i've been reading your website for over a year now and i feel like a blind person who has recieved sight. so sorry to hear about your condition and you're in my prayers. i've heard i think it's B17 in apricot seeds (the nut part inside the seed) can actually heal cancerous cells. you can buy them by the bag-full in most asian markets, although i'm sure your kung-fu friend would have told you about them if there's any validity to this rumour.
i really want to thank you for the very extensive work you've put into your writing. the first time i opening up your website, i read for a few minutes and had to stop and pray right away because i was scared. i could tell there was something to this and i was scared it was satan who had planted the many questions in my head that lead me to your site, and scared that it was satan who led me to your site. but after reading with a critical eye for months, i finally allowed myself to relax and really absorb the truth. i want to shout from the rooftops about how very good the good news is, but something holds me back. in particular, i want to use my facebook status to tell people how amazing Gods love really is. this might sounds silly to you but of course God can use the silliness of facebook to teach us about himself too. i was just wondering if i SHOULD be shouting from the rooftops, or just being salt and light and letting the holy spirit do its work? i'm not bothered in the least if i don't hear from you. rest, pray and wait on the lord. (maybe that should be the advice to me?)
Dear Vicki: There are numerous people who use a plethora of methods to introduce others to our Bible-Truths site. I don't discourage anyone from showing others the Truths of God by whatever method they feel comfortable in using. You might receive some persecution, but hey, that's one of the blessings that come along with defending and obeying our Lord. There is no better defense of the Gospel than one's own OBEDIENCE and KNOWLEDGE. Peter said we are to be ready always to have the proper answers and information regarding what we believe and why we believe it.
May God be with you always,