Just a few quick notes in case you'd like to hear another side without doing the research yourself...
The following are found in the regular flu shots…
Egg proteins, including avian contaminant viruses
Gelatin, known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin
Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™), which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis
Formaldehyde: a known carcinogen
Triton X100: a strong detergent
Sucrose (table sugar)
Resin, known to cause allergic reactions
Gentamycin, an antibiotic
Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose vials
These are CDC numbers…
Age and Death Rates
We hear a lot about the unusual age distribution with this virus, especially as regards death rates, with the young being more affected than, as with seasonal flu, the elderly (90% of deaths are usually among those greater than 65 years old). The risks of becoming infected are as follows:
Ages 5 to 24 y/o--------26.7 per 100,000 (0.027%)
Ages 0 to 4 y/o ---------22.9 per 100,000 (0.023%)
Ages 25 to 49-----------6.97 per 100,000 (0.0069%)
Ages 50 to 64 y/o------3.9 per 100,000 (0.0039)
Over 65 y/o-------------1.3 per 100,000 (0.00013%)
And the risk of needing to be hospitalized are:
Ages 0 to 4 y/o---------0.0045%
Ages 5 to 24 y/o--------0.0021%
Ages 25 to 45 y/o------0.0011%
Over 65 y/o-------------0.0017%
This indicates that for all age groups, the risk of being hospitalized are far less than 1 percent and well over 99 percent of people will not need hospitalization.
We can see from the CDC’s own data that the hospitalization rates and death rates are no higher, in fact they are significantly lower, than the previous two to three flu seasons.
It is obvious that the government is using “scare tactics” to promote vaccine use in the United States and that the pharmaceutical makers of vaccines are in bed with these officials.
The public should be outraged.
As stated by the virologists, this virus is no more a danger than the seasonal virus that visits each year and actually seems to be much weaker.
One may also note from the CDC’s own data, the previous nonsense about 36,000 dying from the seasonal flu every year is pure fiction. We have had a little over 400 deaths nationwide over the past 5 months, nowhere near the 36,000 figure screamed from the airwaves and our TV sets, yet the public is in a state of panic.
All this information (and much more)can be found at Mercola's site previously given by Astrapho.