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Author Topic: Jehovah God  (Read 5206 times)

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Jehovah God
« on: September 14, 2009, 02:24:50 PM »

Ok I have a question regarding Jesus calling himself Jehovah God. I undertand that noone has heard the fathers VOICE at anytime therefore it is Jesus who is speaking to them in the OT. The question I have is since Jesus is the Word OF GOD is GOD the Father therefore saying through Jesus HE IS JEHOVAH(Lord) GOD or is the Word(Jesus) claiming He is Jehovah God?  Or is the One speaking claiming they(Jesus and the Father) are both JG? Someone please help and show me what I am not getting?   


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Re: Jehovah God
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 03:22:39 PM »

This is a transcript from Ray's bible Conference 2007, "One God"  I understand it to explain who is Jehovah and why we refer to Christ as Jehovah

Paul didn’t say, I’m crucified with God, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but the FATHER lives in me.  No, it’s,  “I have been crucified with CHRIST, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but CHRIST lives in me.” (Gal 2:20)  But see it’s the personality of Christ, that is the spirit that lives in us and that spirit comes from God.  So we can call it God’s Holy Spirit, even though it’s channeled through Christ.  Jehovah /Elohim, God the Father(Elohim), you know.

[Someone says;  Isa 9:6  For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.]

Some will say wait a minute, “The everlasting Father?”  Christ (Jehovah) says, He was a Father to Israel.  He’s the eonian God to Israel.  So are we understanding God better?

Okay, let’s take this a little farther.  We read about God/Elohim, we learn about the Lord God - Jehovah/Elohim, and sometimes we hear about El.

Now we know in the garden, Christ... though Jehovah is doing the talking, because no man has ever heard God the Father.  So the Lord God (Jehovah/Elohim) said unto the woman, “and the Lord God said…”  Why did He say ‘said’?  Because He’s the spokesman, He’s the Word.  He’s the Word of who?  Elohim, and He is Jehovah/Elohim and His Father is Elohim.  There is only one Elohim.  So it’s the Lord God - Jehovah/Elohim.

When we come to the NT then we read about God.  Jesus Christ said, they ask Him what is the greatest commandment,  He said “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt 22:37).  The Greek says, you shall love the Kurios your Theos with all your heart and so on.

Kurios/Theos… who was He talking about?  The Father.  He’s quoting the OT, that comes out of Deuteronomy, where Jehovah Himself says, “You shall love the Lord your God” (Deu 6:5).  Not Kurios/Theos,  but Jehovah/Elohim.

Well who are we to worship with all our heart?  Jehovah/Elohim or Kurios/Theos of the NT, who we know is the Father.  But Jehovah/Elohim (where it’s quoted from the OT), is Jesus Christ.  Who is it talking about?  It’s always talking about BOTH.  ALWAYS!

Even though we give Jesus the designation Jehovah/Elohim, it still includes the Father.  Why?  Because there is only ONE Elohim!  He is the Jehovah, one God - there is the Father, one God and together they are the one God.  You just have to believe the scriptures.

John 10:30  I and My Father are one.

One what?  One God and it’s understood, We are one... one God.  We two, are one.  Whenever two are of the same mind and spirit, they are considered one.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 03:23:43 PM by Jacobs Ladder »


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Re: Jehovah God
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 10:23:14 AM »

Thnks alot


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Re: Jehovah God
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2009, 08:36:53 AM »

 Just to add to the mix unless we are from  canan or then nicked named hebew . or israel or jew & thats only two tribe s 
     The way we express our self s is not the same as them.  our language is nothing like thier s we use different words . did the Lord say we had to speak like them . i dont use thier language why should i .   i wont . its not mine . does the Lord then say oh dear if you dont i wont accept you . no . The Lord accept s us where we are . if people are going to get hung up on so called word s just because there are some in the bible then we have a problem .   How i express my self to the Lord wont be any thing like you . yet I have been accepted by the Lord. let s put this in context . i dont refer to thoes names .    remember the word s spoken were given to thoes people of that time not us . 
  Any way     what language did the Lord use when adam was hanging out with the Lord . he he giggle ......the Lord look s & see s the intent of the mind & heart of the person .....   that work s for this kid .
      I may be a jack a@@ .   well the Lord know s what being done in my life . & that s all that matter s .


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Re: Jehovah God
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2009, 12:19:01 PM »

I'm just thinking out loud here in response to Noleena's response.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding the post?

John 6:63 - It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the WORDS that I have spoken to you ARE SPIRIT AND are LIFE.

Maybe the words are more important that you think?  Dare I say, the Words were spoken for a purpose and reason.  God has allowed those words to be recorded and understood to this day and will continue to make others in the future understand.  If God didn't think the words were important, he would have used another avenue to communicate with us.  Christ wouldn't have stated that not one word or jot would be changed... if the words were not important.

But if the words spoken then, at that time have no meaning for us today, let's just throw the Scriptures away since we don't need them.  

If we are saved under one name, then it might behoove us to know that ONE name.  We don't have to build doctrines around it and we wont but we should understand that Christ is not God the Father, and we are saved thru Jehovah Christ.  How do you build an intimate relationship with anyone if you don't know their name?

"Hey you" or "Yo Buddy" just doesn't cut it.  If we love and respect God and Christ, then we will show that by addressing them in that manner, with love and respect but we don't have to build a doctrine around their name either.

Rom 9:17-18  "... and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth... "

If Christ's name is to be declared throughout all the earth, then maybe we should know it and understand who God the Father is and Who God the Son/Christ is.  Christ didn't say ONLY you people can know my name and use it.  The entire EARTH will know his name and praise it.

The words we use today are DERIVED from the words that were used then.  How can you understand the words today if you don't go back and understand the words used then?  Ray says pay attention to the words.  Obviously the words are important.

Jesus said to the people of THAT time, there would be many things happening before He would return
Are we to assume that because Christ spoke it then that He is not still speaking those words to us now?

He is!  Those words are for everyone from then to now and up until Christ returns.  They will stand the test of time and be read by every generation's called and chosen because the words are for THEM.

Signs in the sun and moon (Matt 24:29);  the sign of the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven (Ver. 30);  angels gathering the elect at the sound of the trumpet (Ver. 31);  the parable of the fig tree (Ver. 32).  Now then, WHAT generation would not pass until our Lord Returns?  Was it the generation that Jesus was talking to in Matt. 24?  NO.
"THIS" generation, (EVERY generation) that would read the Scriptures and see…

Mat 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

Mat 24:33 So likewise ye, WHEN YE shall see ALL THESE THINGS, know that it is near, even at the doors.

It would be the generation that would "see ALL these things" mentioned in the previous verses.  THAT would be the generation that will not pass until our Lord comes.  Matt. 24:34 could be translation "THAT generation."  Which generation?  THAT one, the one which sees "ALL THESE THINGS," and no generation has get seen "all of these things" come to pass.  So, obviously EVERY generation will have some who see some of these things occur until all have occurred and then THAT specific generation would see the Lord’s coming.

The WORDs written in the Scriptures may have been said and documented in times past BUT they are for EVERY generation ever since to read and God willing, understand.

To say the Words in the Scriptures are not meant for you or me during our time NOW is untrue.  The WORDS are very much for us NOW, in THIS Generation until Christ returns.

just my 2cents



Just to add to the mix unless we are from Canaan or then nicknamed Hebrew or Israel or Jew & that's only two tribes  

The way we express our self s is not the same as them.  Our language is nothing like theirs we use different words.  Did the Lord say we had to speak like them.  I don't use their language why should I.  I wont.  its not mine.

Does the Lord then say oh dear if you don't i wont accept you.  No.  The Lord accepts us where we are.

If people are going to get hung up on so called words just because there are some in the bible then we have a problem.  How i express my self to the Lord wont be any thing like you, yet I have been accepted by the Lord.

Lets put this in context.  I don't refer to those names.  Remember the words spoken were given to those people of that time not us.  Any way what language did the Lord use when Adam was hanging out with the Lord.  He He Giggle...

The Lord looks & sees the intent of the mind & heart of the person... that works for this kid.  I may be a jack a$$.  Well, the Lord knows what being done in my life & that's all that matters.


« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 02:25:20 PM by Jacobs Ladder »


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Re: Jehovah God
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2009, 02:17:07 PM »

We have had it drilled into our minds through Babylon that God is a person--a being--with some type of body or physical form. It is hard to get this imprint out of our minds, and think about Him on a much larger scale. To begin to understand who/what God is, we have to think wayyyyy outside the box...

God is One. Though He works in many mysterious ways, through many different resources, there is only One God.

EXAMPLE: There are many times in Scripture that Angels are worshipped by people [Abraham, several of the prophets, and I believe a few apostles also]. But worshipping angels is prohibited in the Scripture. So how do we reconcile this? The answer [in my opinion] is that when the Angels appeared they were representing God, and therefore when they were worshipped, the worship was actually directed toward the Sender, not the Messenger.

There is only One God. And whether He is operating through angels, or through humans, or through His Son, Jesus, He is the One Who operates all in accord with His Will. [Eph 1:11] And in Him we are living and moving and are [Acts 17:28; Col 1:17]

He has to be pretty big to contain the entire universe within Himself!

Daywalker  8)
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