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Author Topic: Have you ever felt like this?  (Read 5140 times)

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Have you ever felt like this?
« on: February 21, 2010, 01:49:15 PM »

May I describe the walls around us and the mis-treatment we suffer? Will this not break Your Heart and cause You to storm the walls of our imprisonment? This is not Your Kingdom and You shall not be caused by our suffering to come and rescue us from the confinement that we suffer. It is You who have caused us to endure this persecution. It is Your Spirit that has given us just enough food to stay alive.

Like in the physical jails, the food is bare enough to only keep the person confined in physical dependence on the next meal and the next food source to continue psychologically to exist. You keep the feet shod and the clothes un-torn as You keep the person walking in that ever widening circle around that same old mountain eleven kilometers from the milk and honey.

You did it once and You will not change. We have joined in the exodus from earth and the worlds system of bling and errors. Yes You have marked our path and You have designed our Faith and You have set the journey of our souls through the confines of emotional imprisonment to feelings we do not want, and memories that do not sweeten.
You are with us in Spirit inside our emotions and consciousness. You offer the continuity of our journey that shall end to the Glory of Your Name and esteem of Your Wisdom. We do not see it now but only for the peripheral hope that is unsupported by any durable anchor in our lives.  We know that happiness today can disappear tomorrow. We know You can do Anything! We know You can set us free but You will not do this until our Faith is sufficient. You are the author and finisher of our faith.

You have told us that to lift our suffering is to compromise Your work to bring us to enjoy the reward and joy You have set aside for us. We care not to be the highest or most worthy in Your Kingdom. We shall enjoy the love of those who You have given to endure such trials and tribulations. I care not to stand equal or even glorified among Your Chosen. The pain is too much. Just to be last in Your Kingdom is okay by me.

You have paid the price for our reward. In this I shall rest knowing that You will not change and that we shall be made, by You, to receive that gift of joy that You shall assure us of being worthy to receive before all of your Heavenly Host and before Your Father God. I do not want to have to have a share in Your sufferings and this You know and empathize towards my horror of the agony that is engineered to become acquainted with. How else can we know Your suffering and share in Your reward if we only see what You endured and went through from a remote place of observation without impact. It is like seeing the birth of a child in two dimensional black and white soundless film footage that cancels out all the gory details. Oh now I know Lord, what You have caused me to endure. You are causing us to get through the pain and suffering with the very minimum of help so as to heighten the presence of the Faith that You are causing to be accentuated within us. You will not rob us of our reward. You cause our inheritance to be secured for us and You help us to obtain it knowing full well that our bitterness is deepened as acid cutting through the marrow and the bone of our hearts and souls as our cries for help reach into Your Heart and Soul. It is You who are there beyond the pain and the agony. It is You who prepare us to be born into Your arms of Peace and Love. It is You who parent the child. It is You who are our Creator who shall be there to smile into our hurts the healing that we require, and the Love that we need to feel, is real. It is You that is anchoring our perceptions to Your Life and Your experiences that You brought into the world to show us how to suffer and how to go through the agony into the Glorious Light of Your Spirit.

It is You who are past the veil of carnage and blood and ambitions of flesh and mind bent intentions of greed and poverty of spirit. You who are bringing in the endurance to the test, the nourishment to continue against all the odds and the Spirit of Victory that You have won. You have opened the door that no man shall shut. You have opened the Way that no person can avoid once You have taken hold of their soul. You Lord. To You I commend my soul. 


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 02:04:45 PM »

Arc  at her best...  Brilliant.   Why can't I be smart......Oh wait, I just thought of something... nevermind, no I didn't.

Love in Christ


Keep reading the LOF series everybody

Roy Coates

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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 02:59:44 PM »

Just when I am feeling oppressed, depressed and down trodden I am lifted up by my brothers and sisters even when they don't know it. Thanks Arc for the post and Longhorn for the smiles.


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2010, 05:26:00 AM »

How else can we know Your suffering and share in Your reward if we only see what You endured and went through from a remote place of observation without impact

We have been taught that to know and understand "hot" we need to have experienced "cold" etc.  To give us true understand and knowledge implies that we need to experience opposites in order to truly know .  Your above quote is so true else can we know His suffering unless we suffer ourselves.  And having the hope that with our suffering, through trials and tribulations, that we have that reward.....Jesus Christ.

Life was never meant to be a rose garden, I know that now and I am grateful for that because every bad, hurtfull thing I have to go through has its rewards.  Nothing is ever in vain.  Everything have been preordained and predestined since before the beginning.............everything has it's purpose.


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 10:43:22 AM »

Thank you, Arc! Blessings!!  :) Hey, you almost inspired a thought in Longhorn! that's pretty good! hehe!! :D
Kathy ;)


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2010, 04:10:31 PM »

Thank you Longhorn. It takes real sensitivity to have the intelligence to bring smiles and joy into a persons life. You do that over and over again! A real gift!

Roy, I know what you mean. So often I will read a post that I do or may not respond to and I find a word or a line stays with me as a kind of support that is unexpected and so very important. Yea, I know what you mean. I am glad you found some fellowship in trials that we are blessed to be given to endure!

Heidi, your word that "everythin has it's purpose" is exactly what I mean when I spoke to Roy. I quoted exactly that in responce and acknowledgement to a person today and we were both blessed for it! It is such a comfort to know that our suffering has meaning to a God who cares!

Kathy, blessings are so valuable. Thank you. To you too, blessings abundant.



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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2010, 07:11:23 PM »

Wonderful post Arc,very timely.Lately I have been struggling with accepting the journey that has been ordained for me.After meditating on Joseph's struggles and Nebuchanezzar being humbled I am just endeavoring to have a Godly attitude throughout my struggles,learning (slowly at best) to accept the soveriegnty of God.

Great post.



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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2010, 07:34:16 PM »

beautiful post have  spoken for me and i am sure many others here in putting our deepest feelings into words...something not easy for me to do....thank you for the gift.


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2010, 08:45:39 AM »

Hi Shammie

I have been struggling with accepting the journey that has been ordained for me

Jesus Christ Himself also struggled with accepting the journey when He asked His Father if there was any way that the cup could pass from Him. We can not accept the journey but we can accept the encouragement to endure from His Spirit that has overcome. I have accepted, not because I like it, but I have accepted that He knows best for me even when I feel the worst....Father Father, why!....why have You....why have You forsaken me. Oh I know....Only God can cause us to endure and come through. His Spirit is the source of our strength, submission and sanctity.

lauriellen, it is such a privilage to sometimes be the voice of those who feel they can not be heard or that they should not or can not say anything - that they feel either they are too stupid, not good enough or that their feelings do not count. God hears, feels, cares about every beat of every heart. He cares for the sparrows and it is just too wonderful to be given to say what hearts too broken, too pained, too silent, can not say for themselves. God hears everything! Even the unspoken words contained in silent hearts. One body of Christ of which we are His.



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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2010, 02:06:30 PM »

again, your words are just a blessing.....=)


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2010, 02:56:57 PM »

Arc, I have felt forsaken by God. I kept looking back at the Beast. I was tormented because I was not serving the right God. I was trying serving myself by serving the God law. That, is a insult to God. That is the God the world follows, themselves. Till God shows us that we cannot begin to overcome it. When, we see the True God who never forsakes us. Jesus was dying so he could bring us peace. The process of enduring is moving forward and not backwards to self. I felt forsaken till God showed me what I was up against was myself. It is his Spirit that helps us endure. Without it we are nothing.

I believe Jesus feeling forsaken should say something spiritual to us. I believe those words that Jesus said, on the cross were very important to us. For me it has helped me to see that we are not forsaken only if we do not move forward like Christ and take up his cross and bear it. I like you know only the Spirit of God can help us endure. We bear the cross but we have to keep moving in to the truth for never looking back at self which feels forsaken. The true God never leaves you nor forsakes you. Jesus had Gods Spirit and he knew he would not forsake him. To me the world feels forsaken till they see the Beast. Then they get  The Spirit of God and can do as Jesus overcome the world.  The enemy. The beast trying to save themselves. When, we get the Spirit we canot help but move on. I think sometimes we can look at that cross so long we stay there. We have to keep moving into the light.  But, every year the world church system serves law God which is a law into themself. One foot in and one foot out makes you lost. I found that out the hard way. We must keep pressing forward. With, the Spirit of God we cant help but do that.

I always like reading your post. They make me think.

To me what Babylon Calls Good Friday is not Good Friday if they get stuck at the cross. When, I was in Babylon looking at all of them going to the altar every week over and over. It was a public display. I even , remember when I was real young I would ask God why do I keep coming to you repenting over and over. Not, old enough to understand. They do not have the perfect peace of God or they would not do that. They are doing as I use to do and they do not know it.  They are mixing Grace with law. That does not work. It is not Christ the risen Saviour who had the victory cause they teach he has no victory over Hell. Unless, God gives us his Spirit we never see it. God nailed all our sins on that cross and they are dead. But, I know now I was looking at self instead of him. I know, he is longsuffering cause he has put up with me for a long time.

Jesus focused on all the things his Father through his Spirit taught him. Jesus believed his Father. He moved off that cross and never looked back. So, now I dont look back at that Beast cause all I see is fear. Before, I was obeying self by obeying God. If we think about all the lovely things that God is we too will move away from sin and that Beast we see. When we read all his words we can tell if it is the Good God we are serving. We will become what we focus on. At least, I did. I was at a stand still till he showed me the light.

I could not see that without God living in me.

But, yet it is sad. The world serves a baby in a manger. He is no longer a baby. The world serves like a child and a servant. Instead of moving into the grace of God that brings peace to your soul and then you become a man no longer serving God of self. But, actually being called a Son or Daughter of God.
I am not trying to teach, but sharing what God has me seeing about myself. God helps me to endure and without him I would not. I looked at the Beast to long, now I want to just focus on the Father like Jesus did. That requires learning what the Father is like.

In His Love,
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 03:01:46 PM by Marlene »


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2010, 04:34:39 AM »

Hi Marlene,

I agree, God is making children in the Image of His Son. There are enough lickspittle sycophants in the Church claiming to be serving Him.
God see’s our hearts are weak and our minds are carnal. His Love for us will convert our insulting offences, our propensity to do and think evil, into His Ways that do and think only good. The change hurts us and blesses Him as He turns water to wine and the natural to the spiritual.

they teach he has no victory over Hell

Nothing offends, insults or surprises God. We can at least be free of that worry! 8) God is entirely in charge and He is doing a great work.

I know, he is longsuffering cause he has put up with me for a long time

No single individual is larger than the work God has been doing since the creation of the world, how many billion years ago! I do not think God puts up with you or anyone.

God is making you and everyone into His Image. God is a God of order.

1Co 15:23  But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
learning what the Father is like

requires un-learning and repenting of we have been urged, persuaded, deceived and conditioned to falsely believe.  Only the Spirit Mind and Heart of Christ can prepare, initiate and complete the conversion from error to truth, from hate to love and from fear to peace.

You say, "I always like reading your post. They make me think. "

Thank you for your thoughts. I enjoy that they inspire me to think as well :)

« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 04:37:54 AM by Arcturus »


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2010, 04:47:48 PM »

Feeling flat this morning but that just made my day! Thanks Arc!


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Re: Have you ever felt like this?
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2010, 07:26:26 AM »

Is it not so wonderful Darius, and such a poignant lesson to learn, that knowing God, simply knowing the One True God, knowing the truth about Him, just reflecting on the truth about Him is enough to lighten our burdens.

Mat 11:28  Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Mat 11:29  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

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