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Author Topic: Prayer for Silvia  (Read 11838 times)

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Roy Martin

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Prayer for Silvia
« on: December 02, 2009, 09:01:54 AM »

Hello everyone,

Can I get some prayers for Silvia? She started having severe panic and anxiety attacks a couple of months ago. I have gone through this many years ago and it is a very real and frightening thing.
I had to take her to the emergency room last week with severe stomach pains that turned out to be a panic attack. Its so amazing the power of the mind so to speak. According to what I've read and know from personal experience, panic attacks start with negative thinking, or one's perception of day to day life situations. On the other hand it seems to be also a spiritual thing for sure. Fear is the opposite of faith and has power just as faith has power. Please keep her in your prayers.



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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2009, 09:36:52 AM »

I will be praying for her. I already started actually.  :)


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2009, 09:44:26 AM »

Roy, you know that I will keep Sylvia in my prayers..
Kathy  :)


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 10:57:22 AM »

Roy, so sorry to hear this. My husband suffered from these when we first married right after his dad had died. He went to see a guy who was studying them and he taught him to breath differently. He showed him that simply by breathing wrong, he could bring one on.
If she is feeling one coming on, she needs to start deep breathing. You take a deep breath in but not till incomfortable then you pace yourself breathing out (like 10 sec out.) slowly. Amazing how this works.
Tobin recently had these come back on him and this is what he did. First, he started taking control of his thought life. He MADE himself think of positive things when we was going the other direction. Kind of like plucking out the bad and tossing them away.
Second, and he swears by this. He went off sugar. Yep, amazing how much damage the white stuff can do.
Praying for her!!



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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2009, 06:15:21 PM »

2 Corinthians 10:4-5
4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; KJV

Here is our struggle when we do battle for our minds, our thoughts are powerful and so is our imagination..fear takes over, it's crippling and can destroy our life...
My mind is taken over by fear on's a terrible thing..
Kathy :-\


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2009, 07:43:13 PM »

Roy, so sorry to hear this. My husband suffered from these when we first married right after his dad had died. He went to see a guy who was studying them and he taught him to breath differently. He showed him that simply by breathing wrong, he could bring one on.
If she is feeling one coming on, she needs to start deep breathing. You take a deep breath in but not till incomfortable then you pace yourself breathing out (like 10 sec out.) slowly. Amazing how this works.
Tobin recently had these come back on him and this is what he did. First, he started taking control of his thought life. He MADE himself think of positive things when we was going the other direction. Kind of like plucking out the bad and tossing them away.
Second, and he swears by this. He went off sugar. Yep, amazing how much damage the white stuff can do.
Praying for her!!


Hello Roy,

Sorry to hear about Sylvia, Linny mentioned sugar, which brought to mind someone having a lack of B Vitamins, sugar destroys B vitamins and I'm not just referrring to table sugar, but all refined carbohydrates. Try to get a Bcomplex vitamin that has at least 50mg of all the B vitamins, one with 100mg would be better, to be taken three times per day. That would not include Vitamin b-12 in that dosage, because most Vitamin distributors don't sell the Bcomplex with very much B-12, usually it has B-12 in micrograms. Thiamine(B-1) & Niacin are especially good against depression and mental health issues.

Make sure she's taking a good Multiple mineral pill, with all the minerals. As Dr. Steger pointed out, Vitamins won't work effectively if there is a Mineral defiency. I stopped taking Minerals for awhile and my joints started bothering me and after 4 days of taking a good dosage multi Mineral tablet, my joints have improved immensely. Also, Women especially require Calsium, the RDA is 1,200 mg a day. If the Government says you need 1,200 mg a day as a minimum, you probably need more. My Wife started taking the Mineral tablets too and her yawning has reduced from a million a day(only kidding) to once a day. This is just a suggestion, but take it from a guy who has suffered bouts of depression periodically throughout their life, thank God for B Vitamins. Dr. Steger made another good point in his presentation at the conference: If you don't feel good physically, you can't anyone else, including yourself.

My prayers go out to Sylvia and may God heal her and help her, sorry if I was alittle preachy, just trying to help.       

                                        KInd Regards, Samson.

Roy Martin

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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2009, 09:09:53 PM »

Thanks everyone. Be sure to know that I will pass this info and your help and concerns to Silvia. Actually! She is going to read your replies herself. Might be one of the best things for her to get involved on the forum.
No Sampson you were not preaching. Its good to see you posting again, and you too rockrdude.

Peace and love
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 09:18:42 PM by Roy Martin »


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2009, 09:59:27 PM »

tell her,keep the faith,will through it.
 pray for her.


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2009, 10:24:32 PM »

Will pray for Silvia Roy,

I know first hand these are aweful to endure!

Roy Coates

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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2009, 10:27:34 PM »

you got it brother....keep us posted on the healing results


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2009, 11:56:56 PM »

i too will lift up your sylvia in prayer.  my daughter also was taken to the emerg. room a couple of years ago because her fiancee thought she was having a heart attack.  but, it was diagnosed as panic attack/anxiety disorder.  after studying up on these, she has found that when changing her breathing technique and her thought processes, she is able to control the attacks.  of course, the dr.s tried to put her on this pill then that pill, but she refused the drugs and prefers to address the problem instead of trying to cover it up with meds.  like dr. steger said at the conference, acidic drugs being put into our acidic bodies do not work. 

don't give up hope sylvia, we are here for you.




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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 01:42:13 AM »

Hi Roy, I will pray for Silvia.  I had some of these attacks after I had my blood infection that could have killed me. I also, had some after my Father passed away. I believe God used these things to have me question the teachings of Babylon.

It is a very hard thing to overcome. I have been under alot of stress lately with my niece, my Mother has been having some health problems. My Husband looks tired cause he works so hard especially this time of year. That, mind of our can get us to imagnine almost anything. I hate fear. It is on the TV set every time it is turned on. My Mother watches CNN and other news items that I think is not good to listen to. Does not seem to bother her. But, it does me. I hate it and do not want my head fed this on a daily bases. I try and go to another room or do things in the house or read the Bible or Ray's articles.

You have been given such good advice. I try and focus on the things of God and his love for me and all humanity. That, he never leaves us or forsakes us.
Before, I never was sure of that. Thanks to finding Ray's website the Lord has opened my eyes and given me ears to hear.

It could be that God is wanting her to join the forum. I often find comfort when I read post or ask for prayers. I know, people in here love me.

In His Love,

G. Driggs

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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2009, 02:17:36 AM »

Will remember Silvia in my prayers Roy. I have this fear of crowds sometimes so I kinda know how she feels. Sometimes just posting in this forum can get to me, but now I try to pray before coming in here and that helps.

Peace and Love

George D.

Roy Martin

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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2009, 07:48:05 AM »

Silvia says thank you to all of you.
Yesterday morning was a tough time for her. She came down crying and shaking and wanted me to hold her. I was sitting here reading the forum. I felt so sorry for her. I insisted that she sit here and read your replies and just say anything to you, but her hands were shaking too much. I knew that by doing this it would take her mind off of what was happening to her, but first I talked to her about how God is with her and will comfort her, and a story about how in the snap of a finger God delivered me from the same thing she is going through. It was a very good story. I also told her to read as many testimony's and prayer request she could. I left her to read, but from a distance was watching her. I could see her calming down. I looked away for a few minutes and looked back at her and her head was lowered as if she was a sleep. I could see a peace in her. She told me later after I talked to her more about fear and getting involved with the forum, and the wonderful people here that as she was reading, a sudden peace came over her. To make this short, she had a very good day, and slept a peaceful night last night. I'll know for sure in a little while. I'm always up 2 hours before her.
 Her spells of what I think are spiritual attacks are not just mild or moderate. They totally take her to her knees with pain and fear and sorrow. Silvia has always been a strong and very responsible woman. She has never gone through this before. I've been telling her for 2 years that if she doesn't stop all of the stressing and worrying and nit picking about things that God will take it out of her one way or the other. Well this is exactly what is happening and now she knows it and is finding peace knowing that God is in control making her stronger even though its not a pleasant thing. Silvia takes very good care of herself, eating right and exercise, but the things she stresses about constantly represents the complete opposite of faith. She is constantly talking to God or thinking about Him, but her actions show no faith and this is why I know that she is having a spiritual battle that God is delivering her from. I know because He did me the exact same way, but in a much harsher way, and it was good when it was over, but it made me twice as strong and gave me much faith.
 Sorry for the long thank you and description.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 08:04:41 AM by Roy Martin »


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2009, 12:15:55 PM »

Just said a prayer & will continue.


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2009, 01:47:46 PM »


It's good to hear that Sylvia is better.  Though God doesn't give us more than we can handle, we are guilty of taking on more than we should.  Purging and purifying aren't pretty, but they are PROCESSES in which God brings about His will in our lives.  This isn't the last lesson, but she WILL be stronger with the Faith that God has supplied(Eph 2:8) to handle her pain and suffering.  You happen to be living proof of such to her. 

May God enlighten you and Sylvia

Roy Martin

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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2009, 11:28:34 AM »

I thought she was doing better, but she gets to the point of complete breakdown. This morning she was laying in bed begging God to make it go away. We were at the movies the other day and had to leave because it came on her suddenly. She has real physical pain when this comes on her, but yet its not real. Those that have gone through this know what I'm talking about. I have said it seems all that I can say to her to lift her up, but these spells keep coming back. She battles them everyday. She knows its spiritual battle. Please everyone pray for her. It hurts to no end to see her suffering like this.She can seem ok one minute and the next be doubled over in pain and emotional havoc. I comfort her with talk of God and usually in a few minutes it goes away, but I'm not there with her at work. Well just now as she was leaving I told her that she is going to come here and introduce herself and testify herself of whats going on with her. But, but , but she said. I said no, but but but. I don't tell Silvia what to do, its not like that, but this time she has to do what I said. She is to the point of a mental hospital. Prior to this problem she was the strongest woman I ever met, and over night become to this point is definitely a shock to both of us. Her two sisters are going through the same thing. They were all molested repeatedly in every bazaar way you can think of by their father from the time that they can't even remember how young they were. He use to walk into their bedroom at night and say, which one of you will it be tonight? Is that sick or not? The stories are so horrible I can't bare to hear them. She has to come to all of you and share all of this and what she is going through. I know that God is watching over her and that he will bring her out of this to be stronger than before, but its on my shoulders too and I almost can't bare it alone. She needs all of you to pray and help and guide her. I promise you that you will hear from her within 24 hours. Please pray.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 11:32:07 AM by Roy Martin »


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2009, 01:13:46 PM »

Roy, I will be praying for`s painful knowing what her mental anguish is doing to her and to you. God is with you. I will pray for you too, you have us, my friend.. :'(
Kathy :-*

Roy Martin

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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2009, 02:05:47 PM »

Silvia grew up in Germany under the Catholic political system that doesn't teach about a loving God, but Silvia as a little girl use to pretend that God was her daddy because of what her father was doing to her. See how even as a little girl that knew not one thing about this wonderful God we have of how He was with her and comforted her in her little world of pretending which was really God all the time. It was the only escape she had. I wish all of you knew her as I do and could see the work God is doing in her.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 02:15:59 PM by Roy Martin »


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Re: Prayer for Silvia
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2009, 04:19:28 PM »

Roy, it sounds to me like Silvia is having to deal with the abuse of her childhood and release it once and for all. Most of us just play around with it a little at a time and bury it for the most part. I think perhaps God wants this period of her life to be dealt with and handed over to Him so He can continue the work He has planned for her life.
So as horrifying as this is right now for both of you, I can't help but feel like this season has an unimaginably great purpose that will forever change her life, and yours, for the better.
By the way, I spent 6 years working in a Psych hospital on a Child unit with abused children ages 3-12. I never know what is worse, the children who are pre-memory and have to deal with the traumas do deep in their minds or those like your precious wife who do remember. But either way, I think God is pulling this up and out and it has to come out.
May He bless you through this and give you peace.

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