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Author Topic: How do I feel comfortable praying?  (Read 7641 times)

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How do I feel comfortable praying?
« on: June 19, 2009, 06:44:17 PM »

Hi guys. I might have said this before but I'm 17 and I've only believed in God since Christmas. Almost immediately I got a huge phobia of hell (which to some degree is still persisant due to doubt) and almost immediately found this website.

I never used to pray, except for the odd time when I was really distressed. Now that I am trying to, it's very difficult. Whenever I do so, I just seem to want it over and done with as quickly as possible. I am more used to spending long walks in deep meditative thought, that's how I 'pray', not speaking to God in any direct manner.

In a way praying makes me feel nervous. I never feel like I've accomplished anything or that I've been answered.

A few nights ago I knelt down for a really sincere prayer. I got an odd feeling, as if God was letting me know I was his child, as if I was in a glass jar with 'God's child' labelled on it. I can't really describe it. It lasted for about fifteen seconds. Now, I'm not going to make a mountain out of a molehill. I've had someone tell me that 'God touched me' or something, but it wasn't really THAT intense. It was just a state of mind, like feeling tired or getting a rush when you put food in your mouth. The point is, when I felt this I wasn't nervous anymore! It removed it completely and I really felt like I was praying. FOR ONCE it was actually a sanctuary. How can I get this feeling back because I don't feel I can pray properly without it, because I never feel as if I've been heard.

- Ryan


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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2009, 09:27:51 PM »

Hi guys. I might have said this before but I'm 17 and I've only believed in God since Christmas. Almost immediately I got a huge phobia of hell (which to some degree is still persisant due to doubt) and almost immediately found this website.

I never used to pray, except for the odd time when I was really distressed. Now that I am trying to, it's very difficult. Whenever I do so, I just seem to want it over and done with as quickly as possible. I am more used to spending long walks in deep meditative thought, that's how I 'pray', not speaking to God in any direct manner.

In a way praying makes me feel nervous. I never feel like I've accomplished anything or that I've been answered.

A few nights ago I knelt down for a really sincere prayer. I got an odd feeling, as if God was letting me know I was his child, as if I was in a glass jar with 'God's child' labelled on it. I can't really describe it. It lasted for about fifteen seconds. Now, I'm not going to make a mountain out of a molehill. I've had someone tell me that 'God touched me' or something, but it wasn't really THAT intense. It was just a state of mind, like feeling tired or getting a rush when you put food in your mouth. The point is, when I felt this I wasn't nervous anymore! It removed it completely and I really felt like I was praying. FOR ONCE it was actually a sanctuary. How can I get this feeling back because I don't feel I can pray properly without it, because I never feel as if I've been heard.

- Ryan

Hey Ryan,

I very rarely kneel down with my hands together in a 'formal prayer'. I just talk with God all throughout the day. Just a sentence here and there, whenever I feel like I have something to say. When I see someone crying or a car accident, I ask for God to help and comfort those involved. When someone tells me good news, I thank Him for it... stuff like that.

"I am more used to spending long walks in deep meditative thought, that's how I 'pray', not speaking to God in any direct manner"

Well, God can hear your thoughts, so if this is how you feel comfortable, then keep doing so. Sometimes I feel the urge to pray but I don't know why or what I need to pray about so I just tell God that He knows what I'm thinking and what's going on, so whatever it is that's bothering me, please take care of it.

I usually don't even pray 'out loud', I just think it. I meditate on what I want God to know. There's no need to get on one's knees and lean on a bed or something... not that it's wrong to.

God knows you far better than you know yourself. You don't need to feel ashamed for the way you think or get nervous about talking with Him. He knows who you are and why you are the way you are.

God's always listening. He may not always answer your prayers immediately, but He's always listening. And He's always there, wherever you are, He's always there. Sometimes it doesn't seem that way, but He is.

Anyway, I hope this helps you some. God be with you, bro,




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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2009, 10:02:54 PM »

Hi Ryan,
You know we've always been taught to talk to God as if He were somewhere far away. God is right there with you! He knows the deep-inside-you person that no one else knows, way deep inside your heart where all your deepest desires, hopes, and dreams are is the place where God is. You may as well know that with God your heart is an open book! You don't have to say anything out loud, but God knows it already. So you can walk through your day, Ryan, knowing that God knows the intense desires of your heart to know Him better and to please Him. He loves you with such an incredible love that nothing you could do or say can shock Him, surprise Him, or take Him unawares! So when God touches you and you feel Him there just be blessed and know that it isn't always a feeling, but it's a knowing..a knowing that your Father God loves you and hears your heart's cries. Sometimes I feel empty at the end of the day or anytime then I can cry to God and He fills me! Other times I am so full that when the day is over all there is left to say is "Thank you Lord, good night.."
Be blessed because you have the most awesome Father in the universe!
Kathy ;)


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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2009, 11:07:47 PM »

26 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;
27 and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.



Dave in Tenn

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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2009, 11:17:33 PM »

You've gotten three great replies.  Take them to heart.  

I was with you until the last sentence/question.  You asked "How can I get this feeling back because I don't feel I can pray properly without it, because I never feel as if I've been heard." and I'm compelled to answer you this way:

Would you ask a similar question if it was your earthly Father you were talking about?  "I'm sorry, Dad, but unless I have five dollars, it's impossible for me to talk to you.  Would you, therefore, give me five dollars every time you want to talk to me?"  Wouldn't your dad resist being 'trained' by you like that?  I would!    

You know when they say, "Live in the moment." they're just repeating what scripture says.  Learn to live that way.  It won't happen before you turn 18.   :D

Now back up and read the other replies again.

Hang in there.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

G. Driggs

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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2009, 08:50:07 AM »

Hi Ryan, here is a great paper on praying from Brother Ray

Im reading it (right now) for 3rd or 4th time, and it's amazing how much I missed the first 2 or 3 times!

Everything else posted here is very good as well, take it to heart.

I just try to be sincere, respectful and fearful (reverent fear) when I pray to Him all day long in my thoughts.

God be with you Brother, G.Driggs
« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 08:51:47 AM by G. Driggs »

Roy Coates

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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2009, 10:48:44 AM »

I would just like to add;

You had a special experience there is no doubt. It has left you wanting more of the Father. Hold that thought! Be grateful he is working in you, and continue to want more. He has you right where He wants you and there is nothing you can do to change His mind or plans.

I have shared in a similar experience. I would say it is just a small sample of things to come. I would like that experience over and over again, but I only get it when and how the Father directs.


Marky Mark

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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2009, 10:51:54 AM »

The Rysta.Hello.

Here is an email to Ray on prayer,hope it helps.,7086.0.html

Dear Darren:
    I am sure that your problem which also effects many others, is a problem of faith (belief). If Jesus were sitting with you in your living room or bedroom, just five or six feet away, you would have zero problem speaking with Him.  But you do NOT see Him sitting or standing five or six feet from you. You may picture Him way way in outer space or in come uninviting secret chamber of Divine Holiness or whatever.  It is hard to try and speak with Someone in such a setting.  God is ever present RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.  He is closer to you than your own heart and lungs (Acts 17:27).  The song lyrics: "He is in the tree tops, so tall;  in the sparrow, so small," is Scripturally accurate.  You have to know that God is present at all times.  I never try to "send" my prayers into outer space or any such nonsense.  I whisper to God right where I am.  I talk to God (with reverence) in the same words and tones that I spe ak to my wi fe or best friends.  Did you ever take a car trip with a friend that lasted all day?  Do you have to "strain" to make conversation? Do you only talk about profound, deep, spiritual, things, with lofty words?  No, of course not, and neither should you pray to God in such a manner.
    God is your Father and Jesus is your Elder Brother and Saviour. TALK to them of your feelings, and your needs, and your desires, and your frustrations, and everything that is on your mind. When I awake each morning I pray for those coming to our site;  I pray for my web master and my best friends;  I pray for my wife and daughter;  I pray for wisdom and understanding;  I pray for humility--I pray for EVERYTHING THAT IS ON MY MIND!  I KNOW that God is (not there) but HERE, right where I am. If I thought for one moment that God was not hearing me and answering me and concerned over me and loving me--I wouldn't pray at all.  I do not pray as the Church does that God will "CHANGE HIS MIND" about things that are happening and make things better for me than He originally intended. I thank God that He NEVER EVER CHANGES HIS MIND.  There is great security in that profound truth.  God ALWAYS does things RIGHT the FIRST tim e around!!
    We must stop asking God to "get in tune with OUR WISHES," and begin asking God to "get us in tune WITH HIS WISHES!"  Remember always the words of our Lord:  "THY WILL be done...."
    And as Jesus Himself prayed in the garden, "NOT as I will but as THOU" (Matt. 26:39). There is nothing easier than to talk with a close friend. Jesus is OUR FRIEND and we are HIS FRIEND if we obey Him (John 15:14) .  I will pray for you that God will be as real to you as you are to you.



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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2009, 09:18:39 PM »

excellent email mark, excellent. each of us should read it over and over and over again. therysta my younger brother, always, always remember that Jesus IS in us, as ray stated, if we are in Him. also know that the physical will always try to tell you that your prayer life needs a physical feeling in your heart and mind, but the physical flesh is out to destroy you and your faith in our Father and our Brother Jesus Christ. it is only the spiritual that can be trusted and you can only trust if the spirit of our Father has given you faith. remember too that with His Truths, seeing (and feeling) is not believing, but believe and you will see God's work in your life and your prayer life in particular. stay in His Word and His Word will stay in you. as ray said in the email mark posted, talk to your Father and your Brother Christ Jesus just as you would talk to a dear close friend. i know that i seem to just talk out loud or within my own mind to my Father all day long. and, when i know there are specific things i need to speak to God about, but my mind is so cluttered with all these things, that i just say, "Father You know what i need and Your will is better than anything i could ask or even think, so Father let Thy will be done." none of this is to take away the fact that the spirit of our Creator can and does sometimes cause a unique experience of His spirit when you come to Him in prayer. keep on praying, however is best for you. just keep on speaking to Abba Father for He is ALWAYS just a thought away.


judith collier

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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2009, 01:30:13 AM »

These replies are all so good! As to WHERE is God, I have to do something physical at times because I have a history of NOT having anyone present in my formative years that was too concerned about me.I place my hand over my heart and remind myself He is there. I also had trouble  believing God was LISTENING(well, yeah)in the beginning, so I would say everytime OVER and OVER to myself that this was God and not a person and God does not lie, He is listening!  Judy


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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2009, 02:51:32 AM »

Your feelings will trip you up.  Know the spirit of the Lord and that is what I believe the Lord was doing helping you to know Him  when you had your experience in prayer.My sheep know my voice.  peggy


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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2009, 12:59:28 PM »

Such an important topic.  Great Thread.  "Get us in tune with HIS wishes"  Boy, I needed that.  ryan, god Bless you brother, wish I had found this site at 17!!!  but that wasn't God's plan for me.


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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2009, 04:28:39 PM »

Thanks for all the replies people! There's actually a heck of a lot in this thread I have learned. Sometimes when I'm distressed I just repeat to myself facts about God I already know but this is something knew.

At the very core of my beliefs I am a pantheist; or as my dad puts it, I believe that God is a panther  ;D, so God being everywhere is at the very core of my beliefs. I am aware that he is close to me, by logic, but it's just that he FEELS so far away from me.

If "Thy will be done" is really the most important thing to pray about... what else is there? The only thing I can ask for is that God and the Holy Spirit can GUIDE me towards truth... but once again this falls into "Thy will be done". It's as if if I pray only that I'm praying too little but if I pray for anything else it seems too selfish.

I don't know what the word 'reverence' actually means but I assume that you mean that I should be humble to God and such. Is this humble simply to accept that he always knows best and not to get into a row about it, or is this humble all the way to the extent that you can't treat prayer like conversation. I am well, well aware that I am not equal to God, and I would never forget that. But can't I talk to him (or Jesus, or Holy Spirit etc.) like a mate or friend? I am humble in thought but the feeling of being constantly reminded of my humility makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe this comes from always associating God with hell... perhaps people who associate God with all the good things don't have this much of a problem. However irrational my fear is, I know it, don't worry.

Finally, I have always found the thought of a mother figure a lot more appealing than a father figure, which is very ironic because I don't really have a father figure in my life. Instead MY father idolises ME (my parents are divorced). Would seeing God in this way be blasphemous or something? I don't believe for a second that God is a LITERAL man in the sky, but I wonder if the application of gender is for any specific purpose such as dicipline or whether it's just to do with the attitude of the times. I don't think I would be LESS diciplined if I saw God as a motherly figure. IT would just help to ease these horrible paranoias I get about hell!

Don't start thinking I'm some sort of Catholic though... now if I were God thinking THAT would be blasphemy!  :D

- Ryan


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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2009, 05:28:52 PM »

good afternoon ryan,
first of all, YES INDEED you can talk to Jesus and His Spirit within you as a mate or friend. marky mark started a thread called "my friends" in the general discussion section where he uses john 15:14-16 where Jesus is speaking to His disciples and He calls them/us His FRIEND. actually the whole chapter of john 15 is a great one to read through and meditate on.

also, as far as your thoughts of a mother figure more appealing than a father figure, in regards to how you think about God our Father, that could indeed be due to the fact that your mother figure in your physical life is much stronger than that of your earthly father's relationship to you. as ray has mentioned in his teachings, God has feminine within Him in is infinite wisdome, as reflected in His creation of woman and all the feminine characteristics. i am paraphrasing what ray said, but i will search through his essays/audios to find the exact statement. there may be others on the forum who can find it or remember it ver batim.

anyway, my dear younger brother, you at such a young age (like astropho, and alex) have been blessed beyond your imagination with regards to the Truths God has chosen to reveal to you through HIS Spirit. if you continue to read through ray's teachings on the website and look at the scriptures which He uses to back every thing he teaches about the Truth of the Gospel, you will come to the realization that God is making you into His image and the image of our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. prayer and the Holy Scriptures are our Lifeline towards His will for each one of us, and although God seems so far away at times, it is because our carnal brains cannot comprehend how close He really is to us. ryan, it is confirmed through Jesus Christ Himself that He did not leave us as orphans in the storm (this worldly life), but when He ascended into the heavenlies He left us His Spirit, and this Spirit abides within you ryan. how close is that!? believe it and grow in your faith that He will never leave you. pray to Him asking and petitioning and giving thanks for all things that pertain to your life. God desires to hear your prayers. and yes, it is always and only His will that will be done, but He still wants a relationship with you and that includes communication, talking to His as your Friend.

stay strong in your stand ryan.


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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2009, 05:31:43 PM »

Instead MY father idolises ME (my parents are divorced). Would seeing God in this way be blasphemous or something? I don't believe for a second that God is a LITERAL man in the sky, but I wonder if the application of gender is for any specific purpose such as dicipline or whether it's just to do with the attitude of the times. I don't think I would be LESS diciplined if I saw God as a motherly figure. IT would just help to ease these horrible paranoias I get about hell!

Ryan! God is both your mother and your Father! God is all in all, see? He's a Parent whose children occupy his heart every moment of every day! You are a child of the Living God! You are the object of His undying affections!! God never stops looking at you and loving you. I promise that you can't out think God, Ryan! He is everything an earthly parent could never even conceive of! You human dad whether he idolizes you or not is NO MATCH for your Father God!! Your human dad has NO idea how wonderful you are! Your human dad doesn't see the deep things of your heart and mind, he can't because only your Father God can do that. There is no greater love in any human sense of the word! I can assure you that as your human dad looks at you with the proudest father's heart with love so overwhelming it takes his breath away, that is just an ink dot in comparison to the love that the Living God has for you! You go ahead and fantasize all you want about what God is to you, buddy because He is that and SO much more!! I wish we all had the capacity to know the depths of God's love for us!!
Kathy :D ;)

Marky Mark

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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2009, 06:13:50 PM »

good afternoon ryan,
first of all, YES INDEED you can talk to Jesus and His Spirit within you as a mate or friend. marky mark started a thread called "my friends" in the general discussion section where he uses john 15:14-16 where Jesus is speaking to His disciples and He calls them/us His FRIEND. actually the whole chapter of john 15 is a great one to read through and meditate on.

also, as far as your thoughts of a mother figure more appealing than a father figure, in regards to how you think about God our Father, that could indeed be due to the fact that your mother figure in your physical life is much stronger than that of your earthly father's relationship to you. as ray has mentioned in his teachings, God has feminine within Him in is infinite wisdome, as reflected in His creation of woman and all the feminine characteristics. i am paraphrasing what ray said, but i will search through his essays/audios to find the exact statement. there may be others on the forum who can find it or remember it ver batim.

anyway, my dear younger brother, you at such a young age (like astropho, and alex) have been blessed beyond your imagination with regards to the Truths God has chosen to reveal to you through HIS Spirit. if you continue to read through ray's teachings on the website and look at the scriptures which He uses to back every thing he teaches about the Truth of the Gospel, you will come to the realization that God is making you into His image and the image of our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. prayer and the Holy Scriptures are our Lifeline towards His will for each one of us, and although God seems so far away at times, it is because our carnal brains cannot comprehend how close He really is to us. ryan, it is confirmed through Jesus Christ Himself that He did not leave us as orphans in the storm (this worldly life), but when He ascended into the heavenlies He left us His Spirit, and this Spirit abides within you ryan. how close is that!? believe it and grow in your faith that He will never leave you. pray to Him asking and petitioning and giving thanks for all things that pertain to your life. God desires to hear your prayers. and yes, it is always and only His will that will be done, but He still wants a relationship with you and that includes communication, talking to His as your Friend.

stay strong in your stand ryan.

Hi Claudia.

  I think this may be what you are refering to concerning Rays writings on the feminine side of God.,3720.0.html

Adam and Eve

God introduces something that I think we read over.
In resent years I’m starting to pay attention to the words, those words are in there for a reason, ok.

Gen 1:26  “And God said, Let Us make man [humanity] in Our image, after Our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth.
Gen 1:27 And God created man in His [Own] image; in the image of God He created him. He created them male and female.”

In the Hebrew Interlinear, reading from right to left:
“And He is creating, Elohim, the human in the image of Him, in the image of Elohim He creates him, male and female He creates them.”

And now from the Concordant Version:
“And creating is the Alueim [God] humanity in His Image.  In the Image of the Alueim [God] He creates it.  Male and female He creates them.”

Did you get that?  God is creating man in OUR image.
Clearly the point is made that creating mankind in the image of God is in the indefinite tense [past/present/future] and not in the pasted tense as in the King James and most bibles.  This creation continues.

God wants children in HIS VERY OWN IMAGE.  This is God’s plan.  This is God’s purpose.  This is the reason for the creation of humanity.  This is “The WILL of the Father.”

Old Testament:  “And creating is God humanity IN HIS IMAGE.  In the image of the God He creates it. Male and female He creates them.” (Gen. 1:27)

New Testament:  “ For whom He [the Father] did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be [complete is yet future] COFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29).

Look there are two things here.  God creates man in His own image, ok.  “In the image of God creates He him, male and female creates He them.”  So man is created in the image of God, right.  But did you catch it?  The female is created in the image of God.  Did you miss that?  The female is created in the image of God, therefore God is female.  But we call Him ‘Him,’ so He’s male too.  HE’S BOTH.

It doesn’t say God is evil, He has a knowledge of good and evil.  But He is good.
But when it comes to male and female, they are both equally in the image of God, or being made in the image of God, or in the image of God He’s making ‘them.’
It’s both ways.  They’re being made into His image and He is making them in His image.  You see that?  You see how it’s repeated twice there.

“Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.”  So God created man in His image, “in the image of God.”  The verse says “in the image of God created He them, Male and female,”  see God created man in His image, but then in the image of God, “He created them male and female.”  Female is in the image of God, God is female.   God is male and female.  Where did God ever get the idea for a female?  Is this something that doesn’t exist in His being?  Is this something foreign to God?  Femininity is in God.  That’s why He took that and made a representation of that, in the form of a woman.  That’s God!  Just as much as the man is God.

I think some of you women have felt slighted over the years, that God is not a woman.  Well some religious groups refer to God as she, you know.  God in His image He created a woman, yet the only way He could do that, is that woman was in God.  And then He created out of that (from Himself), the woman.

I heard someone say El-Shaddai, El - being God, Shaddai - breath.  El- Shaddai the God with breath or the breath of God.

So when we talk about the man and the woman now, we’re talking about in the image of God Himself, in both of them.  Man is in the God’s image, so the woman is the feminine side of God, ok.



Roy Coates

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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2009, 09:57:15 PM »

Ryan, Pray asking how to pray. I think and talk to and about God, His creation, His plan etc all day long. I don't get on my knees with my head bowwed and hands folded, if I needed to do that I would miss out on most of the day praying. Not that the body language is wrong, I do it some times, it is however restrictive. I speak or think in the same tone as I do when I speak to other people for the most part.

PS I saw you on you tube ;) love it.



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Re: How do I feel comfortable praying?
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2009, 01:34:58 AM »

thank you mark,
that was the exact teaching from ray that i was thinking about. thank you for the help. i have been out of pocket all day long and only now have been able to get back to the forum.

i pray that the link mark provided has helped you get the Truthful understanding of the feminine side of God.

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