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Author Topic: Where is hillsbororiver?  (Read 12881 times)

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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2009, 01:55:09 PM »

Hi Joe,

I want to let you know that you have always been and huge source of encouragement for me and have also supplied many thought provoking lessons on this forum.

Keep praying and the Lord will guide you to where he wants you.

Thank you


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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2009, 10:39:40 PM »

Ecclesiastes has been of such great comfort to me and a book in the bible that I can certainly relate to.
Your comments to posts and questions as well as your "bio" were one of the reasons I decided to join the forum... YOU ARE INDEED MAKING A DIFFERENCE!


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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2009, 08:15:07 PM »

OMG, Joe, didn't realize you were gone since I haven't been on here for awhile. I will miss you. You guys are beautiful and I can't even imagine any one taking a shot at you. Take heart and keep the faith and remember our love for you. Judy

Hi Judy,

Very nice to hear from you, as you well know "taking shots" from others is not something that should unduly surprise anyone, as a matter of fact when it comes from people we know do not especially have our best interests at heart or who appear to be just plain mean spirited it is usually fairly easy to brush it off and from then on at first attempt to be an example of patience and understanding not returning fire with fire, if that proves to be a failure then we try to avoid too much interaction with them. On the other hand when it comes from people you have had a great amount of respect for or you consider to be good friends (or family) and they refuse to reason together then it takes on a whole new dimension. You tend to question your own motivations, your own conduct and your own manner of communication. This actually could be a good thing if we learn from it and react positively but often it will take some time to sort through before we realize what the actual lesson might be.

Thank you for your kind message.



Hi Joe,

I want to let you know that you have always been and huge source of encouragement for me and have also supplied many thought provoking lessons on this forum.

Keep praying and the Lord will guide you to where he wants you.

Thank you

Thank you Shammie!

You have no idea how much I appreciate the words you wrote as I have only sought to do just that, be thought provoking, to dig together in the field of treasure that is His Word. It is really humbling yet exhilarating to hear that some of the thoughts and experiences I have shared had a positive impact on my brethren here.

I have faith that all of our experiences have a purpose in His plan for our ultimate good.

Peace to you,


Ecclesiastes has been of such great comfort to me and a book in the bible that I can certainly relate to.
Your comments to posts and questions as well as your "bio" were one of the reasons I decided to join the forum... YOU ARE INDEED MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

Hello Angie,

Just as Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes about a "time and a season" this has been a sort of pattern in my own walk in regard to certain books of scripture, in the times of different seasons through this journey I have found Job, Solomon, Ezekiel, Jonah and Zechariah (to name but a few) to be especially relevant to my particular place along the path set before me, it is an overwhelming experience to see these words jump off the page and speak directly to my heart. I am sure you know exactly what I mean.  ;)

I am glad that in some way I was used as a conduit to inspire you to join the Forum, as you see and I am sure experienced there are many caring and loving people here.

Peace, and thank you again!


Come back Joe, your words of wisdom are needed.

Matt :)

Hi Matt,

Hey Brother I haven't gone anywhere I just haven't been the incessant windbag I have demonstrated to be in the past!  ;D

There are some lessons for me to learn and this predicament has caused me to be a bit more introspective (free will anyone?). I certainly would not have chosen to deal with this situation but here it is and I am forced to meditate and pray if indeed I want to learn and grow from it.

Thank you for your very kind words.






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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2009, 03:54:37 AM »

I can't even imagine any one taking a shot at you.

Hi Judy,

as you well know "taking shots" from others is not something that should unduly surprise anyone,
when it comes from people we know do not especially have our best interests at heart...
...On the other hand when it comes from people you have had a great amount of respect for or you consider to be good friends (or family) and they refuse to reason together then it takes on a whole new dimension.

quote author=Shammie link=topic=10965.msg94959#msg94959 date=126029130

I want to let you know that you have always been and huge source of encouragement for me and have also supplied many thought provoking lessons on this forum.

...I have only sought to do just that, be thought provoking, to dig together in the field of treasure that is His Word. It is really humbling yet exhilarating to hear that some of the thoughts and experiences I have shared had a positive impact on my brethren here.

I have faith that all of our experiences have a purpose in His plan for our ultimate good.

Ecclesiastes has been of such great comfort to me and a book in the bible that I can certainly relate to.

Hello Angie, the times of different seasons through this journey I have found Job, Solomon, Ezekiel, Jonah and Zechariah (to name but a few) to be especially relevant to my particular place along the path set before me, it is an overwhelming experience to see these words jump off the page and speak directly to my heart....

I am glad that in some way I was used as a conduit to inspire you to join the Forum, as you see and I am sure experienced there are many caring and loving people here.

Come back Joe, your words of wisdom are needed.

Hi Matt,

I haven't gone anywhere I just haven't been the incessant windbag I have demonstrated to be in the past!  ;D

There are some lessons for me to learn and this predicament has caused me to be a bit more introspective (free will anyone?). I certainly would not have chosen to deal with this situation but here it is and I am forced to meditate and pray if indeed I want to learn and grow from it.

hey joe,
all the statements i posted in bold, either about you or from you, are testimony that many miss your posts, and look forward to hearing from you again.  we all can bear each other up, no matter where we are on our personal, particular journeys.  so, i pray that you will learn the lessons our Father is causing you to face, and that you will soon be back to encourage, exhort, and yes, even rebuke when we need it.

love in Christ to you joe,
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 03:58:59 AM by cjwood »


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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2009, 06:46:30 PM »

Hi Claudia,

You once again did what you do so well, give comfort and encouragement, your thoughts and words are greatly appreciated!

The lesson to this riddle I have experienced may be coming into focus... Remember the topic I started a while back? Forum Blues? Well I had postulated on why some folks suddenly and abruptly leave the Forum, I think I was being a bit presumptuous even pompous in some of the things I stated. My understanding was once again lacking as I did not know as much as I presumed I did.

I will say when I was confronted with this situation about about the teaching and/or seeking to be some sort of "leader" my initial reaction was to leave, no long drawn out "hello, I must be going" farewell thread but just disappearing. It came to mind how I lamented that decision by others, some of whom I really enjoyed fellowship with and not wanting to go down that road I waited on the Lord to show me why this could be happening, what was the real answer to the parable/riddle confounding me?

In a word. Empathy.

Empathy toward those that may have been the recipient of an accusation, a cross word, a misunderstanding or were presumed to have had motives that they really did not have. Perhaps this was what the purpose of my own experience was, the Lord grabbing me by the shoulders and telling me to be more empathetic to other people's human frailties or inability to perfectly communicate He knows better than I of my own shortcomings. He is in control, He is watching over and guiding them and us.

In a nutshell I do not know all the reasons why some folks go away suddenly, things that happen behind the scenes without me knowing the reason, well who am I, why do I have to be in the loop? I have realized and even stated here that ultimately this whole earthly experience is to draw us into a One on one walk with our Creator.

God has it covered and that is plenty good enough. I will continue to miss many of them but take comfort in the knowledge they are in very capable hands.

Peace to you Sister,


G. Driggs

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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2009, 10:16:27 PM »

Wow Joe, thank God He has kept you humble. One of my fears is to be told by the brothers and sisters here that I may be wrong, or I may be teaching, but I hope if that day comes I can handle it like you. You are a great example for us, showing us how to swallow our pride and humble ourselves with a willingness to learn from it rather than just disappear.

No one has all the answers, we all make mistakes, EVERYONE stumbles and falls along the straight and narrow path once in a while, but a man or woman made righteous by God will stand again.

Peace, G.Driggs


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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2009, 08:57:43 AM »

Joe, this is so much of what makes you the unique person you are. I'm very thankful that you did NOT just leave! That is so painful to me when people leave without a word...If you know what is going on in a person's life it's one thing, but to see that someone has left and you have no way of knowing the why..very sad..You're right that God has them all in His hands! Thank you for that reminder..Still praying for you...and glad that the prayers are being answered!  :)
Kathy :-*

Roy Martin

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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2009, 11:03:12 AM »

What ever Joe does, or where ever he goes; I believe that he is being spiritually led.



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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2009, 05:28:22 PM »

Wow Joe, thank God He has kept you humble. One of my fears is to be told by the brothers and sisters here that I may be wrong, or I may be teaching, but I hope if that day comes I can handle it like you. You are a great example for us, showing us how to swallow our pride and humble ourselves with a willingness to learn from it rather than just disappear.

No one has all the answers, we all make mistakes, EVERYONE stumbles and falls along the straight and narrow path once in a while, but a man or woman made righteous by God will stand again.

Peace, G.Driggs

Hi George,

You know there are times when we can see a situation for what it is, an obvious lesson to be learned. For instance when we are impatient or show a hair trigger temper with family, friends or even strangers as we go through our day to day experiences we often realize it quickly and hopefully make amends as soon as possible. Some things might take a bit longer such as a perceived slight we received from someone and we harbor a resentment that usually does us more harm (a bitter spirit) than the person who has instigated (whether real or imagined) the dispute.

Then there are other struggles that are not easily discerned, the questioning within ourselves as to why this might be happening to us or why are we cornered into this or that predicament that at times might even inspire us to question whether or not God is really leading us or has left us to fend for ourselves. I believe this last example actually positions us to forge an even closer relationship with our God/Creator, but it takes time and diligence. We must question Him, plead, wrestle, strive and pray for insight and for His Wisdom.

These more difficult trials often do not end or become clear to us on our timetable expectations, they come at a time that He deems to be most beneficial for our growth and perhaps even for the spiritual growth of those who are around us.

Thank you for your comments and for caring Brother.



Joe, this is so much of what makes you the unique person you are. I'm very thankful that you did NOT just leave! That is so painful to me when people leave without a word...If you know what is going on in a person's life it's one thing, but to see that someone has left and you have no way of knowing the why..very sad..You're right that God has them all in His hands! Thank you for that reminder..Still praying for you...and glad that the prayers are being answered!  :)
Kathy :-*

Hello there Kathy,

You are very kind and caring but that is what makes you so unique! ;)

There are many who I miss hearing from, it would be comforting for us to know how they are doing but we do know that wherever they are and whatever predicament or state of mind they are in they are not alone. The One who has all of our best interests (even the ones we are not yet aware of) in mind is right there with them.

I also would love to see MG, Beloved, Matthew, Jacobs Ladder, Iris, Kweli, and so many others (please forgive me for omitting anyone) drop a line or two our way, lacking that I am certain they are in the loving hands of our God whether we (or even they) are aware of it or not.



What ever Joe does, or where ever he goes; I believe that he is being spiritually led.


We all are Brother,

Thank you for being the conduit that has caused me to deal with my dilemma publicly, I needed to do this but could not do it without some prodding. Perhaps we are speaking to and helping others who are reading this as guests or members who are looking and not responding, just taking it in to consider or meditate on.

You have helped me through a difficult situation more than you probably realize.





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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2009, 06:17:47 PM »

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I wanted to take this opportunity thank you all again for your thoughts and for your concern. This is probably the time to let this thread fade away as I believe we have taken it as far as we can without becoming redundant, repetitive or boring.

This has been a real blessing for me, not just hearing so many kind words but also for the counsel I have received and having to address a matter that I would have preferred not to deal with, we all have such things (and infinitely worse) put before us, I know this first hand. The loss, suffering and/or sickness of a loved one, debilitating disease some of us live with are a much bigger trial than evaluating what a few folks might think of us.

When I am past my present indecision and am able to write without constantly looking over my own shoulder, without naval gazing over how I might be perceived and just communicate straight from the heart I will resume posting and discussing topics that interest me or have caught my attention. I will close by saying once again, I am not a teacher, I do not seek the praise of men, I have nowhere (nor a desire) to lead anyone anywhere. I am a student only and am quite content to remain in that status.

His Peace and Wisdom to you all,



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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2009, 02:30:06 AM »

Not before I let you know I love you like a brother and your heart and compassion has meant everything to me on this forum. Thank you for being here and helping me through.

I know your heart.


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Re: Where is hillsbororiver?
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2009, 06:19:25 PM »

Hi M.G.

Dear Sister I must thank you for your kind and generous words as well as for the inspiration & wisdom you have provided to me and the other members through the years. You have shared some incredible experiences, trials and heartache yet you still display your faith and encourage others who are experiencing a difficult period in their own journey.

Your message really made my day.

His Peace and Love to you,

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