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Author Topic: The hell fire and the fire of trying our work  (Read 6105 times)

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The hell fire and the fire of trying our work
« on: August 19, 2009, 08:42:26 AM »

Dear Ray, quite amazing of what you wrote on your website.  Some points that you stated I quite not agree with.

1. The fire of the hell is different from the fire of trying our work. (in your article: " You Fools!...", page 34,
check the description of the fire in the hell, it is a lake of burning sulfur(literal or spiritual).  would you agree that the Spirit of God being a consuming fire is the same fire? I hardly agree with that.  The later purifies our spirits and cleans our impure work. 

2. That something you do not believe doest not mean that they are not true. ( on the page 38.)
Where will Satan and the false prophet and the unclean spirits go after the war in heaven? plainly stated in the Bible, there is a place called hell for them as they have deceived so many to go down with them, even more to go.  If some of your dearly loved ones left without accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior, too sad of hearing that.  For Jesus Christ said clearly, He is the truth, the way, and the life.  No one can go to the Father without through him. 

Is there a salvation before the great white throne? you will to have it but it is very hardly to be proved with the scriptures except your spectulation. 

3. We know in part.  You know in part as well.  Dividing word boldly (not "rightly") is good.  But "the Kingdom of God is not about the words, but about the power of the Holy Spirit."  I would like to suggest you to pray more than to write more. As you pray, please pray more. No article writing, for your own goodness please.

4.  The fruits of Spirit is endurance (of the evil, the suffering, the sadness), patience (of the hope, the salvation, the eternal life), love (of God, and of your neighbor), joy (of God being with us), peace (with all men including the evil ones so they may go down the place silently as they deserve.), and ...

Reading your articles, found few of these fruits in you or with you. May God help you.

5. Did you know a TV program called "God wants you well." on Christian Channel? Sorry to hear you are suffering so badly.  And I just got a divine healing of my not-bad vision during a Saturday evening worship service.  I prayed, " God the Father in heaven, why do not you heal my vision now so that I can see better, sing better, and worship and praise you better?" as I forgot my prescription glasses at home. God healed my vision in a blink from one 20/30 and the other 20/40 to  both 20/15. God's love, power, and mercy is beyond human's imagination.  I found that waiting for God is much better than fighting the evil in this world. would you agree? Be at peace.   I fully trust that my God saves beyond our own efforts and imagination.
May God have mercy on you and deliver you from all the pains.  In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
In His Love,

Dear Hanson:  Thank you for your concern over my health.
The "Lake of Fire" is a SYMBOL.  It is not literal.  Physical symbols stand for stpiritual truths in the book of Revelation.
Of course God is not composed of literal fire and literal sulphur.  These are but SYMBOLS which depict judgment and purification,
which even you then state:  "purifies our spirits and cleans our impure work."  So yes, God is "like" physical fire and physical fire in
certain respects.  Surely you can see this, can't you?
And no, Satan does not go to a place plainly stated in the Bible called hell.  That is total nonsense.  There is no word in either the
Hebrew or Greek manuscripts which can be translated into the English word "hell."  Modern scholars are beginning to see that
this is the case, and numerous new translations do not use the English word "hell" to translate any Hebrew or Greek word.  You
need to read my many lessons on "hell" in my Lake of Fire Series.
The rest of your statements have nothing whatsoever to do with any criticism of my writings.
God be with you,
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