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Author Topic: Tribulations, Patience, Experience & Hope  (Read 16372 times)

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Re: Tribulations, Patience, Experience & Hope
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2009, 03:23:32 AM »

Our Father in His infinite love gave us His Firstborn Son to share the yolk of this work and if we consistently depend on Christ to carry us forward, if we faithfully believe He will not tire or allow us to fail we really do become strong in weakness.         

1Co 13:12 For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known. (ASV)

Imagine being in a dark room facing a mirror trying to coordinate and navigate around the room and we can only use the mirror as our point of reference;

Right is left, left is right, we have no depth perception and on top of it all the room has poor lighting! Of course we will stumble, make mistakes, fall, etc. If only we had a Voice who we could totally trust to lead us out of this distressing situation.....

Thank God we do.

i am sometimes just, well, amazed to see God work through one of the saints to build up the others. the first statement i have shown which i pulled from your post was one that Abba Father has specifically spoken to me through. the words that He gave you, stating that if we stay constant in our dependence on Christ and hold fast to our faith that He will not leave us through our trials, then he WILL enable us to grow stronger (in Spirit) by the experience of our weaknesses.

AND THEN, the scripture reference you provided about only seeing now as if we are looking through a mirror, darkly, and the image you provided of being in a dark room with only a mirror as our point of reference for trying to navigate around the room, how we would stumble and fall and how it would be help to have someone who could see through the darkness and give us voice commands to help us find the way out of that dark room, and thank God we do have a Voice. i mean, that image you presented just blew me away because it shed Light on way more than i had ever been shown in that scripture before. the dark room (this world), only a mirror as our point of reference (our carnal mind), needing someone to give us commands for guidance (His Voice/His commandments) to show us the way out of the dark (He is the Way), and to bring us back into the light so we can see and be seen (He is the Light and through that Light we will be able to see Him as He has seen us).

thank you joe, and thank You my dear Father and Brother Christ Jesus!



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Re: Tribulations, Patience, Experience & Hope
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2009, 08:23:59 AM »

Hi Claudia,

Thanks for your response and I really like how you expanded on 1Co 13:12, I always find it exhilarating when a verse or chapter that I have read multiple times suddenly expands (in my understanding) into a profound spiritual insight.




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Re: Tribulations, Patience, Experience & Hope
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2009, 08:55:35 AM »

Joe and all,
Thank you for such a timely post  :). It is comforting to know that God deals with all of us here in the same way.
Why is it we must learn to have patience with and love people who make our lives miserable, God could change them if He wanted to, or remove them from our day to day lives but no, they are right there in our face causing anxiety, frustration, maybe even worse. What makes it even more maddening is that it always seems like these people get what they want, it seems like they are the ones getting all the blessings, what's up with that? Why must I be punished for circumstances I had no part in creating, especially when I am not looking for conflicts with anybody?
I can soooo relate. I am actually making progress by keeping my mouth shut and not responding in kind or worse. I have learned to step back and to hand the relational problems to God. I am not saying that I don't feel the pain anymore, but since I know that God orders my steps and He is control of all things, I view it as a disciplinary step and am much more peaceful about it. When I think about how much God has forgiven me, I have no room to talk.


Amen Angie!

Yes, when we consider how blessed we are to be aware of God's plan and purpose and what His "strange" work will accomplish as well as how all of our own sins have been forgiven how can we withhold this same mercy toward others.

There are no promises that this is an easy lesson to learn but we do have a promise that it will be learned eventually. For much of my life it was rare when I had any guilt or regret when shooting off my mouth when I felt someone did me wrong (too often only my perception), slighted me or even disagreed with me.

Now it is an intensely unpleasant experience when my "old man" has his way and I give in to that carnal desire to spew venom prolonging the ugliness which can lead to resentment, hate and even worse.

Holding our tongue can be a very difficult thing, it is quick, slippery and agile.




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Re: Tribulations, Patience, Experience & Hope
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2009, 09:12:56 AM »

I know for me, I must be in constant prayer every day, all day.  If not, I can see myself backsliding and feel distant from God.  Unfortunately, it's necessary for growth at times.  When you see yourself backslide and feel that distant from our Lord, you crave Him even more.  At least for me, it makes me want to get back to the point I was at and beyond.  When I realize something is going wrong, I stop and think and see that I've either neglected my prayer or something along those lines and I'm like well it's no wonder things are so bad, look at what you have been doing... or not doing.  Thankfully, it gets less and less frequent the more fervent I pray.  For instance, my whole situation at work, I was torn between turning the other cheek and/or getting back at those that hurt me.  After having it drilled into my head w/Scriptures, I knew it was wrong but little by little that carnal thinking started to stop until I was better and let it go once I accepted that God was trying to teach me something.  It's tiring to be sure but nothing compared to being strung up on a cross after being beaten/whipped.  Everything I experience is nothing compared to what Christ experienced and suffered for me.  When I'm reminded to think in those terms, I feel pretty ashamed for complaining.  

Hello Jacob,

Very well put, I see constant prayer/conversation with God as our lifeline, when we lose our grip on it we are easily tossed about by the currents and waves of the sea. It is distressing (to say the least) when we find ourselves in that state of existence.

Sometimes we just have to get alone with God to hear his voice. Jacobs, glad to see how he is working in you and changed your thoughts.

I too know, I do not have the problems Jesus had.

When, we think about him or others and not ourself God will be with us through it all.

In His Love,

Amen Marlene!

Keep on keeping in the faith...


« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 09:14:44 AM by hillsbororiver »

G. Driggs

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Re: Tribulations, Patience, Experience & Hope
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2009, 09:13:25 AM »

Was wondering if this was a possible match?

1Jn 3:2  Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

1Co 13:12  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Great topic, and great answers all, it's been a real inspiration and a blessing.

Peace, G.Driggs
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