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Author Topic: Sins  (Read 8406 times)

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« on: June 09, 2006, 10:08:48 AM »

Dear Ray,

I stumbled across your site yesterday and have spent several hours reading your articles on truth. For the last several years I have been in a state of peril and confusion in my walk with Jesus. Honestly, if anything I have been walking away from him, instead of getting closer. It seems like my life has so many ups and downs and I have always felt like it was because of my sin that I am punished with loss, pain, heartache, trials, and so many more un pleasant things. It feels like the devil has a hold of me and he won ’ t let me go to Jesus even though I want him so bad. I despise Satan and everything he is about. I love Jesus and everything he is about. Why do I continue to sin? Why can ’ t I let go of my demons (Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Pornography )? I go through phases, where I will quit all of them for a while or some, but I always end up breaking down and going back. I realize it is because of my lust for earthly pleasures . Things of the flesh are very addictive. Satan has been tempting me with everything in his arsenal! I have many , man y demons! I need help!

You have brought a deeper understanding to so many questions that I ha ve such as: Why would such a loving God torment his children forever in a lake of fire ? Why would God let so many of his children that never knew him or were deceived by other s suffer for eternity? I have many more .

For the last few years I have been trying many new churches, trying to find one that I am comfortable in. Surprisingly, I felt very disturbed and uneasy in ALL of them! Not one church gave me comfort and peace. They ALL made me feel very uneasy, as if an unpleasant spirit was hovering around me. I have had many issues with the church for a long time now, and have been called many names and looked down upon for not attending them as much as I used to . What made me uneasy the most was the message I kept hearing from the so called “ men of Christ â€? . EVERY church quoted scripture to enforce tithing ( I went to many different denominations ). The priests\pastors would almos t scare you into giving them money! I even had one small church ’ s pastor (Only 20 members or so) demand we take care of him and his family too! He had one offering for God and one for “ God ’ s disciple â€? . Now I don ’ t disagree with taking care of God ’ s disciples but for him to DEMAND it! As if we were sinning if we didn ’ t. Many people going to Church are poor. Most people in this world are poor. Why are these rich men asking for money from the poor? Did Jesus say he would send beggars to do his work? I have so much more to say but I do not have the time. I am not saying all churches are bad, some are run by  truly divine men of God. But the church itself is in each one of us who believe s , not in some building !

You have taken a huge load off of my shoulders by showing me through SCRIPTURE, not nonsense and heresy , that the God of everything is truly loving, merciful, and just. I look forward to a response from you. I have many more things to talk \listen about and wo uld like to hear\share with you. There are not many people today that actually LISTEN! They only do if it is what THEY WANT to hear!

Bless you and your web site in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessed be everyone on earth that is and ever was in the name of Jesus Christ !

Jon athan

Dear Jonathan:

There is no magic bullet that will save you today from all your sins and problems. As you have stated YOU have tried and tried and failed time and again. ONLY GOD can save you from all of your sins.  I can teach you the truths of the Scriptures, but overcoming the sins of the flesh is something that only God can do for you. I know the feeling. I have been there; done that.  But God is faithful, and if you continue to hate your flesh and your sins and cry out to God, He will hear you.  So be encouraged.  Many have gone before you and have obtained the victory over sin. We are never totally free from all sin, but we do reach the place where sin no longer has dominion over us, and that is a great feeling.  Don't do ANYTHING that gives you a guilty conscience.  Don't GO anywhere, don't DO anything, don't SAY anything for which you feel guilty or wouldn't want your wife, children and par ents to see you doing.  People condemn me and say all kinds of hateful lies about me on a daily basis.  But my conscience is CLEAR before God, and so I don't have to answer to all my hate-filled detractors.  Take God with you wherever you go and your whole life will change.

God be with you,

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