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Author Topic: Hell No meets "god"  (Read 8277 times)

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Hell No meets "god"
« on: February 01, 2010, 10:46:18 PM »

Folks, he stold my koolaid and now he meets the god of churchdom.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 11:25:37 PM by musicman »


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 11:17:16 PM »

He'd better be careful...that god, I mean...he may have met his match in Hell No!! haha!!!  :D ;)


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2010, 10:19:05 AM »

 That was pretty good musicman, we were reading that last night when Pam got home from work. If they were really able to sit down and analyze what kind of God they created to fit in with their Doctrines, it's more crazy than funny. Only the Chosen Elect of God can and will fully see this as evident.

                         Thanks, Samson.


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 04:46:19 PM »

What a gift to be able to write and show the absurdity of it all....


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 05:15:00 PM »

I was so happy I got my questions answered. ;)


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2010, 06:24:39 PM »

I found out that no matter how little money you have you can still pay 10% How rude!!  :D
Kathy ;)


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2010, 08:08:48 PM »

I got rebuked for asking too many questions. Maybe I should ask some more?  ;)


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 08:16:26 PM »

Just went there again and there are some new, good questions for god to answer. Looking forward to it.


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2010, 10:34:13 PM »

Do you think that this god has bitten off more than he can chew? hahaha!! Hell No should have stolen Musicman's koolaid a long time ago!! hehe!  ;D
Kathy :D


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2010, 11:52:51 PM »

I just read the Hell No meets "god" and I do have a question, I was wondering something.  Now we know that Elijah used biting sarcasm when in conflict with the prophets of Baal.  Part of the story ....

25Then Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, "Choose for yourselves one bull and prepare it first, for you are many, and call upon the name of your god, but put no fire to it." 26And they took the bull that was given them, and they prepared it and called upon the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying, "O Baal, answer us!" But there was no voice, and no one answered. And they limped around the altar that they had made. 27And at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, "Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened." 28And they cried aloud and(A) cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them...

wow..relieving himself? pretty colorful and powerful language.

and that Ray used/uses masterful sarcasm like when he illustrated a theoretical judgement day of a poor African woman named Suba. It is worth reading and makes a great point. I believe it is in the letter to D James Kennedy.  I have shown that skit to many and I think it is very well done.

And that Jesus used very powerful and insulting words against the religious elite in his day. But he did not, as far as I know, use that against the common believers of the Jewish religion, only against those who used it entirely in an evil way, with evil hearts. Those leaders who "contradict" =) and he knew their hearts

OK so my question is...when is something over the line? The prophets of Baal that Elijah mocked are as far from Jehovah as can be. Nothing sacred at all is in their religion. Nothing. When Ray takes on the doctrines of demons found in the church it comes from a perspective of solemnity and love for truth, amidst the sarcasm, I think. The illustrations help show the weakness and absurdities in the belief system. I never feel they are merely done in sport.

God calls us out if Babylon. But Babylon is the starting point. Babylon is the many called. Obviously God is the one doing the calling!  And He has intended these beliefs to be believed, by the many called. Many people have shed great amounts of blood and sacrifice, so we can have the scriptures in our hands, and have been introduced to Jesus through Babylon.  Yes some of the most most evil doctrines imaginable are in Babylon, doctrines of demons.  Synagogue of Satans. But Jesus walked among the candlesticks!  Can we have the appearance of flippancy or superiority in our mockings?

Yes Yes I am grateful to be out of that belief system! I would NEVER EVER go back. But this is the work of God, that I am out.  It is the work of God, to be chosen. And we are chosen out of Babylon. We may be surprised, how kindly God might regard some of the great loving acts done by some Christians believers, for there fellow man, in love, say in China, or North Korea, or the former Soviet Union, or Afghanistan, right now.  Have you chosen Jesus over your family? Maybe, but they did too.  Some who walk in the light that God has given them have done deeds of great sacrifice and will count a lot, I am sure, in the next life.  And that is a minority of people, just like a minority of people understand these full truths.

I am only asking this question rhetorically.  I want to make sure my speech is always appropriate with the best motives in mind. Sarcasm is a powerful tool, maybe I am being a little too sensitive by asking this question, but I meaning myself, would leave sarcasm in the hands of those who really are seasoned in love, and have suffered for Jesus in a real way..

I sense Jesus in Rays use of sarcasm. I am not sure about other more flippant ways, I see all around the internet. And maybe I am merely a weaker brother who is offended by things that should not not offensive!

Some things in other chat rooms and other places on the internet remind me of the atheistic videos on you tube. Athiest love sarcasm ridicule and feeling superior. Even if they have a point, in mocking the doctrines of orthodoxy,  I do not watch them.  Speaking only for myself, I could not do what some could confuse as God being mocked, even in false caricature, unless I could really explain myself.  In proper situations, Jesus, Elijah, did that and in these papers, Ray also did that very well.

G. Driggs

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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2010, 03:45:58 AM »

 Yes some of the most most evil doctrines imaginable are in Babylon, doctrines of demons.  Synagogue of Satans. But Jesus walked among the candlesticks!  

Hi DougE6, here is a short excerpt from The Lake of Fire - Part XI THE DEPTH OF SATAN AND THE CHURCH OF GOD @


Does not Jesus dwell and reside in the Seven Churches of God mentioned in the Book of Revelation? Actually, He does not. Let’s read it:

    "Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things says He that holds the seven stars in his right hand, who WALKS in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks" (Rev. 2:1).

Jesus Christ "walks" in the midst of the churches—He does not dwell there; He does not reside there; He does not have His throne there. But someone else does:

    SATAN has his "seat [Greek: ‘throne’]" in the Churches (Rev. 2:13)

    SATAN "dwells" in the Churches (Rev. 2:13).

    SATAN still has his "synagogue" in the Churches (Rev. 2:9 & 3:9).

    SATAN’S "depths" of doctrinal evils are in the Churches (Rev. 2:24).

It is Satan who has his "throne" in the Churches--the Throne of Jesus Christ is in Heaven with His Father (Rev. 3:21), not in the church. He is not enthroned in the Church; He merely "walks" in the Churches.

 We may be surprised, how kindly God might regard some of the great loving acts done by some Christians believers, for there fellow man, in love, say in China, or North Korea, or the former Soviet Union, or Afghanistan, right now.  Have you chosen Jesus over your family? Maybe, but they did too.  Some who walk in the light that God has given them have done deeds of great sacrifice and will count a lot, I am sure, in the next life.  And that is a minority of people, just like a minority of people understand these full truths.

Another short excerpt from the same paper.

And so the modern Church is filled with the depths of Satan and his evil doctrines, but of the "depths of God," precious little is taught. The doctrines that are Scriptural, such as the fact that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the whole world, and that God will save the whole world, and all that God has created is here for the express purpose of training humanity to becomes sons and daughters of God, in the very image of God, are not taught in most churches.

Jesus Christ will not judge the Church for all the good things that they do, but for their INIQUITY!

    "Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? And in Thy name have cast out devils [demons]? And in Thy name done MANY WONDERFUL WORKS? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye [ye means ‘ALL of you’] that work INIQUITY [lawlessness]" (Matt. 7:21-23).

Another excerpt from The Lake of Fire - Part VIII WHERE IS THE CHURCH THAT JESUS BUILT? @


Who are they who almost deceive the VERY ELECT and DECEIVE MANY? We read that they are "false Christs" and "false prophets." But WHO are these false Christs and false prophets? How will we know them? What IDENTIFIES them as false prophets, liars, and deceivers? I WILL MAKE THIS SO SCRIPTURALLY PLAIN THAT A TEN YEAR OLD CAN UNDERSTAND IT!

At this time I will give you just two Scriptures where Jesus gives us the IDENTIFYING SIGNS of the these false teachers, and deceivers:

   1. "MANY will say to me [Jesus] in that day, Lord, Lord [Master, Master], have we not:
      A: PROPHESIED [taught, preached] in Thy Name [Jesus]?
      B: In Thy Name [Jesus] have CAST OUT DEVILS [demons]?
      C: And in Thy Name [Jesus] done MANY WONDERFUL WORKS [miracles]?
      And then will I profess [plainly, openly, tell them to their face] I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME YOU THAT WORK INIQUITY [lawlessness]" (Matt. 7:22-23).
   2. "For MANY shall come in my name, saying [that], I [Jesus] am Christ, and shall deceive MANY" (Matt. 24:5).

Who are the "MANY" today who, (1) Teach and preach in the name of Jesus Christ? (2) Cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ? (3) Do MANY (not a few, but many) WONDERFUL WORKS (not evils works, but good and wonderful works), in the name of Jesus Christ? Who? The Russians? The Chinese? The Muslims? The Hindus? The Confucianists? The Buddhists? The Shintoists? The Zoroastrians? The Jews? The QUARTER BILLION Ethnic Religionists? The HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION Athiests? Do ANY of these worldwide religions "teach, preach, cast out demons, and do many wonderful works IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST?" No, they don’t!

Well then, WHO ARE THESE "MANY" who do these things?

Do "MANY" of the TWO BILLION CHRISTIANS in the world today, "teach, preach, cast out demons, and do many wonderful works IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST?" Then I would say that we have identified the "many" that Jesus warned us about. It is not enough to preach, teach, heal, and cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ. One has to also OBEY the commandments and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that it is the "many" who do good words, but are guilty of "iniquity" which means "lawlessness."

Next, who are the "MANY" today who say that, "Jesus IS THE CHRIST, THE MESSIAH?" No, don’t be deceived; it is not those few who occasionally claim that they themselves are "Jesus the Christ." They don’t deceive the "many." Only some fool would ever be deceived into believing that some carnal idiot really IS the Christ. Besides, there are NOT "many" who make such a claim in the first place.

But there certainly are "MANY" who say and teach that JESUS is the REAL CHRIST! And so it is not only those who "teach and preach and cast out demons and do many wonderful works in the name of Jesus" who are DECEIVING THE MANY, but also there is a large group (many) who teach that "Jesus really IS THE CHRIST" and yet Jesus said it would be these that are also DECEIVING THE MANY!

Millions of Christians have heard these Scriptures quoted all their lives. But, God forbid that they would pause a minute or two to consider WHO REALLY ARE THESE PEOPLE THAT JESUS IS TALKING ABOUT THAT REALLY DO THESE MANY WONDERFUL THINGS AND YET … DECEIVE THE MANY!!

Personally, I do not know Hell no's heart, but he seems like a brother to me. It is sheer genius and very thought provoking the way he presents the truth as we know it. Have you read the rest of his work? I dont think anyone would go through all that trouble just for sport, I think he is dead serious. Also If he knows all that truth, then the Truth must be in him, and would not allow him to feel superior. More than anything, I think he is just using the talents God gave him, and to good effect. Wish I could talk like that, but I'm not a very good speaker or teacher, and I'm learning to be content with that. It could be God might use him to reach someone else?

There is no doubt in my mind that all peoples are precious to God, but I think His Elect are very near and dear to Him at this time.

I dunno, just my 2 cents. :)

Peace, G.Driggs
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 04:51:52 AM by G. Driggs »


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2010, 09:03:15 AM »

Doug and George..I will say this for Hell No...he has been defending these truths for a while now..he does this in the face of ridicule from Christians...I would have turned tail and run a long time ago...but he just keeps going..You should see some of the things they the good Christian folks have said to him..He knows that God is Love, and he tells that over and over..he tells people that a God of love would never torture His creation for all eternity..I believe that God put the hatred of the hell doctrine into the heart of Hell No! And he will keep fighting against that doctrine until God leads him in a different direction! There are others who do it, too Hell No isn't alone, but he is unique in his approach...God has given him a talent for his brand of presentation...Hell No isn't afraid to look into their eyes and say...that is crap!!! I wouldn't be able to do it!!!  :D
Kathy ;)

Roy Martin

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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 12:43:24 PM »

I would rather read sarcasm with an honest message in it any day than to read or hear fictitious love saying that God is going to torment in the name of love and hate.All that artificial put on crap they lay down. We are a cult to them doomed to hell fire. Kindness and soothing words have no affect on them, but sarcasm shows just how fake they really are.
 Much is said in Hell No's sarcasm, which is a whole lot more than they have in their words.


G. Driggs

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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2010, 08:33:46 PM »

I really couldnt agree with you more Kathy and Roy.

Peace, G.Driggs


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2010, 11:03:11 PM »

I had a chance to look at the posts of No hell, and I must say, I like him.  I am sorry I was hasty in choosing this particular thread to voice those concerns. I would call No hell my brother, after seeing all his work.  This is a lesson to me, to be more careful before I speak.

There is a place, a ministry, that he is doing.  In fact I remember now, when about 10-12 years ago, when God was showing me the truth, some similar arguements did help me.  But my heart had already been prepared, I was searching the scriptures to see the new truths.  I was raised fundamentalist baptist, so I had a huge education in hell fire to overcome.

Yet I feel there are many christian people who love Jesus and have given sacrificed much for him, people I have grown up with or met in various churches. And I know some of these people do NOT really embrace the hell doctrine in their conscious minds, they believe as they are "brainwashed" but do not let that doctrine out of the box, much.  I respect their good works and I cannot just dismiss it all.  I have to let God be the judge, when all secrets are laid bare. I understand the many who will be told the sad words of Jesus, to depart from Him, but I will wait and see who will and who won't. I have enough issues judging my own motives.

You see, I think I see paradoxes where others may not, by experience.  I became a follower of Christ at age 12 because I was scared of hell, wanted forgiveness, and knew I was a sinner.  Yet I know eternal hell is not real, at this time. I was deceived, and then God enlightened me.  Yet even when I did believe in hell, I can truly say, I loved Jesus then.  It took 20 years before the truth of No hell, :) 10 years ago, was revealed to me. I hated/was disturbed by the doctrine of eternal punishment, for years,  but I mostly ignored this disturbance, until I could not ignore it no longer.

So I think my prior post was based on that, that I believe there is good done by christians. What are the motives of those good works? And if the motive was love for Christ and fellow man, would God say that was bad? Paul does say that love trumps knowledge. It trumps everything.  All knowledge, is even  trumped by love.

Again I stand corrected on using this thread about No hell. I like him. he is doing a good work. I was wrong.

I preach more to athiests and unbelievers, than christians, so I have a different audience.  Yet I always preach the same gospel as he. Jesus is the saviour of the world. Repent and believe.

Peace to all



Dave in Tenn

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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2010, 03:01:39 AM »

Hi Doug.  I relate to what you've shared.  All I can tell you is:  What is core to me in scripture is that God did the creating and He does the choosing.  The only motivation that really matters is His motivation.  True worship is in Spirit.  We can't hide anything from God.  Judgement reveals our innermost thoughts.  No outward piety or good works or religiosity or self-delusion can substitute for the Spirit of Christ living in us.  God is able to judge.  He knows who is His.  There will be many who say "Didn't we do?" to whom He will say, "Depart from me.  I never knew YOU."

Some righteousness is as filthy rags.  That's harsh, but scriptural.  That's just the way it is.  My 'job' isn't to judge them (christians) or even this HellNo person.  My 'job' is to ask the Lord to search me, try me and see if there be any wicked way in ME.  I know HE already knows all the answers.  I'M the one that needs to be shown.

That's my sermon for the day.   ;)   
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2010, 04:49:37 PM »

LOL Dave, I enjoyed your sermon today!  ;D


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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2010, 07:01:43 PM »

Hi Doug.  I relate to what you've shared.  All I can tell you is:  What is core to me in scripture is that God did the creating and He does the choosing.  The only motivation that really matters is His motivation.  True worship is in Spirit.  We can't hide anything from God.  Judgement reveals our innermost thoughts.  No outward piety or good works or religiosity or self-delusion can substitute for the Spirit of Christ living in us.  God is able to judge.  He knows who is His.  There will be many who say "Didn't we do?" to whom He will say, "Depart from me.  I never knew YOU."

Some righteousness is as filthy rags.  That's harsh, but scriptural.  That's just the way it is.  My 'job' isn't to judge them (christians) or even this HellNo person.  My 'job' is to ask the Lord to search me, try me and see if there be any wicked way in ME.  I know HE already knows all the answers.  I'M the one that needs to be shown.

That's my sermon for the day.   ;)   

Double Amen!



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Re: Hell No meets "god"
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2010, 09:05:25 PM »

Dave in Tenn,
One of the best sermons that I have heard in many years. It's not us it is onlyHIM!
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