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Author Topic: E Sword Version 9 - Modules  (Read 14664 times)

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E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« on: September 22, 2009, 10:40:42 PM »

I thought it would be helpful to create a spot that everybody could post links for downloading E Sword Version 9 Bibles, and other modules. Please post the link and the list of modules it contains.

So I will start with my contribution:

This link has the following Bibles and other:

English Language Bibles

Rotherham's Emphasized Version
Concordant Literal Version
Revised Young's Literal Translation New Testament
Jonathan Mitchell New Testament
Emphatic Diaglott New Testament
Twentieth Century New Testament
Wuest New Testament (w/ commentary and dictionary)
J. B. Phillips New Testament
Lamsa New Testament
KJV with Tense, Voice, and Mood (w/ dictionary)

Hebrew Bibles
Westminster Leningrad Codex Old Testament w/ Vowel Pts

Greek Bibles
Combined Greek New Testament
Nestle Aland 26 N.T. w/ diacritics and punctuation
Septuagint O.T. and Wescott-Hort N.T. w/ Strongs

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible Commentary


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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 01:02:30 AM »

i checked the link odinpop, but i couldn't determine if it was compatible with my macbook.   ??? ???



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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2009, 03:37:40 AM »

Wow, odinpop - thank you for that post- I've been looking for more E-Sword modules! I feel like my E-sword is so limited without a whole HOST of resources "plugged-in"


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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2009, 12:31:24 PM »

There is a lot of information about eSword posted by Craig under "Forum Index and Info", then "eSword and more".


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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2009, 03:55:34 AM »

I was addicted to E Sword and bought a Mac when my computer died.  Now E-Sword won't work.  I've downloaded and gone through countless tries.  Nothing works here.  I have Mac Leopard.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Stranded in Mexico, have nothing.  I used to read over and over "I love Him because He first loved me" but can't find it; no idea where it was or which translation.  Any advice?



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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2009, 07:57:59 AM »

Hi Pogo,

I think you are meaning 1 John 4:19 "We love Him because He first loved us".



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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2009, 09:01:33 AM »

Hi Pogo and other Mac users,

I found this on the e-sword users site:

Using E-Sword on a Mac

Due to the influence of a respected colleague, I have joined this user group. I have been a long-time user of E-Sword and it's accompanying modules. Until March of this year all of my work has been on a Microsoft-based PC. PC's have been my computer of choice since their introduction in the early 1980's. However, due to expanding computer needs, I switched to a Macbook Pro this past March. Before I made the switch, I had to be absolutely sure that a Mac would run E-Sword, and my word processor of choice, WordPerfect.

What many people do not realize now is that the new line of Apple computers are Intel-processor based. This makes it rather easy for running the Windows operating system. Currently, there are about three different ways to make this happen. First, each Mac comes with a program called "Bootcamp." This program permits the user to partition the hard drive and install multiple operating systems. For instance the user can have the Mac Leopard operating system, Windows, Linux, etc. The issue with the "Bootcamp" method is that the user must reboot to switch operating systems. The advantage of Bootcamp is that it comes free with a Mac.

The second method is to install software that creates a "virtual computer." Currently, there are two main programs for this purpose. One is a program called "Fusion" (produced by VMWare). The other is a program called "Parallels." Although Parallels has been available longer, Fusion was quick to overtake Parallels in sales, due to a more stable operating environment. Personally, I use Fusion and love it. It permits me to run any Windows-based program I need, and there is absolutely no degradation in performance. As a matter of fact, my Windows XP runs smoother on my Mac than it did on my Sony Vaio laptop. The advantage of using this method is that the user can run both operating systems simultaneously. It is merely a key-stroke or a mouse-click to change between operating systems. The negative point on this method is that both Parallels and Fusion are not free programs. They run about $79.

There is another program that I ran across recently. It is called "CrossOver." It appears to operate similar to Fusion or Parallels. Here is the blurb that Apple has one their third-party software site, "About CrossOver -- Allows you to install many popular Windows applications and games on your Intel OS X Mac. CrossOver includes an easy to use, single click interface, which makes installing Windows software simple and fast. Once installed, your application integrates seamlessly in OS X. Just click and run your application directly from the OS X Finder. Clicking a Windows file or document — including email attachments — will launch the appropriate Windows program, allowing you to work on the files. Best of all, you do it all easily and affordably, without needing a Microsoft operating system license. Adding new Windows software is easy. Just place your install CD in your Intel Mac, and CrossOver will recognize it and offer to begin the installation process. CrossOver then completes the installation and configures your application to run on your Mac. That's all there is to it." Of course, it cost also. If I find out more about CrossOver, I will post the information here.

It would be great for E-Sword to be available in a Mac format. Currently, the sell of Macs is dramatically increasing and most of the business software available for a PC is available for Mac also. I have found that I sacrificed nothing by switching to Mac, and gained a smooth-operating, non-freezing-up computer experience that is extremely user-friendly.

However, since there are no plans for a Mac version of E-Sword, all of us Mac users can still use it as though it were running on the finest PC.



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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2009, 02:43:20 PM »

Thanks for information and for verse. 

In His love,

G. Driggs

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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2009, 06:30:30 PM »

Here is a website with tons of e-sword stuff, but you must make a free account with them in order to download, well worth it.

Hope this helps



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Re: E Sword Version 9 - Modules
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2009, 05:43:24 PM »

Here is a website with tons of e-sword stuff, but you must make a free account with them in order to download, well worth it.

Hope this helps


BRILLIANT!! thanx...
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