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Author Topic: Being of this world  (Read 9828 times)

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Roy Martin

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Being of this world
« on: December 09, 2009, 11:16:53 AM »

I've been giving a lot of thought to Rays recent transcript about becoming what we think on.
 This fits me all too well because I see the evil of this world, and I hate it, and have been dwelling on it way too much with thoughts that I should be doing something about it by fighting back in some way,if nothing but informing people of whats going on, but I'm starting to see that perhaps I've been wrong. Many times I have considered joining a militia. I have so much anger in me towards all the deception and evil, and I don't like it anymore. It hardens my heart. I don't like that, but I just can't seem to elude these thoughts. Everywhere I look; evil and deception stares me in the face tempting me to try to beat the crap out of it. I don't know what to think about all of this.
 Jesus said," he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Aren't we also told to expose evil? We are also told not to worry about rumors of war, etc. Well I don't worry, but I'm definitely confused and would take up the a sword in a heart beat if it came to that. I want to dwell on good things, see good in all things, be humble and always have a good thing to say, but this fight thing inside of me just won't let go, and I don't like it, but yet I feel its there for a reason. I often wonder exactly why the world will hate us and want to kill us.I know about Babylon will hate us, but kill us? Or maybe kill isn't the right word in the scripture. None the less I can't get rid of this feeling that I should be fighting and doing something to protect children that die each day, and many other things I won't go into. Why can't I rid myself of these feelings and thoughts when I want to think on other things. Sure! these things of the world are temporary, and all by and for God. I want to just let it go. I really do.
  Thank you for letting me share the fight I'm fighting. I am constantly asking God to change me, and give me a new heart.
 The battles always ends with a new one taking its place going in circles that makes me dizzy.
I'm very tired of fighting. I just want to rest for a while.



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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 11:48:07 AM »

Oh Roy! You and my dear husband are exactly in the same place right now. You should chat. Perhaps you could help one another through it.
He oftentimes seems tortured by all he sees going on and the people who are harmed by it.
I used to make fun of him by saying that his cape had just hit me in the eye. I called him "Captain Fair" you see and he knew I meant his superhero cape was flying in the wind, big time!
As frustrating as it is to have to live in this world and endure the ridiculousness of it, I personally treat all this eye opening knowledge the same way as Bible Truth knowledge. If it comes up and if I am asked or feel led by God to speak up, I do so. But most the time, I walk away or shut up. And I hit delete so much during the day of the hundreds of emails I receive filled with worldly crapola.
Breathe deeply. It is all of God and it will all be resolved! Rest in the Lord!  ;D


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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 12:26:08 PM »

 please be sober for a while,rumors of war?? I only know afghanistan,dont know if you want go there.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 12:53:22 PM by soberxp »


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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 12:38:14 PM »

I've been giving a lot of thought to Rays recent transcript about becoming what we think on.
 This fits me all too well because I see the evil of this world, and I hate it, and have been dwelling on it way too much with thoughts that I should be doing something about it by fighting back in some way,if nothing but informing people of whats going on, but I'm starting to see that perhaps I've been wrong. Many times I have considered joining a militia. I have so much anger in me towards all the deception and evil, and I don't like it anymore. It hardens my heart. I don't like that, but I just can't seem to elude these thoughts. Everywhere I look; evil and deception stares me in the face tempting me to try to beat the crap out of it. I don't know what to think about all of this.
 Jesus said," he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Aren't we also told to expose evil? We are also told not to worry about rumors of war, etc. Well I don't worry, but I'm definitely confused and would take up the a sword in a heart beat if it came to that. I want to dwell on good things, see good in all things, be humble and always have a good thing to say, but this fight thing inside of me just won't let go, and I don't like it, but yet I feel its there for a reason. I often wonder exactly why the world will hate us and want to kill us.I know about Babylon will hate us, but kill us? Or maybe kill isn't the right word in the scripture. None the less I can't get rid of this feeling that I should be fighting and doing something to protect children that die each day, and many other things I won't go into. Why can't I rid myself of these feelings and thoughts when I want to think on other things. Sure! these things of the world are temporary, and all by and for God. I want to just let it go. I really do.
  Thank you for letting me share the fight I'm fighting. I am constantly asking God to change me, and give me a new heart.
 The battles always ends with a new one taking its place going in circles that makes me dizzy.
I'm very tired of fighting. I just want to rest for a while.


Hello Roy,

As you know, all the evil & wickedness will come to an end one day. But seeing it grow worse and worse makes that day seem so far away!

The more & more we dwell in the now, the physical/carnality, the more & more we become upset. And the scriptures testify that we are to 'abhor evil' [Rom 12:9], but that is not the end of the Lord's counsel. We are to have the 'mind of Christ' and think on those things which are virtuous [Phil 4:8] which includes the reconciliation of the world.

We are all experiencing the evil in this age to humble us [Ecc 1:13] is humbling as you note to want to just FIX these things we see, but can't. The human race suffers from a carnal mind & one other than Christ can fix that. That is humbling but it is meant to build our trust in Him, to bring us to rely soley on Him for all things.

Peace in mind & heart is one of the greatest virtues the Lord can give...but again, He must GIVE it. I don't know if you necessarily feel like it, but this is HOW the Lord brings us closer to Him.

Heb 12:5-7  ...My son [& daughter...2 Cor 6:18], despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?

Though I am certainly not happy with anyone being distraught, I am exceedingly glad to know the Lord is bringing a fellow brethren closer to Him. Again, think on those things that are of virtue, all glory to God.

Hope this helps,



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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2009, 12:42:44 PM »

Roy you want to change the world, but in this age the world is what it is and can not be changed, not until the Lord hails in the new age.  You know the Scripture in Ecclesiastes.

Ecc 1:13 I applied my heart to inquiring and exploring by wisdom concerning all that is done under the heavens: it is an experience of evil Elohim has given to the sons of humanity to humble them by it.
v. 14 I saw all the deeds that are done under the sun, And behold, the whole is vanity and a grazing on wind.

Those that are chosen to have their eyes opened to the truth are an exception to the rule now.  At this time God is just taking a few and cleaning them up and preparing them to serve Him in bringing the whole world to righteousness.  Right now He is shaping the Elect into His image and that's what we need to be concerned with, getting ourselves right before God.

Isa 1:16  "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
       Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.
       Cease to do evil,
Isa 1:17  Learn to do good;
       Seek justice,
       Rebuke the oppressor;
       Defend the fatherless,
       Plead for the widow.

For now we need to overcome the hate inside us and strive to live our lives showing love and kindness, as Jesus said...
Mat 5:44  But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
v. 45  that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Eph 4:22  that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,
v. 23  and be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
v. 24  and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

If we are full of hate for the world now, then maybe we would not be the best to teach them righteousness later.

Eze 36:26  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
v. 27  I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.
v. 28  Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God.

Ecc 12:13  Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
       Fear God and keep His commandments,
       For this is man's all.
Ecc 12:14  For God will bring every work into judgment,
       Including every secret thing,
       Whether good or evil.

mercy, peace and love


Roy Martin

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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2009, 12:59:19 PM »

Marques and Kat, so true. Thank you.
 I should memorize these scriptures you provided and pray that God will concrete them to my heart.
I want to be recognized as a lover not a fighter.I want to feel like a lover not a fighter. I want to do what is right, but sometimes I don't know right from wrong and I guess this is the spiritual battle all of us fights each day, the flesh, the beast.

In love

Marky Mark

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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2009, 01:09:35 PM »

Roy,we are told to be separate[come out of her] from the things of the world and to walk in Spirit and Truth. As much as we would like to fix the evil in this world,it just will not happen without Jesus and his elect. Wanting to fix the failures of this system of things is of a noble concern,but this will only happen in and of the Spirit , not of the flesh. Ask God for Spiritual guidance in all things.

Heb 4:16  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

We must live and learn from what the Spirit enlightens us with according to the Word of God.There is no shame in our calling. Believe.

Eph 2:1  You were once dead because of your failures and sins.
Eph 2:2  You followed the ways of this present world and its spiritual ruler. This ruler continues to work in people who refuse to obey God.
Eph 2:3  All of us once lived among these people, and followed the desires of our corrupt nature. We did what our corrupt desires and thoughts wanted us to do. So, because of our nature, we deserved God's anger just like everyone else.
Eph 2:4  But God is rich in mercy because of his great love for us.
Eph 2:5  We were dead because of our failures, but he made us alive together with Christ. (It is God's kindness that saved you.)
Eph 2:6  God has brought us back to life together with Christ Jesus and has given us a position in heaven with him.
Eph 2:7  He did this through Christ Jesus out of his generosity to us in order to show his extremely rich kindness in the world to come.
Eph 2:8  God saved you through faith as an act of kindness. You had nothing to do with it. Being saved is a gift from God.
Eph 2:9  It's not the result of anything you've done, so no one can brag about it.
Eph 2:10  God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.
Eph 2:11  Remember that once you were not Jewish physically. Those who called themselves "the circumcised" because of what they had done to their bodies called you "the uncircumcised."
Eph 2:12  Also, at that time you were without Christ. You were excluded from citizenship in Israel, and the pledges God made in his promise were foreign to you. You had no hope and were in the world without God.
Eph 2:13  But now through Christ Jesus you, who were once far away, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Eph 2:14  So he is our peace. In his body he has made Jewish and non-Jewish people one by breaking down the wall of hostility that kept them apart.
Eph 2:15  He brought an end to the commandments and demands found in Moses' Teachings so that he could take Jewish and non-Jewish people and create one new humanity in himself. So he made peace.
Eph 2:16  He also brought them back to God in one body by his cross, on which he killed the hostility.
Eph 2:17  He came with the Good News of peace for you who were far away and for those who were near.
Eph 2:18  So Jewish and non-Jewish people can go to the Father in one Spirit.
Eph 2:19  That is why you are no longer foreigners and outsiders but citizens together with God's people and members of God's family.
Eph 2:20  You are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Christ Jesus himself is the cornerstone.
Eph 2:21  In him all the parts of the building fit together and grow into a holy temple in the Lord.
Eph 2:22  Through him you, also, are being built in the Spirit together with others into a place where God lives.



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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2009, 01:27:11 PM »

Roy,we are told to be separate[come out of her] from the things of the world and to walk in Spirit and Truth. As much as we would like to fix the evil in this world,it just will not happen without Jesus and his elect. Wanting to fix the failures of this system of things is of a noble concern,but this will only happen in and of the Spirit , not of the flesh. Ask God for Spiritual guidance in all things.

Heb 4:16  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

We must live and learn from what the Spirit enlightens us with according to the Word of God.There is no shame in our calling. Believe.

Eph 2:1  You were once dead because of your failures and sins.
Eph 2:2  You followed the ways of this present world and its spiritual ruler. This ruler continues to work in people who refuse to obey God.
Eph 2:3  All of us once lived among these people, and followed the desires of our corrupt nature. We did what our corrupt desires and thoughts wanted us to do. So, because of our nature, we deserved God's anger just like everyone else.
Eph 2:4  But God is rich in mercy because of his great love for us.
Eph 2:5  We were dead because of our failures, but he made us alive together with Christ. (It is God's kindness that saved you.)
Eph 2:6  God has brought us back to life together with Christ Jesus and has given us a position in heaven with him.
Eph 2:7  He did this through Christ Jesus out of his generosity to us in order to show his extremely rich kindness in the world to come.
Eph 2:8  God saved you through faith as an act of kindness. You had nothing to do with it. Being saved is a gift from God.
Eph 2:9  It's not the result of anything you've done, so no one can brag about it.
Eph 2:10  God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.
Eph 2:11  Remember that once you were not Jewish physically. Those who called themselves "the circumcised" because of what they had done to their bodies called you "the uncircumcised."
Eph 2:12  Also, at that time you were without Christ. You were excluded from citizenship in Israel, and the pledges God made in his promise were foreign to you. You had no hope and were in the world without God.
Eph 2:13  But now through Christ Jesus you, who were once far away, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Eph 2:14  So he is our peace. In his body he has made Jewish and non-Jewish people one by breaking down the wall of hostility that kept them apart.
Eph 2:15  He brought an end to the commandments and demands found in Moses' Teachings so that he could take Jewish and non-Jewish people and create one new humanity in himself. So he made peace.
Eph 2:16  He also brought them back to God in one body by his cross, on which he killed the hostility.
Eph 2:17  He came with the Good News of peace for you who were far away and for those who were near.
Eph 2:18  So Jewish and non-Jewish people can go to the Father in one Spirit.
Eph 2:19  That is why you are no longer foreigners and outsiders but citizens together with God's people and members of God's family.
Eph 2:20  You are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Christ Jesus himself is the cornerstone.
Eph 2:21  In him all the parts of the building fit together and grow into a holy temple in the Lord.
Eph 2:22  Through him you, also, are being built in the Spirit together with others into a place where God lives.


suit me fine :D


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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2009, 03:09:32 PM »

Roy, you know my heart goes out to you about this..There is so much about the world that we can not love or is so frustrating to stand by helplessly and watch..but not without hope...Roy I pray that God will give us all peace to endure it... :'(
The scriptures are a comfort and an encouragement...
Kathy :-*

Roy Martin

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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2009, 03:17:49 PM »

One question; Is it being of this world to protect our children from evil motives, and want to stop those that inflict it? This question is not of a rebellious nature. God says we are not to be of this world, but where does it say that we should let our children be sacrificed? This is one of my main issues about this world. Children are not suffering and dieing of natural causes. They are suffering because of evil motives. Yes yes God is responsible and we are accountable for letting it happen. Man oh man; how can I, or we just turn our heads to this. I read the scriptures quoted above and I look for the answer or the place that says God will not inspire us to take some action to stop the evil happening to children. How can we tell a mother or Grand parent to just let it go when their child has died or suffering from a brain tumor caused by toxic injections. This is real, and its the world, and it hardens my heart to dwell on it; even more because I can't do anything about it because we are not to be of this world.
 I'm sure that God will eventually deliver me from this, but I don't know how to ask Him.



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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2009, 03:51:48 PM »

It's probably not my place to give advice, but... Just wanna drop my two cents. No, I don't think it is. When you're fighting another swordsman, and you see him throwing a cut at you, you don't just stand there and get killed, you parry! If you know an injection is going to cause your child to get a brain tumor, don't take it. But don't march over to the pharmaneutical company and stage a protest... Uhh, unless you see Jesus in your dream and He tells you to do it. But that's highly unlikely. :P   

No peace loving person would throw the first cut. But that doesn't mean he doesn't defend himself.

Luk 22:36 Yet He said to them, "But now, he who has a purse let him pick it up, likewise a beggar's bag also; and he who has none, let him sell his cloak and buy a sword." (I highly doubt that Jesus told them to get a sword so that they can kill people!)

If anyone feels that my view is erroneous, I welcome correction... I haven't exactly thought about this in-depth.

If you believe that God will eventually deliver you from this, then endure. The end is near!... Or not. But endure anyway. I'll pray for you. :D


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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2009, 04:18:53 PM »

One question; Is it being of this world to protect our children from evil motives, and want to stop those that inflict it? This question is not of a rebellious nature. God says we are not to be of this world, but where does it say that we should let our children be sacrificed? This is one of my main issues about this world. Children are not suffering and dieing of natural causes. They are suffering because of evil motives. Yes yes God is responsible and we are accountable for letting it happen. Man oh man; how can I, or we just turn our heads to this. I read the scriptures quoted above and I look for the answer or the place that says God will not inspire us to take some action to stop the evil happening to children. How can we tell a mother or Grand parent to just let it go when their child has died or suffering from a brain tumor caused by toxic injections. This is real, and its the world, and it hardens my heart to dwell on it; even more because I can't do anything about it because we are not to be of this world.
 I'm sure that God will eventually deliver me from this, but I don't know how to ask Him.


God doesn't tell us to let our children be harmed or sacrificed, but to count them a blessing and teach them the Way:

Prov 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it

Ps 127:3  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward

But who heeds the Lord's counsel? Remember, all the 'evil motives' are being done by people who were once children themselves. It is the Lord who ultimately determines who suffers, becomes sick, dies, etc. Not one person on this earth can extend their days or anyone else's.

We don't turn our heads away from all the sufferings, but turn to the Lord...that's why it's called faith. We should trust Him more than our own understandings, but this too can only come from God.


Roy Martin

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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2009, 05:15:22 PM »

 Quote from Marques
We don't turn our heads away from all the sufferings, but turn to the Lord...that's why it's called faith. We should trust Him more than our own understandings, but this too can only come from God.

 Got it. Thank you.



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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2009, 06:17:18 PM »

Roy and folks,

We had a grandson, Brandon who was just 18 last year and coming into his full man hood and finally free of his mother and dad's oversight.  I mention this because they were not getting along and he was suffering for it to some extent since he was born. Brandon lived with us in the summer and altogether about five years of his life and we loved him enough to take him in for a full year so he could attend high school in our little town.

Brandon had his whole life ahead of him and we anticipated helping him to overcome life's difficulties and to be for him, a place of tranquility and peace.  Then there was a traffic accident and Brandon was in the back seat of a car with his friends and it was hit broadside by an SUV at 50 mph.  So, apparently he was killed instantly.

Everyone at the funeral who knew that he lived with us, his grandparents, commented about his loss of opportunity and our loss of a loving grandson.
But, he could have gotten into lots of trouble at 18 or he could have joined the army and been shot up in Iraq or gotten onto drugs and so forth.

So here we are knowing and understanding that there REALLY is a resurrection and we really will have Brandon with us once again and with that we are content.   Because he will begin his life over once again at age 18 and surrounded by loving friends who have been given the truth and are being taught righteousness.

Our loving friends and relatives, bless them all, haven't got a clue and they struggle with the situation and blame the driver of Brandon's car, the driver of the other car, the hospital and mostly God's way of not protecting those that we love most.

My wife and I are just glad that we have true knowledge and are able to accept the short time we had with our grandson.  It gives us true peace in the midst of loss.

Indiana Bob

Roy Martin

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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2009, 07:27:06 PM »

Hello Bob, Your story and experience as well as your disposition leaves me almost speechless, but not without much to think about and be thankful for. I'm so sorry for the loss of your Grandson Brandon.
 Your words have struck deep in me. I understand what you have said. Thank you Bob for sharing this sad but very inspiring testimony.



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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2009, 10:04:46 PM »

    you shoud ask god in heart,and Describe your feelings to him in mind,maybe won't be long,he will open your eyes and mind to show how will you do or put a new heart in you.


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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2009, 11:39:00 PM »

Isa 52:7  How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Php 4:7  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

What is this peace of God's??
Rom 14:17  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Mat 10:34  Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Eph 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Eph 6:17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Our peace, our joy, our contentment rest in the gospel of the kingdom. Trust in God Roy!
I can understand how you feel and I'll echo Marques' comment by saying that these people who do harm to children were once children themselves. What good does it do to kill those who harm children and have them grow into the same child harming individual.
Its important to teach our children truth and to walk in it.
The best thing you could do Roy is to take up the sword of the spirit!
And remember the greater work of the lord!
Joh 14:12  Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

One last thing...........

Psa 119:165  Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

We are here for you bro
Hope this helps

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2009, 12:31:46 PM »

Roy this has been a good post in many ways.

I have struggled with the same things often.  Its easy to love and deal with ones who are kind and nice. But, it is hard to love those who are hard to get along with, or doing evil things . Things are just getting worse in the world. But, we have been blessed to know the truth. God is in control ! He does not need us to save the world. However, all of Babylon thinks he does.

I have one niece who is so easy to love. The other who drives us crazy. But, God is teaching me how to deal with her. I know, you cannot believe most of what she says she will do. But, I have decided to face the fact she is where God wants her for now. Who, knows maybe he will open her eyes someday for all I know. Now, I just look at the world as blind, and try to focus on him and his changing me into his image.

I intend to be good to my hard to deal with niece. If, God uses this to open her eyes so be it. It does not be I condone the things she does. But, God loves us cause he sees what we will be when changed into his image. Some day we will all be made into his image. What a day that will be. God does not need me to do anything, but to stay in the race he has set before me.

The world likes to think they can bring Peace on earth. That, will not happen till Christ returns to judge the earth. We have all the work we need just learning to walk as Christ leads us.

Control, had always been something I tried to do and still try at times. Wanting to control comes from fear of things for me.  It also, is a form of pride for some. I have a brother who pokes himself in the chest and talks of how many he has led to Christ. He did not like it to well when I told him I never led anyone to Christ. It is Gods job to draw a person to him. He just stared at me and then threw me out of his house. However, he does talk to me now. But, he has never admited that he was wrong to get angry at me . We just stay clear of our different believes. I never started the things to begin with.

There is evil all around us and we will defeat our purpose in life here trying to right all of it. Why? Because, it is not in our control. But, God can use these feelings inside of you, to make you give up the useless fight to make the world right.

I have always thought I had to fix up my own family. I could not fix myself up, let alone them. Yes, it does frustrate me. Learning to stop it has been the hardest thing of my life. But, now I am trying to take compassion on the ones who are lost and wait on God.

In His Love,


Roy Martin

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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2009, 01:43:03 PM »

One of the many great things about how God teaches us is that we get to take the test over and over until we pass; so to speak, and then on to the next lesson.Its all just part of the learning game. God puts us into this world to not be of this world for good reason. I'm so very familiar with this, but sometimes we just want to share what we are going through because we receive spiritual influence on our choice to do so. Someone with scripture, or just a few words sometimes is all it takes to open the door to understanding, or closing a door on a carnal belief or action. This spiritually influenced thread, and all post has opened my eyes to see that its the things of this world that draws us closer to God. They are things that I have no control of, and have reached the point of; I've had enough of wanting to fight it, change it, thinking on it, feeling angry about it, etc. etc. Why should I want to fight against things that God is responsible for? I always have to learn things the hard way, God knows that.  :D




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Re: Being of this world
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2009, 02:25:49 AM »

Hi Roy,

But if you have learned this now; then GOD Thru Jesus Christ Has Done Exactly What HE purposed for you in this instance. Awesome to know that even those little details from infancy were preparatory parts of the new man you are becoming. Jesus Christ Has not left anything to chance, no not anything at all.

Look at a few examples in Scripture of What GOD Does; and How It Is Done.

Isa 48:1-13 (GW)
1  Listen to this, descendants of Jacob! You are given the name of Israel. You are descended from Judah. You take oaths by the name of the LORD. You acknowledge the God of Israel, but you are not honest or sincere.
You call yourselves citizens of the holy city. You depend on the God of Israel. His name is the LORD of Armies.

From the beginning I revealed to you what would happen. These words came out of my mouth, and I made them known. Suddenly, I acted, and they happened.

I know that you are stubborn. Like iron, you are hardheaded. Like bronze, nothing gets through your thick skull.

5  That is why I revealed to you what would happen long ago. I told you about them before they happened. I did this so you couldn't say, "My gods have done these things. My carved idols and my metal idols have commanded them to happen."

6  You've heard these words. Now look at all this. Won't you admit it? From now on I will reveal to you new things, hidden things that you do not know.
7  They are created now, not in the past. You haven't heard about them before today, so you can't say that you already knew about them.

8  You have never heard about them. You have never known about them. Your ears have never been open to hear them before. I know that you've acted very treacherously and that you have been called a rebel since you were born.
9  For my name's sake I'll be patient. For my glory's sake I'll hold my anger back from you, rather than destroy you.

10  I have refined you, but not like silver. I have tested you in the furnace of suffering.
11  I am doing this for myself, only for myself. Why should my name be dishonored? I will not give my glory to anyone else.

12  Listen to me, Jacob, Israel, whom I have called. I am the one. I am the first and the last.
13  My hand laid the foundation of the earth. My right hand stretched out the heavens. When I call for them, they both stand.

Jer 1:4-16 (GW)
4  The LORD spoke his word to me,
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations."

6  I, Jeremiah, said, "Almighty LORD, I do not know how to speak. I am only a boy!"
But the LORD said to me, "Don't say that you are only a boy. You will go wherever I send you. You will say whatever I command you to say.

8  Don't be afraid of people. I am with you, and I will rescue you," declares the LORD.

9  Then the LORD stretched out his hand and touched my mouth. The LORD said to me, "Now I have put my words in your mouth.
10  Today I have put you in charge of nations and kingdoms. You will uproot and tear down. You will destroy and overthrow. You will build and plant."

11  Again the LORD spoke his word to me and asked, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" I answered, "I see a branch of an almond tree."
12  Then the LORD said to me, "Right. I am watching to make sure that my words come true."

13  Again the LORD spoke his word to me and asked, "What do you see?" I answered, "I see a boiling pot, and its top is tilted away from the north."
14  Then the LORD said to me, "Disaster will be poured out from the north on all those who live in the land.

15  I am going to call every family and kingdom from the north," declares the LORD. "They will come, and they will set up their thrones at the entrance of Jerusalem's gates. They will attack all the walls around the city and all the cities of Judah.

16  I will pass sentence on my people because of all their wickedness. They abandoned me, burned incense to other gods, and worshiped what their hands have made.

george. :)

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