I can't believe how dumb some people are!!!
Every time I opened this website the words kept getting smaller and smaller!!! The font was so tiny that little line up there that says "home, help, search..etc" had all but become invisible!! I was about to send out an urgent plea for help!!!
Then I noticed my email page had gotten smaller as well!! I thought "THERE IS A GREMLIN IN MY COMPUTER!!"
My eyes are bad enough without the words getting so small! I was beginning to think I was going blind..or crazy!!
So...I looked up at the line on the browser where it has the File, Edit, View, etc..and I thought "Hmm there has GOT to be a way to fix this!! WELL! I clicked on VIEW and looky what I found!!! The word ZOOM! That's what I needed!! I needed to ZOOM it up big!! Lo and behold it said "zoom in" ctrl++ "zoom out" ctrl+- ha!!
Oh my gosh I can SEE again!!!! haha!! (I still do NOT know why everything got "zoomed out") But I just thought someone might be able to benefit from my new found intelligence!! You already KNEW that?? <sigh>
Well surely someone is proud of me for figuring it out all by myself!!??
WOO HOO!!! I'm zoomin' now!! ha!!.....oh well, never mind...