gosh I wish you all could of been here. Amazing! No funny business. No religion. Just the One Spirit and the music.

Thanks for all the encouragement everyone and thanks George for keeping the "Reason" before us.



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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2009, 09:27:16 PM »

God forgive my envy but I am.  Glad to hear you all were able to get together and it worked out nicely.  You don't know how fortunate you are (oh, maybe you do  ;) )


Roy Martin

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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #51 on: June 14, 2009, 09:18:46 AM »

OK Larissa has gave her report, now mine.
 When she said she had a gift to sing she left some things out. This girl has a voice straight from God.
When she sang the first word, it sent chills all over me. You guys and girls don't have a clew to what your in store for. I'm telling you it was absolutely awesome. This isn't  Americas Got Talent, its The Forums got talent.
 Having said that, it was a great day of fellowship, getting to know each other and sharing with each other.
Larissa didn't get to sing  much because roundbelly and I spent a lot of time working out our guitar parts.
 This is going to take some time to have a finished CD but will be well worth the wait.
 Its for certain that we are all being led by the Spirit in this. It was very different than any jam session Ive ever been a part of. We will be spending a lot of time and wont be dragging our feet on this. It was just too Spiritual to procrastinate.
 Get ready to witness an example of Gods given talent used the way it should be.



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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #52 on: June 14, 2009, 10:38:11 AM »

I am looking forward to it you all! Sounds like something good about to happen.

In His Love,


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #53 on: June 14, 2009, 10:47:25 PM »

Here's my two cents worth...

Personally I had a real good time and left rather refreshed and encouraged. I know we showed up to play music but I really think our fellowship with one another was the order of the day. Before I had a chance to unload my equipment we were engaged in a conversations about scriptural truths that we have learned from Ray's teachings and from the forum. Understand I am really alone in my understandings here in Bryan/College Station. The University here has a dominant "conservative and religious" background but yet no scriptural truths or foundation. :( So the first thing that I noticed right off is that regardless of our cultural history and background everything we talked about was of the same spirit. We really did not argue or get offended at each others experiences. As a matter of fact we shared very similar experiences in discovering the Lord's truths and the testing/trials that we go through.  That alone was priceless. I know that we have fellowship here on the forum but, there is defiantly a different kind of impact when you are able to meet face to face with another believer. To me there is a lot that can be lost in interpretation when you can only read someones words. There are facial expressions, body language, dialect and overall attitude you get to observe when meeting up in person. That energy is contagious!  Again I left very refreshed and encouraged in the faith that is shared here on the forum.

I would suggest anyone to meet up with other believers of our same faith and understanding from time to time and share testimonies, dreams, songs, poems, scriptural inspirations and experiences. You will know real quick if they are of the same spirit. Besides Father God is amazingly good at synchronizing his children in uniform truths. You will be able to spot a fake pretty quick.

Anywho, Now about the music... First of all I want to make this statement after my observations of our "music meeting". I believe that Father God has saved and preserved the very best of the talent for his purpose. Larissa's vocal range and detail is off the chart! ;D Also Roy, don't cut yourself short. You were able to blend in and contribute straight from the heart.  That in itself is the gift. I have been around so many different types of musicians and regardless of musical knowledge or experience; the best musicians are the ones that can express themselves from the core of their heart. Both of you, Larissa and Roy posses that coveted ability. Listen to most modern day songs. All polished and perfect with catchy phrases but, yet no heart. I really believe that BEST talent available is for Gods purposes. ;)

So Roy I will get writing more song ideas and get them to you and Larissa soon. For those of you reading this with some type of artistic talent big or small. I encourage you gather together and encourage each other with it. Its for King and to edify and lift up the body of Christ. :)

So what are you waiting for... Get to work!!! ;)

Oh, By the way Larrisa. Don't be fooled I can hide my roundbelly really good. :D


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2009, 02:39:00 AM »

Man, so refreshing and so true are the words you've posted Roundbelly! It was an amazing experience to hear and see others using their gift without reservations, but the best part by far was the ONE Spirit. How cool is that? It was/IS something truly special. I look forward to future fellowship with even more of the folks here on the forum next time. And Roy...keep that foot-a-tapping! It's great!

Great job hiding it by the way "roundbelly".


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2009, 10:41:45 AM »

            It's all sounds marvelous guys and gal!
            Joe and George, I didn't see the you tube thing , so don't know what it was.  Just another of the I can't's, for me.     Oh well.

Roy Martin

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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #56 on: June 15, 2009, 10:44:30 AM »

Noel said it much better than I did.
 This isn't just for musicians and or music. Its for anyone that wants to be there for the fellowship and sharing with each other. We were together for 7 hours, but could have taken it to 2:00 in the morning easy.
 Noel and I were just warming up when I had to go. We started at 10:00 and ended at 5:00pm.
I'm looking forward to our next get together which will be, hopefully July.
 God willing, barrabus will be able to make it next time.
 Its going to keep getting better.



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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2009, 05:08:13 PM »

Hi Roy I'm new to the forum. This will be my 4Th post. Thanks so much for your warm welcome, by the way!
So wow, just got done reading all the posts on this thread. I have to say I'm pretty excited about this.

Now I also have to say I am not a musician. I've only picked up my flute a few times since grade school and I'd have to stand on a really high mountain to see how far back that was. I'm not a singer either although I love to sing, do it all the time in the shower and the car.
I did sing with the church choir on and off for a few years in my church days. That was awhile ago. Needless to say I'm an armature, no formal training and in my opinion just OK.

I am also not a writer,lyricist,or poet. As a matter of fact I never wrote anything other than an occasional letter here and there up until a year or so before the Lord called me out of the church. This is where it gets interesting about this thread at least for me.

I stated in my introduction and testimony that I was being taught of God alone for the last five years before finding and this forum. During that time and even a few years before , as I was being called out of the church I did a lot of journaling. Much of only now is starting to make since to me. I know the Lord was using it all to teach and prepare me for the real Truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. I was going through so much turmoil at times and other times unbelievable awe and comfort from the Lord and His Word. In any case I would express myself on paper as my heart would pour out to the Lord the things that He was pouring into me through His Spirit and His Word. If that makes any sense. Much of my writing is in retrospect of all that the Lord has brought me through and the truths of His Word He was teaching me.

There seems to be poems or lyrics or hymns or spiritual songs in much of it although I dont know for sure , because like I said I  have never had, before that time, any of those kinds of talents nor been trained. I do sing some of them to the Lord, so I guess some could be considered songs. I say all that to say this; I will start posting some of the things I've written on the poems and inspiriational board. You can tell me what you think if you want, not to put you on the spot. I was going to post some on there anyway, just to share and hopefully encourage someone. I know we all come from different circumstances, but the one thing we do share and have in common is our love of the truth in the testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! If you could ever use anything I've written in your quest, I would love to help out in this way. Just let me know.

Your sister in Christ, Crystal


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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2009, 06:18:40 PM »

in reading through your posts so far, and then reading your post on this thread, i was thinking to myself that you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself. some of the statements in your posts could be the beginnings of some great lyrics. so i imagine your journal contains much of the same inspiring phrases. i mentioned in a pm to roy that i thought it would be cool to read through all the posts on the different threads and pull out some of the Spirit filled statements and thougths by our forum family members. i am sure there are many, many lyrics waiting to be put to music. what a wonderful resource of Truths contained in our collective posts.

just wanted to let you know that you have a gift for putting your thoughts on paper (or in this case, the computer keyboard).

in His Love,

judith collier

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Re: An invitation to forum musicians
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2009, 06:41:27 PM »

As long as your motives are pure I don't think you all should be so leery of fame and fortune. Why don't you leave that to God too. My sister just retired from the music industry after 25 years, she is not jaded nor has her sweetness been reduced. I have met so many musicians through her and her husband, a lawyer for some of the top names in music history. I attribute my sister's integrity  to her middle American background and 12 yrs. of Christian education.Her husband is from Alaska, the son of a single mother. He worked his way up from nothing, traveled all over the world and is still the nice and fair guy he started out as. Just letting you know of a few but good connections. Judy
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