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Author Topic: A wild bird  (Read 8902 times)

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Roy Martin

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A wild bird
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:13:56 PM »

I always keep feed out for the wild birds. I was sitting on the porch watching at least 30-40 birds eating and went to fill one of the feeders. All of the birds scattered except for a little red colored finch that continued to eat. I stood watching it from 12 inches away, it looked at me with no fear and continued to eat. I slowly moved my hand toward it and started petting it, and it put its foot on my hand almost sat on my finger, took a few more bites and flew just a few feet away as I filled the feeder.
 To some this might not seem like anything special, but to me it was a blessing to see and know this wild bird had no fear of me, and trusted me as if it could sense Gods presence in me. I don't know what else it could be.
 Last summer or maybe the one before that , Silvia was working in the flower garden when a little wild bird came to her and landed on her shoulder, looked at her for a few seconds, Silvia spoke to it as it sat a few more seconds and flew away. Silvia called me right away and seemed to have a feeling of being blessed.
 When little unexpected things like this happen which is very rare, it leaves you with a feeling that it meant something from God. I'm not certain that that's true, but that's what comes from it. Never in mine or Silvia's life has that ever happened. I just know it was a good feeling and thought I would share this little bird story that just happened before I posted this.



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 01:05:59 PM »

To some this might not seem like anything special, but to me it was a blessing to see and know this wild bird had no fear of me

Hi Roy, I can also relate to some degree to your experience.

I have seen many small birds at different times get blown offshore from storms and sometimes they will seek shelter on the boat that I am on. There was one time not long ago that I seen and held a humming bird in the palm of my hand. It had flown into the Bridge (wheel house) through an open door and was a little confussed as to how he would get back out the area. I couldn't believe at first that I was even seeing a humming bird up close like that and thought I might attempt to help the little fella out so I approached him slowly with my hand out stretched and he hopped right in my hand as if to say, "OK, I trust you, lets go" after he and I exchanged closer looks at each other, I stepped outside the door and off he went. I'll never forget it.

I have a picture of him in my hand and if I can figure out how to get it off my phone and on my computer I'll share it with ya.


Roy Martin

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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2010, 01:17:16 PM »

Stacey, then you know how this little thing can touch and affect our heart.
I'm just a sensitive guy that appreciates some of the smallest things in life that God blesses us with, even through a tiny little wild bird.



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2010, 01:21:14 PM »

I cant agree more with ya Roy, amen.


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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2010, 01:26:50 PM »

it meant something from God

That is very special!

Perhaps there was no Beast to be seen  in you by the little birds that is larger or more visible in others who do not take the time or even care to feed or help the birds.

 I know that birds are very sensitive creatures and they can feel feelings and atmospheres. Also, I only recently learnt that a birds lungs are perpetually filled with oxygen! They do not breathe in and out like beasts do!  I can talk to them and they respond but that is the closest I have been. :D
Thank you for sharing.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 01:44:20 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2010, 03:42:05 AM »

anytime anything happens in nature, that i get to observe or be part of, i always smile real big and thank God for being so loving that He causes me to be an eyewitness to His blessings in nature. i cherish them when they happen.

thanks for sharing roy.  :)



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2010, 05:19:34 AM »

Thanks roy for sharing that.

While reading ,I was thinking that in Gods kingdom there will be no fear in the animals,that
we can be close to them and fear of us will not be in them at all .


Roy Martin

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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2010, 09:38:07 AM »

Amen Walt, and we also won't fear that big lion in your avatar. ;D



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2010, 12:03:12 PM »

I was thinking the same thing Walt. From Isaiah, I believe.--- Is that a lamb I see in the background of Walt's avatar Roy?  ;D


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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2010, 05:16:19 PM »

Hey guys! Whenever anything happens like that, I consider it a "God Wink" I am a fan of God winks on facebook..
Here is a link to God  I don't think this is considered a teaching sight it comes from a man whose name is Squire Rushnell He wrote a book about how when unexpected blessings come into your life it is like God winking at you and saying, "I wanted you to know I'm thinking about you!"
***No Teaching Links Allowed***
If you click on "about SQuire" I think you'll remember his work from somewhere....  ;)
Mods, please forgive me in advance if this is not an appropriate link...I think it's beautiful..but I have been wrong before!!  :D
Kathy ;)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 02:13:00 PM by mharrell08 »


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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2010, 11:29:42 AM »

Hi Kathy.

I looked at what Squire wrote and enjoyed some of the ways SQUire shows how he celebrates seeing what God is doing. He is blessed with writing skills and of that there is no doubt.

The only part I felt disappointed, was when I read in the middle of SQUires presentation, that Squire mentions free will as if it is a fact, reality and truth! What a letdown! It  is such a pity that this false belief had to rear its ugly head in something so beautiful that SQUire is trying to share.  People want to receive power. They want to believe they have power and so free will makes them feel powerful and to see this error present itself in SQUIres writing thwarted the beauty of what I think he originally received as a pure gift from God as have Stacey and Roy and Silvia and many of us that can relate to those meaningful moments God touches our souls and feelings with His gentle reminders of His Presence.

Maybe the intention of Squire  was good when he decided, caused by God, to share his experiences and gather others to share and then make some money on the side line would come out of his spiritual condition that God has him to be experiencing right now. Can you see that SQUires partner on his ride to fame and fortune is getting free publicity in his work which is giving life to an error, a false teaching, a deception and mistaken assumption about free will which is a myth, sham, blasphemous idol of the heart and deception that the Spirit of God does not partner to or associate with. Is it not good to study this here in the Forum where we can compare what we know to be the Truth with what is being published in the world? Maybe we are mature enough to not have web addressed deleated, so we can share in sobre discernment what is good and what is not? Anyway this is what I am saying about SQUire, and not to knock your contribution to the thread at at all. Not at all!

Can you imagine if God had given SQuire to grasp that there is no free will. If SQuire was given by God to remove the weakness and erroneous assumption that we have free will, out of his books, what an explosive healing potion his work could be to so many uncertain hurting people. Or maybe he would not be able to sell one copy! Yet, by keeping that deception in pole position in his books, Squire just keeps the people poor and God seemingly very far away even if it sounds cute that we are on “Gods Positioning System” to quote SQUire. We are in God, not on a GPS of God. GPS sounds sweet and catchy but it simply is not true. SQUire does not know the Truth yet but his blindness is keeping many paying to follow on the trail to God that is not the real path to find Him.
SQirie identifies uncertainty as the criteria that governs people’s needs to seek affirmation or assurance from God which is a step in the right direction to look to God but,  by keeping the myth of free will alive and published, SQUire is not seeing that Free will is a myth which he endorses as truth and by so doing he keeps people bound to uncertainty using the panacea of a wink from God to relieve their horrible pain. It is the Plan of God to have many people simply not see or understand yet.
 Just thinking what his books could mean if he simply deleted that free will nonsense,  I read on and I saw that Squire too refers to quote “mysterious connections and divine alignments, that we know here in BT are no longer mysterious once you remove that blindness that belief in free will causes! 

We know that God has not appointed Squire to know this truth yet. Knowing that free will is a deception that many have not yet been delivered from, is not just a wink but a hug and embrace from Gods love for  us as a group who know and revere God’s Sovereignty here in this Forum and can pity those who have yet to experience God in a much bigger, closer way!!!

Wait until they find out that God can not only wink at you, but He can hug you too!!! They can’t quite see Him yet! Squire says  that God has us on His GPS Gods Positioning System. “ It sounds sweet and as Squire says, it is a mystery to him and to many others who have not yet been given to see that actually God is much closer than that! Wait till they find that out! What a thrill it will be when they do!

I hope this does not offend you Kathy. If Squires books were free, then maybe God would have edited out the free promotional publicity free will is getting through the sales of his books that he takes pride to say have reached the automatic re-order status. The harvest, is indeed, still great.

The analogy of the God Wink bringing us concrete evidence that God is approving of us, makes me think that the humming bird to Stacey and wild bird  Roy and Silvia,   metaphorically were carriers of concrete or  cement bags metaphorically dropped on them from heaven! That’s special. They got it. We can share the joy in that moment from God. It is of God. We do not need to attach it to free will either. Ours is the greater joy! Freely we have received and freely we share among ourselves the joy God brings to us. What a privilege we all have!

So if a God wink is like concrete, then a God hug is the whole house! I think that’s what we have right here in our freedom from deceptive false teachings like those of Hell, Rapture, Trinity and of course the Myth of Free Will. That’s four very big hugs right there!

We have many hugs from our Father in what He has shown and shares among us here. We are  reverently humbled in how we appreciate, not for self gain or to make merchandise of Him, but for pure joy how we see God and His Holy gestures towards us that we share with joy among ourselves who see God as He is - not just a wink away. 

Luk 3:22  And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2010, 10:53:40 PM »

Ok, so I'm a big dummy,  :) I couldn't figure out any other way to post my pic of the humming bird except to change my profile pic so, here he is, aint he cute!

I tried to post a pic in a reply but couldn't do it for some reason but anyway. Back on topic, birds are cool! And, it was awesome to actually hold that little fella for a moment till he decided to go.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 10:59:01 PM by Stacey »


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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2010, 02:36:35 AM »

my goodness stacey!  that pic is brilliant. how many people can claim to have actually held a hummingbird! 



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2010, 05:25:42 AM »

A humming bird out at sea! Extraordinary!

Thank you for sharing your wonderous affirmation with us here Stacey.

May be  a thread to share our experiences of God showing that He controls all things great and small would open to us all the oppprtunity to share how God speaks to us in ways that can not be denied! It really is inspiring. :)


Roy Martin

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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2010, 06:51:33 AM »

Stacey that picture is worth more than a thousand words.



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2010, 09:44:30 AM »

Hi Arc,
I certainly didn't mean to endorse any type of churchy teaching with what I said..I just enjoy the idea of knowing that when something nice happens we can think of it as a little wink from God, just our Father saying, "I love you and here's a little surprise to remind you." If we can take a lot of other stuff in life with a grain of salt, then we are able to find God's love in many things around us..I didn't mean to offend anyone! I told you I've been wrong before! I'm sorry, I'm not a real deep thinker.. God loves me anyway :D 
Kathy :)

Roy Martin

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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2010, 10:38:21 AM »

Kathy my dear friend, there is no way the little wild bird could offend me. You shared something with good intentions.
 You know the bird could have pooped on my hand, and it wouldn't have offended me. That would be carnal of me. It would steal the blessing.
 The point is we will be handed a little poop in a lot of our blessings to test our heart. :o
 There is a reason for everything that is visible and invisible.A lesson here and there and its all good. ;)



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2010, 10:50:39 AM »

Thank you, Roy!! This is what makes it special, isn't it!!? Gifts and blessings from God are not always just lying on top of the ground in plain sight! BUT when they are it's worth a little "poop" to get them!! hehehe ;)

Back to the wild birds...for some reason hummingbirds are very brave to be so little! I put some flowers out on my porch last year and almost before I had the planters out a little hummingbird was there! So I bought a feeder and put up and in just a little while I had three or four of the little things flitting around my porch!! From now on my porch will be filled with flowers until it gets too cold for them to bloom!! I'm so ready to plant more flowers and to put my feeder back out!! :D

I have some kind of evergreen bush right in front of my living room window and all winter I have heard birds chirping in that bush! even in the snow!! It's a naughty wild bush that has some beautiful red berries on it in the fall, it grows way too wild and huge and it spreads out everywhere, but it is home to some very nice little birds!!  :D  \o/
Kathy ;)

Roy Martin

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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2010, 11:54:09 AM »

Yes indeed the little humming bird is quite a treat and pleasure to watch. They have come within inches of my face and look me right in the eye as they hover there. I don't know what there thinking when they do that. Not all of them do it, but occasionally one will do it and omg these little things have quite the chatter box on them. My ears aren't good. Silvia says they chatter more than any bird she has ever heard. The only time I get to hear them is when one comes to my face and talks to me.
F.Y.I.  Hummingbirds migrate across the ocean non stop traveling at speeds of 25-30 miles per hour. Some of them travel a distance of 500 miles non stop to South America, and then find their way back to my house and stay here most of them because all the food they need for the whole season is here. I think the only reason all of them don't stay is because of territorial issues, and its getting too cold to stay.



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Re: A wild bird
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2010, 01:34:06 PM »

ROY! ;D :D my dear sweet brother! could you call my fertiliser POOOP?? ;) :D

Sorry Kathy for the stinky fertiliser ::) is great growing manure though mater how deep the seeds need to be planted. It works real good on Gods flowers in His garden of which we all are! :-*

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