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Author Topic: Agape love  (Read 4839 times)

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Agape love
« on: January 20, 2010, 07:57:16 PM »

What is it ?


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Re: Agape love
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2010, 08:08:13 PM »

What is it ?

Excerpt from Feb '07 bible study 'Love' (,3719.0.html):

Now I have this great scripture for you.  I have shown you scriptures where God loves His Son, with a affectionate, huggy, kiss on the cheek, kind of love.  And also with this formal, total one-way love, for your eternal destiny and well being, if you will.  And He loves us the same way, and Jesus loves John the same way, both, not just agapao, but phileo too, both ways, ok.  Now I ‘m going to ask a question, why?

Remember I gave you two definitions, and I said agapao in like a one-way street.  The good Samaritan did not expect anything in return, for helping that man, who was dying on the side of the road, it’s a one-way love.  But then I said, this phileo, this brotherly love, this affectionate love, this give you a kiss on the cheek love, this is like a two-way street.  That the reason we have this love for a close friend or wife and children, is because they reciprocate.  You hug them, they hug you back.  You do a favor for them, they do a favor for you back.  You help them, they help you, you feel sad, when they feel sad, they feel sad when you feel sad.  That’s why you get so close, you support each other, you love each other, you’re physically in contact, you see.
My daughter is 18, she still sits on my lap, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But, so I told you that there is a scripture, that actually tells you that?  That that’s what phileo is, and that’s why phileo love exist.  Yes there is a scripture, this is a remarkable scripture, John 16:27
For the Father Himself loves(phileo) you, because you loved Me and have believed that I came from God."
There it is.  Why does God love us, His elect?
Because we loved Jesus Christ and to the Father that is the same as loving Him.
  Because no man has ever seen the Father or heard His voice at any time.  But Jesus has made Himself known, in Spirit, in the Comforter and through His Word, you see.

So there’s your phileo love and it’s God’s definition.  God agape loves us, even if we spit in His face.  But that’s the reason He phileo loves us and He loves us and not the world.  He does not, so phileo the world, it is not in there.  He agape’s the world and not phileo them.

The only places you will see God phileo anyone, is His Son and us, the elect, no one else.  Those who reciprocate, He loves us because He said (He is talking to His disciples now),  My Father loves you and they didn’t know that before.  But He said, I am telling you, My Father loves you, and the reason is, because you love Me.  I’ve given them Your Word, I’ve been teaching you, it’s the same as the Father.  The words that I speak , Christ said, they are the Father’s.  The things that I do, the works that I do, it’s all the Father.  And you accepted and reciprocated and love Me for it, and that is why My Father loves you.
There it is.

So we need to have this agape love for our neighbors.  Maybe we don’t like them, maybe they’re not even good people, for our enemies, surely aren’t good people, or there would not be a reason for them to be your enemy.

For the whole world, we have to have this agapao love.  But no where does God say we have to phileo them, or love them with affection, like a brotherly love, where we would hug them or give them a kiss.

Agape love is the love we are to have for the wicked & unbelieving. It is an informal love, as the love of the world does not appeal to us [1 John 2:15-16], but agape love remains for the world's well-being in the next age. It's to almost say: 'Love the sinner, Hate the sin', if you wanted to paraphrase.

Phileo love is the love God has for those who are doing His Will and is the same love those IN Christ are to have amongst one another.

I would recommend reading the entire bible study on Love for more understanding, it's very profound.

Hope this helps,



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Re: Agape love
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2010, 10:37:22 PM »

What is it ?

 :D  :D Short and to the point

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