I'm curious, did anyone else growing up ever think to themselves that they were THE "anti-christ" ?
Growing up, I always had what I determined to be severely evil thoughts. Looking back, my thoughts were not much different from any other 7-15 yr old boys. I idolized & wanted to be Gi-Joe and I loved to fight , get dirty, get into trouble, etc. It's really no surprise that I ended up going into the Marines even though I hated the idea of being in the military and being screamed at 24/7. Not to mention I despised the idea of communal living.
Anyway, growing up, I always had it in the back of my mind, what if I'm THE anti-christ and I think at times I actually enjoyed the idea that I could be. Usually it was when I had gotten in trouble or a fight at home and was so angry that all I could think about was getting back at my adoptive family. I would imagine I was the ultimate evil and make them pay. Of course if we are to go by the common beliefs held by the church regarding where the anti-christ is supposed to come from, like what is eluded to in the movies Omen, etc. I have nothing in common with the supposed anti-christ that religions claim will deceive the entire world and rule it, declare himself God in the newly built temple in Jerusalem, go to war and bring about Armageddon, etc. But since I was adopted and didn't know who my parents were, it was easy to imagine I was the devils offspring. Besides my adoptive fathers Mother (my grandmother) was always telling me and anyone else who would listen to her how evil and bad I was and how the devil would come to me at night w/his flaming sword ready to take me home to hell.
What I find severely interesting NOW, is that even at a young age... 7-15 yrs old, God was speaking to me, I just didn't have the eyes and ears to see & understand... but I was being told that I was one of the many beasts on earth, I was no different than anyone else who struggled with that carnal nature inside of them. Looking back, I see it so clearly now. It's ridiculous how blind I was growing up to the clues that God dropped right in front of me on a pretty regular basis. I feel like a completely fool for thinking such things as a kid back then, but honestly my imagination was so uncontrollable and i was so hyper as a child, and given the environment and situations I had to deal with 24/7, I'm really amazed I even survived my childhood. It's just reaffirming to now understand that yes I do have a beast in me, yes I do battle with the beast and I must don God's armor to overpower it. Everyday I must die to my flesh until I reach that point where it no longer has any power over me and the beast is chained away and unable to cause problems in my life.
I just wonder if anyone else had those same experiences as a child, thinking they were the ultimate evil.